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Big Edition

Old Thread: >>87528372

>Randon Neuring:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RandonNeuring
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/randon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Randonneuring
Unlisted VOD Archive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLusIngCXpffwTq9z0ic0mRC79ILfgH4Tf

>Caspurr Catacini:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CaspurrCatacini
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/caspurrvt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaspurrCatacini

>OP Template:

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Evening stream today
Randon — Today at 6:06 AM
>Evening stream for today, can someone pass along the info when it gets closer to 10am
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It's a nicely drawn model, but could use some tweaks to the rigging. It feels a little stiff in motion.
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im awake, and still reeling from that unexpected ASMR last night....i love my vaguely blowjob noise making red cat boss!
>vaguely blowjob noise making red cat boss
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i love my sexy singing red boss
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that brain cover made me wet
what will it take to convince randon and caspurr to create a bluesky account. if they did that I wouldn't need to be on that other shithole website anymore
Just ask them next time they're live
But even if Randon "makes" one he wont use it.
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hes totally PG-13 though,,,
the randon
thats fine. I just need it for notifications anyways.
Randon the orc
even if its members only i need more of the valorant e-daddy bit
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i want to hop in his mouth
Randon voring the Randonites
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things like this make wish he would draw more fun lil assets to use for streams
when he gets his official model itll probably happen more. the halloween one was cute
caspurr sandpaper tongue cunnilingus
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>Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/caspurrvt
Damn it, I keep forgetting to change that

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new clip
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Thats a good one!
FBI -> (_*_)
im very glad more people are starting to make clips for them. hope we can keep encouraging each other to make more for them.
always nice to see little moments again.
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i miss
Miss you too baby~
Ans miss U 3 ;p
【Membership】Badges and emote making stream
No spoilers!!
Hes singing
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We got him!
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1 down
1 more to go
must bully old man
i don't think he's autistically inclusive and stubborn enough like randon to do that
to do what?
someone suggested drawing members' profile pics
3 days left to pre-order
yeah, idk if he'll really want to do that more then once
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I think he regrets leaving the burrito
he wouldve gotten the shits
Just had some for lunch and already got to poop
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i thought hed have a lot less emote slots. proud of my sexy cute red cat boss!
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he's uncancelling the stream tomorrow but moving the time to 2-4 PM PT
Halloween stream!
Mage head
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Bisexual Smorgasbord!
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>new clip
You think if the orc makes to 40 he would have a midlife crisis and show his appearence in some esoteric social media account that he would no share?
why would he do that specifically?
he won’t, Randon is too paranoid for that
maybe he will go missing for few days to clear his mind and camp
like as a bit?
or is it just a reference to lex?
Idk most of his Friends do that already, Even though he Is not a Big social media guy i think it would be cool to know about his irl hobbies and aventures
the rest of his friends are still under non-compete by Cover and have limited options for making content on the side
We already know his irl hobbies. Biking, hiking, camping, gardening, drinking tea, collecting expensive teas, gaming, weebing and gooning. Leave that man alone in peace please
>or is it just a reference to lex?
tl;dr Lex talked about doing that exact thing
>show his appearence in some esoteric social media account that he would no share
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Sometimes i don't really believe he goons that much to begin with, i do believe he goons to the most vanilla stuff and he just jokes about harder stuff because in reality he finds them repulsive
this. orc doesnt need to post his face to talk about any of this. hes been doing it for years at this point without it
he's literally me
he's said he's not that much of a gooner off line, it's mostly played up for stream...
but he is definitely a gooner at heart tho
Randon fansly streams ToT
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I'm going to literally cry, I finally got it! ToT
is it sad that i believe you probably brought that on debut and JUST now did it deliver to your doorstep?
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but we get that for free every day
No, I didn't buy any of the debut merch at debut, I've been collecting it all second hand the past 2 years
but what if you get cooties?
the tall mug was the last thing I didn't have and the only other time I saw it for sale it was bundled with Altars birthday merch for well over $200
Randon with vibrator in his ass. Everytime we superchat, he moans like a whore and cums for us…
they said it was only on display and never used
I'm not going to drink from it, just keep it with the rest of the debut merch ^^
every superchat making it vibe in different patterns/intensities ToT
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orc telly
orc live
Now with pucker cam!
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>orc live
>pucker cam
Roll for anal circumference
At least 4 raccoons
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sometimes i miss when he had his limiter on
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it's fine, it's just a green circle again
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I do often miss when the degeneracy was a minor, understated punchline to the main personality being fairly balanced. Guess he’s in his clickbait era because it gets reactions from chat.
He saw Joker 2 and hated it
kind of >>87654223
but this was more of a silly bit that came to fruition and is kind of... cute?
fetish stream
Am I sleepy or Randon sounds different today?
He sounds normal to me, maybe a little quiet
He yawned a few times he sounds tired or woke up from a nap
Sleepy Randon <3
he wants to know how inappropriate it is to spank her butt in this situation.
NTR game...
Hes been SO QUIET up until now and hes screaming for his life KEK
I'm dead!
butthole meter is connected to his screams XD
Do not the dead body
He likes the towel
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>Make my fucking day
I voted orb
>And what's your name young lady? ;p
He dead

Good night /orc+/
his butt was so loose the meter slipped right out
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That was a fun spooky stream!
I give it a (__o__) out of 10
>Randon end of stream:
“Maybe I’ll do a membership stream tomorrow, or maybe I’ll do more RE7. I’m not sure.”

Schedule change: I’ll be doing a stream tomorrow (Friday) at 2pm PT | 5pm ET | 6am JST - a little earlier than our usual time. Gonna be doing some Halloween prep later that day.

See you early tomorrow for a double feature, /orc+/
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https://rentry.org/caspurremotes updated
New emotes & badges from today zipped: https://files.catbox.moe/5jqrs7.zip
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