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>Vods Channel:

>Clips Channel:
sea thread leave while you can
live mouthwashing
oh boy
started 10 minutes late again. can't be mad since he's consistent with it for the most part
Someone please tell him to use slow mode
does he know how?
finally he activated slow mode… there’s just so many people kekw
Well he has done it now.
>my mom is 3rd

thank you riggers for giving him a crying toggle, hes such a loser
He set the longest timer for the slow mode but the chat is still so fast.
I love when he's flustered, it makes me want to make him cry. is this the so called cute aggression
slow mode is so good. the spam was getting annoying
Whats the twitch term for greynames, whatever it is, annihilate some
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subs vs nonsubs(derogatory)
Slut im putting pills in that mouth
Nonsubs get the rope then!
put cum on his face
genuinely hoping he likes mouthwashing
he keeps stuttering thats so cute
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his model rigging is so good
Pagpag thread
>drops from 1.1k to 1.5k
Looks like the bots stopped working.
mata and kuro are doing mario party some went there
Don't be jealous anon
seeing how his eyes dart around is so interesting
mouthwashing? more like hawk tuashing.
based j.co is OVERRATED
krispy kreme supremacy is where its at
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Cope. He will be a 3 view soon. Mouthwashing is an extremely popular game but he's still dropping.
krispy kreme cookies and cream and glazed donuts fuck hard
A good talk... kind of like, a good talk tuah
argh I can't save the video frame on twitch... curses
>hopes characters don't die
he's going to pin himself oh my fucking god
erm thats half the threads on this board
There are some fucked up things in the game.
yeah it's good
whats his next stream
Tomorrow, same time.
tomorrow, he’s playing love and deepspace, same time.
I can sense it he almost said something again
wtf this monster scaring the shit out of me
he's so cute
>already 1k
Debut buff wearing off yippeeee
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the knife is.. a bit too perfect for the situation
his shock was so good I love this model
I don't think he really understands what Jimmy really did to Anya.
he hates Jimmy so that's a plus
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Yup. the knife...
this game got me mindfucked man
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holy shit the background
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His neck is sore because of me, sorry guys
I'm glad he's playing this game as an experience and not as a jumpscare farm
This is so overwhelming, ho Why is he on fire!?
this is all in Jimmy's mind so he's imagining curly on fire which matches with his full body burn
Yeah he's not playing up his reactions.
bro totally didn't get the anya thing
>twisty slip
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Oh yeah what was with the horse
Tbf a lot of people didn't get that.
He didn't get that jimmy raped anya
he's a little stupid but he's trying
he's analyzing the hell out of some stuff and completely blanking on the actual bits...
He's getting parasocial...
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thank you for today, kyrio! otsu!
hmm. kyriotsu? good enough for now
no... his pixels... give them back
I'm a bit confused about him talking about saving up for vacuum. Is he really that poor or was it just a bit?
really good vacuums can get a bit pricey
Man I don't like the name cultlings. Just a bit weird.
kyryptids? literally anything else there were other choices...
Well there was Kyimeras. Easy on the tongue, somewhat edgy but not too far down the line.
I still believe in cifers
im pretty sure its just a temporary name we haven’t officially decided on it yet, he did say at the end of the week we will finally decide
can sicklings be copyright? do you think he'll pull a dragoon?
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peropero olive tan peropero
oooo we’ve been getting kyriocifer dedicated clippers recently, here’s one of them
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this aint niji you aint gonna be getting 100k clips anymore i hope you like rice
eh its fine
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