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What the hell, this thing is fucking huge. Compare to the dinky little one that she was able to get at Nijisanji.
Did she contact a company that makes belts for actual wrestling tournaments?
This looks amazing
please dokker... don't spend so much... you're gonna end up homeress...
What do you think Enna did with hers? Threw it in the garbage?
Was it given/sent to her directly? If not she probably didn't even bother to pick it up - it's probably sitting in some storage cupboard in the office.
Gamersupps paid for the Wrestletuber belt.
She had like what, 6 of them made? One for each winner of the exhibition matches, one for the actual champion, and one for the actual tournament winner...
Yeah, she managed to get a caffeine powder sponsor to spend more on the belt than her former multi-billion dollar employer.
And the Wrestlesanji belt will remain in the office in perpetuity. Just like all other physical prizes the Niji EN folks get whenever they win any sort of contest.
If they win a stuffed animal at a church raffle, it belongs to Niji.
She spent $5000 on a shitpost. I don't think she's gonna be at risk of homelessness ant time soon, unless Canada gets hit with logarithmic hyperinflation like what happened in Zimbabwe 15 years ago.
Make a wish queen strikes again. Grifter who earns nothing and gets everything handed to her
Your mom has cancer
Post tits
Do you know why companies have their logos at the sides of football pitches, on F1 cars etc? That's something called sponsorship - a new word for you to learn, ESL-kun.
ungrateful lying piece of shit. All she had to do was stream and be normal but no she had to sperg out and ruin everything for everyone. Probably a fucking mole all along
knowing her she probably took it to the backyard and burnt it out of spite.
Post tits
Looks better than any AEW belt.
Quick question. Over the past couple of days Matara made a direct reference to Riku's yacht and Michi spoke at length about how Niji lied to her, how she always felt like the butt of the joke in official clips, and how some within the company didn't like Matara's extraversion and so decided to make her feel less confident. Yet I never see any of you seething at them, or any of the ex-livers (all of whom, other than U-san) have talked shit about your precious company. So why is that? What specifically is it about Doki?
Because you decided to make a bait thread about her. Next question
>implying I'm OP
You didn't actually answer the question at all.
>Why are you shitting on Doki?
Because Doki is being made relevant in bait threads. That is the answer to the question. You want people to stop shitting on your grifter? Then you know what to do
>again implying I'm OP, or a dragoon
Still not really answering the question. There have been at least three Doki bait threads made within the past few days, clearly made by your fellow Nijifans. So again, why do you just target Doki and not any of the other ex-livers? Because they're the ones who keep heaping piles of food on the plates of the drama channels. I'm not trying to castigate you for doing so, I'm just genuinely interested as to why?
>riku gets to keep all the cool stuff
another easy w for niji
The wrestletuber one is obviously WAY better, but I don't think the niji one is that bad. It's kinda dull, but the flat nature would make it look good on a relatively clean wall as a plaque.
>I'm just genuinely interested as to why?
Doki got fired from Niji and dares to continue being a vtuber - same reason the sisters hate Sayu
Bro I don't think she even got it if you remember what Mint said about not receiving shit and how Niji just keeps things
Literally all those threads were the typical
>Ewiwa numbah bad???? Donki wins again!!!!

Common Fagoon tactic. Don't know how you came to the conclusion that it was Nijisis
Do anybody want to make a bet that belt is hanging somewhere in the same room riku keeps all the play buttons?
Custom belts the lowest you can get is 400 buck which looks like the niji one while the one doki got for her tournament it's between the 1,500 dollar price range due to all the engraving.
What is/was her problem? I never watched either of them because niggersanji but aren't they sisters in lore?
And what the fuck is a sun/sky dragon or whatever the fuck? And why does her pet dragon thing look so fucking weird, and what was the 005 paper on Selen? Also, why were neither of them in a skirt? And I don't remember if Selen was in overalls but I know Enna is how come she's in overalls and manages to not be cute/sexy?
If the other dude's questions are getting answered I want answers too
Gave it to Diego as marriage proposal
>Up - Sovl
>Down - Sovlless
Truly befitting for a black company like Kurosanji
No bana for scale, so that thing could be something like three inches or so.
The one Nijisanji made looks like made out aluminum painted in metallic gold looks like it has no weigh to it.

The one gamersupp commission while basic looks a 100 times better than niji belt plus you can tell it weighs a good 10 pounds by the plates and leather strap.
Selen was the one to get both.
But the bottom was what she was allowed to get in Niji (sort of understandable due to lots of limitations on third parties, but still frustrating when compared to the new one, and even MORE frustrating considering how Enna nearly ruined the tournament's vibe despite winning), while the top is pretty much her unrestrained by red tape.
So you're just going to lie about the bait threads and not answer my question? Is it because you don't really have an answer?
Yeah seem like niji gave her a budget and she had to do what she could. It's even more sad considering as lame as it look doki would treasure it if she was allowed to keep it (Let's be honest, that belt is hanging in riku trophy room) enna is a fucking cunt.
Considering it drapes well over both of Buffpup's legs, if it is three inches then she must be the easiest woman to please in the world in terms of dick size.
Elira is the one you're thinking of. Enna is Elira's cunt friend who was mostly known for NTR streams.
She didn't give a fuck about the tournament so she took an overpowered character optimized by the /hfz/ thread and won the tournament easily. She was busy with chinese new year and couldn't be bothered to even show up on the first day. On the second day she was complaining how much she hated being there and how badly she wanted to leave. In the end when she gave the winner's interview she insulted the cohost in a really nasty way and completely ruined the atmosphere. Selen was dealing with a death in the family at that point and was barely holding herself together so it was even more of a nasty move considering all her effort and money was going into that tournament and it was ruined by this person.

That's also not the only time she did it, Pomu held a fun NKODice tournament, and once again Enna spent the entire time bitching how much she hated it and how much she wanted to leave. After losing she bailed out early and didn't show up to the final celebration with everyone else because her dinner was more important than her 'friends'.

Enna behaved so badly at these events they eventually stopped inviting her. She was conspicuously missing from the big Tetris tournament even though she had been bragging about her tetris skill for years.
getting your own custom belt made is surprisingly easy and cheap. most of the cost is the plates
Well I still have those questions about the Elira lore. Enna is the "did you ask mane-chan" one? I never really looked into them because even back then when I was first getting into vtubers every bit of secondhand knowledge I got of niji was negative and then when the 2% thing came out I just shunned them entirely. I think they only time any of them came up in my recommended was Victoria's debut stream which I watched. I was considering giving them a shot as the last corpo I hadn't interacted with when I saw some video to a song called "Last Cup of Coffee"
Honestly, don't bother. The few that were worth watching are the ones who left.
If you're a fan of Hololive, you'd probably like Pomu (Now Mint Fantome.) She has a lot of the same vibe as Holo, with a focus on audience interaction and live music events. She's been showing up at pretty much any music event/con possible these days.

Dokibird(Formerly Selen) is a great entertainer and specializes in organizing events, contests, and networking, but she male collabs a LOT if that's a deal breaker, and she's only now starting to do events again.
She's effectively a brotuber so for streaming, she specializes in banter and picking at people (or chat) to cause fun reactions.
Doki is fucking retarded.
I would like to go to a concert and use those pen lights. I have no idea where to go for them I did see a little event Bae and IRyS did at San Japan.
I have watched both Mint and Doki several times they both seem fun
They're still in the archives, disingenuous faggot
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>you'd probably like Pomu (Now Mint Fantome.) She has a lot of the same vibe as Holo
lmao, Pomucucks still trying to join the winnig side after being btfo by the cold reality
>Enna is the "did you ask mane-chan" one?
That's Enna's "best friend" Millie who nepohired her into the company in the first place.
Enna, Elira, and Millie are all super best friends who were hired together and it's totally not nepotism or anything.

Enna and Millie have been complete disasters who stirred up drama after drama.
It was always suspected that Elira was involved with them and they were excluding other people from their clique. But those rumors were laughed off since there was no evidence. Until the black-screen stream when Elira basically outed that all 3 of them were the ones bullying Selen.

Elira speaks Japanese and is in the first wave, so it stands to reason she was given a senior role in the company and probably a management like position, or at least has tons of influence over the managers.
Because of that she gets an absurd number of merch and sponsorships, like 3x more than anyone else, and she gets to hire all her friends into the branch. Those people form a little clique and get to decide who gets popular and who gets excluded.

Selen and Elira are sisters in the lore, with Elira representing the sun, and Selen representing the moon. Both of them took leadership positions in their respective waves.
But I think it pissed Elira off that Selen was just a bit too successful and pushed Elira into 2nd place for the girls. After the first week they completely stopped talking to each other and avoided each other in collabs. The fabled "dragonsisters collab" was highly anticipated, the moment the two of them would actually collab, but it never happened.
doki makes bank
>about to overtake her peak subs as selen
>less dead subs than selen
>tons of members
>way more collabs and opportunities
>way more sponsors
>good merch
and most importantly
>makes everything instead of a slave 2% cut
Still no answer?
It's a mindbroken nijicuck/elirafag seething at her failure of a birthday
He's flailing around like a dying animal, he's not gonna make any sense
Hey that wasn't me. We pretty much never venture out of /lazu/
why is Pomu still in the OPs of those threads if she's gone and glad to be free?
You disingenuous nigger. No one is targeting Doki or her fagoons until they start getting uppity. There's a fucking thread every day of you cucks baiting using Doki then cry about getting "targeted". You faggots behave like full blown trannies

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