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Why did you stop watching?
They joined Hololive, they succeeded and don’t need me anymore.
I got tired of their hollow content long before their JP arc, I did enjoy the bau bau at first but by the 3rd month I was starting to hate it.
When both of them lied while sharing crocodile tears promising that the whole Japan shilling they did would be only for that week.
I'm not in their target demographic of (man)children
Because they stopped streaming in english.
They started appealing to babies
Can’t stop if you never start. People calling them Teletubbies were right.
Their content and personalities got boring. First year was unironically good and felt like a breath of fresh air but now every stream feels the same and they are too comitted to their kayfabe/acting to keep me invested. Even compared to some of the JP girls who "play a character" at least they actually give hints to their real personalites, likes, intersts, hobbies, you actually feel like they are real people. FWMC are just a charicature of an anime girl at this point I literally am so bored of
>you knowwwww
Over and over and over again.
I'm glad they achieved their dream of becoming succesful and also Japanese though, I don't hate them, just so, so bored of them at this point.
Her audience are literally manbabies.
Hit the nail on the head. I just get annoyed watching their solo streams now. The not being able to turn off the character EVER especially.
That's a good thing anon. More EN girls should be committed like them
I respect them but I'm not too big on 100% kayfabe vtubers
The voices they do are incomprehensible babble.
I don't like how parasocial their fanbase is.
I don't watch a ruthless business women vtuber, they're fucking scary and had a sinister plan on their mind.
While this is true i fail to see how you'd take an entire year to realize it, how the fuck did you think "oh yeah saying bau bau every 5 seconds is peak content" for an entire year
I'd personally rather watch someone who feels like a real person. Kayfabe is cringe most of the time.
You don’t even know what that means retarded catalog monkey
I actually watched them so I can echo anon’s exact sentiment. They’re pretty much Ai generated at this point
They make an effort to keep them that way
Nah, gotta have a balance, going too hard on the keyfabe or completely ignoring it doesn't help anybody and only alienates your fans, gotta mix some truth with the lies so it all can come together and form an illusion while creating community.
No, no its not. A balance is a good thing, too much on either end of the extreme is bad. Just because you hate flesh streamers and those who completely ignore kayfabe doesn't mean those who rigidly adhere to it are the best. They are just as bad, just a different type of bad.
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Never started
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Because they force everyone in collabs to play along with their retarded gay baby roleplay.
For me it was the numberfaggotry.
Their contribution to HoloGTA was funny and entertaining, but yes their solo content is completely boring and stale now.
maybe stop cancelling streams
This. Holy fuck, this. I see more community notifications about cancelled streams than... well, streams from them on my YouTube feed.
Yea, I still think they’re fun in some collabs. Aside from their content growing stale, I just can’t commit myself to someone who doesn’t pause the act for even a second. Even the members content is exactly the same. Just seems disingenuous at some point. Like I don’t know who they truly are
Maybe a bit of a parasocial take but I need to be at least some kind of emotionally attached/invested if I’m gonna oshi someone
The amount of homobeggars seething over my wives success is astonishing.
Nothing parasocial about it, it's simply normal psychology, we have a much harder time trying to understand, accept or feel empathetic with things that aren't relatable to us.
Leftover woman thread
>Why did you stop playing with Woody even though his only draw is that he has like 7 lines when you pull his string
I have a job, anon.
They are boring as fuck
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Unironically this. Everything they do feels extremely calculated whether it be numberfagging or milking the ruffians of their money. I can handle the kayfabe to an extent but it takes me out of it when your actions show relentless pursuit for numbers thats never been seen from the EN branch as well as shoving yourself into as many JP streams as possible. If they let things progress more naturally then it would have been fine. Now more people are waking up to the fact that their eyes aren't set on the ruffians but more of using this as a stepping stone for whatever they want to accomplish in Japan. I don't know why I'm still holding on to their membership but if I am to drop one then it would be this
Show us your sweet tits, maybe I'll continue watching & supporting you.
Watching them makes my brain rot.
You must be gay or blind cause they cute asf
They hit their goal, made their dream come true etc. and so forth
They don’t need me anymore
Because of this https://streamable.com/s0r0wi
schizo anti thread
do they stream in english yet?
The honeymoon period lasted me six months, and after that I just went back full time with my oshi. Also, and this is not the dogs' fault, but unfortunately those six months were some of the worst I've ever experienced, so I automatically associate them with that time.
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Hey, Ruffians
Kept you waiting, huh?
Can I get a "Heck, yeah"?
Let's shout "Bau"
Bau, bau, bau, bau
Bau, bau, bau, bau
Now, hear the howling of my soul
Bau, bau, bau, bau
Are you ready?
Bau, bau, bau, bau
This basically. Watching those fridge bodies bounce around is genuinely 'studied the blade' levels of cringe
God forbid someone have any criticism towards anything.
basically this >>87614356 they were pretty decent at the start but they pretty much have not changed at all since debut. They have like no real memes or in jokes with their community because they keep the kayfabe so strong.

They haven't evolved or changed one bit to the point where watching solo streams feels like watching repeats of streams you have seen already meaning that if you dont like the game then its really hard to care about the stream at all.
Every good stream is either in Japanese or canceled. I had my yearly fill of visual novel streams by March.
When you're a novelty act, you need to have something else to offer people when the novelty wears off. They just don't really have much to offer once you get bored of the twin act and the constant bau baus.
This week's schedule:
canceled because they fucked up mococo's voice doing a JP stream
2hr allocation for EN collab
shill stream for merch
JP stream
JP stream
>cancelled EN streams
FTFY. They still do their JP streams as scheduled. It's always the EN ones that get the short end of the stick, which should speak volumes.
they left me for jp viewers so I left them for other girls
>implying i ever started
Found out they were 30. Imagine being 30 and acting like that. fucking cringe.
I didn't stop entirely, but I cut back heavily. Never used to miss a stream, was excited and having fun anticipating their return from the move even when it got pushed back. They always said that they didn't want to do something like a gorilla stream or twitter space because their fans might not be able to make it. Also bought most of the merch and would occasionally SC.
Their 'Battle Plan 2' stream curbed a lot of my enthusiasm, and not even immediatly, but it's still something that sits in the back of my mind when I look at a schedule they release. The talk about wanting to get JOP to know them better and how they wanted to take advantage of their ability to speak Japanese to get 1m faster. They talked about how Golden Week was an attempt at getting those eyes on them for more subs. Also mentioned how after Golden Week, the JP streams would be occasional, and even had a small point where they said they wanted to do it their way and never do vertical/shorts streams.
Then you look at everything past that stream and see a general increase in JP streams overall, them doing a bunch of vertical streams (most of which were fine), continual baiting of JOP fans for months, all while sending massive amounts of mixed messages continually to keep people baited in.
I think the 'final straw' that made me drop membership and just stop caring about their content (beyond a few select streams) was them saying their Mimicry stream was postponed, putting it on the following weeks schedule, and then just removing it again at the start of that week with no announcement anywhere (except the tail end of their members SC reading with a small 'we might cancel'), something they've never done before, and adding a gorilla stream of Kanji De Go on the Saturday of that week, also with no announcement anywhere.
I'll still watch their VN streams and big events, but I'm not gonna spend money on them anymore.
Elira's brithday stream flop deflection thread
>being scared of a woman
I don't speak japanese
God that sounds so fucking hot
i only like mococo
>read some subtitles from a game they are playing at the same time
>"Wow they are so in sync"
The GTARP stuff was actually funny but they are bad gamers and the gimmick becomes grating.
Desperate virgin hands typed this.
What's a "gorilla stream"?
They come out dressed as giant apes
An unscheduled stream.
Let's say your oshi doesn't have a stream scheduled for today and she just decides to stream on her day off or if she finishes her scheduled stream then a couple or hours later she streams an unscheduled stream.
This reminds me of the JP vtuber with an actual gorilla model, the EN scene needs more vtubers with unusual models like this.

I see, thank you.
You're talking about a guerilla stream
NTA but isn't it supposed to be a reference to "gorilla warfare"
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Their scheduling sucks, they don't like what they are streaming most of the time and therefor don't finish their games. I'm not waiting months for another part. Fuck em.
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The correct term is guerilla warfare. The word gorilla is simply about the ape
You can't be this new
I've been on 4chan since 2020. I'm basically an oldfag
Your a ape
>ambitious about achieving financial and career success
>sinister plan
never started watching them in the first place knew what I was getting after I saw their debut stream and I wanted nothing of it
but you never visited /baubau/
M'am, I'm trying to watch Fuwawa.
>moves Mococo aside
I mean, I've visited there a couple times, but that's about it
i didnt even know that was a thing
Somehow not knowing is more insulting than covering it.
Holy newfag, lurk for five more years
It came from the word guerrilla
Honest answer: Because at some point streams started to get monotone.
No transparency. I feel like I don’t matter as a fan since they only acknowledge and reward their paypigs. It’s all just so phony
they stopped streaming
their gimmick got stale + I don't like Hololive
I guess a combination of more JP streams at the expense of EN streams and me getting bored of their gimmick
When Advent debuted I never thought I would end up watching Shiori and Nerissa more, but they developed and started to grow on me while FWMC stayed stagnant
They keep not putting DKC or Sakura Wars on their schedule (That's on them)
I got too far behind on FWMC Mornings (That's on me)
>they don't stream enough
Stream time is king. It's how you build long term audience engagement, merge multiple demographics into one fandom, and at the same time evolve or update your performance faster than other streamers. It's also what increases the likelihood of viral incidental content. The months before and after holoGTA they only averaged around 15 hours of streaming per week. I don't think an ambitious video games vtuber should be streaming less than Miko, who has years of grind as a foundation for her current schedule.
The lack of streaming compounds with them struggling to update their performance, which is already harder than normal because FWMC stream using a unique concept and can't easily copy what popular solo streamers are doing. Haachama had a very similar issue of stagnating under overly experimental content, but it's hard for FWMC to just be normal streamers since they are channel is build on an experimental streaming concept. Still, they can and probably should do more solo streams if for no reason other than leaving their comfort zone.
>they chatter too much
This is probably the biggest audience killer of FuwaMoco's content. Most holos know to let the audience cool down sometimes, especially during boring points in the game content, and to do low energy content. It seems like FWMC (mainly Fuwawa, arguably) are always fucking talking, which is both tiring, and causes their dialogue to become infantile if there's simply nothing to talk about. It's also hard to build a sense of intimacy if more interactions in each stream go to eachother than to the audience. I wonder if this is some kind of twins autism, because I'm surprised they don't find it exhausting as well. A good example of this is the recent Euro Truck stream, where they spent 4 hours reading marshmallows while playing the game. It was probably to give them both something to do, but 4 hours of nonstop small talk is just exhausting to listen to.

I think they're currently natural side characters in that, they have so much presence that they make strong appearances in other people's streams, but lack enough depth and cohesiveness in their own content to make it truly engaging. This lets them do well in stuff like holoGTA where they can just show up and cause some havoc in other people's streams before leaving and allowing status quo to resume.
I speak ENGLISH, not Japanese.
Are yoy fucking kidding they still haven't finished Sakura Wars 5?
They last played it two months ago and DKC was 1 month ago. It's rough, man.
i watch their karaoke religiously, but the bau bau bs got tiring after a while.
screaming BAU BAU every 5 seconds. that's it. that's my only complaint. it's enough to make them un-fucking-watchable, and ruin every collab they touch.
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The content isn't the same
They're not the same
The comfy times are dead
But I still hold some hope for a bit longer longing for those good times to come back
Both of these are really well written points. And for the second point, I didn't even think about that at all. You NEED deceleration points during streams for yourself (the streamer) and the audience to refresh.

In addition to that, I also just realized something and feel fucking retarded that I didn't sooner: their channel is a permanent collab channel. They rarely stream solo unless it's basically out of their hands in a way (like Fuwawa's solo week), and even if they do, it's just for games they're both playing anyways. There's no zatsu or random game stream series with just one girl, it's ALWAYS both. To be honest, when they debuted, I had thought they would have separate streaming days to break up their week in addition to them streaming together, but that they haven't taken advantage of that is....kind of surprising.
I didn’t think the bau bau was an issue at all when I watched them but it’s so grating to me now. They use it as a filler word for practically everything and it’s also their unfunny punchline to everything. Just ease up on it girls
They feel very fake and it creeps me out.
Not just bau bau. But also the
>woooooeeeehhhhhh.............eeeoooooooouuuuuuhhhhhhh..........oooeeeeeeeeh.........bau bauuuuuuuuuuuu...........aaauuueeeeeeeeeee
during collabs and even while other Holos are talking. It's annoying. The least they could do is keep that to their solo content because then I wouldn't have to hear it, but during any big event or collab, like 7dtd, I'm forced to hear that shit and it makes me want to punch them.
It's not that hard to have one play the game and to other one talking to the chat, they do that every once in a while. They never found a good balance between chat interaction and siblings rambling.
For me i don't care about the bau bau but the sudden changes in loudness makes me turn their stream off. Not even pekoras pekos where like that. They are like some annoying ojou-sama laughing anime girl from the 80s
Too little actual content in streams.
Have you seen 3 FWMC morning you have seen them all for example...
If you actually heard their regular honest to God Stacy voices you would be beyond shocked.
Yeah they should drop it already it's not worth it anymore.
Same old shit everytime, same old fan submissions.
I'm not their intended audience
They got boring really quickly because their content is repeating the same 3-4 gimmicks over and over
Their voices and characters (at least for me) become annoying after some time,even more in big collabs
Their fanbase is objectively in the top 3 worst/most annoying ones in all of holopro

Glad to see they reached their 1M goal thought, can't deny that they worked hard for it. I unsubbed when they reached it
quitting sakura wars was the beginning of the end for me. i loved the idea of someone doing a long game on weekends like JP. but no, the numbers.
It's probably being twins, but they really seem to dislike the idea of streaming alone. Mococo's voice is fucked this week, but Fuwawa would rather cancel streams than do one alone. Yes I know they got sick a few days after. During enreco fuwawa did not seem happy with mococo's behavior.
They never use the fucking mute as far as I can tell to only talk to their chat. And you have Fuwawa constantly whispering shit to Mococo that everyone can hear. Just use a mute button.
I'm not a jap, so I'm not their target audience.
Have they even finished any games besides Chilla’s slop. I was really invested in their White Album streams but those also stopped. I really wish they’d stick to one game for a bit like literally every other talent does
But anyone who's a bit familiar with them or heard the enreco yab already knows this. The frustrating part is that they still think they need to sound like teletubies or something all the time or else they fall off.
They never talk about anime and visual novels, just basic normie/baby's first otaku terms. They basically live and breathe kayfabe. Only their voices and models are memorable.
I watched them since late 2021.
The authentic feeling that was there 3 years ago just isn't there anymore. The connection they had with their audience isn't the same anymore because of how big they got. It's simply impossible to have the banter with them in comments or discord anymore.
It became less about the content and more about "make noomba go big".
The biggest thing that ruined it was the Japan arc when they didn't stream for over a month. It ruined the momentum. Since they came back, something has been noticeably different. Things changed and not in a good way. There's a massive difference between their content around Christmas compared to now.
I am happy they reached their goal and that they got a second chance after they got shitcanned 2 years ago. But I'm not the audience anymore. It is what it is.
Skill issue
>>87628225 (me)
Another thing to mention, whenever they cancelled streams last year, it was a massive deal. They would get legitimately depressed over it. They did everything they could to have a stream happen back then.
Now, streams get cancelled very regularly. Either because of illness or homework for the 56th time. Meanwhile, a dance practice will happen the very next day. It's like streaming is an after thought now.
For me it was Fuwawa saying YASSS all the time. I feel so bad for Mocochan
The potential for oldfag content was what I was most excited for at debut. Probably the case for a lot of other people with how, "FuwaMoco is for oji-sans" was big near debut. Shame, since introducing some of that stuff to the newer audience would be a good way to talk about their personal feelings about their favorites and let the older audience connect by reminiscing with them.
Enreco yab?
The annoying thing was that was exactly what they were. They were going to a lot of nostalgia content like Kanon, School Days, Sakura Wars, etc. They were playing and watching things that made them happy and it made the audience happy.
Now? It's horror slop no.345, followed by a big collab, followed by a 8 hour superchat reading with people talking like fucking Kingdom Hearts NPCs followed by maybe, MAYBE a gaming stream if it doesn't get cancelled.
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>Chat too fas, a-whaa
I see.
Fuck you and your mushrooms, Sucy
i did not, faggot
The last Sakura Wars stream was 2 months ago.
We're 2 weeks away from it being 3 months.
The time between those two stream and the previous Sakura Wars stream was 8 months.
Portal 2 got cancelled and rescheduled so many times that I failed to catch it when they finally did stream it. Hopefully, actual content can work its way back in now that the road to 1 million is over, but the FNAF poll already makes the chances of that happening look low.
>Before the Japan arc: Typing Of The Dead, DKC1, Cookies and Cream, River City Girls, MGS1, MGS2,
>After the Japan arc:

Considering the 1 million arc is over and we're still running into similar issues, I would probably not get your chances much higher than they are now
Sori nihongo wa wakarimasen
He’s talking about mane-chan going on Fuwawa’s account during ENreco. she had a British accent and Kiara talked about a new female British manager joining a few months ago
>Typing Of The Dead, DKC1, Cookies and Cream
All streams that made me fall in love with them. I never would’ve thought it’d come to resent them but I guess that kind of stuff happens once you get to know people better
They just are so number obsessed. They constantly had streams even much before 1M for every single possible subscriber milestone.

Vertical streams, clear and blatant favoritism towards their army of pay pigs. They'll undermine any authentic aspect of themselves if it helps boost their numbers
>Before the Japan arc: Typing Of The Dead, DKC1, Cookies and Cream, River City Girls, MGS1, MGS2,

Fucking damn man, we had it so good...
If you are asking in general, i'm getting tired of the whole aura of the Holos, now if you ask about FuwaMoco in particular, i have nothing against them but they are not for me
Was 1 million arc longer than the pre-Japan period? I fell off during the technically-homeless arc, so I'm not that dedicated, but it'd be so much better if the EN content wasn't just FOTM slop.
>Before the Japan arc
Man.......that really was a delightful time. Reminds me why they were so loveable in the first place.
They’ve always played horrorslop, that’s not the issue. It’s the absence of ongoing series like White Album and Sakura Wars that just makes it stand out to you. Them playing Fate is a good start but the rest of October and December will be telling with how much unique content they decide to put out. They’re busy with homework but neglecting streams too much will just put off too many people.
The magic faded when they left for Japan.
They made it clear they wish they were HoloJP when they moved to Japan. While EN viewers get stuck with fotm slop game streams, JP viewers get way more comfy and personal conversations with them. Made me feel like shit so I stopped watching them.
The thing that pissed me off the most about them is they would say one thing but later do the opposite. Like how they said in their first members battle plan stream that the 1 million in a year wasn’t really important to them but then later would just do tons of vertical streams begging for subs. I don’t mind celebrating milestones but I don’t want my oshi to be an actual numbermonkey
Obvious shitpost but
>JP viewers get way more comfy and personal conversations with them
Lmao. Go try that shit in /baubau/ if you want anyone to buy it, cuckposter
I have no problem with horror slop but when it's just that with the absence of other streams, it makes what would otherwise be tolerable quickly intolerable.
We both know that's likely a one off anon. Let's be bleak but realistic. FSN is a long game and we still haven't even finished the other two VNs.
whens the last time they talked about anything personal with EN viewers?
JP streams just have a different vibe
MGS2 was so bad. They keps yapping to each other, not hearing plots and running around like headless chicken for hours.
Nah. Pre move was August-mid feb, so 6 and a half months. They came back in April and only after the BP2 stream did shit really start to hit the fan. So we're at 5 months.
Your mother’s cunt has a different vibe from your sisters
>During ENReco, Fuwawa did not seem happy with Mococo's behaviour.
Seriously? I feel like for a moment it was there, but the fun of it was Mococo going off and trying to get into shenanigans without Fuwawa around and vice verse
Anon, streaming as a duo is hardly a “unique”, experimental concept. There are lots of fleshtuber duos and groups. Fuwamoco just don’t have enough depth to keep people interested once the novelty of them being twins wears off
Ah, it was that one month of antsyness from lack of streams and unwillingness to make some sort of compromise that was throwing me off. 6.5 months vs. 5 months is still nuts.
I will never understand why so many of you fags feel the need to keep talking about them when you don't like or watch them
Weird af
Why do you care
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>when you don't like or watch them
I will never understand why tards like you care about what random anonymous people are saying in a thread you can just hide but choose to go into and post anyway
Weird af
I started using 4chan 14 years before this child. Why did I never leave when I had the chance...
There's the aspect of allowing things to return to status quo, and there's also the aspect that watching/listening to streams is simply a relaxation activity a lot of the time. I think high energy performance is good at making strong impressions or catching attention, but it drains the audience and turns into noise if it's overused. Good low energy content like thoughtful commentary or zatsu are the king of retention, because at worst it'll only be boring, not intrusive.
I'd love to ad that march is the month where generally lots of japanese change apartments so it was the worst time for them to try to find a place in japan. shinseikatsu/moving season.
What was the original post? Can't be bothered to look on the archives.
>he doesn't use plugins
I didn't even care about the move. I was posting cute soundposts with shit like that 'If it takes forever, I will wait for you' song in the thread, happy any tine they were able to stream between, and a little bit salty at the fags who made the question doing twitter spaces randomly.
BP2 and their mentallity afterwords is what ruined it.
When they dropped RE4R and OoT
Group video game streamers have been around for years but they're also kind of a dated minority archetype, for a lot of the problems that are currently dragging FWMC down. Solo streams are the main pillar holding up hololive.
I was gonna say there are some people wuo can just spin stories out of some of the most mundane shit. They have never been the type to be able to do that, but they want to fill the dead air like someone who can do that.
phonefagging from work
More like solo streams are the base, and collabs/big events are the eye-catching garnish. It's not going to be the same for everyone admittedly, but more often than not, solo streams is where you get hooked.
Yeah, so am I.
>he doesn't use Clover and/or is an iChild
Still NGMI
Can someone remind me if the BP2 stream the one where their manager told them that they need to start focusing on their future more or whatever or was that before that?
I apparently watched that whole stream but I remember nothing about it.
theres a lot of chatgpt in this thread but it hasn't even been that long since japan I don't know why idiots always argue like its the end of the world if everything isn't exactly how they want it immediately
No it was the stream where they said they wanted to target JOP because they thought it was the best way to try and get 1m subs, told people that they'd understand if they left because of the change in content and reduction in streams, and that they'd do it "The FUWAMOCO WAY!" while also saying they'd never do vertical streams.
>while also saying they'd never do vertical streams.
I hated their vertical streams so much. Hate all vertical streams for that matter, but did they ever actually say this? I do not remember this.
Their act was cute at first but there's no depth, no development. It's like if Gura continued to read Shark Facts in her second year. Most holos are embarrassed when they watch their debut stream a year later. FuwaMoco aren't. They're exactly the same.
NTA I don't remember them saying it in bp2 (then again, I barely remember that stream)
But I do distinctly remember them saying they don't really like doing vertical streams way earlier.
They 100% said it in that stream. I'll say that most of their vertical streams were actually decent, the mode didn't interfere with the view of the game. The only one where it made it considerably worse was the Organizing Cats Neatly duo stream. It was fine when just Fuwawa did it because there was enough space to split it nicely, but with both of them, it just hid EVERYTHING on the screen.
Is this the same stream where they were crying about doing JP golden week streams?
This thread reminds me why I love them so much. Look at all these ironic weebs filtered, all these fags who love trash taste and think Promise is the height of vtubing, all the Vshojo whore lovers, the homobeggars, the mythslop lovers, the nijisisters, the indiefags. All filtered by the true idol experience. They're as good as the top JP talents, that makes a LOT of people seethe but they're still the best vtubers in the EN sphere by a fucking mile and single handedly saved HoloEN from declining into irrelevancy after the homocollab arc.
You don’t even watch them
No (You) for you.
They weren't crying directly about Golden Week, but more that seeing their fans being obsessed with streams they weren't going to do much of in the future made them scared people would leave.
They're the only ENs I watch because they're that good. Normally you can't find anything half decent outside JP
I remember. The whole ordeal made me lose respect for them because they couldn’t commit to just doing it. I would’ve followed them either way because I loved them but they instead chose to coddle their bipolar paypigs who threaten to drop them every other day. It was just kind of pathetic to me
>every stream feels the same and they are too comitted to their kayfabe/acting to keep me invested
Remember all those "teletubbies with tits" comments? That's what their meaning actually was at its core. Fuwamoco are sticking themselves as a character with no room for development or story progression. Cookie Monster was never allowed to evolve his thinking. Tinkle Winkle or whatever the fuck those marijuana induced creations were called never could develop a personality. Those characters always stay the same so a dumbass kid can sit glued to the TV, not lose a beat, and grow out of watching them a year or two later.
All of this applies to Fuwamoco. Instead of using the character as a starting point, integrating it into their lives, and evolving through, well, living and doing actual things like all streamers do, the dogs completely detach the characters from reality so they have nowhere to grow.
Don't worry, that one retard will come in here and whine about how EN is full of whores who are just flesh streamers and how much better JP is while conveniently ignoring the fact that a lot of them also talk about personal life stuff frequently.
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I didn't. They are my oshi and I love them.
>he has more than one oshi
You're a whore, anon
These retards type like a seething woman
I seriously just have to wonder about people like this
FuwaMoco give out the strongest "we want to be Japanese" possible, yet it took this guy an entire year to catch on
meant for >>87634346
>Cookie Monster was never allowed to evolve his thinking.
Sesame Street has him eating salads now to set a better example for kids
Well done you're part of then too kek
They stopped playing retro games
Feeling called out?
There is nothing wrong with having more than 1 oshi, it's why kamioshi exist
they barely even play games
>There's nothing wrong with being a whore
Keep coping, whore
Ruffians have 3 oshis: Fuwawa, Mococo, and FUWAMOCO
They're a package deal, so there's a special carve out in the rules for them. They've said multiple times "you have three oshi: Fuwawa, Mococo, and FUWAMOCO"
So I have three kamioshi, which feels really weird to say like it's violating the definition of the word, but it works since they're them.
Nah not really just having a laugh at you though
They called all Ruffians whores to their faces like that? Wow.
I disagree completely.
t. Fluffian
basically this. It especially urks me when their diehard kayfabe fucks up the vibe in large collabs. They're fine solo or in small collabs, but stick out like a sore thumb when everyone has to forgo their usual interactions to accommodate for these two. Way too inflexible.
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don't forget their favorite
>/baubau/ is finally slow for once.
>Fags so used to constantly taking bait that when there is none, they have to run off to some catalogue thread to make and bite more bait
You guys really are funny.
Because I'm already pushing 30 and need women who are feisty.
So what you're saying is you want this crap in /baubau/?
I'd like to imagine they see an big catalog post about them and then cry themselves to sleep, maybe with some petting added.
Majority of the posts here are just explaining calmly why they no longer watch them and/or critique. Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't mean it's all dismissable "bait".
>Ruffians want their community to be a hugbox so bad
Go back to Discord.
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I dunno this one seems pretty feisty
This thread has been up for nearly 12 fucking retard
Also it’s been extremely civil until you monkeys show up being mad that we grew bored of them. Just fuck off you cry baby
i didnt, its a good day to love dog girls that bau every 5 seconds and be japanese
They don't play Good Games
Seethe harder homo
The majority of the comments are people discussing this grievances which is pretty shocking for a catalog thread.
Where's the bait? Because it's people giving negative criticism?
I still watch them when my go-to chuubas aren't on, just as I did b4.
This, if you're not a top ten paypig you essentially don't matter to them
Their kayfabe is too strong. I can't tell when they are being genuine and its spooky.
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>fuwamoco complain about a lack of sleep and their shitty diet
>say they don’t want to experience a burnout, but that something like that is inevitable with them taking on the amount of homework that they do
>ruffians advise them to take less homework, that their health should come first
>”no! we’re hungry puppies, ruffians!”
>mention wanting to find some type of balance
>try to say that they want to do as much as they can in a short amount of time while in the same breath assuring their fans that they’ll be a part of hololive for “many, many more years to come”
>complain either on stream or through tweets both on their fwmc and rm accounts (the latter of which tweeting about how having the opportunity to rest when they went back to canada to visit their parents made them “feel human again”)
>mococo has frequent migraines and they postpone streams as a result (never any japanese streams, though)
>ruffians, again, tell them to take it easy
>make this mengen post basically telling their fans “fuck off, we’re gonna do what we want to do”
I have no sympathy for them. Their burnout will be their own outdoing. Everyone warned them, senpai and fans alike.
I was a really huge fan until I actually got to speak with them ooc. The way 'Mococo' kept insisting that I come visit to hang out at different cons creeped me out.
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>not seething on cd btw
get some help
I watch their english streams
>b-but they have pero translations live translating in chat
LOL sorry but I'm not focusing on a chatbox the whole stream looking for wrenched messages. Make it convenient for me or don't expect me to watch
My complaints are only from being concerned about their health, and that's not the kind of thing that would make me stop watching them.
>boo hoo I can't groom them anymore
Anytime anyone makes it big there'll be tons of cases like yours, outside of vtubing too. They've shown since day one as FWMC what they want and now they're getting it. They've said they surprised themselves by streaming for 100 days straight and that FWMC morning is still going on. Their debut goals list barely mentioned streaming at all.
They never explicitly said it, but what I think happened is that they ended up liking vertical streams since they get more fresh faces asking "who are these catgirls making cute noises" for them to introduce themselves to.
They mentioned applying to JP as well as EN (along with together and separate), so that should tell you that they've always wanted to do JP content. I wouldn't be surprised if they went 50% JP 50% EN, and I'd be glad for them despite being an EOP, since that's what they want. I don't think they'd go 50-50 though considering the stuff they've said about how comfortable they are with each language and what the content in each language means to them (for example they recently said in Japanese something like "we want you to think of us when you hear 'HoloEN'", I think during their marshmallow collab with Patra)
Yeah. Criticism. Maybe face it instead of hiding around your little hugbox yeah?
On one hand I'm with you, on the other hand knowing their background I can understand why they want to strike while the iron is hot.
el silencio de las Fuwamoco...
I'm not sure if it was in BP2 but it was in a mengen where they said homework can mean anything even non cover related stuff.
My post was meant to say that the kind of people who hang out there WANT to feel attacked personally, so they can fight you and straw-man everything. Most of the posts in this thread are just personal critiques and never really attack FWMC directly, but Ruffians are somehow worse than KFP and want to constantly fight.
Them not fulfilling your cuck fantasies isn't valid criticism
Makes me wonder what all the sisters in here would be doing right now if El Silencio never happened. Maybe it was kind of their fault for making so many mentally ill people.
You must be really into NTR if you casually project your fantasies onto a stranger like me.
Yeah they aren't getting any younger, but I think they've do so much already that the momentum will keep the iron from cooling for a long time. Hell, going as hard as they are and have been will make their bodies age even faster.
please get help instead of spamming the same nonsense you think is critisim for almost.. what a year? You and the same people who do it are not sane... You can't keep blaming "Ruffians" for this.
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Not watching stream as always
>Straw-manning immediately again
Yep, no one can stop enjoying something if they've liked it for a while.
>he's literally too retarded to know how to use Holodex/related plugins
I've long since stopped watching the dogs, but "I'm actually just a tech retard" is a terrible reason to drop them KEK
Wow Ken-Sama you are so truly cultured in the ways of Nihon, how can i be like you?
what part about make it convenient for me or I'm not watch didn't you get dumbass? I'm not using your gay ass plugins
That's kinda the problem, they worked hard all their life for their dreams and now when they see the golden goose they pack it on their balls and run with it like there is no tomorrow.
I don't want her to talk to me like a child anon. You don't understand!
I think they said it in a recent members stream too
The day they drop their kayfabe is the day I will come back to watch them.
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I'm sure you can make an exception
Hmm... You make a good bargain.
>what part about make it convenient for me or I'm not watch didn't you get dumbass?
Literally everything I just wrote, you retard. So not only can you not use a computer, you can't read either. All the tools are right there, it's not the dogs' fault you refuse to use them.
>do work related things that make it harder to recover
I think they're retarded...
Started with me skipping FWMC morning since it's just the same thing, then I just stopped entirely after Justice debuted. I didn't like the aggressive numberfagging
>let me keep using the same buzz words to convince i'm not seething
keep going, add another one of this threads to the achieve. see you around for the few hundreds.
Are you dumb? They are committed to projects they've signed up for already and have basically trapped themselves in a corner so that at any moment if something goes wrong, they are now behind on something that has any number of people waiting for a product from them. That's why they have to constantly push themselves, because they take gobs of homework and leave no real wiggle room for themselves.
Shill her to me
Wait are you for real?
I went back to listening to non-chuuba ASMR and that's it.
Almost zero drama and retards too.
Sounds like retard behavior to me, especially if they were already overwhelmed prior to taking on said work.
Take care of your health if you know you are commited to projects months and weeks beforehand. It's not magic.
I'm not saying it isn't stupid to do that, just that that member post in specific is a result of 'hungry puppies' bullshit, not that they need to keep doing the work they signed up for.
It's really just there's no point in keeping up with them. They're so fixated on their kayfabe that they'll severely limit the topics they're talking about, they don't seem to be developing relationships with anyone, they're woefully bad at games, and, despite the boasting, their idol performances are also pretty meh.
Their Japan move leading to them getting less connected with their fans and getting stale feels like the mirror of how Kiara got closer to KFP and found her niche when she moved back to Austria. I wish they could go through the growth she did
Why not just Patra then?
Why did it go in opposite directions? And why can't they go through the same growth?
What do they limit? They aren't Kiara, but there are definitely holomem that talk less than them.
And their idol performances are something they are working hard on, not something they "boast" are perfect.
NTA but I really wish people would stop encouraging this behavior.
Half the replies are "UOOOWAAAH SO STRONG! YOU TWO ARE REALLY STRONG! KEEP IT UP!" not realizing the glaring red flags.
Any decent workplace would tell you to stop fucking working if you're sick. What annoys me is that their senpai have told them multiple times to slow down and relax. They won't stop until a manager or someone with some power tells them to calm the fuck down. It's worrying.
Don't worry about vtubers who aren't for you. Those that aren't, just don't watch them. Those that are, just watch them. You create a lot of needless stress on yourself if you always focus on trying to make everything in any arena (vtubers, games, movies, etc) something you have to like.
Holy seethe.
>What do they limit?
They don't talk about stories with acquaintances or IRL friends, for example, or just even everyday minutiae. Another thing is that because they're so hellbent on their kayfabe, they never initiate talking points, rather they just react to the game/each other in character. I prefer streamers that can make conversations happen and bring a new topic into their content whenever the need arises.
>not something they "boast" are perfect
I never said that they're the ones boasting, but I've heard way more promising things on the grapevine. Compared to that, what I've seen at Breaking Dimensions was almost giving me 'Pekora at 1st Fes' flashbacks, like they were two complete amateurs.
What annoys me is that you aren't even allowed to complain or give criticism to them or people will go
When in reality, there are legitimate reasons and ex fan/member of theirs might have gotten bored and moved on from them. Even in this thread, while there are shitposters as there is in every /vt/ thread, there are quite a lot of reasonable genuine posts that are all lumped in with the shitposts as le epic nijiseethe cope posting.
They have Koyori as senpai who can match their age, expierence and homework. Someone is doing something wrong.
Yeah it's pretty brutal, we can't ever have an actual discussion in /baubau/ about the elephant in the room without this happening so this thread was nice to just vent a bit despite the hugbox yesmen showing up anyway.
I've been watching FWMC since the beginning but I never go to /baubau/, ruffians there are legitimately brain dead
They actually talk way more than streamers who know how to do that. What's worse is that if the baseline is full of chatter then they feel the need to one-up that whenever things actually happen, which escalates into them screaming and overreacting over random meaningless stuff. There's a striking difference between girls that banshee scream at trivial things like near-collisions
and ones that play it cool
or that look right past the collision to make fun of another holo's piece of shit car
Aggressive reactions can drive additional engagement, but I think it comes at the cost of watchability. Granted, Fuwamoco aren't nearly as experienced as Taso or Miko in streaming nor GTA, so this isn't really an evaluation of them as streamers so much as it is a comparison between viewer experiences.

I can agree with that sentiment. I think the main role of collabs is to enable emergent content to attract interest. They also make it easy for viewers to shuffle around in the hololive ecosystem if they're brought in by a streamer but aren't that attached to said streamer. However, long-term streaming is all about building rapport with the audience, which too much collab can get in the way of.
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I shitpost because it's the only thing i can do. They put out 2525 memes, they put out retro games, they put out old songs but in the end they are horror slop and, let's be real teletubbies morning show. I put my eggs in the wrong basket.
Yeah I suggest you stay out if you can believe me the threads are really bad even on "good" days.
Half of us in /baubau/ are OK but the other half is just a mixed bag of shitposters, schizos and legitimate mental cases.
The hate that gets spewed against them would make anyone defensive. You also can’t post criticism without an anti twisting your words or saying “and that’s why they should cancel all PT streams and only a stream in JST”.
>I put my eggs in the wrong basket.
Not him but I feel the same way, I should have left when things got bad during the move instead of listening to everyone saying it will get better.
No need, just stop cancelling streams and make more EN-friendly content.
you probably made this thread to shitpost but ended up getting genuine answers. how do you feel?
are they even streaming right now?
weekly forced Advent collab in about an hour why are you asking?
Yep, well said.
well, how can we watch them if we're not streaming? what was the point of this thread? is bvtm booty blasted over something? there's also a ton of twisty threads popping up. seasters in overdrive? what's going on? Elira's birthday didn't do so well?
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go back to /baubau/
lmao enjoy Mococo destroying her throat for JP streams cuckian. I'll continue to ignore the existence of jp streams until they get the hint that they don't do good numbers and managers quit pushing them
Never. I'll support them forever.
dont have too be from there to see you're crazy seething, mate
Type slower, retardchama. It's one button press on Holodex. No account, no download, literally one single button press, but you're too stupid to even understand how to do that.
>hate men
>"Where did all the men go?"
i used to make fun of election fags, but now i realize they are the new oldfags. i dont really know what to call you 2020fags anymore.
Never stopped
I actually stop watching biboo, now I watch shiori instead when FWMC isn't on
because you stupid idiots abandoned your fans, and I'm not going to support backstabbers. I would have followed those dogs forever, spending on every piece of merch, SCing, lifelong member, all they had to do was keep their word and protect our smiles. Not use us as a stepping stone to protect fucking JP smiles.
Yeah maybe its time to cut my losses too. I went into the Advent debut period full of excitement because of the long wait after Council. Got Day 1 memberships for FWMC, Nerissa, and Shiori. Dropped Nerissa 2 months in, and after a few months Bijou has risen to become my favorite in the group with Shiori trending up for me. Funny how my opinion on Advent has gone a full 180 one year later.
there's literally 100s of EN twitch thots for you to choose from in that case
>why did you stop watching
They're never going to fuck you, bro. You don't have to defend your cartoon mascots this hard in a catalog thread.
I just cut heavily
the vibe doesn't feel the same it doesn't feel as comfy as it used to. I had never been invested in a vtuber this much, actually i had never been invested this much into pretty much anything.
That first year was so magical to me so it makes me sad that i have grown more and more detached from them.
The moving from the north west passage to japan was rough and i never recovered from it.
Never cared about JP content and still dont care and i will not watch them, them doing more of them just means more streams i'm going to skippa skippa.
It is what it is, i guess.
THEY LEFT (for Japan)
they stopped protecting my smile
The nodoka incident happened then they ramped up the JP streams, neglected the EN content by chasing after subs then the collab train happened. I was hoping for some chill time after BD but it never materialized so I gave up.
>The nodoka incident
I still shake my head what were they thinking
I knew it was over when they announced the Japan move. That was a HUGE red flag.
Eh you forgot to read the fine print: “(applies only to Japanese viewers)” What else do you expect from a couple of eggroll chasers?
I don’t speak Japanese
I never started, but there were archives linked ITT so I tried watching, and 5 seconds in I realized they're not for me at all
How can anyone stand that fake cutesy high pitched speech? You can meme about Gura's stream hours all you want but her cute voice isn't grating at all, and so are a handful of JP holos
I'm gonna get flamed for this, but it's the same reason why I couldn't watch Luna, Mikochi and Biboo's streams
>3 years ago
Fuck off, Advent isn't that old...
I'm not old...
That's completely fair, voice is one of the most important thing for chuubas so if you dislike it, it's game over. I'm also a moe voice hater, if you want the best/worst example check out Kuromu from VSPO. Absolutely unwatchable even if she had 10/10 content
Just admit you don't actually like vtubers and idols at all.
>Fuwamoco stream
>gura doesnt
Are you starting to see the pattern here retard?
What fucking vtubers and idols do you follow? Not everyone's like that at all
Mococo is fucking great. I wish she had a seperate channel
I still watch, bau bau
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I was very hurt when, after receiving so much kindness from the Director, they didn't go down along side him during the wedding.
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I watched them too much in year one, now everything they do feels the same. I can predict their words before they even say them.
That, and watching gaming streams where the player sucks and isn't even funny about it make me more angry than humored at this point.
Sorry FWMC I don't hate you but your ChatGPT models have more depth than you do.
hello gameplay schizo
Is that a thread celebrity or something?
Gameplay is on the lower end of my gripes with them, it's just worth mentioning an hour of failure and bau bau gets old when it's every game.
there was a dude getting angry at them during their Metal gear solid stream.
I didn't catch that, but their MG streams were in the upper echelon as far as gameplay goes. At least it was funny.
Women over 30 acting like that are the hottest especially in bed
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Bau Bau voices/personality didn’t go down a notch way after debut. At somepoint it just became repetitive and predictable.
I think a full half of their EN content is FWMC morning and SC readings. Kinda gets old.
Those first five months were something special. The final Cookie and Cream stream where they went bonkers and Advent hopped in to help them solve those awful slide puzzles with the power of friendship was peak for me. I don't resent them or anything, but I stopped watching regularly sometime at the beginning of this year when it became clear their focus was strictly on growing numbers. The magic was gone, the streaming variety suffered, a lot of the fans suffered, and I'm pretty sure they suffered a lot, too. The bungled Japan move didn't help, but I wanted them to move there because that was a big dream of theirs.
Watched some of their travel agency streams and they also put on a voice then but their personalities were so much more real while still being relatively keyfabe. The perfect balance. HoloEN’s demon gaurd lore unironically debuffs them so much
Idol excuse is dumb since hololive is a idol company. If you watch any talent you are getting idol experience. And as a cgdct supporter. 90% of the girls have not acknowledged the homos. FWMC are not special in that regard. 3rdly, girls for the most part keep it pg13 unless yuribaiting. That’s incomparable to the world outside the holobubble. All in all poor bait get better
Why? you are entitled to feel that way, in fact that was a pretty normal statement

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