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>SlopHammer 40k: Plap Marine 2

>Promise Anniversary merch
>Promise Mini series
>ME and my bean wifeRyS
>Jet tag
>BD Merch
>SmolRyS plushie rerun
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a time
>Quarter Bravery

>Covers and Collab songs

>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, numberfags, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs
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*sip* Ah... Halo bros our time will come
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*heavy breathing*
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IRyS feets are my property
any new IRyS lewds lately?
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That's fine so long as her butt is always sitting on my face.
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Gyate love.
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All of IRyS belongs to me sorry homo
Sorry, bub. The rule of dibs clearly states that until this thread 404s or another supercedes it IRyS's butt belongs to me. Well, more precisely my face belongs to her butt.
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Slop Marine 2 is a psyop to make people buy pr*maris miniatures btw
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Cheebs, obv. The entire Imperium of Man would be crushed by her gravity.
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>drives men crazy
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Guys... I fear Cheebs's crown as the undisputed fuckest of fats may be in danger.
Is this gonna be your new meme
tits too big
Dick too small
If you want IRyS tits to be big you're a fake IRyStocrat.
IRyS has medium tits, medium ass and skinny legs
did she buy a new computer? did she plug in 50 rgb keyboards to make it go faster?
how is she able to play it?
nephilim buttcheeks
Read tweets retard
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Can someone let me know when the stream starts? I'm gonna be busy with dinner till then.
Man I love IRyS
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Here's you (you). Don't spend it all in one place.
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>mistaking mocking for seethe
A special kind of retard, aren't you?
Where are these sudden schizo takes from? The thread was so peaceful before his break down.
He gets off on being retarded.
Well, being retarded or homosexual all male scat orgies, but it's hard for him to find new material.
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Soooooper retard. Who's jealous? I'm happy that I get to watch IRyS do her thing. Good for all the other girls, too, but I want to see IRyS, thanks.
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You know you can just use AI to make more images of homosexual all male scat orgies to fap to. You don't need us to call you retarded all the time.
Remember to get the reply schizo too
Ayeaye, schizo schizo.
I will stay up to watch her play the tutorial
so what's the collab
Did I just see PC advice about defragging and ssd
GG birthday, Mori, Mystery SH2 collab (possibly Mori), Flare Splatoon, More Mori at the end of the month for Halloween
the leeching never ends
I hope it's just Halloween VR or some shit
true i wish flare would fuck off already
rukia/renji was such garbage
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We love Fuutan /here/
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no we don't
go back
she looks like a pretzel
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it's not a usual collab I believe, don't expect IRyS or even Flare I think to be there
IRyS won't be there
it's with Mori, Luna and Haachama
I am indifferent to Flare
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read description
If Flare fucked off we would never get a single stream on the weekend again and definitely not at comfy JST hours.
is this the first time there was ever proofs of anything ever
We wouldn't be missing much, I'd rather watch Mori and Kronii collabs than another Splatoon with Flare stream
None of which would ever take place on the weekend or in JST hours and yes, Splatoon is nothing special but I still watch or listen to it when I can. It's not like most collabs where you're missing a stream for it. There just wouldn't be anything else on the weekend in the first place.
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IRyS confirmed
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Promise looks different today
I watched it the first 1 or 2 times and then skipped every one after that, there's just nothing there worth watching for most people because it's in Japanese
IRyS confirmed for gigi collab
what time EST is the gigi stuffs happening?
IRyS is the thing that's worth watching for. What else am I going to do at midday/mid-afternoon anyway? I've been trying to get back into the gym again now that I'm over my cold (they had a fucking power cut yesterday) but besides that, nothing.
Probably 6-7 PM EST
It's at 02:00 AM GMT so that'd be "some point in the evening" EST.
9 PM
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hats off to GG for commissioning IRyS with her mouth open
why is my wifeRyS a chibi but the rest are normal humans?
Cheeb stole her invite
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I ate fish and chips now i feel fat and gross
it's actually kinda creepy how mori inserted herself into IRyS' usual friend group
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I had a burger and feel the same
Sorry irys is still an isolated whore
Should I go get my coaster tomorrow or just wait till next week?
I'd say go tomorrow in case they sell out, I want to go but the thought of $10 gacha for a coaster is a bit much. I might just go for the plushies next week
They hand it to you with your drink. I'm just going to ask to make my random an IRyS.
I'm assuming they are sealed in a nontransparent package
Mori is literally one of the first people she talked to when she joined holo retard
That would be super gay. Still gonna ask. Would be silly if that were the case, though. "Here,s your drink, now open your coaster."
I thought she said her PC can't handle the game on twitter.
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I'm guessing based on the fine print
She tried it again and said it somehow ran a lot better after she updated her drivers
yeah but they can tell from cup size
Well, bright side is there's no bad option. If I dropped $10 and ended up with Bae or one of the mans I'd be pissed.
This makes a lot of sense. I can guarantee you she hasn't done a single driver update since she started using the PC, lol.
IRyS is going to love the "bromance" in Space Marine.
Windows should auto-update them but I'm guessing she doesn't even do that
Not for NVIDIA. I get a notice from GeForce Experience that a driver update is ready but I still have to go into the program and download the drivers.
That's because Geforce Experience pushes beta quality drivers on you that are newer than what Windows pushes.

Windows should default to a WHQL driver which is an Nvidia driver version specifically tested and qualified on hardware by Microsoft. This driver does get updates but it's not always as up-to-date and sometimes you have to manually go into Windows Update to apply it yourself. It also lacks some of the optimisations the newer drivers may have but sometimes the games get fixed so that doesn't matter anymore (90% of "driver optimisations" are working around shit code in the game that's broken and should be fixed)
I hope IRyS talks about either her butt or squirrels tonight.
Bros I am so fucking drunk right now..The EmpoRyS wouldn't approve.. my airfryer is loaded with tater tots, cheese, ham, homegrown pickled peppers, and some herbs.... I refuse to let you people ruin my meal more cheese and fried meats are on the way with some scallion
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source on the 40k thumbnail art? the raised arms does things to me
What kind of peppers did you pickle?
I literally never miss an IRyS stream but I stopped getting notifications for her wtf?
what is youtube doing to her channel?
Check the bell and ensure your phone didn't log itself out of youtube.
>update drivers
>can now finally play proper games that is not slop
took her 3+ years
Top right.
she always puts the artist name in the thumbnail anon
thankfully we'll still get slop kino streams
Hungarian wax, Fresno chilis, some birds eyes, habaneros, tons of shishitos, puri puris, regular bell pepers, some other random stuffs I can't remember . Half i'm drying to preserve I want to smoke some for stews and spice blends as well
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wow there's really big retards in this thread
thanks fellas. name didn't pop up in theatre mode with the chat on the side. had to un theatre it
check bluesky
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I think my laptop is dying...
I thought she said her PC couldn't handle space marine 2 and OBS, did she download more ram from the internet?
Peppers are far and away the best vegetable. Your post makes me happy.
You know that, with how much IRyS gets into stories, that she is going to binge Warhammer lore videos after she plays this game. There are endless amount of Warhammer lore videos. We may never see IRyS again...
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did she even test if the game could run with obs running?
it might be a tcg day afterall
TCGbros I don’t feel so good
Oh god I didn't even think about that, lol. RIP IRyS streams.
she already updated her drivers a few months ago btw. I spesifically remember because there were posts about her prechat at the time that were like
>telling her to use geforce experience
and all that.
She probably forgot about that though and hasn't updated them for a couple of months
She's too much of a bimbo to stay focused on a single thing for long, unless that thing is a twink called kaworu.
She is going to binge Minecraft 40k Civilisation videos...
I don't think IRyS is manly enough to like 40k too deeply
she installed gex from that
and didn't ever update the actual driver
she has the brain of a 12 year old boy with fujo brainrot
how much japanese will she be speaking today?
i refuse to allow my wiferys to join the army
too many men
TCGGods it isn’t looking so good
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I'm on PC
I even clicked the notify me button for this stream and nothing
Irys evolutions
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There are white haired pretty boys for her
hopefully a lot so i can learn
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ew go away
You'll get it in fifteen minutes. Youtube is a small indie company. Prease undastando.
Girls cant be space marines, at least for now. GW is still chasing that SJW money that never materializes.
be quiet anti
using a cheebs picture doesn't make you fit in
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damned fat breasted hags...
Up, down, left, right + :D for HiRyS
the kind of lore this game has that guy is probably dead
HiRyS blue balling me every time.
She sounds a bit different today
Alien Isolation never ever
not now jailcucks
Playing on 800x600 low settings LET'S GOOOOO
How long dis game?
helmet on or off?
She literally just woke up and she's getting sick because of Bae and Mori (Not schizo shit both are actually sick)
IRyS WILL watch the lore videos
>lore diving
it begins
Mori is so pathetic
damn shame I'll have to skip that collab
She is 500% japanoid brained, she will not get warhammer
>literally begged her because she didn't have enough people to collab
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He isn't dead. He is a corrupted demon snake/tentacle thing now.
No, he was possesed by a demon and turned into a snake man, his soul is forever trapped forced to watch himself fall into eternal debauchery.
>walled by the next button
Shut the fuck up IRyS I don't care about this slop
Cobra Commander/Serpentor arc?
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ears doko?
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My wife is a sexy retard, please understand.
Why is Cheebs like this
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He wasss oncsssse a mannn.
Why does IRyS refuse to make her model smaller? She is covering like half the screen.
keeping the jailcuck one
>Oh, this one's ugly but it works.
I'm in, boys!
She's had that issue for her entire career and other ENs roast her for it
She should cover the whole screen.
Who gives a shit about chat being on screen
okay fauna
kill yourself you fucking faggot, go be a faggot somewhere else
>wanting the cutest girl to be less visible
Queers out.
IRyS should make her model bigger, more IRyS is always better!
IRyS should remove her dumbass halo and wings and do a full body model on the side
Wait until she finds out there's a perfect uncorrupted clone of Fulgrim just waiting for her to save him
you'd think she would learn after so many years
Whatever faggot cried about not being able to see the cancerous chat should be hung. Who gives a fuck about chat
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>IRyS should make her model bigger
Shutup slopbeggar
She does apparently, for whatever reason
homobeggar types that love the community more than they love IRyS
Good luck getting him out of Trashy's spooky robot skeleton museum.
youtube stuttering for anyone else?
kys you ape. no one cares about the unfunny shit you faggots spam in chat
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Your blind jealousy is ugly
>can't move and read at the same time
that's my IRyS
>can't read and listen at the same time
I've been telling IRyS she needs to upgrade to a multicore brain
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>she's getting horny already
>Doesn't have a deep voice
You voicelets should just end it now
Shut it.

I need to see my message in the big streamer’s stream.
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my voice is higher pitched but also raspy sounding
do i win?
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at being a fucboi, yeah
there goes the bitrate lol
>kinda boring
just started watching her because of 40k but is your girl... stupid?
Schizo nonsense
ignorant & smol brained gajinchama
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whats so funny?
>the dumb chat covers the hp bar
she's an actual mouth breather so...
We love her but she really is a terrible streamer. Model taking up half the screen and terrible video quality. Do better IRyS.
all 3rd person games should have gyro-assist aim desu
and she breathes through her mouth when she locks in, watch for it
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>Model taking up half the screen
Retard, that's a good thing. She's a vtuber
good. why would anyone want to see more of whatever shit game she plays?
it's literally 2 buttons how is it "so much"........
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IRyS is a woman
I'd actually watch her stream splatoon if she took up the whole screen,
nah, she's right
This is boring
IRyS should quit video games and only watch reaction videos
Staring at a menu or tutorial prompt you've already finished reading 30 minutes ago can be boring, yes
I wish VTubers would take up more of the screen with their model than they do
Mori/Biboo/IRyS spess mehreens collab when?
This looks like fucking Kahl gameplay in warframe
IRyS should watch that pacific northwest bear cam.
Man, I kinda hate AAA games... Luckily this is IRyS.
They're not allowed to do reaction content
oh my god enough menus PLEASE
Chillas please irys can switch game at any time, other Holos have done it before
When Ironmoose plays this is she part of The Imperium of Mang?
THIS is the "game of the year" contender?
it shouldn't even be in the convo.
helldivers 2 CLEARS by a galaxy
It's been a while since she's been this much of an airhead.
The Imperium doesn't abide cripples, culled at birth
Probably after Irys finishes the story
helldivers was out the moment sony got their greasy fingers on it
Ayyy, some good news.
Last i heard of troondrivers the devs were actively trying to nerf it into an unfun chore.
Like they didn't just fucking do that to this shitty game.
didn't ask subhuman
IRyS's goldfish brain literally can't hold onto what the controls do for more than 30 seconds.
did Irys say that?
>30 seconds.
pretty generous there
Holy shit, she's using a mouse and STILL this awful?
How does she play splatoon for 40k hours and then doesn't like controller aiming here?
they just buffed everything in the latest patch
Thats a good fucking point actually...
gyro aim
I'm shocked that she hasn't found a way to do jump attacks yet.
gyro aim
the pinnacle of aiming, it should be the only standard in gaming period
I watched Biboo's first stream of this and IRyS is somehow more consistent at landing parries
>SAW that coming
Am I watching DSP???
What's that? I haven't owned consoles since PS3 and that thing had a gyro controls something something in the dualshock and it was complete garbage, did they make it good now?
she has good reaction time
I've never seen her struggle with controls so much in a game before. This is actually insane, lol. If she hates controller so much why didn't she just play it with mouse and keyboard from the get go?
IRyS is pretty good at parries when she gets the hang of it
"Mori and Biboo did Controller!"
He couldn't land a parry to save his life
he'd probably say something like
>woah tried to parry just didn't work. parry button is busted its bugged. wheres my vest?
>Lorelets in chat don't know virus bombs kill space marines too
I love IRyS so much.
Deathwatch do be like that
she needs to get closer for the aim assist to kick in
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Answer him..
get filtered
average gray
*starts speaking in tongue*
The PS3 was nearly 20 years ago, anon. It's not a stretch to think that the technology has evolved after all this time.
Shes honestly getting the hang of melee quite well...
It's just less detailed Vermintide so yeah
>the eop spammer is a gray
lmao of course
i agree sadly
recently all of her filler words became solely jp
it used to be more mixed
God I used to FUCK in vermintide so hard
Can definitely do melee better than she can pronounce it.
shut up graynigger
I am the dwarf god
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lol, he looks like a heavy from Johnny Quest.
not a gray but ok
im just giving my thoughts lol
We hate criticism here unless you pay for it
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a whore... honest one at least
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>vshojo cuck
it all makes sense now
>not a grey but *retarded grey opinion*
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Why does she struggle so much with lock on in every game that features it?
I'm guessing by the graphics that IRyS never upgraded her PC.
Relask, it's an onomatopoeia joke.
That isn't the appropriate kind of post for that particular Cheeb
Weren't virus bombs supposed to work really fast turning the planet into a flammable sludge?
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shut up and move on fag
i bet you don't even supa
don't hide behind cheebs gray
more like GAY
My life for this game's equivalent of Aiur.
You need a lot more of it than a single bomb
Don't need the Japanese comment IRyS this is a western game and a western time
*yawn* skip
why are they pissed at this dude?
You are better, faster, stronger, AND harder.
read the space marine 1 plot
im honestly surprised IRyS knows who cupid even is
He used warp energy kind of in the first game and his battle brother accused him of heresy and he was taken in by the inquisition.
And made to serve in the Deathwatch for about 100 years
IRyS going on a powertrip right now.
The ultra skull.
getting treated like meat by IRyS yeah mine
IRyS knows what a cherub is?
Leandros is a sóyboy
just cupid
Jesus, woman. This is the marines not the inquisition.
shes getting bratty

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