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>gets into trouble with the government
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Here comes trouble Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:08 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream (+ Collab Stream)
FILIAN X DEME (Cancelled), Surprise Tenma Collab
liar liar im gonna set your pants on fire (Liar's Bar w/ Filian, Dizzy & Jelly)


>Previous Thread
>loses all her clothing
Filian is BASED
Isn't she doing the breast enlargement every time she laughs? Is she also going to be taking off her clothes at the same time?
This will be the peak of you laugh you lose content.
dont forget about the diaper as well
what the fuck
Chat, is this real?
I'm gonna smack
dios mio
I kinda liked this game but the death sounds were so weird
It's amazing that ChaCha still fits in her school uniform after so many years
she looks naked with a sick tan
More people should do this so we get a unique model faster
They should also post themselves getting gangbanged in VR orgies. And/or getting railed by a fuckbot.
I jack to fil if you know what i mean.
Fibidi toilet
tentacle gangbang for the ladies
>lands on my cock and rides it
Neuro will not stream tomorrow
chat I'm in a cringe comp is such a powerful saying
Filian doing a strip challenge stream soon. How long until she shoves something up her butt for content? Either as the gimmick or a punishment on the wheel
Filian is seiso because I say so.
YLYL : fansly edition with a punishment of leaking that vibe code to chat
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
>Smackers think Filian lovesense steam would be lewd and erotic with cute little panting moans from Filly
>How it would actually be: her spazzing out and screaming into the mic as she cums her brains out
ok but how is that now lewd and erotic. i would much rather that than the cutesy anime girl uwu shit imo
I have been literally been advocating here for an enema stream for like last 2 months
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I don't know why you think she would squirt water up her asshole during stream.
She would never say that word...
anon, she grew up on the internet pre 2016...
She jugs laxatives, enema is not that much different
>tries to get an ai of her to react to drama slop since she never will and no one here cares
>the ai laughs and calls them a slur
this scenario is too fucking funny holy kek
First of all the laxatives are essentially mid-tasting gummy bears, or in the recent case actual sugar free gummy bears.
Secondly there's no content with the enema. She's not going to have a mic on. She would spend 20 minutes essentially not streaming as she's pushing dirty water out of her ass. You are delusional if you think an enema is feasible as a stream idea of any kind.
my sides
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Holy shit
Hypothetically if you were a streamer/vtuber who was going to collab with Filian what would your stream idea be?
Dogshit take, having her push water up her ass on stream is a pure gold content, no one needs a fucking mic for it ,you have imagination. Laxatives was also not a "feasible" idea, have some imagination and creativity.
She puts bondage gear on if she loses, gear is on the wheel (posture collar, gag, pony boots and etc.) Top tier content also TOS friendly so it can be streamed on twitch, if not will be a Fansly stream
I would be Mel and get her to play one of those "Fap Hero" hentai videos with a lovesense, because she loves rhythm games so much
Imagine if she underestimates the results, and you here her go "I'm putting it in now chat. Here... Huh. wha.... AAAAAAHHHHHHAAAHAHAHA CHAT MY INSIDES ARE GONNA EXPLODE I...." *violent spraying and splattering sounds* "uhu uh ugh oh shi.. anyway chat that's it see ya next time *ends stream*.
I will die a happy man then
Isn't that just a scene from Bible black?
The stream premise is an excuse to remove the diaper early.
I'm onto her scheme
I would play league with her and she’d be my support
Keep talking and nobody explodes, but the bomb is real.
I saw some jacksfilm comment on her most recent meme.
I know I said he was just stirring drama to leech but its completely shameless. There are way better targets to criticize for react streamer stuff too, not that theres anything wrong with it in the first place.
What if she puts on multuple layers of clothing for the strip stream?
>minor spelling mistake
Hi filian.
Do it and we'll submit bad videos so you can't take any layers off
Date stream, with chat in the cuck chair.
actually just a versus game stream like she's done before
Will the strip stream be her model or her irl?
I'm expecting this. She'll start wearing a million shirts like she did for that one punishment a couple weeks back. When the extra layers are all gone the stream moves to fansly.
what is this strip stream you guys are talking about?
>still fits
Not exactly
you laugh you strip next saturday
She doesn't spoil us like this anymore...
Are you serious? when did this become a thing? what kind of whore is she becoming?
mine specifically
>what kind of whore is she becoming?
Unironic Fight Club. Let's see which of Filian's cohorts are capable of taking down Nacho Fan Filly Savage.
I'll be the announcer. Chat can place bets.
>Thinking she'll actually strip and it won't end with a punchline
filian is already naked
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i wrote both posts btw
Realistically speaking, this is what happens. But a smacker can dream.
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nah, I wrote all of them
Do not see many things stopping her from actually undressing irl since we will never even fucking see it
still a pretty extreme step up for a girl who supposedly hates the idea of sex and makes fun of smackers.
Suddenly doing a voluntary stream that's explicitly sexual in nature, especially after how much she just complained about the fansly stream.
filian is tsundere for being lewd
Oh yeah, dare to dream. I just can see her saying she's going to take EVERYTHING off and then swapping to a skeleton model or something
she’s in the luteal phase of her menstrual cycle. expect this behavior to continue for some days
What a fucking slut.
audible kek
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Snackers, I think Fil and Kenji would be pretty funny together. Both are kinda witty and edgy, and he's the only /BIG/ vtuber she hasn't collabed with at this point, despite them having several overlapping friends. It's a shame he's a dramafag who might use it as a chance to bring up old shit like the George Floyd joke as some kind of gotcha moment.
in my bed
how many people have filian personally murdered?
i wrote this post
She should react to it while eating a whole jar of pickles
Tbf her silently reacting to it while eating and then just asking the chat if thats a W or L video and then just moving on without any extra reaction would be a gigachad move
I sure hope this strip stream turns out better than her other quirky YLYL ideas. It would be pretty sad if it sucked ass and did nothing more than make her look like a whore.
agreed, it could be funny or it could just come off desperate and lame
You sound like a pessimist which isn't the type of person I think would like Filian.
This stream idea is S tier, especially with diaper combo, it is guarantee to have high CCV and a lot of support form fans, the only way she can actually fuck it up is to scam us in some shape or form, like having bunch of unnecessary clothes and not actually undressing or ditching diaper when she has to wear it during all stream
nah don't give schizos and dramafags any attention. positive or negative doesn't matter. they live off it.
So wait, she's doing a strip, diaper, tit expansion stream now? How much can a vtuber award show possibly cost...
I've only become a pessimist for filians "crazy idea" streams, because most of them suck.
And I find it a bit sad how every female streamer succumbs to the coomers eventually.
>This stream idea is S tier, especially with diaper combo
that only applies if you're a gooner freak (which I guess is 50%+ of her audience at this point).
If you want to see the catgirl circus clown do the funny, it feels like the end of an era.
This Saturday will be a diaper stream. Next week will be the strip stream. She isn't doing a tit expansion stream (yet) that's just what one anon wants her to do
>that only applies if you're a gooner freak (which I guess is 50%+ of her audience at this point).
Pretty much 80% of her audience is smackers/ dream gf type of dudes, and rest are just in denial.
No this week is the strip stream. That's what's in the discord event.
She promised tit expansion last week.
sex with filian's mom (anal)
>that only applies if you're a gooner freak
are you a woman or just larping as a good christian boy? actually even if you're a woman, if you're on 4chan you're still probably a gooner freak too.

the stream idea is probably just a bit. you complaining about the crazy idea streams being shit while complaining about the end of "catgirl circus clown" makes me think you're probably shit stirring and not a real person, since the crazy stream ideas are part of the catgirl circus clown and have been for a long time now.
Mama doesn't let me penetrate since I'm Filly's bf but she does give me lots of thigh sex when I'm a good boy (thicc toggle on max!)
finally a man of culture in here
Will the stream end when Filian is completely naked?
>if you're on 4chan you're still probably a gooner freak too.
Gooning to filian is like gooning to a downie. weird as fuck.
>you complaining about the crazy idea streams being shit ... makes me think you're probably shit stirring and not a real person
I'm talking about her doing ideas she knows she will never commit to, like "you lose you leak photos" and her "IRL stream" which is retarded if you're too scared to even leave your house.
This will be another of those, and one I didn't want to see even if she does commit.
>Gooning to filian is like gooning to a downie. weird as fuck.
shit taste. the autistic tomboy thing is hot.
>I'm talking about her doing ideas she knows she will never commit to, like "you lose you leak photos" and her "IRL stream" which is retarded if you're too scared to even leave your house.
I will grant you only that I roll my eyes at obvious bait from her. IRL streams are a mixed bag, but some of them have been fun and they're uncommon enough that I am willing to sit through the rough ones while she experiments with it.
>one I didn't want to see even if she does commit.
she won't, but again, shit taste.
stream ends when she arrives at my house and flips onto my peanus weanus
I don't like the idea of regular Snackers being in the Smacker thread. What if they bully us?
just don't gosling post and smack at the same time and it'll be fine
They will be the ones getting bullied.
snackers and smackers are my friends. they are both cut from the same cloth.
LUMFAO that got me good, thanks
our BASED racist fil
Nise except Chacha looks really tall here which is impossible for a Puerto Rican and breaks immersion
i didn't really account for size when i made it. it's good that you say that cause i'll check for that the next time.
I used to think of Filian as anideal autistic gf material but then she became a whore on fansly and I stopped thinking of her in that way. She's still funny on stream so I'll keep watching but I can't be parasocial anymore
it looks fine, don't listen to that other dude.
>I can't be parasocial anymore
you say that but she'll probably still be on your mind all the time every day
I don't like Filian, just want to say fuck Jacksfilms. SSSniperWolf was right this entire time. Fuck that guy.
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please go away thank you
my wife
Hey there /flip/, your Oshi isn't still reacting in unethical ways is she?
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me when i try to put it in.
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to the holobronies reading this thread, remember how you spammed the catalog for days over the nendo and model stuff and how Filian was over? Remember how nothing came out of it? Yeah, I remember that. Anyway, have fun spamming and having arguments with phases or whatever, desu I am still not sure why you have beef with them of all corpos, they are small potatoes, and also, have fun with the Dooby debut, only two days left. I do look forward to her and Filian doing something together soon.
swag money
get out we dont accept you
are you a holobrony yourself or something, numberfags are the ones always making all that shit and /#/ is a very out and proud holo thread. for some reason they decided to shit and piss over filian, not that it really matters, filian herself won't care about any of this shit.
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no i only watch filian, i also take up her anti drama mantra. so go elsewhere if you want to do that
u know fily herself did joke about holo content being cocomelon for weebs
i actually did use to watch holo and still like some of them but their fans here are very retarded and fily was right about that
yes she bants with everyone but doesnt dramafag so stop it
You have to go back...
i made the first /flip/ thread thoughtever
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My favourite interaction

i hate hungovers
get well soon anon
put a girl on
needs a blunt in there
i don't like drinking because everytime i do i'm a mess for two days.
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