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I'm scared while imagining how their real personalities are out of character.

You've never seen them talk about other personal lives; it's always a kayfabe, and that's what makes me frightened of them.
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that's why i only watch indies now. they can talk about their personal lives so you can tell if they're insane or not.
If they ever do an OOC stream, I think it would mentally damage many people and hurt their fanbase, they can't turn it off now.
>they can talk about their personal lives
Why do people who never watch hololive think they don't talk about their personal lives?
They scare me. They really really do.
because even if they do talk about their family lives they generally have to do so in a very sterilized, corporate-friendly way. suits don't want their valuable brand associated with "yeah I don't talk to my dad anymore because he was an alcoholic and crashed the car into my school when i was 15".
>he's so broken by western e-whores he can't comprehend the concept of vtubers actually playing the character they are paid to play
>complains about chuubas not committing to kayfabe
>still complains when a chuuba (two of them) commits to the kayfabe
there's no pleasing you niggers
>yeah I don't talk to my dad anymore because he was an alcoholic and crashed the car into my school when i was 15
Nobody wants to hear about that, and maybe some want to keep stuff like that private.
Also, if you ignore Watame talking about that exact kind of thing, it's almost like you are completely wrong and ignorant of anything hololive related.
They definitely hate their fans.
Yeah, because having a chuuba trauma dump is so entertaining.
Projecting or groomer?
From a perspective only the EN fans are hated.
Nobody told them to do this either. No one else is this into such an openly artificial persona. Others have to censor themselves sure, but to be censored implies that what is presented is a real person being dialed back and restrained and keeping track of lies. These two are pure artifice, what we are presented with are characters right to the core.

This is what is meat in American Psycho when he says there is no Patrick Batemen. Interesting to note that in America psycho the claim isn't that his outward persona is different to his interior self, its that he doesn't really have an interior self, nothing but a few shallow and base desires behind his eyes. Lacking an internal foundation to his existence as a person, the opinions and perceptions of others form most of the substance of his existence, so to not be admired or respected or known, to have the stage stolen by others, it triggers a sort of fear of death, it is an assault on his very existence. He kills not because he like it, but because its him larping interiority-if you're a serial killer, there must be some major fucked up stuff going on inside, a real human being, and the secret itself is interiority, knowledge within that is not without, like a person. But its just a larp, its not the real thing.

We are taking it purely on faith that this is not what's going on.
>the job is to keep up kayfabe
Well good morning falseflag king.
Most holomems talk normally. It is only the -Unknown Beasts- that remain behind the unknowable veil. What lurks in behind the masks? What do you anons think?
Watch streams
I agree and only watch whores with roastie voices talk about their boyfriends
Honestly I don't want to peak behind the kayfab. Feels like looking for trouble. If you look for something to get bothered about, you'll surely find it. I just want to watch the funny dogs go bau bau, cause trouble, and be occasionally deranged.
Learning about a streamer's personal life only leads to woe desu
> the job is to keep up kayfabe
It’s not though… No other talent cares as much about kayfabe
What reason do you have for needing to know about their personal lives?
i honestly think they talk to each other IRL like they talk on stream. They are far too gone into the weeb sauce.
Because streaming is parasocial at its core and by remaining in character 24/7 they are unable to build a lasting connection to their fan base that will follow them when they inevitably move on from Hololive.
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Vtuber starts oversharing, trauma dumping and guilt tripping you for money.
No thanks, I'm here to be entertained, not to be a therapist who has to pay to listen to his client's problems.
There’s a huge difference between sharing the fun things you did on the weekend and telling everyone how your uncle felt when he entered you
Women don't know how to separate these two sides.

- "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best".

And shit like that.
The face Fuwawa makes after she has edged you for hours and you're begging for mercy.
I think even if its fake personality putting it on because you want to make people happy makes you a beautiful person for real :)
They don't have personal lives
it's best you dont know anon...
sounds like hololive isn't for you. don't let the door hit you on the way out, mate.
||I have, I did some drawings for them and was commissioned by a different talent to do emotes. She acted just like she did on stream.||
Reality is realizing they have no personality and that's why they can do this so well. They're just completely brainrotted freaks who are hellbent on brainwashing each other into believing they're actually Japanese.
There is no way they are like that. They are just like Luna. Experienced enough to always keep the keyfabe. Because they being played that characters for a long time.
These 2 have produced so much content not just as vtubers but as fleshies too and the thing is they have always only had these personalities online. As Fuwamoco they have the annoying baby speech but for at least the past 10 years these 2 have ALWAYS been exactly like this, so it makes you wonder where the kayfabe ends and their real personalities begin.
Stop thinking
How it ought to be. Content creators are always playing a persona, Fuwamoco are just honest about it -- there's no room for you to mistake it for real life. Some of you retards will still do so anyway lol
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there is no kayfabe they do just genuinely act like that and I would know because I'm their neighbour and it's always bau bau this and bau bau that you can't even walk down the street without mococco running up and aggressivley bau bauing at you thank god for fuwawa if she didn't have an iron grip on mococcos leash rhen I'd probably been bau bau'd to death by now
It would freak me out if they ever dropped character at this point.
lifetime of bullying and isolation made them unable to believe anybody could like them just for their real selves
>fuwamoco suddenly go silent and look straight into my eyes
>after 20 minutes they say my full legal name and adress
>start talking about how soon the antichrist will be summoned when they sacrifice me to the devil
>go right back into character after this
>no one acknowledges that this happened
what if their real personalities are just low energy
and kinda unexciting
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What is with the back to back FWMC bait threads?
Eat your doughnuts, bau bau!
I could only imagine if Fuwawa was like Vince McMahon and Mococo was like Hulk Hogan IRL...

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