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Gotta Go Fast Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Live /BIG/s

>Wordcloud Creator

>/BIG/ Logo

>OP Template

>Vod Channels


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>87620537
Experiencing friendship vicariously through watching chuubas play Mario Party together!
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goose love
Real gangsta
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Camlia cute
im gonna miss her a lot
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The last mating press...
>Mario Party
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For now.
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Mating Press
Handsome Boy
Scuff Queen
If I missed anyone feel free to post them
they're all gonna hate each other by the end of this
All my homies like homie
who raided you in to mari?
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Silvervale followed back, bringing her mutual count to Silver, Inis, Filian, Doki, Mint, Neuro, Cerber and Clauvio
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Do you think chuubas come here to egosearch and feel weird looking at people analyzing the stuff they do on social media? Anyway, Silver is one of the only notable people to have interacted with her in her past life. Makes sense they'd still be chill.
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>Scuff Queen
Imagine she scuffed(ruined) your orgasm haha
blue balled
doob news
Collab when?
All chuubas have been here at least once
scuffed orgasm kino
Kenji streaming with a worse mic than the one that came with the Xbox 360
Takes me back
what's the appeal?
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fox tiddy
Camila is such a gremlin
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They just took a shot
nice tities
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best ritualpost
ok that was a bit funny
The mic thing? I dunno, it's a little bit funny.
As for Kenji himself I am one of his only fans on /vt/ despite him being /BIG/ tier. Doesn't really fit what most people on /vt/ want to see (a loud black dude vs. sugoi loli catgirl).
how do i keep missing the setup streams
Just aim better
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Bro what the fuck is this?
missing how?
Wack ass set up
this has to be a joke
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literally me...
Elia Stellaria my beloved.
Okay not really but her voice is very pleasant.
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His clips are pretty great. I've got a couple on an external drive full of vtuber stuff I need to organize.
If he wasn't a Niji anti (before it was cool) a lot of anons would think he's based.
i don't get to submit anything
oh, better luck next time
Share with us instead.
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vienna mention
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people who own this shit are mentally unwell
Whenever I go to cons I see walls of these things everywhere. I can't tell if this means they're extremely popular or if it means people have extreme buyer's remorse, but I'm going to go with mostly the former.
this but sanrio
no, people who own sanio are mentally ill not mentally unwell there's a big difference between the two
I have half the my dress up darling series in a sanrio snack box
am i crazy?
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Stationary Anime Figure >>>> Mecha/Gunpla > Figma >> Nendo >> Cheap Prize Figures > Poorly Done Garage Kits and Bootlegs >>> Youtooz > Funko Pops
>not a single screen with MATING PRESS on it
Clearly that /BIG/ot was lying about submitting one
mega just ligma'd camila's balls
What's the whole thing about girls who like Sanrio being crazy? Is there actual truth behind it?
there are real life cases but just like everything on the internet it is overblown
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All the /BIG/ chuubas are going offline now...

It's probably because it's a female version of a manchild thing to do. That and it's sort of adjacent to pic related (i.e. crazy girls with issues that can't cope with being an adult are great in bed in a weird, kinky way).
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>any new...frogs this stream?
So which kinds of manchildren (boy failures or whatever else they wanna call it) do women find attractive?
The fuck is that?
>kenji is the only /big/ger online
What does this thread normally do outside of burger hours?
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We die.
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>I used to love this guy's videos before he got hired at G4 and took down all his videos
What a boomer thing to say kek. Anyway I like when chuubas get nostalgic.
And if Kirsche isn't your thing, this is like the stream Camila did today but cut down to the best parts. Cotton's editor is pretty good at making YT videos.
Anyway, goodnight /BIG/.
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We get comfy until more go live.
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>try geega
awww shiet she followed neuro. can't wait for the collab.
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>yeah homie
>sex vod
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>laimu sexy
>women based
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>thing post minto

Manifesting collab?
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it's korean power hour
>no way
ma homie is back

>hi buga
god she's cute
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probably should have posted those the other way around
just checking cafe and settings first, but listening to gangsta shit
oh shieeet man señorita aw shiiie
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>>mexico taco *korean* taco *korean*
madaom might actually be a /big/ga, too, haven't checked, but she's been 4view the past couple days
she's funny, but her voice is kinda rough
their nigga roleplay is spot on glad i caught that interaction
aww shiiiet mayne
>calls taxi (택 시)
>ma HOMie
hory shiet
shes MA HOMIE NIGGA shieeeeeeeeeet nigga dayummmmmmmmm
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Love my wolf wife
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the kr bros crack me up
"bro" "yeee"
having ice cube - hello on loop is a vibe too
comfy stream ngl
she almost called that girl nigga
Koreans seem to know a lot more English words and phrases compared to Japanese vtubers.
are you from korea or what
why are korean chuubas suddenly so popular here
korean education actually attempts to teach their kids english, and for that they are very successful. also homie's english sounds super good, maybe naturalised
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Watching a Korean chuuba who knows a decent amount of English larp as a sterotypical black woman is peak content, especially when no biggas are streaming.
she spent a lot of time in canada growing up and then moved back
it's funny hearing her shift between a korean accent and an NA accent when she turns on VA mode
oh thats why she keeps saying canada represent lol
yeah she's technically korean born I think, like 26 or so, but also reps canada
don't know the full details of the timeline
i dont care, as long as she my homie nigga shieeeeeeee

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