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Welcome to V&U + Korean VTubers General, a thread for discussion of Virtual & Universe, as well as other Korean VTubers.

>V&U Website: https://vnuentertain.com/
>V&U Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/VNUofficial
>V&U Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@VNUEntertain
>V&U Schedules:

Symphoria Original Song "Crown US":
Solstice Original Song "Wild Things":
Gens 1-3 Original Song "We Are Traveling":
Song Cover Playlist:

>What does V&U stand for?:
V&U stands for "Virtual and Universe." It also means "VTuber and You." V&U is an agency that operates in South Korea, but their talents are encouraged to speak English. They are not limited to speaking Korean and Japanese.
>V&U Members and links: https://pastebin.com/qt2RxQxu
>V&U Fanfics, Fan websites, and other fun stuff: https://pastebin.com/Uc1KjwW8

>Info about Korean Vtubers, English-speaking KR Vtubers, Korean language learning materials (Edit Code: kr): https://rentry.org/kr_general
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Previous thread: >>87466429
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I love Cerenity and I wish she was my girlfriend
Stuffing Cyon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drPjLJcFNWc
And now Amoria gets to join Tomomi and Cerenity in the Mouthwashing fanart appreciation faction
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Tomomi love!
This but with Kokone
Zebi cute
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best girl best cute
the artist should draw them making out
it's important for the vision
I need to date a lady like Cyon
24 hours without DK... life becomes meaningless
this is some prime kusoge
Maeve jacking me off into Liora's mouth
Cyon sugg me
I love Echo Lyne!
Don’t we all?
This but also with Cyon sitting on my face
Spanking Maeve for having her fun confession stream while I’ll be at the dentist
I almost forgot about the 12 hour 7dtd session Cyon's going to jump into right after this
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>from solo stream straight into collab with Yumi
Cyon is a machine.
2girls 7days
Cyon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK77rheqtIo
Yumi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkkeYFPA4Vo
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Cyon just casually mentioning being a witness to a mountain lion mauling without further elaboration
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and now i'm dooming.
cyon's pc did its best today
Meeta on the telly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icpvwqZvG3I
Oi, Meetaposter, where are you? Your wife and her mama have been streaming for some time, wake the fuck up!
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meeta's mama is kinda sex
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Meetaposter missing out on meeting the mama, she kinda hot too
>Collab with kurosanji members
It was fun while it lasted.
oyakodon with Meeta, Kurun-chan and Goto-mama...
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Twisty's a small corpo collab whore, it's hard to avoid her. 6 of her last 10 streams are external collabs
I'll still never forgive Nijisanji
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Titcow love.
People still pretend to care?
I mean, there are still dramaniggers who believe the bullshit narrative S*rafi and her grifter lawyer made up about “muh invoice” and making bait threads at infrequent intervals where they circlejerk about shit like “muh numbers”, “muh bought subs” (just in the last one they claimed that Maeve, who might I remind you still lives with her parents and is a college student, somehow had enough money to buy subscribers) and “muh balck corpo”, so I would assume that people still at least pretend to care about niji
>Prentend to care
Collabing with a known corporation that tried to tarnish the reputation of one of their own employees after admitting to attempting suicide due to work place conditions and her own coworkers more worried about their job positions and clout by creating a video pushing the narrative she was the problem. Yeah, I care if anyone gives that corporation any time of day. Sorry dk, I'll be skipping your event.
i hate niji but you and your grifter can fuck off too fagoon
Enjoy Nijisanji stealing credibility from your small vtuber company then. Don't say I didn't warn you.
i don't get it fagoon, some of the girls collabed with niji homos months ago and you're crying like a bitch now? or maybe you're just a dramafaggot?
it's a nijisister, they hate twisty
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Oi! Shut the fuck up about Niji, you daft wankers, my ghost wife’s streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giZ4i25rAWI
Tomomi, what did you do this time?
Jelly is a V&U ally?
Made for groping
Have any of the girls done these?
sounds like she loves it
If there's an omegaverse quiz in there somewhere, yeah
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Personality quizes
Don't think anyone's done any of those. On stream at least.
My wives and our three daughters
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Maeveborne + confessions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnrGF_7pHsI
I'm sorry :(
I'm sorry for being so naive and careless :(
I didn't think about the potential consequences my actions could have but now I realize and I'll stop so please forgive me :(
hey can you go have a schizo breakdown somewhere else
I watched the VOD. I am caught up in all things Meeta. Note that sometimes I am too busy masturbating that I forget to post when im masturbating.
BTW I am not masturbating as of this post, saving it for Meetas next stream.
I hope she reads my paizuri confession
>sometimes I am too busy masturbating that I forget to post when im masturbating.
Liora I love you.
My passion for these girls clouded my judgement which resulted in me talking about Cyon and Rowa in /pcg/ but then some other anon told me "If you really love them you wouldn't talk about them in a place kiwifags can see." It hit me hard that anon was right and I feel very embarrassed and ashamed now. :(
ok well next time also consider making it one post like this one instead of several random self-pity posts with no context
First confession was a cute one
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>that confession
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I thought it was going to go into a paizuri mention
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Thanks for reminding me to turn on notifs for this channel
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Ah, classic
Mivi Ring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_gfv__tlVg
Something terrible is about to happen.
go tomochu
spook to the extreme
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her 3d's so cute
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Maeve will provide fistings on day 3
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Pig gets fisted today
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>He came much faster than I thought he was gonna come
>i got hair in my mouth
Rowa chatting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsS7jzDZppk
Maeve wants to know where cum is stored
the collab Meeta and Cerenity are in is live
Too zoomer for Foo Fighters
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She's underestimating the medallion curse
Rowa is done for.
Mivi raided into yandere Rowa
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Meeta is so fucking sexy. And yes I am masturbating to her
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She's just getting roasted now
The problem of ether watching a stream late or just waiting for the vod since so much has already happened
I usually tune in anyway if it's gonna be a long one
Touching Rowa's vagina walls.
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Pizza stare
Rowa does NOT know about typhlosion
this Devour mapis dog shit. at least the previous one was small enough that the girls could interact with each other
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Granny cracking packs
Bigger maps in these kind of games are always ass, I don't know why devs keep trying
please liora, molest my body with your hands
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sucking on Liora's fingers
going between maeve and Liora is wild it makes Liora feel way more hag like and Maeve way more bratty child like
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Mivi Until Dawn finale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qnBJb7Q0yI

Amora P3 DLC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF3BADXSYmA
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Pizza break over and now there's more titty in frame
It's like having a sip of black coffee after biting into a sweet treat
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Maeve's fat juicy thighs pressing my buttons
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i don't know what this is but Liora just coomed
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Study with Suri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Wkh2l-taU
the ol' smack and rub
Amoria take 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot8cgvNN5qY
>Maeve had a confession from someone who literally ate shit
Alright, which one of you fags was it?
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sounds like it was a good haul
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so no summer outfit 3D?
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Rate Maeve's headphones
I would spank her with them so they break and she has to buy better headphones
>I jorked it while watching your Elden Ring streams :)
She finally got to some horny ones
Mivi survived... Until Dawn™.
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She's talking about me btw
I'm impressed that Mivi managed to keep everyone alive
god gamer
el em ay oh
yeah me
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Maeve is my good Christian zoomer gf
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Maeve and Cyon are both brats according to a certain BDSM test
Maeve is cute and I want to fuck her aggressively
This feels like the classic my rape hentai is made for women but people won’t accept it because it doesn’t fit their worldview
i want mivi's stuffed animals to watch when we have sex
Me constantly being worried Maeve is going to get a dumb confession that will lead to a women moment makes me realize how much I care about her
Why does Cyon have a cult of anons who want to spank her then
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Well the good news is that she has so many that I don't think you'd really have a choice
Wonder what Maeve is doing now
I'm doing her
It’s during the slow times like this when the thoughts get crazy. An entire week of Maeve ass and the wild things that could happen with it. Keeps me up at night
Part of me is happy the confession stream was fun and Maeve enjoyed my message. The dark part of me wishes I sent a horny fetish filled one instead even though I know it was a better idea not to
probably a good call depending on how degenerate you were thinking of going because sometimes that stuff just kill the mood even if it's kinda funny
the jorking and facesitting ones she got were probably around the level to keep it at
besides Tomomi, Kokone and Cerenity are doing watchalongs of the new jewcorp girls(and guy) debut too
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Oh nice. Get those shekels, ladies.
They have a trans fr?
>(and guy)
oh no no no no
/corpo/ going crazy about the echo bullying rrats again.
I'm pretty sure its a they/them or calling themselves non binary instead of actual trans
Looks like it's just one retard seeing an opportunity to peddle his shit. I don't know what his deal is with V&U as it's not the first time.
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Also I recognize that faggot's writing style, he came in here once bitching about Suri maliciously "copying" Echo because of the black and red school uniform in picrel
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I was not aware she was like this
Oh yeah I remember that. Tbh I think it was coincidental but some anons go crazy about that stuff I guess.
Why vanguard liora? Why not YGO? they have Valkyries there
I don't know shit about TCG but I can't even tell if actual yugioh players enjoy playing yugioh
you have more fun if you're not tryharding
Which girl(s) do you think is/are boring?
your mom, now go back
what if im a talent egosurf posting
Maeve, that confession wasn't mine, but I'd also love to have you sit on my face
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what if
need a Cerenity tupla...
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tanuki good night space
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Cute hag
I’ve seen a guy there talk about how V&U isn’t gonna release any more gens, but I personally don’t buy it. Only dramafags and tourists, both of whom had never even heard of V&U before and only shat on it because the grifter lawyer and Purple Keemstar said “V&U bad”, ever cared about the whole S*rafi drama and her little crusade was an impotent wet fart. I think they’re just laying off the ACCELERATE for a while to give time for gen 5 to set in and let even dramafags forget the whole bullshit to avoid any new gens getting harassed.
it doesnt make sense for any corpo to release any new gens, it just doesn't work anymore. New gens aren't pulling any new viewers, they're just dividing the already existing audience
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wow what a cute
what a lewd!
wow my wife
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Taichou love!
I wonder if sponsors fight over parts of the body
Anon you don't need to be a dramafag to know there's no reason to accelerate with the amount of talents there are already.
But imagine if there were ten streamers overlapping at once instead of just five...
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eight girls just a few weeks ago, it goes from no streams to full overlap pretty quick
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The universe trying to replace the blond Korean related women with another Blond Korean related women
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there can be many
Sucks for us, but understandable if that's the timeslot that works for them.
That butt is making me prey she is old enough to be in school when corporal punishment was allowed in Korean public schools or that she went to a private or rural school that still allowed it
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Officially prohibited in 2011 but still went on in rural places so thats a yes. Not accounting for personal parent upbringing though
and now i'm dooming...a lot. say goodbye to gen 4.
>karaoke relay with v&u
>only 4 girls
The rest are guys or what?
No he meant there only Rowa, Suri, Spectra, and Tomomi are a part of it. The rest are girls
only 4 v&u girls, small number compared to brave
the number makes more sense when you split Brave into its US (Idol, V4Mirai) and EU subsidiaries (Globie) and add in PixelLink with a similar number as the others.

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