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Hoshimachi Suisei Thread

>Latest songs
ムーンライト / Moon Light
W●RK (Cover)

>Youtube Channel + Playlists (Original MVs, Covers, Collab songs, Etc.)
https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati - https://twitter.com/suisei_submati
https://pastebin.com/Jp67bL4F (Twitter music-related uploads)

Buy/stream the album
Shout in Crisis Blu-ray
Vinyl https://cover.lnk.to/Specter_LP

>Still Still Stellar
Buy the album
Stellar Stellar (The First Take Ver.)
Stellar into the Galaxy Blu-ray
Vinyl https://merch-matome.com/still-still-stellar-lp/

>Midnight Grand Orchestra
Buy/Stream the albums

>Upcoming Events
[11.14 / 12.10 / 12.28] Hoshimachi Suisei Live Tour 2024 - Spectra of Nova

Suisei x KAF Interview
Now on Space (VILLS Ver.)
scrap & build ! (Shiraken's 1st EP)

>Music Space & NHK Radio (requires a VPN)
NHK Radio Archives / ぶいあーる: https://pastebin.com/Q8tBPxLK

For any questions you may have and older threads, check the FAQ:

Previous thread: >>87479471
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Suityan my beloved
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orenji SEX.
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We love Suityan~!
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Are the feelings directed towards Suityan here more collective or individual in nature?
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BBDB 7M to 100M
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>opposite of sexy
Tenri singing Newton rn
Looks like she sung Wii wii and template too
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bless you suityan
fuck elon
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New TOS starting in 30 days basically forces you to give free authorization of the media you upload to the site to be used as a tool for generating aislop.

So yeah, this'll effectively become the Tumblr artists exodus 2.0 if that faggot doesn't take a step back. Not like it matters since twitter has gone to shit already.
OH, that's why of the artists' exodus.
The autistic cunt is also disabling blocks, so all the hidden posts coming from users you blocked before will pop up in your feed wether you like it or not. It's fucked up.
There's also the blocking update, it'll no longer work so all the porn artists who blocked holos (so they can't see their art) will now be visible to the holos they blocked
Rip Suilewds
ok, I saw that pop up, but I didn't think of the implications.
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Oh really? Nvm what I said last thread then, time to make a bluesky account
Will artists actually stop posting on Twitter though? It’s only gonna work if people actually stop
Depends on how much engagement/attention they'll get on blusky
Just to be clear, the dance for moon light is absurdly cute.
I can't wait for holos to make official holoplus accounts. Although, they wouldn't have the tourist reach like they do on Twitter...
They don't have accounts there yet? I would've thought they'd have them since the app started.
Anon Holoplus is rudimentary as hell. You can’t even search stuff up. Just an endless feed of Hololive fans
I just go where sui goes.
seems like a pretty efficient policy tbqh.
Holoplus is 100% going to be a JP exclusive social media site after the shitshow of the global release though.
it's been two months since then, as of now, it hasn't happened again, and they are available in the global playstore too.
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Not my maid cosplay
I fucking love this comet
I love fucking this comet
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Call me Suisexual, 'cause I freaking love comets.
Nobody cares about Twitter or bluesky. Shut the fuck up retards.
a lot of people care about it, actually. but also quit being a little bitch and deliberately reviving a topic you don't like.
An unrelated Suisei topic gets more posts than when she's actually streaming.
Say's it all really.
>shut up about thing that I don't like 4 hours after the last person talked about it just to complain
You're the worst poster in this thread.
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Who hurt you?
why are you guys replying to obvious bait lol
the moonlightschizo is trying another angle
and it's very relevant to suityan >>87617296
if the block changes go through, suityan will start seeing porn of herself on her timeline (because twitter is a piece of shit network who insists on showing stuff from people you're not following on your >>>>following tab)
plus the subject died hours ago
It's not relevant at all, just like the jiggies you shitposting vermin.
Go shit up your whore of a mother's bed instead of this thread.
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he got exposed beautifully lmao
just report
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The jigs contains pics of Suicyan, therefore they are sui related, kid.
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>Say's it all really.
yeah, most people here don't speak Japanese, and simply cost along.
He's having a melty, trying to post doxx lol
They really stick out like a sore thumb, I dunno who he thinks he's fooling
Anyway I'm not acknowledging it anymore, waste of time for everyone
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Yep, discussions about current streams or new songs die so quickly here. Trying to have any sort of conversation about Moonlight or Work is like pulling teeth. The retards here don't actually care about her, they just like the idea of her being their oshi.
I like to think this a hoshiyomi with anger management issues and autism who doesn't know how to express himself calmly.
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if that's so, I wonder what kind of bizarro suithread he's browsing.
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He's the same faggot from /jp/ that comes occasionally to shit the thread. His modus operandi is too obvious already
samefagging himself to death, poor thing lmao
i'd laugh my ass off if he got the kind of ban that wipes all posts
yeah he's very obvious
i don't know how anons still can't identify him on sight, maybe i'm too used to our anons
nah it's a numberfag desperate for attention... wait that's all numberfags
Work has caught up to moonlight already it seems
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We’ve always had one or two of those. The recent shitter just tries anything to start shit. Kind of how he’s spamming the mem wallpapers now
I'm so confused, what exactly is happening here?
So it would seem. I wonder if it will have legs though.
Nothing, thread was chill until (((someone))) brought back a dead topic and then started very organically seething about the state of the thread out of nowhere.
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Would suityan benefit from making Shorts songs of a similar style to what Raden's been doing?
I'll just go back to lurking. I feel so out of the loop right now.
I don't see it personally
100% bait lol
I think any talent would benefit from that but the problem is it catching on.
Personally I don’t want Suityan to do those since they’re so low effort and repetitive just to capture a viral moment
Thread being raided by the jpschizo.
Just report and ignore.
Definitely, she's absurdly cute. The tiny sound tweets she posts sometimes live rent free in my mind.
Sound tweets... I almost said soundpost tweets... Weird.
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I'm trying to divert the topic over here you dork.
I mean, the last time someone did it (Chloe) it didn't work.
she should post plushie videos like the ones from the shiraken trip
i really like watching her play with plushies
>calling genuine posts/questions bait
That’s the schizo anon
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Marine was posting shorts of her and Ui playing with plushies a while ago and they were cute!
I really wanted SuiMari to have a plushie theater stream…
>this retard calling every post he doesn't like a schizo
its like a massive boomerang to himself and he doesn't realise it lol.
This place is doomed lol
The shitposter is now playing both sides to keep his threadshitting going by the way.
They'd be cute but has Suityan ever shown interest in doing that style? I don't think she needs to do things that she wouldn't normally want to do, those tiktok videos made by her indie friends were pretty weird.
Suityan should sing more Utada Hikaru songs
she should sing きっとね!
Agreed. I’ve been listening to her 1999 album “First Love” at work while daydreaming what Suityan sound like singing those old, almost R&B ballads
You guys think we're going to get a Hoshimatic Project original in time for the tour? Or at the very least a new cover?
>You guys think we're going to get a Hoshimatic Project original in time for the tour
stop smoking bad quality weed.
>Or at the very least a new cover?
that's more reasonable.
It’s gonna be hard to top the greatest group cover that’s ever existed
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It's been the top cover since release. An absolute monster.
>Suityan should sing more
I do. All guests at her concerts have sung an original so far. It feels like something she'd want to do to meet her standards.

No MV though.
New cover, maybe, what other vocaloid songs out there consists of many vocals so they could all fit evenly into each role?
Orisong? Next year most likely.
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I love Suisei, I have loved her for 4 years now

With Ame's graduation, I've come to the realization of how long yet how short 4 years may feel. I remember how Myth was what actually dropped me deep into the rabbit hole, though I had seen the infamous miko clip, as well as Korone playing Doom.
I remember Suisei quickly being one of the first to catch my attention, specially because of her unusual "holo but not holo"

I remember when GHOST came out and it became a favorite almost inmediately. But even more when I understood the lyrics, feeling unheard and unseen despite her work. It was also the first one that actually stood out as hers, as in her voice and style which she still has and I love

When Coco graduated with at least 70K viewers, right after her graduation finished, Suisei did a Karaoke as well, starting with GHOST. You could hear her pained voice, as it slightly cracked halfway through. But now it was hopeful, as Coco's graduation showed that there were many out there who actually cared about vtubers beyond a gimmick or their characters, but as persons. Coco especially bridged that JP/EN gap like no other had before, giving vtubing a much stronger traction overall. Now as a farewell, Suisei thanks Coco with the song which talks about that invisibility that was now thawing. She started making more covers, including one with Mori, she became really active.

Then, she releases her first album. The fruits of her unrelentless labor, through so many years, the reward for powering through until vtubers got big not only in Japan, but also the west. This is her dream achieved; her voice is now heard, she is now seen.

The First Take was the final victory, the antithesis to GHOST, from fighting tooth and nail to be heard and seen because she "only" is a vtuber, to now participating in a music channel as a peer to 3D singers. Not a transparent silhouette, not a cinderella waiting for her big chance, but a prince who fought to reach where she is right now.

She really has a special place in my heart. I genuinely admire her as a person.
Apologies for the blogpost, I just wanted to share my love for Suisei
Nope, new cover probably
It doesn't even have all members
same. I share your feelings.
What? She had almost 500k people watching her (491k)
I'll be honest with you, I completely made up the number in my mind. I remember a seventy something, might have been 470K what I saw. Can't surely tell rn. I have probably slept a total of 10 hours this week
Hochimachi Chuichei
go to bed mio
The forest shall regrow... soon.
I think Suityan got like 70k in the utawaku afterwards.
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That Pale Blue...
oh god don't remind me, that shit broke my fucking heart.
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Suijiggie in 90 minutes.
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for four fucking years i didn't jerk off to any chuuba
but then 535018 broke my streak
now i don't give a fuck, gimme recs to wring my nuts out with
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This one for this page alone
utter kino
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Dropping it a bit early.
400 pieces, mystery, edges on a separate pile, jukebox enabled.

>how to use the jukebox
Click the jingle button on the top left and type the song you want to add into the playlist, then press the blue button provided you managed to match the amount of pieces needed (starts with 6, increases with the amount of songs added)
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Finished in 24 minutes 30 seconds.
what's this? it's not on nhentai.
It's the doujin on his picrel, it's on ex and we talked about it last thread. Or the thread before, forgot.
I don't know which website is it but since it's not ex it's trash.
Doujin is great though (the other that was recommended is better)
I'm going to need a link or crosspost, because I only remember this one >>87644530
ah, that one. Completely understandable.
I'm sorry (or not?) that it happened, try to control yourself and not get corrupted by the lustful images. Unlike me...
hey wait a minute
God damn bsky filenames are fucking ugly man

Not everything looks good on Bluesky. https://x.com/BepDelta/status/1846948449658298447
That's funny because I'm looking at loli hentai literally right now.
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Yeah but at the same time they deserve it for posting AIslop.
In all seriousness though, I hate the idea of splitting the overall JP fanartist pool of twitter into Bsky and Misskey atm. It's gonna hurt everybody.
didn't that jap get banned for actual ai loli porn? not defending it but it wasn't because of that inoffensive image he posted there.
Apparently, they did post AI loli porn, but you can do that on Twitter nonchalantly, afaik.
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>Blue woman
It's just how things are meant to be.
kind of related, has Lamy ever talked about who her oshi is? because she seems a fan, saying things like "she's the first magnitude star of hololive" or her imagining a supposed voicepack from Suichan, and such.
Wamy's oshi? As you'd probably guess, it's Marine. Lamy does gush about Sui in the rare case where is the topic.
>Lamy does gush about Sui
Suityan tends to have that effect on women, yes.
yeah me
>yuna is back to translating her tweets
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Yeah, Suichan, it's not like I was expecting a stream anyway, I'm used to it already.
SuiMari? Tuki?
I don't think tuki is a holomen
since when is tuki a holo
That's what she want you to believe
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Suityan... Play the card game please
2nd ticket lottery ended in a bust. Last chance is general sales next Saturday.
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Lost on the first round but won A group tickets to Saitama and Osaka on the 2nd. Now the hard part, can I shift all my work around to make this work...is the merch gonna restock?
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmN7Fr_Kf-8
Who did sui hang out with
How are we supposed to know, no one said anything
Just wait until the other holo talks about it or for Suityan to stream
with Miko, Korone, Suba, Raden, Kanade, Hajime
how did you know
Yuna clip . Migo talked about some meal
That one is not from today's tweet
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would you eat the suicake
oh.. s-sorry.. I am dumbyomi, I'd better go before other yomis start shitting on me. I am embarrassed!
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I would eat all 5 of those in one sitting
hot. Make it 3d.
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>Blue Strawberry Shortcake
I'd rather not frankly enough, I prefer my desserts to not have the predominant taste of food dye.
i love colorful food so yes
>can I shift all my work around to make this work...is the merch gonna restock?
anonchama, you are supposed to do it the other way around. Do all the work and then buy the tickets.
>Holo Koshien
Will Sui participate?
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She will participate as a character on one of the teams
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sui doko
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on a date with some ID/EN member

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