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autism creature Edition

/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

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the creature in the OP is being toxic in dead by daylight
subathon everlasting
I thought it was Lumi at first too, but apparently not
there's room for more than one ice fox!
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caramel idol's doing a jp-only karaoke stream! also she's got a special announcement
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farming sim enjoyer marionette's doing halloween stuff in echoes of plum grove
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the announcement will be happening in about 50 minutes
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garage kit owl's building more anime girls tonight!
isn't lumi a wolf?
well that's even worse
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sigbird's doing a cooking stream
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Stop grooming femchuubas
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how am i supposed to be a boymouse enjoyer if i was so busy at work that i didn't even remember to make this shitpost when she was streaming
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aussie tomboy pilot's playing OG silent hill 2 for the first time!
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oh neat, nyaru's in IRIAM
she's doing an FAQ on it
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what the FUCK is IRIAM
a new streaming platform specifically made for vtubers, so you know it's going to die in a few months.
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some stuff she only said vocally, apparently she can use this to stream on-the-go so she can just stream from her bed if she wants
seems like a decent way of getting around tummy hort if that comes up
it's been used by jp vtubers for a while now hasn't it?
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progress on puri's plamo for this stream, she's getting really close to finishing it!
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the beta for the english version of IRIAM's out next month
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there's a giveaway and stuff uhhh
also it seems that each of the IRIAM founder chuubas got a separate payment contract worked out, from what nyaru's saying the monetization policies for it are pretty good
i think that's all
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is it her new regular timeslot? when she said morning i thought it'd be a whole lot more early
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dead thread
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How can sleepyheads be sleepyheads when she streams while sleepyheads are wageyheads?
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she started a little while back still in the first area i think. i havent played this before and i missed the start
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peruvian drow merchant hag's doing art of herself in a china dress
How are the numbers over there? Is it actually worth streaming there?
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hyperzoomer tomboy's playing several indie horror games!
she didn't mention anything specifically about the app's numbers, just that it's well-respected
i suppose you'd need to ask an actual japanese person about it
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cat-eared weather witch is ACTUALLY finishing dead space i think
i'm awake and i won't go to sleep even though i'm so sad and i'm so tired!!!
is tiredness without sleepiness just a headache
Nights when Koragi isn't streaming are bad nights
this is a psyop
This but Nekoragi
A psyop by Koragi?
Ever cute
Sounds like a big grift and a big spit in the face to anyone who's supported her on twitch for years now
You just did that. Yeah. Coward.
I'm not downloading some scam app to watch a fourth rate idol wannabe
A hater like you won't be missed.
She's not gonna fuck you, bro
Neither are you.
Just fuck each other already
She has a Pekora laugh
The obvious jealous vtuber would kill her fans if she committed a act as hainus as fucking not only a schizo, but the schizo.
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house arrest magical girl's hunting down demons in FAITH!
do you think 48gb of ram is enough to impress a vtuber?
>Her theory on why architects are architects is because they want the women to be fat to keep her to themselves
Is this true? I'm not an architect bro.
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funke munke's just hanging out with her viewers for a bit
Everyone architects for different reasons. Try the /lgbt/ board if you really want to explore this ponder.
Maybe for some of them, plenty of fetishists too though
No, it's an actual fetish
64 gb of RAM might, but 48 is just everyday noodles for a vtuber who is also a gamer.
What are you using, 4 sticks of 12gb or something?
>page 5 in 6 minutes
>Rebel gets a trip
>No more post about sodomizing cat girls
Do you even need 64GB. If you were editing maybe
He took the trip off unfortunately
You should preferably always be using power of 2 when it comes to ram.
>page 10 in 37 minutes
When RES has a trip on it scares the trolls from harassing the ex-oshis.
Then why did you take it off?
>Raids some vtuber streaming with her boyfriend
Yeah, not watching that
The trolls left.
Which chuuba do I have to harass to get him to put it back on?
Don't harass vtubers.
put the fucking trip back on then
Not happening.
The ex-oshi anal cat and the former cat turned sex bunny Veleck and the former succubus turned spider Miri. Do you think they would be interested in performative vtuber theater? They should give it a try and also stream themselves watching vods of games like ARK Survival Evolved and Fallout New Vegas. This will very much increase their viewership.
This reads sort of like Gigi the orange gremlin of hololive.
Have you been watching her streams? A miscreant like you would be a Gigi watcher.
keep post like this in trash or /lig/
Seconding this post.
I have no one to watch right now. Everyone is just playing horror games or not entertaining
Gonna be honest. I'm really grateful the butter dog isn't live streaming tonight. For once a nice night.
Aaaaaiiiieeeeee, an anti post against my oshi. Rebel, please save us with your trip
Feels good not to have to look at Alker in my recommended tonight.
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cute punk frog's playing RE Code Veronica again
>not streaming elder scrolls oblivion
Boring vtuber.
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corpse is playing more Dragon Quest 7 tonight!
What the western audience fears.
this would be awesome
bibi what the fuck
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How is that a bad thing?
Why would you want to watch that?
Knowing they're honest.
I mean, people /here/ were willing to watch a married couple stream
Ever is the cutest woman in the world, and deserves all the love
How'd that turn out?
Point taken
>find chuuba to watch with a couple dozen viewers
>chat is entirely one guy talking non-stop
>find different chuuba to watch, slightly less viewers
>same viewer dominating the conversation again
>try again with another chuuba, single-digit viewer count
>chuuba has the knock feature enabled and the same goddamn viewer is in voice chat with them and they won't shut the fuck up
Attention whore viewers deserve the fucking rope.
How is this viewer watching all the same vtubers that you are? I'm not convinced that you're not schizo and just talking about yourself
>I'm not convinced that you're not schizo and just talking about yourself
I'm convinced you're schizo if you're coming to conclusions on things based entirely on what's in your head.
The viewer is some red-headed faggot called ItsHallowed and he's in half a dozen chats every day complaining about how he can't sleep.
No shit, this morning I counted him in 3 channels I follow complaining to the chuuba about how he can't sleep and he wouldn't shut the fuck up until the chuuba stopped what they were doing to address him.
I've also seen him in a couple of voice chats in various discords doing the same bit.
Dude sounds like an unlikable autistic fuck. Sooner or later reality will hit him that no one wants him around, whether it's through a ban or not
oh, that guy.
I blame chuubas for this.

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