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Why are female vtubers allowed to ask male vtubers to come to the country where they live while male vtubers are hated and called sexpests when they collab with a female vtuber. Seems a little unfair. Why do female sexpests get a pass?
Cause women can get away with being creepy perverts and men get tortured for doing the same thing. Tale as old as time
Female sexpests are hotter than male sexpests
Because males and females are absolutely not equal and are held to different societal standards. You would understand this if you weren't underage
If a female vtuber raped a man, this board would just be horny posting about it. I think that speaks for itself
>OP discovers how the world works
Wait till you find out double standards between men and women aren't exclusive to vtubing
men are unneeded losers who should be grateful they’re getting any attention at all whereas women have value
what a whore
The whore is still sucking him off for clout, lmao.
Has this whore killed herself yet?
It's because most men scared of women, they're supposed to be the physically stronger sex. You think you can beat them all in the fight. Not necessarily wrong, mind you, but be the change you want to see in the world.
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Because boomer men from 50 years ago kept getting caught raping women to the point that now men are synonymous with rapists.
If women were wantonly raping men back then to the same scale, they knew how to keep it quiet instead of bragging about it, so they don't have this issue today.
If your dad wasn't still out to get the milk, you should probably blame him for this.
Women have the final say on relationships, that's just the way it is.
didn't this bitch send ass pics out to t3 subs?
cute couple
Women can't commit rape, just how anatomy works
and only really ugly women are creepy to nearly any man
God I hate women. They should honestly suffer because they don't understand life.
hah classic
Anny get the fuck away from my husband you floozy
This thread REEKS of incel and femcel. Maybe you two should have lots of sweaty and stinky sex and make a shitload of hate babies
I self-insert as Vedal
I self-insert as Cerber/Filian/Camila/Amelia Watson
rememinder vedal is literally a boyish lad only 20 at most and all these fucking HAGS way older that him wont stop perving on him
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>[YouTube] Anny asks Vedal if he likes her (NOT CLICKBAIT)
Is this chick autistic?
>Amelia Watson
what does she have to do with this at all
seems to me that women are no longer held to any standard at all
>why won't females fuck me?
Schizo shit. Amelia Watson as Dooby follows Neuro and Cerber. Vedal is the creator of Neuro-sama. If you know who CerberVT is then you probably know what the Neuroverse is since her main audience comes from Neuro. If know what and care about the Neuroverse you're probably a Vedalfag. It's a whole thing and there's also a bunch of shipping. Neuro's fans are very disconnected from normal vtuber fans.
You would be correct
Why does every indie just copy Vei?
>Why does every woman want to be a whore
Truly a mystery, anon.
Sorry anon I don't understand your question
No one I watch interacts with males because they're not whores
God, I wish that was me
Sex, Anon. Men have the final say on relationships. Marriage is gatekept by men.
>normal vtuber fans
Isn’t Vei’s husband embroiled in scandal right now
Why the fuck would I know. Better question, why the fuck have (You) even heard of such a thing.

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