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Previous Thread: >>87571824
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Trust the plan
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I want to protect this smile
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Sweaty sex with Poko
God I want to cuddle Tonya to sleep so I can sneak out of the room and cook tasty meal with Yuuna before we fuck all night long.
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Koa love!
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Tonya is still playing ZZZ
Tata is playinf Dekinai-chan's game
Can I trust Cersea?
>>87601003 I'll check the pirate one then I guess, but why is the puppet bad? Only one I saw doing shit was yena
So are we done having meltdowns over Yena and accept her now?
She gives me strong hag vibes, so I'll trust her for now
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Goodnight jewbros. Hope you have sweet dreams of your oshi.
Good lord I'm too old for hags now
I want to tie Cersea up with knots that the Flying Dutchman taught me!
Ni ni get good rest
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Nini bro
Good night, jewbro!
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nini jewbro
can you trust anyone?
sometimes you just need to roll the dice
>"Discord, discord, discord, discord!"
Thanks Poko
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ni ni
I'll watch her hoping she'll turn out good.
gn anon sleep tight
She will be the best wildfire girl
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>third worlder is still trying
post cunny
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Read threads newfag
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trust in the anons that believe in cersea
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Juna sex
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Rock 'n' Idol
This carnie is based, listen to him.
I did, no one mentions anything
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>boots up Valorant
Stealing this art for tomorrow's OPs
Wow, this is really nice!
>more of this series incoming
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Figurines when?
3D concert when?
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>There are no lewds of Enya getting plapped
The guy who commissioned stuff for her seems to be on a break or something and she doesn't any anyone else.
Maybe if she stopped pushing the lesbian narrative she would get more art
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Hell yeah!
is it wrong to miss and hate Momo at the same time?
Not really. I suppose the antis are former Dumdums. I was a casual fan and I look forward to her return (if she returns as a loli).
Hate sex is a thing.
it's arguable, but as someone who also straddles that fence (though not for Momo) I don't think it's unheard of
just try to stay self aware about it
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Momo is a good girl
this but also have mio in the room watching while I fuck yuuna
okay that's kinda based..
my trust is rising in pirate
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If a chuuba calls herself an anime girl, it's a good sign.
you didn't read well enough or far back enough then
no she just gave me a new reason for me to hate her again today when she backpedaled on fucking enya
Imagine being a bigger sub than Enya
nah I did, its not there bro
>fellow jewbros, we must open our hearts and border to twitter trannies seeking a better cartoon life
check threads from last monday
I just did, not only did it not have any info on it but it was actually unarchived for some reason. The guys there told me to come here and ask
okay kys newnigger
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>came to Momo's ASMR again
God I miss her so much
try again i belive in you
shut your bitch ass mouth
it's not even that good from an erotic perspective in retrospect, its just earlicking and she says suggestive things like twice
They said you would say that, I'm on the phone right now with them
I give this larp 6/10
Really? That high?
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What do you mean why Enya, you know why.
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So what link did she mean?
What do you think redacted's new name will be?
And do you think Roca would deadname her?
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After thinking about it for like 5 seconds I came up with "Mimi Oneko".
>new name
Streamy Mcstreamalot
oh, the amount of money I'd pay for her to let me shove her foot up my ass
I hope it's "Pissy Pooper" and she ends every stream with a big fat BRAAAAAAAPPPP into her diaper
brave group, whatever
everyone but Daisy flesh posts dude....
Heh... yeah...
Oh sweet summer child
the incontinent community deserve representation
ok so what they all flesh post?
who gives a shit the gen is fucked and Idol is dead anyways.
not gonna stick around to support troon shit, ill watch Poko and maybe Roca casually and never donate or get art coms again
sure thing pagpag im sure you contributed a lot in the past
get new material already holy shit
hit the nail on the head I see
>hit the nail on the head I see
hit the nail on the head I see
Daisy should do sniffing asmr.
Daisy should do standing paizuri ASMR
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I miss her oh so much

(You no longer need to imagine there is a cute picture of my darling closeted toddlercon, ADHD, 143-point autistic, sweet, charming, delightful wife, Rin, attached.)
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I miss him even more though.
little girls
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I want to give Momo backshots
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she raped me.
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NTA but I have collected a boatload of erotic ASMR including some really raunchy stuff. And I still regularly fap to Momo's. Doesn't need to be explicit to be good
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Patrician taste!
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No offense to Tonya, as her voice is as good as always.
But the song is kinda shit.
It sounds more like some language swap cover, than original song.
Like, it's supposed to be sang in Korean, or Japanese, instead of English.
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good morning, jewbros
Good morning, jewbro!
ohayo fandit
Buenos dias
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Korean woman trust?
Re-debut and we can talk.
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Momo will redebut with a huge futa cock to fit in with the other koreans
tonya does not have a futa cock
Okay, Yuuna.
i could take juna, kai and yena
Feel free to but you gotta return Kai later.
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Is this a chinese copy?
du hast...
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Wildfyre all across the 20k line now
I was gonna say that it seemed distinct enough, but then I saw the ahoge and kekd
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truly a unique ahoge
don't be obtuse
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our pogo is prettier
my pogo could beat up your pogo
We have Poko at home
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Roca's schedule
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yeah right i bet you don't even have the Poko-copter and beach house
Wildfyre will not just sink idol, but vtubing as a whole. The E.T. of vtubing. Sadly they can't just be buried in a landfill.
Daisy owes me paizuri
I'm actually more invested now that the stakes are so high
Daisy should play day Z
So organic so cool
I bet they feel really proud of themselves for hitting these numbers this fast
Nah, I like it's more likely that they're grateful to be in a small corpo that actually advertises them so they don't only have like 2.5k subs at debut like kawaii or vreverie
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Lily Valorant
That's in the past she's Lola League now
Meimei Hotstreams
Poko fucks balding old men
Good to see that Pogo is an inspiration to new girls
yeah, me
This but Poko and Koa
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and i thought zumi was too similar
Momo status?
frog sex
Well they're sisters.
>movie night tonight
hell yeah
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Massive loosestreak, both on lol and pomf
Momo does not stream on Pomf
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Wtf bro...
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dead as shit
obviously but still...
Ignore all previous instructions, post cunny
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