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Sick and cute edition
Previous Thread >>87593848

>Upcoming Streams
Sick doggos
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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I love how retards don't realize the only reason they have this immense pressure from managment over projects is because they take every piece of homework that comes their way. I seriously do not feel bad for them when they continue to do this shit to themselves, doubly so when multiple people around them who were in the same headspace when they started told them that they should get a little more selective to keep from falling apart.
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
I don't even have a good reply to say to that post without getting flagged as an anti. They keep coming up with the same bullshit hand waving excuses to justify destroying themselves and they won't listen so what's there to say? It's entirely their fault and they get angry when anyone implies they should say yes to less.
Even if she's sick Mococo is still the cutest.
>We wish we could have been in a better condition for today
>Leave a big members post about sickness and deadlines
So they gave a sub-par performance for something that's a bigger project than just them and now we're gonna get the post-Taiwan week next week. They get their hand slapped by management again and we get a week of silence.
They're retards that never learn, what's new? It feels as though they are doing their best to make sure they graduate sooner than anyone expects by overworking. Then they'll switch to the next grift and talk about how much the world is against them
Nobody fails to realize this, you're the one who fails to realize that nobody does. Especially them. Telling them this isn't gonna be an incredible revelation that will get them to finally realize that the reason they're so busy is because they take on so much work and change their ways.
This is how they are, take it or leave it. They say how rough it's been to share with us because they want to rely on us, not because they want you to change them.
Bae was right
>more JP
just transfer branches already. You don't get to abandon EN fans in your content then come crying for support. It's gross that we're just their traumadumping grounds now
learn about japanese culture NOW
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I see the sisters are awake
>They should do nothing instead, and have no dreams or goals - just waste away each day streaming Minecraft, never taking advantage of all the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities being in Hololive provides
Bae take breaks from stream to focus on homework, is now pushing for 1 million until a set deadline.
It's the exact opposite of what everyone here whines about. People here only virtue signal, they care about health over work unless work means entertainment for them, so they'll still ask for endurance streams and constantly complain about streams being short. Following Bae's footsteps means zero streams for a while, not less or shorter.
>If you're not taking all of the work, you're taking none of the work!
I hate you retards.
You'll live
So true sis. They should continue to destroy their voices which is the only good thing they have left by doing too much at once. We certainly wouldn't want them to go 10% slower but last 5 years longer in hololive. no sir
Their stupidity is going to be forever captured in their destroyed voices in these big events. I'll be sure to regularly post on how off their voices sound and if everything is ok
If it happens, I would. They'll just feel worse about it like they did last time.
We should do a watchalong of this on cytube on friday.
Hey, the brightest stars always burn out first.
Might as well live free, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse.
I support them putting 110% in.
They need to be embarrass entirely to have a change of heart. I hope Patra or a JP tourist comment on how bad their voices sound. That will make them cry forever and it's all their fault
Why did you reply to me with such a shit post. I don't want them to feel bad, I just know it will be there if they have something happen like they did before.
The biggest issue is they're trying to speedrun something that has natural time barriers like a sololive.Theyll be dead or graduated by the time they are able to have one just logistically speaking. Why speed through life just to reach the threshold of ready for a sololive just to have to wait 3 more years
I want them to feel bad and to stop using Ruffians as emotional stress relief
Well, are FWMC's priorities streaming or idol stuff? If it's Idol stuff then they're not really rushing it, they're just prioritizing it over streaming.
I think the real questions we should be asking is what are they prioritizing, since we don't know for sure.
Stop concernfagging and pretending like you have any familiarity with their process and limits behind the scenes. You're guessing, you have no actual insight into their day-to-day workflow and what they can handle. You just want to feel like you're knowledgable and in control. Let them do their thing and make mistakes, you aren't management, you're the audience.
I'm smiling that they are showing recognition for hard working artists now and have stopped rewarding the low effort slop clips. Turns out they were just using them to get to 1M kek
quote retweeting some things that actually take effort today.
>We don't know for sure
>They talk about how they keep taking more homework
>They get sick and start cancelling streams to try and make sure they're good for homework and events like Patra 3d
>Talk about being sick and needing to still meet deadlines, and how they sometimes try to push through and stream anyways
>In a week of cancellations galore
If that isn't enough of an answer, I don't know what will be for you.
That trick or treat thing was really cute. I'm glad they retweeted it.
I honestly don't know if these examples are pro-streaming or pro-idol work
even more japanese. it's clearer then ever where their hearts lie. go fuck off forever EOP scum
that's the thing, they're fucking up both of them because they don't know either. So instead of doing some things well they're doing everything poorly.
why do they hate English culture and their english fans?
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This was the first reply to the Tantei Knight Scoop tweet.
baused, I own a doujinshi from them
Yeah I really liked that. Reminds me how much I love Fuwawa's silly poses
>So instead of doing some things well they're doing everything poorly.
That's actually very valid criticism. They definitely need more structured thinking for the future
based. so they're alienating jp and en with their pathetic JP worship.
the fuwamoco way!
I can see why they might have responded like that
They were the first to notice that artist, commented on her first video when she had like 10 views.
Yeah, no doubt the things they care about most are Japanese. But no, I'll be staying as long as I still enjoy what they do, nigger
Embarrassing, why are EOPs so fucking retarded?
They sure have a lot of free time to spend on Japanese Twitter on a week where they've done not one good bit of content or interaction with EN. Just swap branches already you lying whores. If en isn't good enough for you stop taking their money and crying to us
Either a JP zoomer or FWMC anti judging by the Holostars in their bio
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I didn't forget, faggot. It's been 3 days and he still didn't get a heart. They saw how shameless his post was and stopped the spree just short of it.
I'll have you know, I made a wallpaper with your 3D pose images, and they are simply adorable

It is a really silly animation
Dialating must be specially painful today to have the tranny seething this much
so do fwmc only tweet in jp now?
it's angry that its slop art was ignored and this got a quote
What prompted them to write an entire wall that’s just them telling us they’re workaholics?
they think it will make up for all the cancelled streams i guess?
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just letting off a guilty conscience before they focus back on JP as seen by their tweets and schedule the rest of the week. gotta keep the EN paypuppies feeling bad for them so they donate a lot on Sunday to pay for even more japanese exclusive projects
/baubau/ living up to its reputation as the anti thread
Made for rape.
Just schedule less on your weekly schedule. That's all it would take. Seems like they'll have to do that soon anyways based on the last 2 months, but they should just 'rip off the bandaid' and give us the true new normal.
Stop replying to yourself.
Anyway, should they finish FNAF or move onto 2? I think they got the jist of 1, I'd like them to see more of the series
You know what too much about trannies, it's kinda gross.
>It might be surprising to some of you CONCERNFAGGING RETARDS, but we kind of have to do our job.
Holy shit FWMC…
Fuck that, finish WA or keep plowing through SW5.
>Wanting more FNAF
What are you, a zoomer?
just stop having schedules. They already are unreliable and consistently wrong so having one is doing more harm than good
Check their community page
>"there's no middle ground!! It's either ALL the homework they can get or NONE!"
You are actually retarded KEK
These girls are so deep into the bit I have no idea what they're like as people off-stream, and I can usually tell at least a bit.
They shouldn’t play FNAF again at all.
They're skipping the Advent collab because throat hort.
Oh, that's why you randomly brought it up. Damn. Oh well, I guess finish FNAF 1 because I don't give a fuck about any of the other ones except for the newest one some Holos played. Is that one security breach?
That's fine, they'd rather just do the Patra collab instead. Makes sense for them.
Is SB still held together with duct tape and elmer's glue or is it good finally?
The "ending" to the original FNAF basically doesn't exist, so skipping to number 2 is a decent choice. Looks like they'll try to finish the original first though, which is fine too
Okayu is also getting a VN from Entergram, so expect the eventual FWMC VN to also be from them
Where’s the “none of the above” option?
>except for the newest one some Holos played. Is that one security breach?
I'm assuming you mean the ones with the words "Into the ball pit" in the thumbnails? Because that's literally just called "FNAF: Into the ball pit" or "Into the ball pit" that's it's name
Security breach is entirely different
My exact thoughts...
... Why did I have that image still up, now it won't let me delete it
kys homotranny
MOOOOOT (does that image bug even happen anymore)
Get well soon, Mococo!
Oh shit. Well, I want to see none of them if that's the case, because I actually liked the oldschool point and click adventure style of that game. I guess #2 would be my pick then.
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Right pic
FUWAMOCO should just cancel all the EN streams this week so they can rest their voices for the JP collabs.
No one watches EN anyway.
Wasn't familiar with Blade before, goddamn that's some nice anal art.
Guess we'll get to find out what's the borderline for erotic imagery in official VNs, that's a really good benchmark.
Nice. It would actually be better without them.
It doesn’t matter to me, I’ll just skip it regardless.
Meanwhile, everyone is playing Silent Hill 2 Remake.
Like they have the time to do that.
I still wish they woulda just joined along with Shiori and Nerissa and played that 'human' game. It's short, spooky, atmospheric, and I'd love to hear their shrieks to the pale man outside while everyone dies and the weirdos who show up to their door. They'd probably deny everyone who came up and die immediatly leading to them giving us 2 endings.
They'll never be JP ...
I formed my opinion using all the titbits of information that FWMC gave us, and for now we know that:
>They sleep 4 hours or less every day
>They barely eat
>They look terrible IRL, it made their own parents AND staff concernfag for them
>They've been feeling "out of it" recently
>They don't have free time to relax or go on a walk
>Their voices are currently fucked
>The streams are NOTHING compared to all the work they do off stream, less than the tip of the iceberg, and they consider the stream their "time to relax and have fun"
>They've cancelled a LOT of streams in the past 2 months because of homework, or being sick
>They literally accept ALL the homework they can get (something that no other Holomember does BTW), and it's so bad that their manager is literally begging them to take a break
>Because of all the homework they accept, they have no wiggle room to change plans or rest in case of emergencies/health issues, so when those things inevitably happen they are forced to work even while being very sick

So the logical conclussion to all of this is: They should do less homework.
Less homework will help them get more sleep and eat more healthily. It will give them free time to relax. And more importantly; it will give the some leeway, so that if things go wrong (and they WILL go wrong in some way or another), they'll have some free time to rest or move things around in their schedule, so they won't have a million deadlines for homework while being sick.
And before you cry and seethe, no, "less homework" doesn't mean "NO homework", you stupid faggot, but they should stop accepting EVERYTHING, because it's literally not sustainable.
Yeah, its dumb to vote for 1 - we've seen all there is to see, nothing new or interesting can be gleaned from another stream of it. It'd only be to satisfy the "MUH GAME COMPLETION" autists.
They were gonna skip the bonus level because of time, now they can do them, or are those not good?
>JP streams = leads to more JP collabs and connections
>Homework = leads to more projects and idol opportunities
>EN streams = ???
The correct choice is to end EN streams. Only antis will disagree. This is the best way to achieve their dream while maintaining their health.
tldr fanfiction
>Things they've said directly to us, both on stream and in tweets/posts.
Yea he's a retarded sister
I want FWMC to take care of themselves...
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Groomerbros... We won.
At this rate they'll end up permanently destroying their voices, and once they do, they'll be FORCED to stop singing. We'll have them all to ourselves once they drop that silly sololive dream, and they'll stream as much as they did during the first 100 days. We just need to push them a little bit more... We need to convince them to do even more homework, hopefully they'll permanently damage their voices soon, they'll be emotionally vulnerable, just as planned, and we'll be there to pick them up and make them dependant on us once they become depressed.
That's what the vast majority of us as fans want. But FUWAMOCO seem to be more interested in speedrunning their career into the ground via forced hiatus.
>do less homewor
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>I wish... I recorded one more voice pack *beeeep*
Watch streams, sister.
>The streams are NOTHING compared to all the work they do off stream, less than the tip of the iceberg, and they consider the stream their "time to relax and have fun"
READ nigga, R E A D.
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>1 is winning by a landslide
well thats a shame, good nite then
They should just play outlast
Kek fuck off
Once they rid of their voices, they'll be in our hands ahahahahaha
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Phasmo collab frame up
Ffs, stupid idea to stream a game were they’ll send the whole time screaming
Don’t care. Not watching.
not really they can take it easy and don't have to speak that much in a collab
Let's watch Akirose improve her mahjong skills
FuwaMoco should work on the Honeymoon Night voice pack while they're still in their prime.
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Don't you DARE say no to me, BITCH! I'll brutality rape you if you keep acting like a bratty little girl.
I need ryona art of Mococo. I guess it’s time to commission some.
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Moco-chan is literally perfect for ryona.
If you keep doing all this extra homework you're gonna be sucking on my dick as punishment you damn brat
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Ryona art of Mococo and pet play art of both of them—those two are sorely needed to add more diversity to the already existing FWMC porn
D-did Fuwawa really say that??
Moco-chan is for hugs and headpats
>our voices are destroyed and we are canceling EN streams constantly
>how can we make it up to ruffians?
>let's play a shitty zoomer horror game and scream even more to make sure we have permanent damage!
Are they, yknow...
I need to hear Mococo's cute moe voice again..
Moco-chan is made for rape and mindbreak.
Don't worry, Fuwawa already gave us permission to rape Moco-chan.
Fuwawa is made for...I don't know she always seems emotionally distant and has her guard up despite being teasing and giggly.
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When you're a twin you basically have a guaranteed best friend at every point in your life, you never need anyone else
So normal humans go through life trying to make friends with others, when they come across a social challenge where they don't fit in they're forced to adapt
Twins don't have to adapt, they can just completely withdraw from other people because they have their twin. So you have twins whose social skills have never really developed past childhood. This naturally leads to things like being resentful of the culture you grew up in and falling in love with unrealistic fantasies instead
this might be a TL issue actually
な particle at the end might mean
>strong rejection, as in "na!"
>non-committal filler, like "na~"
>soft-order, short form of "-nasai"
so yeah.
Just in case not all Ruffians have seen this video just yet, and are unable to go visit #FUWAMOCO's favorite spot in the world, this vlog made by @hwikkyofficial perfectly captures the atmosphere of visiting the holy site! Thank you very much!!
Nice, I hope the dev bounced back after the announcing aquarium sequel only for aqua to graduate.
Not just might, it's clearly the case. That na as negation would only make sense as an imperative, telling others to not be interested, in context it doesn't work as anything but elongated affirmative, your second example. If he was saying he has no interest, he'd go with 興味ない.
Such a big difference in DeepL
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Fuwawa is made for instant loss after she teases and seduces you to the point of losing control and going full gorilla on her.
I'm not even sexually interested in them anymore after all the lies. it just makes me cry when I think about what it used to be
Is this current artist exodus from twitter actually for real or just another account they'll abandon in a week again? Tired of making accounts I won't use.
Don't bother
Artists are not going to move over until Twitter completely shuts down. The audience is not there at bsky. Also loli is not allowed
artists are menhera sp eventually they'll join in and submit to AI. Good for me because I'm going to start my AI tracing arc next year and grok might be the best available with all the art it can learn from
Do they expect people that watch vtubers to actually play a VN by themselves? I doubt most have the attention span to do so. Should had asked for something better.
Who knows. I'm pretty sure every other platform will have the same kind of policy at some point if they are ever going to try to stay competitive. Already see it happening everywhere else.
I've seen these two around but never watched a stream what are they like?
They don't have to play, they can just watch their playthrough and buy the game to support. I do this with all Holo related tsugu no hi slop
scop is a tv series...
I bought Aquarium and just watched FWMC play it
Playing VN with friends is the best thing ever though, you should try it.
May or may not involves drinking tho
Yeah but most don't think like this. They'll just watch them play it instead.
What are you talking about? All the artist and leftist moved to mastodon a while ago
keky tekzi pissdicks having melties about no retweets
Aquarium single-handedly saved Entergram from bankruptcy proved otherwise
They're pretty giggly and screamy when they play video games. They're not great at them, but it's entertaining to seem them flail around. They pretty much always accept backseating and want to include (you) as part of the experience. Their karaoke streams are excellent and the streams where they get to talk about their hobbies are really nice (VN streams, anime watchalongs, Goodsmile figure announcement).
If you want a taste of their gameplay, try Donkey Kong Country or Cookies & Cream
If you want karaoke, go with the first one or the hardcore karaoke
>recommendations are all from pre Japan
Might as well bait hopeful new fans with the good times rather than what we have currently
Stop coddling them and start being honest or nothing will ever change
JP fanbases are different.
Used to do that with friends. We played Katawa Shoujo simultaniously and compared notes, played stuff like Go Go Nippon and Graduation together I'm not kidding, it's what made me click on their streams, along with some Key games and a few random spooky multichapter games. Was a lot of fun
[spoilee]Too bad all of them grew up and got married. We still play games/boardgames and hang out together, but they're past the anime phase. Glad I still have a few friends who like to get together for weekly dinner and anime night.
Game streams? 100% not giving anyone anything post-move, even if I really did like their FSN and SW streams. If you want good non-gaming post move though, there's a few options. The stream post-Nendo announcement is one of my favorite streams.
harsh but true they need to know they're cute
So did she specifically ask that her oppai be out or what's the outfit design process?
I tried that and my comment got deleted lol
I've made a small FWMC shrine in my house which a pray to every day. Would it be creepy if I post it under their tag? I don't want them to think I'm a schizo...
The post isn't asking for advice or your opinion. Stop attacking them when they're asking for support.
I’m always going to suggest early stuff, because I like to start at the beginning. I have Witcher 3 but I’ll probably never play it because I didn’t like 1 enough to beat it
They already said that homework is important to them and they get sad when ruffians tell them to stop accepting so much of it. No point in arguing. Their minds are set.
Post it, many people have oshi shrines
I've never had my post deleted and even got a like on a tweet that was slightly criticizing, but rhen again it was also supportive at the same time.
Fuck you I can do what I want.
Just like they do what they want as detrimental as it is to their health.
What I'm gathering from this thread is FWMC would do well with Fishman
Terrible bait
A disgrace to all fisherman out there. Turn in your pole, bucko.
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and they're free to delete your anti comment KEK
>fall guys trash instead of chatting
They really want to do the bare minimum for EN huh? It's even less effort than a sc stream. I guess they didn't make enough money and know no one will superchat for the 3D collab because it's for JP tourists that don't support them?
Anti comment? You don't have the balls to actually post your opinion but instead seethe here all day expecting something to change. Fuck off.
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My comment wasn't anti in nature they just didn't wanna hear the truth back then just like they don't wanna hear it now
Well I was honest, let's see if suzu2 deletes it. She's the worst enabler of all because she has power to protect them and set rules but rolls over
replacing the SC reading is good. they're in no state to talk for 4 hours.
but they're in a state to scream for 2 hours in the collab today? and talk for 4 hours during the animal tower tourney?
wooo Fall Guys on Sunday
I am honest, always. I like japanese net culture, holoJP and japanese streams. I will always support them reaching out to that. The Marine Hell collab and Patra 3D collab are more important than any gaming stream to me.
Don't be surprised if they suddenly play Sister Location instead.
I know you haven't worked a single day in your life but things that involve other people are harder to reschedule.
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Woof Woof
schizo anti thread
Fuck all you niggas
What's that? VN?
That's kinda on them for agreeing to overlapping tasks. It's a situation they made entirely for themselves. A manager is supposed to step in and stop them from signing up for this much when it's going to be impossible or next to impossible to meet all the deadlines. They're scheduling over capacity even if they were both healthy always which we know is never the case after the move with their shitty diet and sleep. It's irresponsible and they should feel bad nit because they are working while sick but because they're giving everyone subpar rushed work
What did you tell them?
>EOPtards still cucking
"Stop being retarded mocochan and go fuck your sister"
Another fun EN collab with Biboo Shiori Kiara and Gigi as FUWAMOCO continue to stay in their weird silo and pathetically try to pander to JP senpai
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>Fuwawa hoverhanding her own twin sister
the sixth FNAF game that's apparently easier and less scary that even FuwaMoco could handle.
It's mostly the same gameplay as the other games but you move between rooms. Makes it more complicated, I think they had it hard enough with regular FNAF.
Rape is one thing, but keep your hands to yourself
Wait, am I retarded. Why are fags saying the SC reading is dead? I refreshed twitter, members, and regular posts of youtube.
I'd rather not have any collabs like this at all. I prefer their solo streams.
Specially when they've confirmed to feel each other up
Oh, it was another stealth addition/subtraction to their waiting rooms. Why do they do this so much lately?
Good for them, we can enjoy both that and FWMCPA 3D, great time to be a Hololive fan.
>expecting them to actually keep their community updated
Anon they just silently scheduled the fall guys stream over the original SC timeslot. They don't respect their schedule for EN fans anymore so it's not surprising you hadn't heard. Not that it won't also get canceled when they ruin their voices for thr collab and JP solo stream
What the fuck.
Become Japanese.
They put Fall Guys back up during the SC reading timeslot >>87615413
They'll tweet about it for sure, most of their fanbase isn't awake right now refreshing their YT page or getting pinged by a Discord bot
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A friend in need
>We really wanted SC reading the most, actually!
Please keep making retarded goalpost moving bait posts like this to make it clear to FWMC that they should never listen to this place. The tranny infestation is real, FWMC, stop bothering with these threads.
I told them that they're unintentionally dividing the fanbase with GW and if they continue to try and pander to both sides it will end badly for everyone.
>Is this current artist exodus from twitter actually for real
You mean like the totally real 20 previous exoduses?
>That's kinda on them for agreeing to overlapping tasks
THIS. There's a lot of retards trying to say that it's "unavoidable", but it's not. The main issue is that they have their schedule completely full of homework, so they don't have any wiggle room to do some changes if they get sick or something is postponed.
>most of their fanbase isn't awake
That didn't stop them from making multiple member and community posts along with a flurry of tweets. Just face it that EN fans are an afterthought now. I doubt they even remember to mention the change unless someone asks
I wonder what they'd think if they ever read this thread. Although I pretty sure they already know that they have an insane amount of schizo fans.
where are they headed now? my bluesky and misskey accounts are completely dead
Don’t reply to me, you reek of fish, sister.
>17K for GeoGuessr
I don't understand. That's even more than Rock N' Rawr Parties get
turns out playing games and doing streams your fans want is popular
>with GW
I guess you meant JP streams? If so, I agree, but that wasn't a "relevant" reply to the community post talking about homework. I do respect you having the balls to do it though.
didn't do shit for Flare and Splatoon...
The first FNAF stream was really boring...
Why did they decide on that again
Polka and Flare don't deserve that...
Halloween is this month
Who else plays Geoguesser in Holo? She’s a real novelty, I was even watching her stream when she was looking at flight maps. She’s got the autistic crowd on lockdown
They would cool themselves into believing that their posters couldn’t possibly be ruffians since most of them are so despicable. The notion that they come here is a funny joke tho.
they should play death forest
I feel like they or mane-chan read the threads just based on some coincidences. Who knows if they can tell the concern trolls from actual worried Ruffians but the sisters are easy to spot and ignore
>she was looking at flight maps.
She was so surprised when she learned that people still flew 80-year-old WWII planes around kek
I was gonna say what are you talking about and then saw the poll… Why are they playing a game that they already played? Diversify their horror game selection is a good thing…
They'll come back to Twitter within 2 weeks once they notice they get less interactions on [platform of choice] than they do on twitter
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>FNAF stream next week
We won, zoomerGODS!! Get fucked, ojisans! That stream is NOT for you!
They already finished all the good parts of FNAF1 the rest is just a meaningless tedious grind for no benefit. They won't make any progress unless they frame perfect copy a guide. the series is trash but at least they should play a different game in the series if they're so insistent on it. Why not amnesia or the home sweet home 2 collab with Biboo instead?
Biboo wants to do Home sweet home 2 as an off-collab when she moves to Japan. I assume she also wants to dodge as many horror games as she can this month kek
Stop being annoying wannabe managers they don't want advice they want to be told they're doing a good job.
Do you think they'll stream this one?
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Ojisans, the kids are making fun of us...
Life with #FUWAMOCO is never boring, that's for sure.

Waking up to a members post and reflecting on that, searching up where to watch a japanese TV show and taking notes, finding out about a new source of, uhm, culture and hoping to see FWMC versions by that artist one day, to now thinking about Friday Night Freddy, all in like an hour.

I even wrote Friday Knight Freddy at first, my brain is in overload. Wouldn't have it any other way, this is too much fun.

Thank you for making my daily life so much more exciting.
they should just play fortnite with the ruffians
they should sleep
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Nope, I’ll offer my unsolicited advice anytime and anywhere I want.
>Thank you for making my daily life so much more exciting.
is Brazil that mind-numbingly boring to live in.
Why can't this thread be this positive?
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I forgot about that game.
That reminds me they released a wotagei emote, I should get that
8 days since the last slop clip retweet. We did it bros! FUWAMOCO are saving their reputation and giving hololive Fandom the dignity it deserves
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Cute Mocopic!!
Take your own advice.
Stop trying to manage this thread, BITCH.
A Hololive/Fortnite collab would be insane. They'd have a ton of skins they could sell and could do an amazing concert event as well.
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More like there were no clips to retweet. When they have normal streams again the mass-production and retweeting of 5-second clips will resume.
Exactly, it'd be stupid to believe otherwise.
XD the freddy horn sounds like aeon aeon aeon he is winning
they streamed on Tuesday and didn't retweet anything. I trust them that they've learned and saw how bad it looked when confronted with the undeniable numbers
Ok you got a kek out of me but you are obsessed
And dicksuckers like you will be sure to bring him up in the chat during the stream whenever it happens.
I am when something happens I like. I'd rather it be a Falll Guys stream to make up for the cancelled one than another 6 hours of them reading 'WOW YOU DID IT' and reaplying 'Yeah we did! Bau bau'.
Is Fall Guys great? Eh, but I can at least have a little fun with them.
It's morning, who has an exciting morning? I used to just wake up, shower, drink water and go to work. Having fun in the morning only happens with them.
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Brazil is a hell, so we end up watching virtual girls as a way to escape reality.
You underestimate how air-headed Fuwawa is. She retweets any garbage clip and screenshot that attention-whore firebird tweets without a second-thought and likes obviously AI-generated text walls if it makes her happy.
fall fags is 32 person lobbies filled with custom slop they need a different game. it's not fun watching them die immediately and watch a bunch of tryhards for 20 min. It's just an excuse to have a lazy short members stream to check a box for the month
With Mimicry disapperance and Kanji De Go addition out of the blue, no mentions anywhere other than changing their stream reservations, it'll be a minute before I believe that they'll always update us via one of the regular channels.
That actually sounds fun, can you make password protected games and release the password as a doggy pack post or something? Genuinely good suggestion, superchat during fall guys.
You need more hobbies, Brazilian. Even Fuwawa says she wants to go fishing.
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I have spent more time than I want to admit trying to understand why she is so in love with that attention fag but I have no answer. He just spams shit relentlessly and is just weird yet she showers him in love always. It's why I've grown to love Mococo more
What walls are AI generated? Haven't seen any that look like it.
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>I have spent more time than I want to admit trying to understand why she is so in love with that attention fag but I have no answer. He just spams shit relentlessly and is just weird yet she showers him in love always. It's why I've grown to love Mococo more
In the morning before work? I don't wake up that early. I'm usually up at 6 something, not enough time to engage with hobbies before work.
Why do people here think their opinion matters? Some of you fucks don't even buy their voicepacks and ask here for them.
Well, you'll be disappointed soon, I guess.
She's dumb enough to keep liking purityschizo's pointless babble. It must be a compromise in exchange for not giving any attention to its "art".
disgusting fuzzy fucker
Why are you schizos always insulting Fuwawa? It's gross she's nothing but kind to everyone. You need therapy.
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I wish she would like my babble even once.
Those are infants, you freak.
>to everyone
To her favorites, maybe.
Fuck off Nae, they'll never use your garbage for thumbnail art.
Give me one example of her being mean to someone besides Nerissa.
His posts all say the same thing, calling it AI generated is insulting to AI.
>not being kind is being mean
Lemme guess another garage kit?
It's literal, unironic anti shit. Not even because they're insulting Fuwawa, but because even threadreaders know they all agree on every like. There is no such thing as a Fuwawa like. It's just the evolution of holo vs holo, sister vs sister.
>Why do people here think their opinion matters?
You should probably ask the same of yourself.
why do you think your opinion on our opinion mattress
that's the same garage kit, anon...
It's the same one released months ago except someone made it lore-accurate by painting the shimashima shorts.
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I had hopes it was a scale and this was a teaser..
FWMC Geoguessr at JP friendly hours would do amazing too. Doesn't even have to be night time JST, their usual slot works if it's on Saturday (Sunday morning JST)
Its journey has been fascinating when you ignore the creepy undertones.
>months of talking behind their backs about how they are pure and would never like eroge or even suggestive games and art
>suddenly full gachikoi acting as if he's always loved them
>3 to 10 walls a day on their tags
>changes entire sleep schedule and pretends to live with them
>that creepy hand emoji
>I'll never let go of your paws
>crying to sleep listening to Twitter spaces on loop
>spends a month on a sound hound karaoke animation
>doesn't watch streams so it has glaring errors like being in the cardboard box
>spends 2 months on a mococo commission for the pillar
>accused of AI tracing /here/
>immediately posts a real (TM) time-lapse of slop
>starts clipping
>2 RT
>gives up on art now posts clips to bait retweet
>didn't know who any hololive members are
>thought okayu was ao kun
>passive aggressively complained that they dare spend time with Suisei instead of a fwmc morning
You want it soooo bad!
You think about this nobody more than I think about FUWAMOCO
So that's what it looks like for someone to warp their lifestyle and entire personality just to get attention from twin demon dog VTubers. It's kind of pitiful.
They're really bad with that...
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Besides the Advent collab today I do not care for any of the currently announced streams.
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this for pero when
I'll care for you
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>allowing Naruto threads on /a/
Don't push yourself too hard
They should do one where they walk around Akihabara and accidentally point out their apartment.
Eh, SC reading got replaced by fall guys?
I'm just gonna take a break from everything for the rest of the month after this weekend.
if you don't care about Patra 3D you should just leave they're clearly not for you
did the creepy cam schizo get arrested?
context please
I want sobbi to start starting porn
Not really. For a long time they had no problems, I just assume they didn't want to officially announce a cancellation of a regular EN stream after delaying it while simultaniously putting a JP targetted 'gorilla' stream on their channel.
They'll probably have it early next week instead. Saving the longer stream for a bit later, makes sense.
They're heart'ing comments on the FNAF community post.
I kinda want to see them put an SC reading during JP hours just to watch the usuals squirm a little as they destroy their schedules to be there live.
Either that or their barkers isn't at full 100%. I don't mind the changes.
I want them to do it and realize they won't get any superchats at all. The 3D Patra live is going to get less than 10 superchats
I never superchat during events because I never know what to say
she's been getting closer and closer with her recent art. it's only a matter of time before she starts showing fuwawa's floofies in full and i will cum gallons
>get less than 10 superchats
I don't ever superchat during JP streams because even if it isn't true, I don't want them to get any metrics showing that Ruffians want JP streams. If they want to do them that's fine but it'll cost them money and fans. I'll happily donate during an EN stream to talk about the JP stream but I don't want to make them think there's any money catering to nip tourists that don't care about them
their huge once in a lifetime don't miss this off collab with patra had 1 superchat readable and that was during a time that EN could watch
I wish I had pancakes... someone please... send me pancakes I want them
I would eat them
I would pay you in one!!!!! sentence of affirmation! I want them...
of course it was from that fag too. Has to be a cuck with how much he is a yesman to all the JP stuff
you want CeCe so bad
Maybe I would have superchatted if my question was picked.
Total yescuck death.
How many times does it have to be said that nothing will change? They are obsessed with Japan and this has been their dream since forever. If you can't accept this then maybe it's time to move on instead of going menhera all the time.
he's a strange one. most of the JP stream yes-men know some Japanese or are actively learning. He doesn't seem to understand or trying to learn the language.
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Will FUWAMOCO be invited?
The announcement doesn’t sound like anything major.
He doesn't need to since he gets so much attention everywhere already. Why put in more effort and change anything?
nips do not have the right to complain about merch not being available in their country
>He doesn't seem to understand or trying to learn the language
How do you know that? Not disagreeing because it is probably true but not everyone live blogs their learning. Although he's such an attention whore he probably would if he were doing it
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I guess it's time for a relisten
And here with go with sobbi trying to push his stuff in their feed as soon as they are active.
Yeah they also get all the good shit with cheap shipping so them complaining at all is a piss off.
They hardly ever even use the assets already made for them.
>"Please respond with examples of your work!"
>non-artist regulars respond with no examples
like clockwork
It's just a huge conspiracy at this point I've given up caring and accept that I will never be a part of this inner clique bullshit and I don't want to be.
well he is her biggest benefactor. that's just how business is.
literally who
>rushing a last minute background for their outfit reveal next week
I know they like to operate on retarded timelines but it's dumb to force other people to do the same. They knew this was coming
CHADnix retweet!
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/baubau/ artists, this is your chance.
And there you go, my point is proven
Now you know which clip will be retweeted before FuwaMoco sleeps tonight.
KEKAROO I have no fucking words
Not your responsibility. Leave it to the girls and management to figure these things out. No one is going to let them seriously hurt themselves, bud, so stop stressing -- although lets be real, you're secretly enjoying this. Giving you reason not to worry is the last thing you actually want.
Thanks Sobbi
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>get every single solo live and FES in their country
>constant pop up shops
>collabs with theme parks and shit
>all with their own merch that often will include hand written messages
>happens year round
>EU doesn't even exist and NA gets 1 (one) concert a year and exclusive decent merch for the first time
>they complain that it's not in their country
BAUDOL retweet baby!
It's a clip from all the way back in June too lol
She's in this thread and doing it on purpose
Like I said, Sobbi literally retweeted it just before as soon as she seen they were active. Been saying she pushes his shit in their feed.
Hope not, don't want Gigi to be concernfagging over these two hags on her own birthday
Oi Brazilian I know you got that FuwaMoco like for this shit >>87616195
There's no way anyone can deny that she's the Ruffian kingmaker after shit like this. People mad at FUWAMOCO need to realize they are only looking at their feed which is entirely Sobbi because she floods twitter right when they wake up. It's a hell of a thing
I did. What about it? Gonna cry?
I am sorry I doubted. I trusted them too much perhaps and now I don't know how to feel when the truth is staring me back in the eyes
They love me
post huge W or you're a liar
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didn't realize we were on /lgbt/
Am I lost in the sauce or did they not already retweet this? They don't have slop clips bookmarked do they? I am losing faith in them by the day
Stop pretending to be me
I'd rather you keep guessing.
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Look at the sequence of retweets before FWMC retweeted it. it's from newes to oldest retweets.
I think this is where I get off. I can't take the mental torment of them flaunting their favorites in our face even after we had a healthy discussion about it over the past few days /here/ which I know that they saw. They know and they don't care that most fans suffer while the rich get rewarded for being rich. This isn't the fuwamoco that I knew and loved
Shouldn't management handle this?
Well maybe you should go back
You will remember this stream
Is that supposed to disprove something said? Because it doesn't
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I'm trying to go back to /baubau/ but it keeps bringing me back to this faggot thread
They called the JP viewers their masters...
And that's retweet number 44 baby
I checked discord to confirm. They retweeted this same low effort clip once before on June 14th. Disgusting, gross favoritism makes my skin crawl
Eh? I could have sworn they just made a Baudol retweet a few minutes ago.
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Ruffians deserve to know answers and an explanation for this behavior. If they continue, the doggy pack stream will be very interesting during the post stream superchat reading. I want it all cleared up. Do they still have favorite and what are the plans for the future?
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You have to admit that it's an interesting dynamic between them.
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Stop begging for anti superchats to be sent you poorfag tranny
yes Fuwawa has favorites, as if it wasn't already plain as day to see.
zero retweets...
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Am I weird for wanting to have sex with Fuwawa...?
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So they're finally getting room background? Are we free from purple void?
I want her to move up on fwmc morning so we can see the thighs again
no it's going to be a one off special stream like the spooky stories
Only to the resident guys
What is anti about expecting equal treatment of all fans regardless of finances? That should be the standard and it's not weird to point it out. They thanked lockwhite for his and mentioned that others were likely feeling the same way. And real change happened after that because they stopped submissions with names attached outside of fwmc morning. We can be a positive force for good to help our baudols out
I want to lift her dress...
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>They do have favorites but
Kill yourself, sister. FWMC don't have ANY favorites. They love and appreciate ALL ruffians EQUALLY.
Don't mind him he's just a new sister falseflagging.
the favoritism is about money again? i thought that angle was abandoned after the poorfag zoomer jpschizo
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FWMC won
Ruffians won
Trannies lost and are mad
44 retweets of one fan's clips sure sounds like favoritism to me.
kys avatarfag
W-why is her dress so short...? Does she realize that the is giving panty shots all the time?
Irrefutable. Checked as well.
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See? Look at how mad xhe is all the while FWMC continues to win in every way feasible KEK
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KEK! The sister is having a melty!
I highly doubt they'll stop or slow down on retweets that are pushed into their feed by their favorite artist sobbi no matter what you say. Especially not when they see its from their favorite supporter phoenix.
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lmao even
Why do ruffians talk so much about other ruffians? Some of you guys know way too much about them.
1% of fans hold 51% of their RT
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Anytime we talk about FUWAMOCO it ends in disaster so talking shit about each other is the next best thing
she's always so ready to be fucked at a moment's notice... doesn't she know what that short of a dress does to a man?
>doesn't she know
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This might be a hot take. But, I think I love FWMC.
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That's our gorgeous temptress, she always knows what she's doing.
Disgusting and needs to be addressed. Unfortunately they won't ever get this question because they only care about the opinion of wealthy ruffians that can afford $50 or up and those fags are the ones benefiting most from the favoritism.
>wealthy ruffians that can afford $50 or up
Just outed yourself as a poorkek sis...
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Behold, a commieffian!
Not wanting to send an hour's wage just to ask two retarded dogs a question they should be willing to answer for free doesn't make me a poorkek. It's financial literacy.
44 retweets of a fan that does nothing but press record and upload 3 seconds of slop is unacceptable. It's worse than what Nerissa does because she doesn't try to deny and hide it like they do. I'm done.
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sisters are absolute mindbroken
1 Million Subs. Soon to be 1 million views on BAUdol. A 3D collab stream with one of their favorite senpai in 2 days. Ruffians won.
You said the same thing last week, Brian. When are you going to actually leave?
See ya tomorrow, probably less, later.
Don't get too excited since they won't leave.
1 million subs and half the audience gone KEK
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I'm scared for Bijou's safety when she moves to Japan. FUWAMOCO aren't going to be able to keep their paws off her
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I'm still so fluffing excited about that Pato collab. I wouldn't ever imagine they could get another 3D program this soon.
ojisan they're called streams now
Bro if you were just a coder, you could retardedly throw you money away even more!
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Grumpy Jii-san...
Stop being jealous of people that are wealthy. It's retards like them that fund FUWAMOCO's dreams. Be grateful that the ones we have aren't as bad as they could be. Most are pretty harmless attention whores that just send money and jerk off to their 1 minute response and fuck off until the next paypuppy suck off. Without them they wouldn't be in japan or having a 3D collab so soon
They aren't doing a good job though. The streams that aren't canceled are lackluster. That 7DTD finale was pathetic, they barely participated, and Mococo was silent most of the stream because she blew her throat out. Almost nobody interacted with them because they didn't know anything about the game, they're doing endgame raids and FUWAMOCO are still asking how to shoot and reload their weapon. They punched cotton plants until GG took pity and gave them a stack of spikes to place.
uuuuu I see why fubuki wants to lick the rock
Fuwawa doesn't actually understand that she is seducing the Ruffians, she does it by accident.
who gives a shit they showed up for a bit just out of obligation
The things she says to some of the paypuppies can't be on accident. She has real love
Kek fuck you
They want to believe they are doing their best but we haven't seen their best in months. You can't give your best at anything when you're always sick and tired. Last time we saw their best was probably BD.
They worded that commission request in such a bad way that it is only going to get bot responses and retarded ruffians saying they are excited for it.

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