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Saw clip of Shondo exposing Fillian's mods. It's this common? Anyone have stories of this actually happening? (I only started watching vtubers 2 years ago and funny interact with my chubbas community)
Post clip
shondo herself is an example
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Exposed for what
I don't know about all that but I know other vtubers have exposed Shondo's availability
Post the clip you baiting faggot.
Where is the clip, fucking retard ? You are so dumb holy shit. Are you expecting us to known each shondo clipping channels and their billions of videos ?
Dumbass, we should put a mandatory IQ test before posting on this board
mods are basically absuing their power to ban anyone who remotely says they like fillian. Those are the worst mods out there and should never have power to be mods in the first place.

And yes mods abusing power is COMMON AS FUCK all over the internet, esepcially reddit, 4chan is no exception.
not OP but here.

Ah I see, just another clickbait, i'm not giving this a view.
shondo is a grifter whore
remind me of the time Filian was about to VIP a chatter for making a joke and the mods rushed to ban him
Based. Everyone online is a groomer
Wait Shondo has mods? Miss
>indie mods are just their boyfriends
the indie vtuber has mods?
filian has toxic mods and she doesn't even realize it's preventing some people from subscribing to her. She could actually grow a lot more if it weren't for the mods's abusing their powers.
If you're older than 25 you should have a basic understanding of internet moderators abusing their powers literally everywhere.
Give someone an unpaid position of power and you'll be amazed how quickly they press the kill button on anyone they don't like.
>t. achievos
Everyone has mods retard, how do you have any kind of functioning online chatroom without moderation.
I think you're talking about the "indie managers are just their boyfriends" incident, but I could be wrong I'm not glued to chuubas.
It's so funny how the mods were having a live meltdown in the chat and getting mad because Shondo is right. You just know they begged Filian to never collab with Shondo again after this and Filian is probably too retarded to realize how much of a red flag that is.
Why people even watch this manipulative whore her oshi is rushia FUCKING RUSHIA AKA MIKENEKO THE QUEEN OF GFE KEK TACTIC
you think she would choose a better role model but nope. I can't believe there's actually a market for cuckoldry. The next generation is fucked.
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lol, found one of filian's butthurt mod. How does it feel to work for free?
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> The next generation is fucked.
There are plenty of other fish in the sea, but we are in a desert on a planet with no oceans. We find a tiny pool of brackish, oily, diseased water. Is it healthy to drink that water? Of course not. But it's the only thing available, there are no other pools of water. We can drink and get sick, or refuse to drink and die.

This is the current state of male loneliness.
Genuine skill issue or just laziness.
Most of the people who say this expect a girl to show up on their doorstep
>that's nonsense, there is no desert
>says the man
>on 4chan board /vt/ - Virtual YouTubers
>This is the current state of male loneliness.
Not to sound like a fucking masculinity grifter, but iron sharpens iron. Vtubers are for entertainment and shitposting, look for comradery elsewhere.

Shondo was dead on though. The iron law of laziness is nobody works for free. Everybody expects to get paid, one way or another.
you seem lost maybe go outside once in a while
groomer mods!
groomer mods!
>Of course not. But it's the only thing available, there are no other pools of water.
My problem is making it seem like there's truly 0 options.
For example, have you tried going on YT/Reality and looking for a 1view/0view?
Or the more normie thing of joining a predominantly female hobby?
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
She didn't exposed shit. It's a public secret that Filian's mod team harbors groomers. If you go back long enough you'll stumble across allegations backed up by chatlogs. The mods defend each other and she is too much of a wet wipe to do anything about it. She thinks if she fires one of them, most will leave because it's all a nepoclaustrofuck.
IIRC the only time she fired a mod was when she found out he browsed 4chins.
Don't forget Fillian's mods were sharing cp in discord which Fillian knows about but didn't do anything thing cause they're "good mods" and because she's too lazy to find new ones.
Wasn't there a mod who was accusing of grooming minors and the mods decided to ban the people making the claims instead?
>Filian mods are actually just twitch mods
Actually now that I make the joke, it kind of makes sense. Why else would she be so adamant about keeping them around and defending them so much? If they're twitch staff and she knows it, then that means they're in cahoots to protect Filian's channel from getting banned like other vtubers on twitch (or they're blackmailing Filian by threatening to ban her if she does anything about them).

How many sexual favors has Filian performed for twitch staff at this point?
She finally gave her up after the big news of her marriage came out
Fauna is not enough anymore Shoncucks have to attack Filian too now.
Holy KEK, I don't think we're going to see those 2 collab together anytime soon.
I think being accused of being a groomer without any shred of evidence is enough to make most people upset, she's also casually calling all mods groomers (does that imply her own mods?), previously she said that all the managers of indie vtubers are their boyfriends, I wonder what she's going to say next.
If what Shondo said wasn't true then they'd just laugh it off and ask where the proof is. The fact that they got upset, even mad, at the accusation and actually had a live meltdown over it is proof that it's true and that what Shondo said nailed it.
Also get off of 4chan Achievos.
Nah, fil has collabed with kirsche too many times for her mods to legitimately be twitch staff. If twitch staff was fully aware of her content they would have long since hounded her off the platform
You know I wouldn't believe this shit if the mods didn't have a complete meltdown during that stream
>thinking they care about the content or rule violations
That's not how moderation on twitch works at all.
>If what Shondo said wasn't true then they'd just laugh it off and ask where the proof is
Like Drake?
Filian is part of the OTK clique, she can do and say whatever she wants, that's why she can get away with being "based" while other vtubers (or regular streamers) cannot.
>on internet
lol, lmao even, do you really thing people would care about having power outside of power frenzy retard ? this is just logic they are the one ending with the power they seek
I love seeing Filian cope and squirm around when she's usually the one casually throwing curveballs at others.

Do you guys have any screenshots of the mods seethe?
I assume Filian's mods beg her to blacklist Kirsche and Pippa but she ignores them.
>fillian mod
I wish
But you sound mad hurt shoncuck.
>when the 4chaner is the least deranged individual
bro flipian is cooked the fuck she's doing
>It's this common?
ever go into a 2 views chat and her entire chat is mods? make the streamer laugh and watch them seethe
filian should get 4chan mods they could astroturf for her
Kirche has /pol/ mods right? Maybe she can hook fillian up with the le based 4chan crowd.
Filian is already very familiar with 4chan even if acts like she isn't, she doesn't need Kirsche's help for that.
Kirsche is a fruitfarms grifter
>I wish
you want to be an online janitor for a random e-girl?
so like every other twitch whore.
You accused me of being a mod? Don't be making retarded assumptions for your gotcha moment retard.
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no we're all just old ppl from the old internet. I'm the only one with a homeboard. maybe 1 or 2 of the piss jannies are channers
> Hey bro, want some mods from /pol/?
Yeah, give me the posters who weren't smart enough to figure out they were in a containment board, and give them responsibility and authority. What could go wrong?
She's not a grifter. She genuinely believes the things she says at her own expense. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, you can decide for yourself.
Shondo buckbroke Filian's fambase, mods, and Filian herself.
Wtf Shondo called it out. Based on her for defending the simp.
Why are you afraid of saying KiwiFarms?
You a fag?
Based Shondo
>whorendo didn't get enough attention from her last schizophrenic episode, so now she's throwing a tantrum right in front of Filian and her audience
i hope that pickme bitch gets to ride all of her "muh based shondo" comments all the way back to her bf in florida
Gen Z was a mistake, we should weed them all out (along with Gen Alpha) and start over.
Nothing pol mods get shit done woke liberal shit doesn't belong in vtubing look what's already happening on twitch is only a matter of time until jewtube complies too.
you have the order of events wrong I think
this was 2 months before her rant
Shondo publically oshihened from Rushia after the marriage got confirmed and has thrown plenty of shade at her over the last few months.
She's quite literallly confirmed the reason she won't do wedding ring merch is that the last person who did it was outed as being a lying whore
She only condemned rushia to save face to her fucking retarded fanbase only to pull a rushia herself with her 6'4 boyfriend.
Nobody cares about your opinion, femoid.
She condemend Rushia in January 2024 and then proceeded to do something 5-6 years prior to January 2024?
I'm aware that the passage of time is probably a difficult concept for third worlders to understand, but one day I'm sure you'll grasp it
Okay shoncuck keep denying reality
I don't watch Shondo. I'm just clearly not as retarded as someone who can't understand the basic passage of time.
At least admit you're being a dumbass, this is actually embarrassing for me to read. Even going off of the general level of intelligence of catalog posters, you're one of the worst I've ever seen.
January 2024 is just a date you pulled out of your ass.
Filian would have been based if she told Shondo that just because she dates her mods doesnt mean everyone else does
>January 2024
The month where it was revealed that Mikeneko had in fact been married to Mafumafu back in 2022, leading to Shondo making multiple public Tweets about how she won't support her anymore?
This is really basic knowledge, you don't even have to watch streams to know this. Or are you such a newfag that you weren't even on this board back in January when the board was actively talking about how much of a lying whore Mikeneko was?
Literally just watch the stream they did and read the chat.
Shondo has criticized Rushia years before all of that, though.
She was, because Mike kept doing male collabs and having meltdowns. But it was more in a
>I love this girl but she's so stupid
sort of way. That completely vanished once the marriage bomb was dropped. She pretty much completely stopped supporting her at that point
I don't want to like her, but goddamn
The fact the moderator started seething immediately at getting called out and the fact that she later on confirms that the moderators only hire their friends and that the one time she tried to bring in an outside source the mods accused him of being /here/
hate this pickme tryhard
Femoid hands wrote this post.
They hate Shondo because she exposes the truth.
What truth is she exposing? Did she told truth about herself when she was doing gfe during the same time she was dating her 6'4 boyfriend? There's a reason fauna and CC both distanced themselves from this self destructive whore. Because everytime she decides to sperge and self destruct she has take everyone else down with her too instead of fucking dealing with her own issues by seeking all the fucking free counseling in England for bpd whores like her.
for those who don't follow her she just added a bunch of mods who do shit like write her love poems, just in case you were wondering if it's projection
Stop noticing.
Follow the line, keep sucking off Shondo, give Shondo all your money.
she hasn't had any boyfriend since she started streaming as a vtuber. hope this helps.
>he doesn't into time travel
I'm sure you also think pippa is a virgin because she told you so
>she was doing gfe during the same time she was dating her 6'4 boyfriend?
Except that she wasn't doing GFE at that time?
>There's a reason fauna and CC both distanced themselves from this self destructive whore.
Any Shondo fans want to confirm when Shondo last did something with these girls because I'm pretty sure there was something in the last few months.
By that logic everyone is a cheating whore
So no one is
>Hououin fucking Kyouma is now shitposting on /vt/
El Psy Kongroo
Her "ex" is literally one of her mods
I'm not the one who believe everything women said because of simp behavior that's you. If you're the one believing the words of stupid bitches who put up an act for money then you're fucking retarded.
No, you see, its totally fine as long as one of them isnt called your Head Mod!
We know that's what you shondocucks believe
NTA but if someone is trying to "convince" me of something and I realise within their first message that either their information is faulty or just plain wrong, I'm not going to believe anything they say after that.
If your first impression is full of lies, you are presenting yourself as a liar. If you can't understand that, you're beyond retarded.
I'm not a Shondo fan but I've never seen anyone offer proof that states otherwise.
There's a reason people are shitposting about her ex from several years before she became a Vtuber and trying to pretend that she's still dating him.
You're only saying this because you are a cuck and hate the idea of being laughed at. Enjoy your cuckold slop faggot just stop trying to cover it with a lid.
You are now arguing in favour of lying in order to make people believe your bullshit. Is this the hill you want to die on?
As if the name matters when she's giving him head anyway.
>I'm not a shoncunt fan but I'm here with my fallen SSR white knight armor to tell you that you're WRONG but I'm totally not fan nope.
Most obvious shoncuck
Enjoy your cuckold slop what part of that you don't understand? Shondo is white she's not going to date you seafriend.
>By that logic everyone is a cheating whore
Never believe a person who profits from telling sweet lies
Telling sweet lies is how these women make thousand of dollars each week. Take that away from them and is back to Walmart or starbucks.
lmao I don't watch Shondo but I will never hate her because she's the only vtuber that says the quiet part out loud.
Imagine typing this with the brownest hands I've ever seen and calling someone else a denizen of South East Asia.
I came into this thread and saw someone claim that stuff that happened in 2018 happened AFTER stuff that happened in 2024.
Genuinely the dumbest post I've ever read on /vt/. Maybe it's my fault for biting the bait, but my God, some "people" on this board are as dull as dishwater.
>reverse uno card.
I accept your concession shoncuck.
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>Shondo is white
So don't believe every vtuber, got it.
From experience, nearly every GFE anti is SEA, though
Too bad she only says the quiet part loud to make retards like you believe she's the innocent one of the bunch.
>the grifter sucks twitch staff's cock while accusing the entire rest of the vtuber sphere of fucking their mods
I guarantee the faggot seething over Shondo is a Mod for some 2view he's trying to groom into sucking his micro dick
British not white enough for you shoncuck?
Are you actually retarded?
Are you denying your original roots Whiteoid.
dude, she's beyond white, she looks like a ghost
Need a black pookie. Raeliya.
No, I'm calling you retarded because you think that a fan of Shondo wouldn't know that she's British. You're too dumb to post
>original roots
I'm not American (thankfully).
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If it was this then it'd be adorable and based. Too bad it's just a loosened-up attention whore having a woman moment.
Or you're retard injecting yourself in shit you don't have an exit plan for retard.
She's right
Learn English, ESL retard.
ESL people are on average smarter than native English speakers, dumbass.
>faggot who's brain can't handle more than one language thinks he's superior.

Is somebody going tell this low iq retard that's the opposite of intelligence?
>proving him right
>pol mods get shit done
Filian acting mighty weird and defensive. Kinda weird to see her squeaming around a subject.
>the world's most inclusive racist group
damn I guess it do be true
Those are the people protecting freedom of expression and speech libcuck show some respect
The average IQ of Indoneisa is 78.
All of the people seething at you are unironically from the third world.
We've gotten pretty damn good at outsourcing in this country.
Shondo never said that. She said if you're a small indie and you have a manager or if you trust someone to be head mod that means there's more behind the scenes(boyfriend).
Everyone has mods.

Shondo pays her mods unlike Filian, so throwing those kind of words around is a dangerous game /flip/er. Who knows what kind of favors she does to keep here mods working for free.
Filian's chat is so horrendous precisely because of how over moderated it is. Nothing funny can be said ever because the mods will perma ban, same goes for any sentiment towards Filian that isn't outright worship. The whole experience of her streams ends up suffering due to how bad the moderation is.
>any sentiment towards Filian that isn't outright worship
Friend of mine got banned because she said she loves Filian's energy and content so I guess even positivity can get you banned if the mods are thirsty.
>proven wrong
>doubles-down like a retard
Read a book.
lmao, even.
You lost.
You get banned for praising Filian too much because the mods get jealous and see you as competition and you get banned for even slightly criticizing too because her mods are white knights.
How often does Filian tell her guests to fuck off
>typos are on the same level as grammar mistakes
Low IQ take.
She dropped rushia when she found out the truth, she was very upset about it.
>same goes for any sentiment towards Filian that isn't outright worship
reminds me of what happens here when someone doesn't treat shondo like she's the basedest of the based
started as a joke but got real fast
I should watch some Shondo streams, she seems unhinged
No, anon. You don't get banned on 4chan for saying something negative about a Vtuber /here/. You're not seriously trying to pull this card, are you?
lol coping filian groomer
I only wonder, who's next? She's been on a warpath recently. I don't care about the reasons, only the entertainment value. Mods, who would be the funniest person she does this to?
Yeah, you do. You'll eat a 24 hours ban sometimes if you get a bit too real with certain vtubers, Shondo isn't one though.
You're free to bring up her getting blacked by Le Darquan or w/e her name was.
NTA but that really depends on which vtuber you're saying negative things about and what exactly you're saying.
Please don't, she's contemplating suicide right now because she can't handle all the stress she's under and the Internet drama is just making it worse.
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As someone who thought Shondo was being a catty bitch for the indie manager tweet, she was actually being pretty based here. Filian's moderation is some of the worst out here and deserves to be called out.
>a bit too real
Oh, so what you actually meant was posting irl things or other things that go against board rules, then? I should have realised that's what you actually meant.
Even then, this board has gotten a lot more lenient than it used to, so anyone still complaining about getting banned when the rules are so barely enforced is just retarded. I've gotten banned more times for "racism" than I have for actually posting about Vtubers here.
>she loves Filian's energy and content
It's because she said the word "love". For some reason, Filian's mods are allergic to anything even potentially "parasocial". It unironically makes me believe Shondo saying that they're jealous of anything that might make it harder to groom Filian.
If only that were true
No, not irl things. I'm not talking about doxxing but I guess life is hard as an ESL.
...and other such lies you can tell your audience for free money! Paypig moolah, GUARANTEED!
The Drake strat would be to laugh it off and ask for proof, only to later claim she said so because you fed her false info, and then say she only cares cuz she was molested and deserved it.
I'm not ESL, champ. And no, I've never seen posts being deleted on /vt/ just for being negative. Are you honestly making up shit just to justify being a tosser?
it's just the head mod who can't stand any competition
Verification not required.
there are far more men of reproductive age than women. the total female population is only bigger because of the geriatrics who're leeching off the system, and politicians pander to them more than anyone else.
>I've never seen posts being deleted on /vt/ just for being negative
NTA but I have. You must be pretty new to have never seen this.
can't see anything from the emote spam, do post screenshots.
it's not even kf but tva
she condemned miguel for killing her own cat, retard.
Cunnytubers always are. It takes a special brand of mental illness to want to pretend to be an anime child, and that can be entertaining to watch sometimes.
It was never a joke, shondo really believes what she said is true. Also, shondo was looking for ways to hurt Fillian during that stream because Filian made an offensive joke about her schizophrenia (that she should stop taking her meds so her streams would be more entertaining).
Get out and take your rrats with you. It was clearly a joke at first and it turned real when they checked the mod's comments.
I saw clip of Shondo exposing Fillian's cunny
Go ahead and give me some examples if it's such a commonplace occurrence.
it's still that mod, doing a shit job at defending himself
>she condemned miguel for killing her own cat,
No? Firstly, Miguel didn't kill that cat. There's no way Shondo wasn't aware that her cat died, assuming she was a member of Rushia's YouTube in which she talked extensively about the cat dying.
Secondly, nobody claimed Miguel killed the cat. Miguel blamed it on Mafu. Mafu said he didn't do it and that the cat was old and blind. Rushia, in her membership posts, talked about a build up of fluid in the cat's lungs. Ergo, she didn't kill the cat.
Thirdly, Shondo has been extremely clear that she was specifically disappointed about Miguel for being married while doing GFE. She hasn't even been subtle that she was specifically upset about that, which is why she's made plenty of comments being disappointed about Miguel lying or having ring merch while actually being married. Go take your lies somewhere else, retard.
I can't wait for biboo to hit the wall
>spoonfeed me I'm little bby
go to your reps or wait until you talk shit about the wrong holo and you get hit
h8 newfriends
everyone outside of your fancuck discord knows that miguel slammed the door on the poor old cat. whether from rage or in cold blood doesn't matter, your oshit is a cat murderer, and be glad I'm not Japanese because stuff like this actually makes me wanna commit vigilante justice.
>Verification not required.
screenshots next thread
>She's quite literallly confirmed the reason she won't do wedding ring merch is that the last person who did it was outed as being a lying whore
So Shondo should have no problems doing it because she's not a liar, right?
>fancuck discord
Firstly, I'm not a fan
>miguel slammed the door on the poor old cat.
If the cat had been hit by a door, it would have died far quicker than it did. It wouldn't have been sick over the course of two or three weeks like it actually was, as evidenced by the plethora of posts she made about said cat at the time
The literal only source of "cat hit by door" that exists is her blaming Mafu for it, and she was full of shit.
>and be glad I'm not Japanese because stuff like this actually makes me wanna commit vigilante justice.
Wanting to kill someone because their cat died of natural causes is actual subhuman behaviour. My family's dog died of a similar cause a few months back: one day she was struggling to breathe due to fluid buildup and they made the hard choice to have her put to sleep that night to avoid her dying of a heart attack caused by organ strain/failure due to fluid buildup. If I ever found out that some subhuman shitstain was planning to kill my family because of that, I'd hunt down and butcher their entire family and display their severed heads publicly. You in particular I'd torture until you begged for death.
It would damage her brand by association with Mikeshit.
>filian bought into shondo's mental illness grift
shondo should have just called her a retard.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Their mental illnesses are a huge burden for her, not something to profit from.
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>If I ever found out that some subhuman shitstain was planning to kill my family because of that, I'd hunt down and butcher their entire family and display their severed heads publicly. You in particular I'd torture until you begged for death.
It's gonna be really painful for shondobros when one day she wakes up suddenly decides she hates them all
>not a fancuck
>keeps defending the cat murderer
>detailing her community posts even
obvious fancuck is obvious
>The literal only source of "cat hit by door" that exists is her blaming Mafu for it
BPD whores like miguel are known projectors, it's a well documented fact in psychiatry, from that it's obvious that SHE slammed the door on the cat. what a "natural" cause of death, you fucking shithead.
>died of natural causes
just disproven
>and they made the hard choice to have her put to sleep that night to avoid her dying of a heart attack caused by organ strain/failure due to fluid buildup.
euthanasia and outright murder by blunt force aren't the same thing.
kek this
They already think she hates them every other day because they have brainworms and/or emotional trauma.
>SHE slammed the door on the cat
The faggot quite literally went into detail as to why it was literally impossible to hit the cat with the front door
Stop being so aggressively brown, you're disgusting. You weigh 50kg soaking wet, don't bother trying to act tough on the interwebs just because your mudhut is starting to smell again.
If your 'love' is conditional on being reciprocated, it's not really love at all. Also, that's what you sign up for when you decide to marry a bipolar person.
i'm sure you have plenty of proof that she's actually mentally ill and won't just refute me by saying "she said this and that on stream, just trust her bro"
>sucks twitch staff's cock
anon do you realize just how retarded you are making yourself look by saying that?
you mean the faggot that's still in love with her despite all this? nah, assuming everything miguel said is a lie is more accurate
>muh brown
shut up amerishart, unlike us Eastern Euros you'll never be White.
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>this isn't a respond
Do your reps, especially her 2022 subathon (where she decided to keep streaming despite running out of medication). It showed what a real schizophrenic person is like, and it wasn't fun for anyone; it wasn't the "tehehe I'm schizo lolz" meme that many vtubers adopt.
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>Stop being so aggressively brown, you're disgusting. You weigh 50kg soaking wet, don't bother trying to act tough on the interwebs just because your mudhut is starting to smell again.
>If the cat had been hit by a door, it would have died far quicker than it did. It wouldn't have been sick over the course of two or three weeks like it actually was
NTA but cats are surprisingly resilient and stubborn. I've personally seen abused cats that you'd think would have died long ago while volunteering at a shelter. Think bones poking through the skin. Think poisoned so badly that they were barely breathing when found. Think starved to the point the fur was coming off in clumps.
>in love with her
What? You're literally the only person inventing a rrat about her murdering her pet. I don't give a shit about her, but you being a soulless sociopath looking for reasons to act morally superior, even if you have to invent your own rrats to justify it.
Maybe if you had some actual fucking balls, you'd talk about how she deserves to suffer or to die for cheating on her fans or being a lying menhera, but that would require some actual integrity from you which, we've already established, you don't fucking have.
>assuming everything miguel said is a lie is more accurate
She's the only source of the cat being hit by a door, so you're contradicting yourself again
I'm not American
>Eastern Euros
Mongolian rape baby. Your women despise you "people" because you're all ugly, insecure and stupid.
>you'd talk about how she deserves to suffer or to die for cheating on her fans or being a lying menhera
you picked your oshit, just like mafu picked this bitch for a wife, so you have agency in your decisions. the cat, however, doesn't have agency.
let me guess, that's not good enough for you for integrity, fancuck.
>She's the only source of the cat being hit by a door, so you're contradicting yourself again
no, the lie is too specific to be complete fabrication, therefore she's a cat murderer
>I'm not American
what are you then, an aussie? koala rape baby that's afraid of cats lmaoooooooo
any part of the subathon specifically? like the last 4 days are 40h of footage
It was most apparent at moments while she was playing "Until Dawn" (not the remaster released this year, obviously) and "The Quarry".
Is some fetal alcohol syndrome rape baby trying to act like he knows anything about anything, still? It's not my fault that Paulenzenicnzwewiz fucked your whore of a girlfriend in high school and put out his cigarette on your shaved head.
I'll be laughing when you and your family are put down violently when America's proxy war in Europe spirals out of hand
How about you stop making up bullshit about me, you bulging eye mongrel?
The trick to arguing isn't to be correct. It's to make up shit, double down on being wrong and calling anyone who points it out a cuck
Nah, just accuse them of secretly being a fan of whoever you're lying about so you can pretend to be reasonable
honestly at this point i cant tell if this is just her personality or some schizo stuff but i dont doubt shes ill
>fancuck still replying to himself
Not a shondofan, but all good vibes around basedapoya from the barbie girls. Fauna appeared on her old vtuber and sent shondo a happy birthday for one of the previous birthdays.
the girl she kissed? i thought her mods were all gay OHHHH
The girl she kissed wasn't her girlfriend, she was just a friend. Her boyfriend was some guy from Florida who groomed her on a discord server she's since deleted.
Ew, Florida. It explains why she's still a virgin though.
Nah, you're fucking stupid and wrong and my sources tell me you're also adopted by accident. Your mother wanted a dog.
Cucks like you disgust me.
>The trick to arguing isn't to be correct. It's to make up shit, double down on being wrong and calling anyone who points it out a cuck

That's not arguing at all. It's just pulling shit out of your arse. This is what the mainstream media uses in their playbook.
Catalog nigger
>still a virgin
Hohoho misinformed delusional whoreson.
the same people everytime
>its another episode of "ESL doesn't understand when Shondo is doing something to be funny"
Mods are always power tripping assholes who want to groom and ban people for no reason.
I saw someone get banned from a chat today for just saying Mikeneko probably broke the law.
Mods are fags and I unfollowed.
Pippa also made fun of filian's mods. It's a bit.
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>The trick to arguing isn't to be correct. It's to make up shit, double down on being wrong and calling anyone who points it out a cuck
None of that is arguing. It's just picrel.
>midget with schizophrenia
>still got a boyfriend
What's your excuse?
I am not a cute girl
Yes but unironically, that should be the motto from anyone on this board and outside of it to understand and remember about vtubers.
Do guys with girlfriends watch vtubers? How do you even do that.
easy, marry your oshi.
things shondo says to the demerit of other streamers or their communities is only a "bit" for deniability, she means everything she says and unironically thinks most vtubers are underhanded and beneath her (they're all lying about their bfs! streamers are gfe by default and I'm the only single one)
when has shondo said that her claims are only a "bit"? she has always been open about being serious about her opinions and beliefs.
cry less
she said the manager = bf thing was mostly meant to be a joke but she got pissed off at the response and started fighting people and biting bait
No, she didn't say that it was a joke. She was serious about the "manager = bf" claim, and has repeatedly reaffirmed she was serious in her community chat.

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