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Comfymaxxing Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Froot is LIVE! And is playing WEBFISHING. Cute little fishing game with a chatroom attached. It's extremely comfy. Anny and Camila are also hanging out and fishing with her, though neither are in a call so it's just text chatting from them. Other than that Henya is LIVE! And she only just went live so she's still in yapping mode. She apparently plans on finishing Silent Hill 2 today. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen, but she knows what she's doing. Alternatively Geega is LIVE! And is playing something called Trolley Problem, Inc. Geega WILL kill everyone at every opportunity. And finally Mouse is LIVE! She's been sick post-subathon but she's hanging out today. It's yapping time then RV watchalong. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/tam536000/status/1846316801963286597

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>87628908
why did geega kill 5 kids?
I hope Zen is okay
mouse is an elon dick rider
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Well, she is "Sayton."
nah she is just too lazy to adapt again. Gods know i would never try bluesky until they blocked twitter for one month KEK
forgot Mata
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this mouse looks funny
Oh shit. For some reason in my head she just ended stream after the collab ended and I swapped to Froot so I forgot she was around lmao
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sou sou ne
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she's an old lazy bitch not a rider
Silly OP got into grandpa’s medicine cabinet again
don't let this distract you from the fact ironmouse raped and killed a man in the summer of 1993
yeah me
yeah, me
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Vshojo 2025 looking neat
You looking to be next?
Cant believe Henya is /in/
>haruka go live, you're not escaping streaming
so true queen
bro folllows anyone with a pulse
She would rather kill herself
does that mean silver and vei are heartless?
She did actually multiple time
Ninaninin my beloved
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> Sees Haruka for 2 Seconds
> "Haruka go Live"
Based Rat
Senzawa does not have a pulse. She's been dead for 4 years.
I just learned that rin penrose is actually over 30
Don't be a fucking coward, Mouse.
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whenever haruka is not streaming, all the other vshojos should be asking "why isn't haruka live?"
I love Michi so much.
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Why is Mel implying there's times when Froot isn't cute?
I haven't been paying attention, is the Hime vs Gura stream time anon here? Hime must be way above Gura by now, right?
Froggy does the same thing every single time she sees Haruka in chat, based Froggy
Reading comprehension doko.
because sometimes shes Hot instead
yeah by few hours but that's irrelevant since haruka is the new hime now
so yes? i've seen that mei (from overwatch) sfm
>Hime actually has enough recent broadcasts to fill multiple rows
it will be a crazy mouse stream today
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Henya plays it cool
lemme guess, she's gonna say coño a bunch, and go off on 15 tangents and get one-guyed at least 3 times.
Not yet if we go year by year, Haruka has 224 hours in 2024, Hime has 145
Hime will definitely beat her in 2025 if this trend continues though
Loutlot stop mastering and help Henya fix her discord
and it will be gloriousg2gay
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I miss half dying chill Mouse. The coughing is still annoying but at least it's not as annoying as this stream.
wrong she is already dropping cunt words
There was a twitter thing where people were accusing her of 'trauma dumping' on her friends and coworkers by bringing up her situation, and not talking to a therapaist or something about it. She tends to get heated over stuff like that and want to explain herself and argue. That's probably what they mean.
better than 12 hours of sim games
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>Thousands of applicants
>This is the choice
I would take AI slop over this artstyle
>someone mentions they don't have 7tv in Henya's chat
>people start spamming the widehenyaetcetc emote
what's wrong with it
I miss Froot
I don't like it
I miss Nazuna
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> AHHHHHHHHHHH gun to head .gif
Is Geega secretly a bad person?
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With whips and chains yeah
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wrong one
Depends on your opinion on feds
yeah, /in/ eachother
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Zen... had a hard life
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Bros I think it's time for a serious poll. Let's hear it.
Geega just got hired by the CIA live on stream!
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She'll be alright I hope, we should just continue supporting her as always
didn't she fuck off for a couple of hours after "going to bed" last night?
I think she'll take breaks while just disabling tracking at times, but she'll be alright
Henya x Hime is real
she is gonna run it for a whole month, but i have no doubt streams will be shorter and will have 12h+ "naps"
She's already having throat issues and is like 3 days in. If she can survive a week with no issues then I think she'll make it the whole time.
redo the poll with the option of sleep half the day or more
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Twitch had been lagging the past few weeks for me and my 4790k was finally dieing, so I upgraded, but that didn't fix it. It turns out firefox was using Windows 11 efficiency mode, all I had to do was turn it off
It's dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.backgroundUsesEcoQoS if anyone else is having this issue
that was a good cpu, lasted me for ages
the more i read about Windows 11, the more i'm glad i've never "upgraded" from Windows 10.
I'll try this and if it makes things worse I'll literally cannibalize you
Vetoed by Mata and Mouse respectively.
I waited for a long time to upgrade but their cutting off support for windows 10 soon
efficiency mode is good, but firefox misuses it and applies it to active video tabs for some fucking reason
One can only hope.
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Nepoed by Froot and Michi respectively.
>I'll literally cannibalize you
promise? Also you have to restart firefox for it to apply or go into task manager and manually turn it off for all the sub preprocess
Still a full year until they end support for it, we can only hope windows 12 is better since it will probably be out by then
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Wait? Support ends in 2025? Fuck I misread that notification…fuuuuuuccckkkkk
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Reminds me of my brief foray into Windows 11 that took place over at /h/.
geega is a heartless bitch
It's hot because she's 4'10
Imagine the chest hole fucking?
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>installed windows 11
According to microsoft's pages, yeah
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Zen seems fine. Just retweeted a bunch of fanart so she's around.
install linux as your desktop OS and have a pirated windows install for playing games/adobe software on. trust me, you won't miss windows
There is nothing wrong with windows 11
>pirated windows install
proton is good enough nowadays
>Seeing her own tits lifts her mood
what happened with zen?
Just kinda abruptly ended stream only 4 hours in and said she had to do some thinking. Seems fine now though and it's probably something IRL-related that we don't know shit about
I'm too used to windows, I hate any OS that doesn't have a GUI for literally everything because I'm retarded. Change is bad, I will stick to what I have, maybe I'll consider some linux distro when win10 support dies.
On-topic I love that these nerds are thinking of Haruka when hearing Toad lmao
I’ve been thinking about sticking my dick in Linux. Hhhhhmmmmmm
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I bet you keep a well maintained vagina
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>See this
>Look them up
Here you go everyone.
Katana anon you better be on sky today
katana anon has forsaken us
I hate this picture so much I hate the weird shape of nyan's mouth its so fucking ugly and stupid
He is dead Jim
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Good summary, not mentally ill
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So real
That's when Froot sends you an email with sus links
I hope she plays the game again
Aethel my beloved
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
I know he was probably joking when he told Kyo he'd consider joining niji for the fun of it but I'd kill to see the timeline where that happened and he suddenly gained a schizo nijisis fandom overnight
He would probably get graduated two weeks in
9/11 joke one week in with nyan laughing in the back
What happened now
He should unironically do it for content
dunno if it was mentioned, but that pharmacist made another mouse video a few days ago.
Nice I liked her first video
someone make a webm of connor's face melting as they took off into the sky
yeah i'm about 10 minutes in and she's great at breaking some things down, especially how hard a diagnosis is in the first place
he looked like asmongold for a second when the bitrate was really fucked
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here it comes...
Mint tried it first and oddly got no bots
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>Haruka more active on her Bluesky than on her twitter and twitch put together
I guess I have to make an account now...
mouse there are more genres than just opera that can utilize your vocal range better...
Aethel and Nyan probably just got stabbed to death by an LA crackhead as stream was ending. It was a good run
yeah, Mongolian throat singing and east european grindcore
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thank god
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sorry all you’re allowed are vocaloid songs
She should honestly try Eastern Orthodox songs
wait that really happened? i thought >>87649810 was memeing wtf
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damage control
theres 0 way this ever but i'd kill to hear someone with her training and range try to sing a song with quarter tones or something
Fuck off, vocaloid is good.
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Nyan is pregnant with that crackheads baby now. Athel NTR arc incomeing
She’s making it too obvious that she won the audition
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lmao even
i have seen hentai of this anon , its not that vile.
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Oh sonch is making another one of those with mixman? Last one was pretty interesting.
someone better record it since she deleted the last vod with him
That cat is me
I expected way more bots responding to this, oh well, also i see russian schizo is still harassing her, huh?
it was a membership stream this one isn't
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Unless she is looking for only mastering questions to be answered she needs to do this with Gun.
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they lived bitch
but also wtf
aren't these meant to be for a jp audience?
What Russian schizo?
Actual #1 lsf clip missed
If Nyan isn’t pregnant by Christmas time I’m gonna be pretty upset
Mel live on Twtich/Fansly.
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you are mentally ill and should be culled
it had to be a geegooner
they generally don't do this with no reason. They always come before something big.
Pink rat is singing!
That one that goes around harassing her and people she interacts with, she talked about it on stream once.
>"Do a flip, dayo!"
Endless sources of sound file content!
Oh yeah. Time for new JP hints
degradation karaoke is supposed to be geega's thing
he took a break for a while
this genre, yup
more of this
No one talks about the crack epidemic among ex-nyangoslings
Get out of here.
Get me some money too
findom song
Their mod posted a message in Nyancord about this. They're okay! Probably! If you believe that mod!
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idk roboto strikes me as a crackhead
Oh, Mel and Mata are going to play Webfishing, the game Froot was playing earlier.
the way she screeched that song to a stop when the feed kicked back in lmao
Mata gets to fuck this and it fills me with a jealous rage unlike any has felt before
From Peggy Lee to Projekt Melody and Heem Hajeem!

>I'll be your daddy dayo
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I'm gonna say it
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This ant? It'll never be /in/ because Mel is too freaked out by it.
Mating press
Mel and Mata in VC.
I do like Geega
That's what they said about cockroaches
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>Mel stream
>Has someone in call
>The audio is bad
Mel just turned Mata up.
There has yet to be a vshojo collab with two perfect PoVs
>Mel, Mata, and Geega going to BDSM bars on their trip
Grimmi and Hime could discuss horror slop together
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>nice hole
shes been training to beat lilypichu
Mel and somebody else is getting pegged.
Mel wants to punt the Momos. It's no surprise since Mel beats the Science Team on the regular.
Hopefully this Mel and Mata counts for the stamp rally because Mel is the one who organized this and it's great to hear Mel overcame her anxiety for a bit.
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Mel, please increase the bitrate of your stream. My eyes.
looks fine to me
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Yet another person that's called Mel the smartest person they know.
roomiechan moved to the farm up state. WOW HENYA
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Mata + Mel are great together, I can listen to these two yap all night
whatever happened to emt

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