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Loud Hill 2 edition

/999/ - Henya the Genius, from Vshojo

/voms/ - VOMS Project, and former members
- Hikasa Tomoshika (TMSK): https://www.youtube.com/@tomoshikahikasa
- Haneuzu Miuneru: https://www.youtube.com/@Miuneru
- Daimonji Ryugon (DMJ): https://www.youtube.com/@ryugondaimonji
- Zengaku Sanparo: https://www.youtube.com/@Sanparo_Z
- Uemine Noruju: https://www.youtube.com/@UemineNoruju
- Michimata Batoya: https://www.youtube.com/@Batoya_

- Ebosi (Formerly Jitomi Monoe): https://www.youtube.com/@ebosi
- Amano Pikamee Archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCajhBT4nMrg3DLS-bLL2RCg
It's time.
banging music
What the fuck is this
so, did anyone else /here/ get their daki cancelled and refunded?
I didnt order one
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she's back using her squeaky voice. bring back the mature VA plz
Do you guys have bluesky ?
I created it when Henya did but then she dropped it so I did too.
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I follow most of the ones I've seen
It's pretty good, Kuro's post was pretty accurate.
Yeah pretty much did the same thing. People are go back on twitter in a day or two
Same. Also probably gonna forget about it again when she stops using it in a week and remember when she mentions it again in a few months.
same for me
yeah, it's so clean for the lack of a better word
It's only a matter of time before that faggot fucks up Twitter beyond repair. Probably November 6th if Harris wins.
It would have to be a massive fuck-up for people to mass migrate.
Looks like Tomoshika and Miuneru still use theirs:
This is very accurate, it will become the same kind of botted stuff that twitter currently has, but we can (stupidly) hope it'll have better algorithms
It's already massively fucked up. Lost 80% of its value
How is she so naive Lmao
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accurate, i was actually scrolling through it instead of twitter today. it will be shitty eventually but right now it's really nice.
will henya get haruka to stream?
he can claim it's his first 3d because of how flat she is
It will have the same predatory algorithm every social network platform has to sell your data and show you negative posts because negativity brews interaction better than positivity apparently. Blame the human monkey brain.
Yep, making people angry breeds more interactions because more people respond to things they disagree with, sadly
7tv is weird
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Game time
That's true, but people would settle for any pre-musk state of twitter
Why is it so laggy today? It ran fine last time.
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I honestly think that pre-musk twitter would've also been just as bad by now because they'd have leaned just as much into AI and the algorithm would promote negativity just as much, it's just easy to blame the muskrat.
But that's probably a discussion for somewhere else, here we should just love the kettle!
Yeah but I forgot about it since all the artists I want to follow went to misskey instead.
Considering the discord issues she was having, her PC might be shitting the bed somewhere
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Fuck misskey those fags won't allow my dirty gaijin IP to register. I want to see the loli art.
One time for a solid week my timeline stopped showing vidya art and anime tits and fed NOTHING but drama engagement and culture war tweets, no matter how many tweets of Kiara’s ass I liked. It returned to normal in another week.
Clearly culture war tards love Kiara's ass too
I don't understand why she needs to move now
Roomie's room is empty, that could be the streaming room
Roomie slept in her room
It'd be great if she got her own entire house so we could get socks content sometimes too, since right now she's locked in her soundproof booth and socks hates staying there for her whole stream
Sorry is a room for me
that would be cool, but having an entire house to yourself must be weird for someone with henya's issues
It's probably going to be a slightly bigger apartment.
I use them to keep an eye out on the VOMS members because fuck that kike Elon.
Let's be real, Harris doesn't have a remote shot at winning.
Can she even afford a house in that economy even with the Vshojo money?
I think it'd mostly be Henya in her streaming room/kitchen/bedroom, and mamanya taking care of the rest
>Can she even afford a house in that economy even with the Vshojo money?
She spends extremely little money on anything, I bet she's stacked with unused money in her bank account, whether she'd use it on a house or not I don't know though
yeah, I was mainly thinking of the noise complaint aspect
She talked about this, she doesn't want to buy a house while streaming because it's a doxx vector
I think those panel thingies would be enough
>the retarded kettle has better opsec than geega
wow, that's respectable
Polls are dead even and /pol/ is currently pushing an AI-generated video that her VP molested someone. That's a desperation move.
Where is Henry finding this music
This is my favorite Henya brb screen so far
food songs.. of course
Had to learn the hard way, the internet never went after geega :(
Guess we'll get a lot of YUM YUM today.
Her crippling anxiety can sometimes be her savior.
>actually believing in the polls
Please don't talk about politics here, regardless of the side.
It's one of those days where she's extra cute
swirly eyes get me every time
>I hope you had fun in the Marine Corps
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>I hope you had fun in the Marine Corps
The real final boss for Henya. English story puzzle.
english hard dayo
English math story puzzle.
Peanut power
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Chat asking about Roomie like a kid asking why daddy isn't around anymore
Epic Lunch Time
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Miu Seiso.
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extreme bondage and sensory deprivation
Oh god she's listening to gachi music
God I love this goofball
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>what is aftermath
>is it something you do after doing math
This adorable genius(retard)
I don’t know how I lived without this retard
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Socks being a little shit as usual.
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Peanut rape
shame i missed most of the stream
Did she finish Silent Hill 2 yesterday ?
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nope, she's finishing it today
Ok thanks, I usually don't watch if i'm planning to play the game myself
Fair enough
She said she would be doing something else after finishing it
Who do you want Henya to Collab with but she hasnt yet ? For me im a bit disappointed that the Halo 3 Collab with Bricky didn't happened
more 1on1 collabs, doesn't matter much with whom
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I'm sure a Bricky collab will happen at some point.
Cursed image
That did not happen due to sickness. I am sure it will happen soon enough. (If she remembers)
Well Henya told Mata and Bricky to play Halo 3 without her
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We keeping /999/ up all day?
I dont see why not if people have something to say
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I'm watching the VOD now, whenever Henya has a tech issue she just screenshares her PC to a VShojo staff member and has them fix everything while she sits back and eats fast food.
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The chosen one
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we need moaaar henya covers !!!
our genius
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I would love her to redo a cover of clarity
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I want her to do more collab with mint
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Snuffy should happen soon enough. I think Nyan is trying to distance herself away from Vshojo so I don't think they're gonna interact in the near future
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I would have loved to see a Henya and Nyan collab, and I'm also curious how she would interact with Aethel since he knows some Japanese and lived in Japan for awhile. I remember shortly after Henya first joined she reacted to some old VShojo compilations and seemed to laugh the hardest from Nyan clips and seemed the most disappointed about "Nyan-chan" leaving. Nyan has raided her once or twice and Henya's raided her back, but that's the most interaction we've gotten.
I think Nyan probably doesn't want to feel bad about her decision to leave and maintains a distance but she still had a few collabs with Vshojo members since leaving so I don't think it's impossible.
I don't think she really regret leaving honestly but anyway I would like to see a collab with Rosemi
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It probably would have happened had Nijisanji not become the pariah of the industry after what happened to Selen. All VShojo collabs with Nijisanji ended almost instantly after that incident.
Not really as a proper collab, but I still want Henya and Sushidog to cross paths in Minecraft.
>All VShojo collabs
More like "All collabs".
Wouldn’t be surprised if Henya somehow didn’t know about any of that shit. Sounds ridiculous, but for her it tracks.
Oh yeah that's a good one.
Didnt Wose just recently talk to Zen on stream? It was cute and they were nice to each other.
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Oh yeah I forgot about that. Maybe Henya will collab with her eventually.
Also Mata still talk to her she just refer to her as her Rosie
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I wonder what would a Henya Hot sauce taste like
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We'll find out soon enough
I dont know who that is
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One of the vtubers who have a pretty good chance of making it in through the auditions. She owns a hot sauce company and sells vtuber branded hot sauce.
blueberry ghost pepper
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wake me up when stinky goes live
Oh wow, thread is still alive from yesterday.
Also stinky live!
with the weird music again
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bake or...oh thread is still alive
Wonder if she realized that the elevator that she absolutely hated is up next. The one where she has to drop off all her weapons, unless they changed that in the remake.
gotta be a nendo
Hyped up about something she can't tell us.. Something big.
Is it finally nendroid time? No idea what else would have her that hyped.
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Hime is in prison...
Prison? Hime got banned?
She flashed some elementary schoolers
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Am I going crazy or does she sound different recently? and she laughs different too.
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You know too much
Yeah roomie chan ain't going back
Literally Henya thread
Need voms in thread title?
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Cry about it faggot
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lime raid !
How new?
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Papanya's butt surgery...
You think Stinky is watching the NLCS in the background? She is a Shohei fan.
>The JP ceo is very weird
I don't know a lot about him and everything I see from him he indeed seems like a fucking weirdo.
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Who's the biggest weirdo Lotta or Gyari?
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That video was peak. Could not have done anything to make the tone more perfect.
>shohei has plenty of fans that are vtubers, including the kettle
>the doyers-holo collab, which pulled a comeback win
I'm gonna lose my sides if they win it all
the jp cold
Nothing stopping you from discussing VOMS anon.
Henya stalling
She’s stalling isn’t she ?
Well, that TTS answers it
Cute genius(retard) is scared
Still stalling
She's handling this pretty well. She lost her shit here in the original.
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I'll get the ball rolling.
Here's a rundown of what's been happening lately for VOMS 'n Fren.
>Miu and DMJ got new outfits over a week ago to celebrate their Debut 3 Year Anniversary
>VOMS joined a JP industry-wide Minecraft festival
>Last month TMSK celebrated her birthday
>TMSK recently she's been addicted to reading Beastars along with her grandma lol
>TMSK is doing her usual shitposting streams
>TMSK recently did a wild baby ASMR stream with Futaai Shia of small JP corpo Vebop Project
>Miu is addicted to ZZZ
>Miu recently did Zelda EoW, Ace Attorney, and Tales streams
>DMJ and Zanparo has been on degenerate Noita binge
>DMJ has been playing Apex and Silent Hill recently
>FATparo has been foodposting
>Zanparo was also on a Monster Hunter binge
>Zanparo lately has been playing Zelda LttP
>Norumine was on a Wukong binge
>Norumine also stepped into the Grand Tour and played DB Sparkling as well as Silent Hill lately
>Batoya is rereading PokeSpe
>Batoya has been on a Judgement, Splatoon Salmon Run, and Kingdom Hearts 2 binge
>Batoya recently did a musical collab stream with Figaro (personally, I recommend watching this, it was very sweet)
>Ebosi got COVID a month back (coincidentally), luckily it wasn't that bad
>Ebosi has been on a Sekiro and Wukong binge
>Ebosi had been doing a GTA V RP arc that had drawn monster numbers compared to her usual streams
>GYARI joined the other members and participated in the Minecraft event
close to end already
here we go
>DMJ and Zanparo has been on degenerate Noita binge
shit time to go watch them
It's not even sad and this gam is overrated
Stinky got the good ending again
GOTY for henya
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I'll head out to bed keep thread alive
watching all the endings
>she wanted a good ending
why a moped
henya.. you don't need a moped. you might not survive with your driving skills
Zanparo's later streams degenerated into straight lunacy.
We are so back, Horror and Kuso games. Only thing missing is minecraft.
Lunacy as in suffering or lunacy as in insane Noita bullshit?
the latter
Well at least this isn't complete shit.
I honestly thought for a moment this was one of the H-games that inlcude the porn as free DLC so they can avoid the Adults Only rating.
I'm sorry Chinese bros but your language is just not pleasant to listen to.
This, but also Korean.
it's an acquired taste
Suprisingly dissapointing shower time
There has to be a mod for no towel mode lol
Lmao dummy
This game sure is something.
Kettle makes it very entertaining
She manages to pull out weird entertaining shit sometimes. Where does she find these things?
But also, this game seems weirdly high effort but kusoge at the same time.
Thought the game at the end would be a kuso game but it actually seemed pretty well made and kinda fun.
Anyway, have a nice day/night Hentais
likely a nendo coming
asks someone for a collab live on stream
she's back with a vengeance
>She manages to pull out weird entertaining shit sometimes.
I still remember Manny's, that was a really entertaining kusoge stream.
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I like henya
Me too and i'm glad she's back. She's such a ray of sunshine
I'm out of the loop, where did Rumichan go?
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She's at her parent's house. Henya's excuse was "for family reasons".

My speculation is that since she was unemployed for quite a while, and she couldn't pay rent anymore and moved back with her parents.
>didn't just become Henya's stay at home "wife"
shippers must be on sudoku watch
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That's a very controversial opinion to hold around these parts mister.
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Sorry Anons, sorry rumi chan,I have no place to go I'm moving in with Henya.
Could be a number off things but Henya mentioned today that all her shit is still there even after 2+ months. She also said in JP that she hopes that Roomie can come back soon. So it sounds atleast like she plans to move back in, after whatever the issue might be, is fixed.
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The girls are playing Minecraft
she could have an elderly or younger relative she has to help take care of.
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Wonder what she'll play next stream. The only game besides SH2R I remember her mentioning before the hiatus was cocoon.
Maybe that Fishing game ?
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Who did Henya ended raiding last night ?
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Cute she must have been happy to see her Oshi raiding her
Nice to see there's still someone else watching them on this board. I post them occasionally in JP Vtubers thread but sometimes feels like there's none left after Pika bailed.
I would watch them they sound fun but I don't know Japanese much. What stream would you recommend ?
English speaking VOMS enjoyers are a dying breed, and someone has to give Ebosi some love as well.
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She turn the shittiest game into really entertaining stream. Remember that game , Revenge of the colon or Poop Killer ?
I sometimes watch them, but I won't lie, JP-only streams filter me hard.
Peanut a cute, but I'd love if she had an on-stream translator, like some chuubas do.
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Reminder that Henya's team is the #1 ranked team in the nation.
shes cute
revenge of the colon was something else, those baby sounds
I recall those translators are expensive.
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A relatively small Japanese 3view I watch uses one every stream. It can't be too expensive.
Then my sources was wrong then.
They are quite common among Japanese vtubers. Not even necessarily big ones.
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I would kill for a collab between the two
Based on her reactions when Henya has raided her, Kasii is scared to reach out because she looks up to Henya too much, and our genius is too shy to reach out to someone she doesn't already know, but I would love this too
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yum yum
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It's time, she's live.
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And with the brainrot songs as usual
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wtf is that music
southboot dropping the bits without comment, true gigachar
Henya as Graduated
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But why ? what's the context ?
This is cursed...
TTS Interupting Henya
I'd buy this shirt
She's doing a challenge where every time she laughs she takes off a shirt, and the mods stuck funny images on each shirt.
Could be worse, could be that one image Melody has for some reason.
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All those vtubers she won't meet kek
I hope she will in the future desu
>no rubber duckies in the onsen
Why fucking live
Numi is such an extroverted brainrotted zoomer that she might shortcircuit Henya kek
Doesnt she has like 0 Rizz tho ?
Too many rules to soak my balls in a bath with a bunch of strangers
Henya the stinky introvert
big sis henya
>Her dad had kids with another japanese woman
>He's still in the states and they're in Japan
Did henya ever say if her dad divorced twice?
TTS continuing to be the worst
The struggle never ends.
>Henya is now scared to tell someone they're exotic because some neurotic ass told her it's offensive
I swear, this side of the globe is ridiculous
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TMSK is live

Zanparo is live
It's understandable given her experience.
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Absolutely. I just wish we didn't have so many neurotic retards.
Ahhh comfy shitty games with Henry
>chinese voice acting
Is she gonna play wukong?
She just picked a random kusoge, like always
I don't think she will, last time she played a game involved in drama things didn't end well
Im sure monkey game is a safer choice compared to the wizard game
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All-timer thumbnail
how is it even possible to get scared in this game
It's Henya
Henya with the cereal takes AGAIN
>eating cereal without milk
I hate milk
I want to rape Henya and fondle her thighs while she has crocs on
Nothing wrong with that, it's her reason behind it that makes me seethe.
>hates soggy cereal
Just use a tiny amount of milk!
Or you could eat the cereal immediately after pouring the milk instead of waiting for it to get soggy
Not anymore. :^)
I can smell the cigarette smoke from this picture.
I want to have consensual sex with Henya and fondle her thighs while she has crocs on
Could be worse, she could have eaten it with water.
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Neither is yours :^)
fuck you dayo ;_;
bap pap pap pu...
bat pap pa po
We return to fatposting
Anyone remembers where I can find Henya's design sheet?
Nevermind, just checked and Garanko didn't make one for her original outfit, only Squeaky did.
The sailor one has a reference by garanco. For the swimsuit we never got one, or atleast I never saw it somewhere.
Has she watched this before, or does this couple go to these kinds of restaurants a lot?
She has watched so many of these Teppanjaki videos, no idea anymore.
I remember the garlic rice right now, so I think this is a rewatch. Unless that's a classic ending dish at these places.

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