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File: tanigo.jpg (10 KB, 215x215)
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If one were to ejaculate twice a day, every day, for a full year straight he would ejaculate approximately 3000 ml of seminal fluid. If this were repeated for 4 years, it would be approximately 12000 ml. Or just over 3 gallons.

Gentlemen. It is with great pleasure I announce to you today that it is, in fact, mathematically feasible for one to have "lost gallons" to Gawr Gura.
thank you for your work, anon
Hope you find em
Only cumming to Gura twice a day? Fucking casuals.
I'm an old man(30)
>only twice a day
>not loadmaxxing
>no mention of urethral shock stimulation or even g-spot stimulation
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>not using a penis pump
poor ojisan... NGMI
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t-this brat
I Don't cum daily to Gura because I alternate with other sex icons, like >>87639305
They're lost forever.
This board really cannot stop talking about cock
I look down and see cock every day
The cursed destiny of man
Damn that's gay
Shion is the only penis pump I need
I’ve only been doing it once a day. I need to step up my production.
Tch...this damm brat...
great work anon
but that implies a standard never ending stock of cum when if you cum everyday your stock will be too low for cumming that much everyday
You underestimate the coomer's stockpile.
Thank you Tanigo-san
hot really
funny, just yesterday i calculated that i lost just over a gallon to my oshi over 3 years

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