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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>87581967
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Waiting some more (。﹏。*)
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby links and info: https://rentry.org/Doobyliur
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
so Ame was a rat-woman all along?
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Doob morning!
Have a doobday friends!
Have you seen her mom? She probably was, I wonder how did she hide her ears.
doob afternoon
Turns out Ame was controlled by a jerboa all along, ratatouille-style
I knew it
I don't like discord because every one I've seen ends up just being a back and forth of circlejerk then retarded drama.
I'll join for doob though. I really just hope it doesn't end up being a source of stress for her.
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Forgot the pic lol
She's going to pick mods, and they are going to power trip and have a feeling of superiority over the rest of her viewers, maybe even try to get one on one streams with her. This is how discord works.
i trust her judgement not to mod schizos. shes gonna employ brother and mama watson by forcing them to be her discord and chat mods
The only two things that matter are as follows:

The content of the discord remaining manageable as an announcement bot + stream discussion
Ame herself tardwrangling and not being overran by nimrods who will absolutely grift from here and amecord

It sucks that it's happening, but it's inevitable as every other website is taking a shit constantly. She's always been on edge about ospec, no reason to fuck it up now and get groomed, hacked or whatever
>>87622255 aren’t those syringes too big…
I pray she knows what she's doing and has a contingency plan
Dooby* Ame*? Whatever, she hasn't debuted yet technically, don't crucify me

>not to mod schizos
bro she didnt even trust them to help with the studio set up do you think she'll have them do it without them accidentally deleting the server
Point and laugh everybody
I'll be joining just for notifs, as that's easier than trusting YT/Twitch for those. Probably won't ever say a word except to suggest a game maybe.
I trust that hers won't end up like most servers do, but if it does then what can you do, that's just the nature of public discord servers.
I don't know what discords you guys have seen but the couple indie vtuber ones i joined are the most inoffensive milquetoast shit ever.
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hope for the best
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>gura: this is uh i guess our last one-on-one
>ame: for now
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
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I believe!
boogie man
Just like all the retards compare kson to her when there is not a single similarity and she is literally the worst example you can find, all the retards will also compare doobycord to the worst of the worst on discord because... yes.
People always expect the worst, and it is a fair assumption given how annoying Holocord faggots are.
I think assuming she'll be groomed or start loving server celebs more than normal members is completely unfounded and just pure baloney and you should treat those posts as just shitposters.
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Yeah I'm not to worried about her getting "groomed" like some are saying, she's to smart and opsec paranoid to have that happen.
As I said I'm more worried for her, running a discord is signing up to deal the retards. I'm not a fan of mod circlejerks, but I don't want her to have to do that alone.
Anyway it won't effect me much as I don't plan on interacting there, ill just be there for the notifications and maaaaybe post an art or two when practicing my art reps.
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Come join us: https://awat.420699.xyz/
It'll probably be fine. I'm just too old to want to spend time in any more glorified chatrooms.
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not really the indiecord itself that's the issue, it's the "people" you know are going to be openly joining. Regular indiecords haven't had 4 years of developed cancer like what others are referring to.
When you think about it, some of these channels could actually be reverse containment for the retards, and you'll never hear from them again, so I think it'll all pass
ok guys is it possible to convince her to play monhun wilds.
Bow got some strong upgrade, HBG/LBG are op.
I've seen both. I expect that this'll be fine but I don't blame people for being wary of discord on principle.
For whatever it's worth, the ones that are purely fan-run are obviously more prone to being shit, and this obviously isn't that.
you've uh got a chance now with the nu doobcord, have at it
Though many of us asking for it at the same time might become suspicious
she would be busy gawking at the "kyut" (stupid and ugly) monsters and mess up the fights
she will inevitably use an SOS flare for all the harder hunts and i will carry her
except I'll carry her with my GREAT, JUICY SWORD
I've never looked at any of the holocords desu, what's so shit about them if its alright to ask? My experience has only ever been a few small ones, none related to vtubers.
holocucks lost
Is it the 20th yet?
sweet summer newmate child, don't worry about it then
I wish
wouldnt be too suspicious since its a new game coming out
Monster hunter is a pretty popular franchise, why would that be weird.
the ones you really want to watch out for are the indie vtubers coming in the discord and trying to start their own circle jerk within the discord
amecord was/is/was among the worst at being full of retards schizos and being barely about Ame
it isn't worth a big tea spill though because it won't be happening with this one, she isn't gonna suffer their dumb shit
Ah, thanks for the answer!
I'm not new lol, I just never paid attention to any of the discords cause I was never interested.
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JWU, i hope she isn't actually abandoning twitter, its nice to have updates there and I'd prefer not to make a bluesky or whatever
As for discord not the biggest fan of it either but I trust her to run a tight ship and not have powermods or whatever. also the game recs part is cool and It looks it she;ll post kyut stuff in there too.
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well to put simply, think of it as the most sleazy urbanite garbage town you've ever lived in >>87623996

Overcrowded cesspool of leddit / xitter lite NPCs forming impenetrable circlejerks in glorified chatrooms only NEETs have time to keep up with. Topped off with ugly power-tripping mods who have run the server into the ground since 2020. The only silver lining to their presence has been some of the fan projects they've done over the years, but even that doesn't cover up all the damage they've done with their plaguing influence (backread archives if you're really curious)

Like the other anon said, it's not worth the spill unless something genuinely terrible happens, so I'll shut up and go back to posting my wife
Stop trying to leech off Holo doobyfags. Make another thread for your twitch indie.
my personal rrat on her making the discord is that she thinks fancords are cringe af and by forcing them onto the "official" one she's making sure they don't fuck around
remember, every mod is a boyfriend. its going to be me
no one is abandoning twitter, just ignore it like last time (when elon took over)
I sure hope she isn't naive enough to believe in this working
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Thanks for the answer, and yeah I'm don't want the thread to devolve into just posting about that so I'll leave the topic too.
Have a cute Ame!
Already applied to be a discord mod, wish me luck boys
Oh I just noticed the "comfy posts" channel. I'll gladly take the doobcord if it means she's gonna post random stuff she likes, like she used to in members.
Also, does anyone know what the Japanese channel says, the one with the flower?
bro your kana reps...
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Thank you!
Thank you too!
I can barely even do English writing, and am not esl. I've never tried learning any japanese writing before, despite being a weeb most my life
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i have been using this platform a long time than i care to admit, even before it had a desktop application. and from experience, any discord server that reaches a certain amount of people will ALWAYS have an impending drama happen to it. specially if it has a very active voice channel. every server will have one. oh you joined a small to medium sized discord server and expecting it to be free from it? too bad! you are now caught in a drama you couldn't care less! What? one of the mods were grooming a minor in chat? what do you mean one of the active members in chat is actually larping as a woman by taking pictures from her instagram? oh now you got banned from the server because you posted a picture compilation of zeta's thighs, EVEN though everyone is posting individual pictures of it. i fucking hate discord. use it for game comms, posting memes and porn. anything more than that is a waste of time.
where are the new mods?
It's just something she wants. There's an old stream where Ame mentioned asking management about having a discord but it obviously couldn't be done (or maybe she didn't ask them? I don't recall, but the subject came up).
>now micromanaging her own twitch/yt/twitter/discord
training arc?
I also like how she said she wants to keep it simple and minimal. I hate when discords have a billion different channels. If it ends up staying about that size that would be nice.
Just so you guys know, she can stream to discord using OBS, and will probably do that for exclusive streams. To members? To people who have subs on twitch? To her mods only? Who knows, but she can do it.
Seems like she trusts the current 3 she has
also silvervale is there
and matunda who might be a dummy account since they joined in 2022 and have 1 follower on twtich
I'll kneel if she just doesn't get any mods and just banhammers alone
If you know you know :)
What's the point of this post?
She could DM me too. Will she do it? Who knows, but she can do it.
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so are we Kappas or do we mount them?
Or just multistream. discord exclusive streams sound weird
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>she could DM me too
Sorry, she'll only DM me, cause we're married.
how did you get this screenshot?
where's the channel invite link?
So what time is the debut?
if shes abandoning twitter shes probably gonna move to bluesky like most sensible people.
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>google what a kappa is
>pic is one of the 1st results
It seems we are still retarded green reptiles, I can live with that
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Femmates look like this now
ill wait for the hypersexualized version from skaarl before saying my opinion
She mentioned the discord being a "backup"
I don't mind this...
Why, just prove you have membership or are subbed on twitch and you get a special role, that role gives you access to a hidden voice channel where she streams a combined members stream instead of needing to choose one platform.
I hate Discord mods so much.
Cockriders who are 99% of the time Antifa spergs who get extremely upset about every single message and start abusing their power to pick on others they don't like.
matunda was added just for her one off twitch stream from 11/14/2022:

people were pretty doomer about it back then but she lasted another 2 years: https://warosu.org/vt/thread/37090466
still likely a throwaway since they never showed up again
Not only that but it would be easy to set up a bot to do that, just slip into the chat api for each, set up an emote password each month, the bot can parse people who are putting the emotes in and their username, just share the same username between the platform and discord and a bot could automatically give the person with the same username the special role, and then at the end of each month just remove that role from everyone and make a new emote password.
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I'm going to fuck this lizard
>google what a kappa is
where do you people come from?
What? I've been here for years. Just never knew what one really was.
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I am a KappaRider iykwim
I wonder if Doob knows just how many people are going to flock to that Discord now that she's revealed it.
All in all, she's still a Holo talent, a celebrity in the vtuber world. I remember people practically stumbling over themselves at the meet and greets for a chance to meet Ame.
This is sort like that but without the time limits kek. Hopefully she has a good group helping her out with all this stuff.
If you know who it is you know who it is :)
On one hand being an animal vtuber of all things is kind of a nice twist. On the other hand did she really give up everything for it? Maybe her retirement is secure so it's a non issue.
Where's doobys page on the cover website
/vt/'s not a glorified chatroom?
>greets for a chance to meet Ame
that would be a good way to self-report and get nuked forever, I dont see the problem

a lot of dead time before a fresh set of vods
I don't want any more chatrooms.
yeah. ame
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Nope, it's not her
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true, it's dooby
If you remember she genuinely thought discord one-on-ones were a good idea for a charity goal and it wouldn't be toooo bad
And she moderated bubbabot by herself instead of getting her manager
It's more than possible she's planning to have zero mods aside from herself
And there it is, I'm out. I've seen how it goes when vtubers are on a discord with their mods and top groomers. Every single time without fail it's shit. I'm sorry Ame.
Bye taleammmmmmmmmate

ok teammmmate
see you next week
Phone why....
I think it's a bad idea personally, but I will trust Muad'Dib
But Paul got billions killed…
Yeah, the only reason this kind of bothers me is just having to keep up with more shit to see all her posts.
Apuli malaka senmondi
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Sounds like a fun situation
I wish all of you luck in grabbing one of the groomer spots
Kappas are just salamanders
most discords have a feature where they can aggregate tweets, Instagram posts, other social medias etc into one channel/thread.
It'll be fine as long as it's primarily used for information, updates and streaming content and not as a social hangout spot. The channels she showed so far looks like the former so it'll be safe.
You missed. I've been there since the start. I hate discord but even more so when vtubers themselves are on it together with fans.
It has never ever gone well.
And yes I'm on a phone right now cause I'm literally in a hotel.
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I’m already two steps ahead
Just don't let her join a fan run server. Those are cancer
>not trusting her judgement
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I put in my mod application a week ago, get fucked
You motherfucker…
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I'm already a mod slowpoke
Bye, enjoy your life bro
At least give it a chance.
>4 years old member
>doesn't trust her oshi
Were you even watching her this whole time?
And I know you're not going anywhere. People saying how they are leaving never do
>most discords have a feature where they can aggregate tweets, Instagram posts, other social medias etc into one channel/thread.
To be clear, this is not a discord feature. This is achieved by a bot/collection of bots. It's not hard to setup, but I'm not sure if she'll bother with paying for and/or setting up the necessary bots.
She doesn't represent Hololive anymore.
I don't even want her to do this whole thing instead of just being a holo to begin with.
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son of a bitch....
Whatever you say teammmmmmate
I'm gonna rp as a little dumb girl and Ame is gonna groom me
It’s going to be so full of leeches
Not the way to go. She is obviously gonna groom two guys into sleeping together so she can watch
I genuinely will never understand why everyone /here/ hates discord. Is it because you got banned for saying slurs and that made you upset? Maybe it's just an EN talent thing. I only post on JP focused servers. Completely normal.
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tourists are waking up
read the thread touristchama
am I memory holding the fair down there or is that just OC?
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>she left because she wanted a discord
I did, retard. Explain to me how literally every single thing being complained about isn't just some boogeyman in your head.
im never joining a public discord.
We have only seen it go bad with girls being on one server with potential slimy groomers countless times
no you didn't. Otherwise, you'd see the juxtaposition of potential issues vs. the speculation of what'll probably actually happen. No one's doomposting except falseflaggers and shitposters, actual teamates are just raising potential concerns
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Looks like Rosalina to me
Newsflash, that's not the fault of discord, that's the fault of your dogshit indie letting themselves get groomed rather than just run their shit with an iron fist.
Everyone who is an actual teamate hates discord, it's so easy to see how overrun this place is with tourists
undue stress for no reason. discord doesnt add anything except pain and extra work to creators, especially if they run it themselves.
>raising potential concerns
Once again, all boogeymen. Just get competent mods. That's literally all it takes.
kill yourself
I think her handling of her family and Cover is sufficient to trust that she's headstrong enough to not get manipulated. That said, I still think Discord stinks.
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true, the neck area had me a bit confused
>undue stress for no reason. discord doesnt add anything except pain and extra work to creators, especially if they run it themselves.
You talk like someone who closes chat, never replies to their oshi's tweets, etc. It's an outlet to interact with your fans. It's not hard to moderate, and if you don't want to/can't gather a and trusted team, it's still an amazing way to gather people for notifications/updates, as every other platform is dogshit for those.
>gather a and trusted team
mask slipped groomer
You’re weirdly passionate about loving discord anon, do you hang out in all the furfag cub discords trying to groom chikdren?
with twitter the metting place is the tweet. with discord the meeting place is omnipresent. people sit together all day and talk to eachother. this is not a good thing.
>Dooby appointing mods she trusts is actually LE GROOMING
It's called a typo, you autist. I'm sorry she's not going to let you call other users slurs on her discord anon. If she allows users to chat with each other, there will be mods. Just wait until you find out that Ame's chat had mods too.
>competent mods
No mod is competent, neutral and detached enough not to cause some mess, if the discord is big enough
>Dooby appointing mods she trusts is actually LE GROOMING
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I think these girls might be dumb
Mentally retarded
horsie is cute though
puzzygawd please save me from this thread
>Ame's chat had mods too.
stream chat is completely different from discord 24/7 open forum. stop being disingenuous.
>he says, posting on /vt/
try thinking
Moderation is moderation, retard. No different from the jannies who sit in here all day as well.
>can't even see why he's retarded
You're a lost cause
Stream chat is extremely transient, any negative things quickly wash away. Freechat is more cancerous, but it's quite transient also and generally doesn't have too many eyes. Discord is the cancer of freechat with 10x more festering, with unending logs and potentially any moment thousands sets of eyes could catch some topic and start arguing about it.
>closed system discussion board with no official ties and a unspoken rule of never breaking containment
>official fanclub with direct interaction with the streamer
Hired 3rd party corporate moderators are not the same as individuals chosen tk moderate a discord server by an indie, or her chat for that matter.
Someone causes a problem, they get banned. Sounds simple enough
What if the mods are the problem
>he gave up
thanks. i win and you lose. i am smarter than you.
Then Ame removes the mod
Ame is a bleeding heart, she won't do that if she's gaslit, or if the faggot has some sob story
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Can you fags stop arguing. All I wanna do is love my Ame urchin in complete silence
Are you just falseflagging or an unironic discord mod? Based on the fact that you seem to assume people don't like discord because they can't say slurs in there, it's 50/50 whether you're one or the other. Because that is not the issue at all. The cancer of discord is the development of social cliques, mob rule, opinionated mods who do much more than just ban slurs.
Who decides that? What is a problem? An argument, or a fervent discussion, doesn't typically have a single reason.
How much does Ame have to follow all the chats to make an educated decision on that? That's the issue, it's just a drain on her to manage a discord with thousands of members.
the real discussion about this ended hours ago, everything pas this post is pointless squabbling or shit stirrers. We may have some turbulence leading up to debut, stay strong, don't bite bait (unless it's to laugh at idiots), keep loving Ame and the Doob

Bravo 1337, going dark
Go back to and stay in global, tourist
>you must share previously posted opinions
>discussion HAS ENDED because I SAID SO
fuck off
there is no point in telling them to stop, they are so stupid they can't not take the bait or are so lonely, bored and pathetic that need to make their views validated
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>let's keep flooding the thread with timelooped bickering and more baseless assumptions
the retards hate this one trick!
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So how the kappariders doobing today?
>development of social cliques, mob rule
that's just /baubau/
And that ain't good
at least it is contained there and not blasted in the girls' faces 24/7
riding some kappas you know the usual
I'm having fun picturing us as passengers in the Orient Express
>Who decides that
Ame and the mods
> What is a problem?
Up the discretion of the Ame and mods
>How much does Ame have to follow all the chats to make an educated decision on that?
If it's a big enough problem that she even considers having to remove a mod then there's probably enough incidents to begin with that so she wouldn't need to follow all chats
So why are people leaving twitter this time anyway? Just the block button being removed? which is dumb btw
But artists are leaving too,what else happened?
ame tits on my face
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I'm really excited for the train aesthetic too. I think it's gonna be lots of fun.
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Block and apparently they're not able to opt out of Ai training and such
their art is feeding elon's retarded AI
they hate AI for not fully thought out reasons
What are the odds of Ame as a guest at GG's birthday? Basically 0, right?
Get out of the way doob! I'm trying to look-uh!
Patiently waiting and lisenting to Ame sneeze compilation
Wtf is this gif supposed to be. Like am I getting doobed opening it up?
went to bed to that last night
>Having something sent in
Not 0 but still very unlikely
>they're not able to opt out of Ai training
i hope they realize their art has already been scraped by tons of companies
elon is just kind enough to tell them he's doing it, explicitly
do you think she'll do the typical hanging ah ah reveal or something more creatividad?
hopefully she bucks the cargo cult and does something new
Probably something planned
In my experience there are about three tiers of vtuber discords.
Tier 1 are discords run by the vtuber themselves directly. These tend to be far and away the best, as they and only they are fully in control and if they have mods they can wrangle them accordingly. Discussion tends to be focused solely around the vtuber themselves and as a result are the most well focused. Circlejerkery tends to be quashed.
Tier 2 are discords not run by the talents themselves, but by moderators for their channels who they're in direct control over. These servers have a higher chance of devolving into circlejerks depending on the nature of the moderator running them, but I find they run the gamut from good to bad, primarily depending on how heavy the head mod feels they can get away with powertripping.
We have unironic Discord mods her, disgusting
in my experience you are wrong
and tier 3
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>three tiers
>lists only 2
What's the third...
i dont know, but i think im going to be feeling a bit of cringe(the good one) for a while because she's gonig to look like Ame cosplaying a rat and it's going to take me a little time to get used to it.
There are jannies here too!!!! Oh the horror!!!!
I'm not a discord mod you fag. I simply don't share your autism about dicksword.
Tier 3 are far and away the worst. Fan discords run by fans, for fans, with no possible involvement from the talent whatsoever. Without any direct connection to the talent being discussed they tend to only be acting on their own volition and as a result will get in their mind a lot of retarded insanity and circlejerk over the dumbest things. Expect these kind of discords to be behind the most retarded fans who run jokes into the ground, amd try to enforce hugbox-y feel good rules that ruin any kind of real enjoyment a layman could get out of it. Do not ever join any of these discords unless you want to be part of a black hole of retardation.
>circlejerk over the dumbest things
>the most retarded fans who run jokes into the ground, amd try to enforce hugbox-y feel good rules that ruin any kind of real enjoyment a layman could get out of it
vtuber run discords do this too.
/baubau/ is not official, what happens there is not Fuwamoco's responsibility
That sounds nice, think I'll do that when I get home.
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My take on discord no one asked for is that every streamer I watch has one and I joined none of them and it hasn't impacted my enjoyment of the streamer
what the fuck happened in baubau that you guys talk about it like a genocide?
being blonde again would be too much on the nose considering affiliate status.
I hope for lighter hair tho, like the mouse's fur color.
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rare cute image
they're continually raided like peak /ggg/ and that is used to frame them as an anti thread
>/baubau/ was created
>the rest is history
That about sums it up
Retards gon be retards. These 'people' are the same one comparing her to kson
>being blonde again would be too much on the nose
Which is always dumb since it's always obvious they don't watch her
branding overlap.
redditors heard about their past life and now anti them because they dont understand vtubing, let alone hololive.
Define "hugbox-y feel good rules" and why they would in any way detract from a "layman's" enjoyment of chatting about the streamer that server is based around.
you are retarded
Her model is 100% gonna be designed by Nabi btw. I will literally eat my cum if it's not
We are being raided by amecord, right?
Fuck I hope you're wrong. I hate Nabi's designs so much.
>chuuba starts a discord
>cliques form
>chuuba gets groomed by cliques
>she starts favoring said cliques
>things go to shit
It's over.
That sounds like you just want to eat cum
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We know you didn't watch her, no need to tell us
In particular:
>no fighting (arguing gets you banned)
>nothing controversial, ever
>nothing even slightly edgy
>no criticism of the talent (ironically vtuber-run discords in my experience tend to be way more open to constructive critique and discussion relative to fan discords)
Admittedly the ones I've spent time in have also been run by vtubers a lot more comfortable with edgy content so my experience might not be representitive of the whole.
>Admittedly the ones I've spent time in have also been run by vtubers a lot more comfortable with edgy content so my experience might not be representitive of the whole
There are no incidents if the mod just bans people when they try to raise concerns. Gotta keep the peace, ya know.
The fact just is, that the noise such a big non-static platform generates is so big, that the signal is gonna get lost in it. In many different forms, and bullshit drama is bound to be generated, even if by some miracle the mods are the best on the planet. There is just no way to cleanly wrangle thousands of people stuck in broom closet under Dooby's stairs. And unlike with more public platforms, Dooby is the one who has to ultimately waste time and energy clearing that shit.
A microcosm of this has revealed every time some absolutely retarded slap fight has developed in the comments of Ame's VODs. Take that, and amplify it a hundred times.
Moderation isn't a definitional problem, retard. It's the nature of the platform and the inherent social structures that develop in it.
Also comparing to this place is meaningless. Getting banned here for a bullshit reason is much different than getting banned from an official discord for a bullshit reason.
The trick is picking the most pitiful people to be your jannies.
That's why there should be a competition to find the most pathetic candidates. I'll win btw
looks like she made one
unless its a sus imposter
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I post one fat fuck in defense position and end my turn.
It's an imposter until proven otherwise
>There are no incidents if the mod just bans people when they try to raise concerns
also important to note is that people who are friends with the banned party will raise concerns and demand accountability. nobody ever mentions this.
discord is never a good idea.
Which male will she collab with first
I really hope she doesn't actually use bluesky it's better than twitter in some ways but a good chunk of it's userbase is insane twitter far leftoids, although other people like artists are slowly moving there too.
Sounds like a lot of potential drama
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I activate my trap card in end phase, flip all monsters face down
>>no fighting (arguing gets you banned)
Why would banning this ever be a bad thing. Are you retarded?
>>nothing controversial, ever
You can't talk about politics in the streamer's chat, why should the fan discord allow it instead.
>>nothing even slightly edgy
This one is fair, though the fan discords I'm in allow a range of edgy humor. In general, being openly 14 online is frowned upon everywhere, so I don't understand why you're complaining.
>>no criticism of the talent (ironically vtuber-run discords in my experience tend to be way more open to constructive critique and discussion relative to fan discords)
Vtuber run discords are more receptive of criticism because the vtuber actually sees it. In fan discords you just look like an anti. That said, I've seen and posted plenty of constructive criticism in fan discords I'm in.
>Admittedly the ones I've spent time in have also been run by vtubers a lot more comfortable with edgy content so my experience might not be representitive of the whole.
bluesky bans anime art as sexualising minors
post the others
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She's already following his daughter and one of his mistress
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I play dancing doobbeats, which allows me to draw 3 additional cards from my deck.
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amesame cute
post the other one
So when know Gura had Ame dress up as Shion. Who did Ame have Gura dress up as?
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She wanted her to stay as Gura
This one?
ye, I'm gonna doob
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>dood doob dooq doop bood boob booq boop qood qoob qooq qoop pood poob pooq poop

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Would you want her to play all new games or replay some old ones if she wanted
i want her to play mischief makers.
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goddamn what a puzzy
I'd like if we got Ameledy type streams again, I have a feeling she might go back to doing those.
waiter, I would like to order elden ring ng+1 through 7 and dmc2
I like to imagine there's nothing down there for ame and they're just messing around
whew that was a tough puzzy
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probably more minecraft holy shit
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No waiters here. I'm one guying the whole bar...
I can't let anyone else have control of the drinks heh
New games
i at least want another elden ring playthrough, and maybe finishing some games she never got around to.
What's the point in replaying old games when she now has an infinite amount of games that she can chose to play?
She will play Factorio and get mad at us when she doesn't understand it.
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I hope she picks up a pokemon game and talks about the canon poke rape
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I ask myself this the very same question everyday…
Both, i'd like see a fresh NV playthrough as well as new stuff.
Ok Vietnamese boy
factorio is my dream playthrough but it'll never happen
watching girls ruin their own life ten hours from when they lay down some spaghetti but having no idea is the best
banned since 2021, get with the times gramps....
When I saw they had perms for it at some point I imagined her and Gura playing through it. Just imagine how little would get accomplished.

It would have been perfect.
both but I'm sure she'll absolutely have some comfort stuff she'll revisit. Dooby*3D* would be pointless if she isn't doing some VR stuff
Sure is!
Only factorio players would enjoy this
I saw CC's stream of it and I tuned out from the gameplay almost immediately
I'll give you that, yeah, I'm far from a master but I have fucked around alot and done a couple rocket launch playthroughs
I know what I'm looking at so it's fun, but someone who doesn't probably finds it to be extremely boring
That type of game is good for two things:
- Appease the legitimately autistic people who like the autist genre of games (simulators et al.)
- As a zatsu game
If you suck at the game and suck at chatting, it's guaranteed to be a dogshit stream.
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We will see them again.
this. factorio is extra niche shit.
>What's autistic about this?
Kek, good one
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I think he forgot to fully censor the names? A classic Krimstar and Donut12121 move, desu
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I don't like the name doob.
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she should sing more foo fighters
I don't either but I'm making myself try to enjoy it since I doubt it's changing.
Maybe we'll come up with a nickname but I don't know what it could possibly be since Doob is so short already
you doobt? heh
>forced shit like mori and gurame
please god no
I was really trying to enjoy it but the karaoke with her saying it made it somehow sound even more awkward.

I really hope so.
Not we as in /here/ we but we as in viewers we
so the discord clique then
Wouldn't even mind her dealing with this fag cos his AI is hilarious and would be great with Dooby.
what if her name is still in japanese naming convention and her western name is 3d dooby
you can call her Threed for short
Threed is a spooky place man, full of zombies and shit. Don't go there.
Threed's seed and feed
Amelia Twoson
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What if dooby is already a nickname and she'll tell us her full name on debut
Scooby Dooby Doo
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Within a month I've became a ligger and now I have to join a Discord? Dooby please... They're beating my ass in the catalog...
go back
Dooby Nezumi is precious. I hope that's her name
Please, this is urgent, I need your AMEEEEEE soundposts.
Bar opened
bastard waited till I was at work to have a crisis, can't post my folder sorry
Have you seen pippacord
As senzadooby <3

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