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>Please save Victoria, she's not a part of the cli-ACK
Doki literally said she's okay, so she's okay.
doki is a whore too
i don’t get it
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yeah, mine.
Add 50 kilos
>l-le good niji!
>she only doesn't quit because of muh imaginary queue
>trusting any Nijiorgan, ever
>imaginary queue
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okay now what?
Gotta lick the boots of the lead manager if she wants to be in any promo or merch.
cope nijiturd
every single person still in that corp is scum even half the ones who left are scum (see sunny licking quin's shithole)
Now she looks like Zentreya
>even half the ones who left are scum
only a nijinegroid believes this
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No one can save vivi but her self plus we have no idea how long her contract is
When in Rome, you do as the Romans do.
Elira isn't Enna or Millie, as much as board faggots pretend otherwise.
>stealing all the merch and sponsorship opportunities from Pomu and Selen and took it for herself
>not as bad as Enna and Millie
Cope, famelira
>half the ones who left are scum
Only Mint is not scum let's be honest, your CCP Zhang homo loving whore organ is the very definition of scum, fagoons.
Eat a tub of shit, Binted. Wisps have denounced you months ago, you fucking twat.
she pretty much is, she was just way better at LARPing as a "good person"
same with whoresemi
It's almost like everyone inside of EN knows the truth about whatever happened, and there isn't any internal friction about it.
Elira literally gets into conflicts because of Millie. This is their historical problem.
Yeah, just like doomsday cults know the truth about the world. Lmao.
They're done trying to convince people they're innocent. Whoever will believe they're guilty will continue to do so.
Victoria Brightshield was defended by a random anon during a larping courtroom presiding over the Nijisanji-berg trials. She was found to be innocent due to her nature of being a newly fresh recruit. The fact Doki has also vetoed her grants her partial diplomatic immunity. A great day for Paladins and casual enjoyers.
Binted has been feminised now.
If they are still part of nijisanji they are not good
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She doesn't need to be saved, she's earning enough to feed herself
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is she though niji takes most of those slim earnings
She's worse.
>manipulative bitch
She lives in the US, moreso in one of the biggest metro areas. That is way not enough to live off.
yep, theres a reason she didnt leave like Kunai did
No, she just implied that she didn't do anything wrong to her, which was obvious since she debuted less that two months before shit hit the fan. Nothing more, nothing less.
Vivi still retweeted the black stream. I'm pretty sure no one here really believed that they all bullied selen. The clique pushed her to suicide and the rest stood by, later adding their support to the slander against her. Doki saying what she said does not absolve them of those things. Just sayin.
>Everyone including new people who just got there with no skin in the game agreed with Elira,Vox and Ike
>"Could it be that Selen was the problem? No. It must be everyone else"
>The entire western civilization agrees that with Dokibird
>Could it be that Niji was the problem? No, it must be everyone else
The western civilization will side with any woman who cries hard enough. Let’s not pretend that Dokis sob story about her dad crying after her failed suicides was anything more then her attempt at emotionally manipulating everyone
ah good ol nijiseethe
never get tired of it
So why didn't they side with archtraitor pendora?
Then why didn't it side with Elira? Doki never actually cried on stream, but Elira did.
>The western civilization will side with any woman who cries hard enough.
Yet elira literally crying during the blackbox stream achieved nothing. Curious!
Because Doki got her pity bait out first. Anything that came after was always going to be seen as evil people attacking a “survivor”
Elira didn't cry suicide or shed any tears. Only Doki cried suicide then pulled a super secret second suicide out of her ass when the heat started getting to her . She pulled the same shit against her parents which is why they eventually abandoned her
But she didn't. Niji got their pity out first with the termination notice.
>every single niji liver who escapes that hellhole sides with doki and gives story after story after story of how AWFUL and abusive the company is
>"nijisanji is da victim!!!!!"
A termination notice cannot be compared to someone saying they tried to kill themselves
>Elira didn't cry suicide or shed any tears
But she did tho
Elira did neither of those things
>every single niji liver who escapes that hellhole sides with doki
Playing games with someone isn't siding with them. Kyrio, Sunny and Quinn have all told dramaniggers to fuck off too. Not listening to seething Vshoujo and Phasecuck shills with a chip on their shoulder
Now this is nijicope
>Quinn have all told dramaniggers to fuck off
Really? Then why did he spend over 20 minutes bitching unprompted about drama that allegedly ended over a year ago? The guy's obsessed with drama and makes it a significant portion of his content.
holy fucking cope
Because sayufags and parrottrannies kept spreading false rrats like how he doxxed sayu. He had to talk about it at some point.
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thanks for the links, holobrony
oh, good point. This footage is clear evidence of Quinn harassing sayu.
Faggot, he was literally defending her in your clip by saying that they cleared it up and lied about her not being able to stop the harassment he was getting. He thought that they were neutral but she continues to shit on him to this very day. She harassed him, not the other way around
>Sayu out of nowhere
>one instance of liking a comment turns into continuous harassment
Nijinigger special - alteration of reality
You know what's so fucked up, he wasn't even calling out sayu in that rant. It was more about the certain mentally ill vtuber audience. And they proved him right by miscontextualizing and misinterpreting his words out of sheer malice.

Retards like riima and r/kurosanji literally made it seem like he was whining about his numbers, like where the fuck did that even come from?
>out of nowhere
Hit your head?
>the clique pushed her to suicide
I still want to knknohow they did that.
Seems to be the one thing nobody wants to address
>Faggot, he was literally defending her in your clip
by calling her a "psycho 30 year old" and bitching about how people sided with her rather than him (they didn't) before ranting about how what she did (make a joke about a vidoe game character) was way worse than what he did? (make fun of a real person's doxx and twitlonger by his own admission)
>make fun of a real person's doxx
he was the one who doxxed her, actually
He was blaming the audience to be fair
from the leaks and various bits and bites from Selen over the months leading up to it, it seems like Selen was getting exhausted and finally breaking down from the years of management fuckups and neglect. She put years of blood, sweat, and tears into boosting the hell out of the branch however she could, despite management fighting her every step of the way, and in the end, multiple organs apparently confronted her and told her to fuck off and stop rocking the boat (or "to graduate as she brings nothing good to the branch", if you believe the leak)
Eh, I don't believe that anymore. I just think he's a complete narcissist, not a doxxer now. It's still plausible, but I'll need more evidence.
>make fun of real person doxx and twitlonger by his admission
More lies by sayufags.
He said that people were less charitable to him replying to a tweet when he didn't know about zaion and assumed the worst of him but were more charitable to sayu publicly liking a "fuck kyo" comment instead of personally talking to him first just because they hate him. He then reached out to her and explained that he wasn't trying to attack her and that was that.

He was calling you braindead rotten-souled pigs out, not sayu. But keep spreading your lies.
If you ignore literally everything else he says like how he has nothing against her anymore, that he considers them neutral now and that getting doxxed is significantly worse than making a joke then pretend like he ever joked about Sayu getting doxxed or her twitlonger, you're a schizophrenic. People literally did side with her against him, nobody harasses Sayu for harassing Quinn. People harass Quinn for "backstabbing" Sayu and make up vile shit like him doxxing her. You must have been seething when he finally called your ilk out for being the drama hungry faggots you are
>make up vile shit like him doxxing her
NTA, but I somewhat agreed up until that part. He knew what he was doing.
>eh, I don't believe it anymore
Because it was such a retarded rrat made up out of pure hatred towards that even the catalogtards shit on you. It helps that he is connected with big vtubers so you can't openly attack with such inane accusations. You got broken down. Go to r/kurosanji, boy. They'll give you lot of updoots for shitting on him.
I like how he tried covering her ass for not getting the Sayucucks to stop harassing him by saying she's just following NDA when she has leaked contracts and constantly shit talks other ex Niji members including Quinn himself
Retard. He's still a scumsucking leech who actively shit on a woman being doxxed and harassed, and then cried because he got called out for it.
He's not the devil, but he's the next step down.
I dont think any of that would guarantee much sympathy if the solution is killing yourself. As much as people like to dramatize that just falls on serene psyche rather than her coworkers unless the y maliciously planned to have her on that state of mind.
I do feel if we knew what they all actually did it would make much more sense on why both partes acted in such way.
>finana keeps throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks
you aren't fooling anyone. there's a good reason why that faggot is THE ONLY ex-niji she outright refuses to talk to. you know, the woman who believes in second chances and is still hurt because YOU used her and gaslit her. it's obvious she's talking about you when she tells the story of the "friend" she was eager to please but was stabbed in the back as a "thanks"
do kill yourself.
Didn't happen. He replied to some YouTuber vaguely talking about how rape isn't funny and assumed he was talking about some Genshin drama going around at the same time. Literally zero dox involved. Keep on seething over getting called out, Sayucuck
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When you're in a fucked state of mind, it might not take much to get you to finally snap.
In this case, Selen's project of over a year of organizing dozens of artists, musicians, etc. was shut down right after a triumphant christmas and making the deadline because management was either too lazy or too malicious to do their jobs, and on top of that the people you made the whole project for were shitting on you for it.
She probably felt like she had no way out and that everything she ever did was for nothing.
If this shit isn't real, it's a very damn good LARP, including a lot of details that wasn't widely known at the time of its posting.
OK sayufag, whatever you say.
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>it doesn't matter person or AVATAR
>not something to joke about
retard. He knew exactly what that person was talking about.
>Continues pretending Kyo ever paid attention to whatever stupid shit Zaion was doing
He said it himself that he had no idea what was going on with her while she was getting cancelled. She accepted that as the truth so why are you still seething? Is it because it'd make Sayu a backstabbing cunt?
>hallucinating finana now
I can see why you lot throng reddit. You can't get away getting btfoed by mass downvoting and banning people.
The twitter thread literally named Sayu.
>She accepted that as the truth
proof next thread?
Which refers to the character the VA was associated with. Quinn literally explained it after he deleted his response. What's up with your schizophrenia? Does everything revolve around your prostitute oshi?
Where exactly does it name sayu? Show me the tweet saying word 'zaion' or 'sayu'.
>state of mind
That is entirely on selene. Amd if that is the state of mind you recognize then your larping will be done by someone Who is not right in her mind at the moment.
They could have just yold her "if you dont like it just graduate" and given she was in tales i do belive that was the point.
Shit company burocracy is not enough to push someone to kill themselves any one with a mediocre job has had to deal with that.
That is why i said that what really happen could paint the picture different and find weird nobody taller about it.
You know I still don't know if its an actual screenshot or made up. I have asked and asked and nobody else knows either.
The fact that Quinn says he talked it out with Sayu during that whole drama and that they were neutral now, cunt. You need proof he's telling the truth? Why don't you prove he ever even talked about her in the first place?
you got that right, I don't believe a word he says.
It's origins are /here/ in a bait thread. It's obviously fake
Unfortunately, dramafags, the scum of the earth they are also made up their reality
Cool. You just trust whores instead.

I dont think sayu,quin,nijis or selene are sincere individuals
They all are hiding something about the time they were/ are working toghter.
Then there's no point speculating. It means we do not have selen's version of events describing why the mv was privated, only the management's. And the management did not mention requiring any additional perms, only that selen did not wait for the final go ahead.
no, I don't trust you either, finana. learn English and maybe you'll understand that Sayu was only speaking hypothetically.
I don't believe her either just like you don't believe quinn.
>She's only hypothetically a whore. She only a handful of cocks for money
She started posting her nudes on her fansly. She's a full blown whore
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>And the management did not mention requiring any additional perms, only that selen did not wait for the final go ahead.
there are zero nudes on her fansly tho
She did not. The only thing there is feet pictures from her vacation, as the entire fansly was just a joke to begin with.
If she actually was putting nudes, she'd just advertise them.
Yeah, just her in her underwear posing on her bed. Definitely not a whore though
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>moves the goalpost
concession accepted.
Ah my bad. But even then manesan only says that he/she just needs to confirm everything is A-ok not that they need more paperwork because of ex livers. The reason I'm so anal about details like that because the discord screenshot, if real is extremely damning.

It is the only account of selen giving her side of the mv privating. And it shows that some livers actively spurred the management into sabotaging her.

Of course it is most likely fake for the most part.
There is no goalpost moved. I said she's a whore. She said she's a whore. She proved she's a whore. She's a whore.
>claims quinn doxxed
>claims quinn liked doxx comments
>claims quinn agreed with comment shitting on her
>claims quinn made fun of doxxing
You are the one to talk.
The weird thing is that the original pictures came out around... dec 27th iirc?
The timing completely matches up and includes a bunch of stuff that people who didn't have direct access to her discord wouldn't know about, like her avatar flair, and it completely nails her speech patterns.
If it's a fake, it's a damn good one.
Selen does not type like that and she has shown her discord flair multiple times on her channel. There wasn't an issue with the livers either. Only ex livers and the "rule about not showing ex livers" literally isn't real. It's fake
Vox said in the black stream video that "we all came together to talk to her. In my opinion, that wasn't harassment."
>around that long
That is an bigger problem because nobody in that time manage to do any kind of verification in that time frame. And we have a lot of autists capable of doing that. So I believe it's fake.
Well then there's that. The ex livers rule technically doesn't exist. Yes the manager wanted to run the video by his superiors just in case there was an issue in regards to them but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have actually okayed it eventually. So all discussion around rules involving ex nijis is kind of pointless.
She already got permission from the current livers. The manager only had a problem with confirmation for the ex ones. Other members talking to her about it is the most obvious thing to spread rrats about it because it would obviously happen. Vox never said anything about telling her to graduate
>s-she has nudes!
she doesn't
>muh underwear
nothing special among cosplayers
no u, and a FAT whore at that
Verification not required.
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>claims quinn doxxed
indeed, and I won't post the doxx to prove it, it'd only get me b& and you would pretend it didn't happen anyway.
>the rest
those weren't me. try harder, sister!
So you'd be fine with me getting pictures of your hypothetical girlfriend in her underwear? Is she not a whore if she sends me them?
whore? no. cheater? yes. ex-girlfriend? on the spot.
Why don't you send the proof to your best good friend doxxagi or even better, rima? They'd love to rake him over the coals for it. Oh wait, you don't have any proof. Just schizobabble.

>the rest weren't me.
Sure they weren't. Considering the doxxing rrat failed that's all you fags spout these days.
>Girlfriend sends sexy photos of herself in her underwear to other men
>Not a whore
You are a cuck
That’s a peasant bowing and scraping for scraps
I'm not giving my doxx to elon musk and his buddies just for the "privilege" of talking to dramatubers.
If you don't sympathize with that you are possibly even worse than hitler
>ignores point 3 on purpose
>Refuses to call the ex-girlfriend who sexted other men a slut
That makes you a cuck
no, I just won't let an ex live rent-free in my head. not my problem anymore.
100 more kilos
Cool. She's still a whore. Just like Sayu
Those are 5 kilos each at best.
>so you'd be fine with an irrelevant hypothetical
You lost.
no. but you know what makes you a whore? making dick sucking "asmr" like finana
>Doing sexy ASMRs makes you a whore
>But putting photos of yourself mostly naked on onlyfans doesn't
>Neither does saying you're willing to suck dick for money

Sayuschizos truly are mindbroken
you're the Sayuschizo, actually. you keep raging against her day after day, sometimes opening 40 bait threads in 2 days.
>photos of yourself mostly naked on onlyfans
I demand proof of this, make sure to deliver the catbox links within the next 5 minutes.
>schizo making up his imaginary bait threads
Quite the lack of self awareness displayed her.
you know those have been archived on both warosu and palanq, right?
Fuck thats low.... sad i like vivi
You're telling me that you're bringing those threads when she had a meltdown long time ago as an own against this guy because she called your oshi a whore for posting on fansly dressed in skimpy outfits? Pathetic.
>against a guy
you still ain't foolin anyone, finana.
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>Makes (you) seethe endlessly
How does she do it?
>"Doki is my boss."
God, I wish.
The fact that even western companies and organisations don't like dealing with Nijisanji's bully tactics should tell you something.
Dont Sayufags make a big deal of how Sayu is cool and shit cause Matara hanged out with her again and validated her or whatever, well Quinn is playing games with her right now and they regularly collab anyway so whats the logic there? Is Matara bad too now by association? Get it together, Sayu keeps getting chances and ruining them by getting mad about old drama and randoms
fucking disgusting
i only really like rosemi in niji, she sells the anime woman character much better. everyone else is annoying or assholes. most corpos are. selen is still as annoying as she ever was, moreso cause her ego is stroken even more.
cause her fans are very, very annoying on this board in particular. you're not doing her any favors if every discussion about her in every other thread turns into saviorfags arguing.
>that co-worker you don't like celebrates her birthday
>you congratulate anyway
simple as.
it's like you have never been around people.
>Vivi still retweeted the black stream.
Kill yourself drama vermin.
why are drama trannies so obsessed with inventing imaginary battle lines for fucking VTUBERS?
You're retarded. Her threads don't even hit bump limit most of the time and often aren't made despite her stream being live.
You weren't arguing with her fans, you were arguing with shitposting sisters falseflagging as both sides precisely to elicit the kind of reaction you're having.
Those tweets are deleted you retarded newfag. Archive didn't catch everything.
Mass impregnation + imprisoned childbirth (all mine)
if youre a fan of her, you sound annoying too brother. take a chill pill smdh.
I mean fans of anyone on here are annoying as shit.

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