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kek IRySIRyS
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I love Ina!
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hey man
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You baka...
my neighbourhood has a black bear thats as tall as a civic on all fours. it's not afraid of any loud noises and destroys everyone's garbage bins
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Anya cute!
lust for mori
IRyS wants the black marine to die
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My Ina!
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>this dude with the special helmet will die in the first mission
IRyS has been watching too many boomer action films
What do they smell like?
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why don't they kill it
my b
slap it's balls
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Holy fuck.
Sour cream and onion.
good thing IRyS is cute or else i'd be seething at her mispronouncing names again
Man I Love Kronii!
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Kronies and Deadbeats hold hands
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Would you drink your Oshi's nettie pot water?
why don't they just officially say Gura is an affiliate already? no one ever shitposts when she skips a collab at this point
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Why haven't you called animal control? Waiting for someone to get mauled first?
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>There's a deadbeat inside me
>There's a boros inside me
Anyone wanna tell me what else is inside me?
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dudes having a sugar rush
Okay there's no way IRyS is gonna take 40k lore seriously. And that's why I like watching her playthrough more than Calli's or Biboo's.
Did Kronii make femboy Boros canon?
Sorry bud it's his neighbourhood now.
so are all space marine squads an almost perfectly mixed ratio of different races? honestly i just assumed they would've purged all the black people because they were 'affected by the warp' or something as a cover
IRyS you motherfucking baka, you sick motherfucking goddamn BAKA!
probably wants to do one more fes
Why is this bear acting like he drank alcohol after having a Canada Dry?
She doesn't need to use the nettie pot, I'll extract it directly.
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I hate bears!
>irys love kek
>cute kronii fauna
Leandros is just following the codex btw
once it kills someones dog they will but so far animal control/wildlife officers won't do shit

it really is.
Kronii's cum is green... no...
chumbuds have stockholm syndrome
IRyS, stop trying to get the space marines to BL with each other.
I hate Warhammer fans
Let it go bruh
All it took was for Ame to leave.
been waiting for this for four years
>biboo irys love
dude can chug
(You) have pebbles in your kidney
I feel like Titus looks a bit like Henry Cavill in this game. I wonder if it's a slight coincidence, or on purpose because of his now ill-fated involvement in the Warhammer adaptation for Amazon
based non ina thread
>shiori kronii based sex
4 years and we finally got MoriMori...............
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yes Raora, I watched you rant about it 15h ago
Am I a cute femhooman?
>biboo irys love
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Kronii talking about her grool
yeah so IRyS is fucking stupid. <3
is kronii talking about her cum
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Anya sexy
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Kronies, your oshi is a special one
>Canada Dry
the greatest of all ginger ales
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Bros, women are so gross...
>Kronii in-depth describing her snot consistency
Why is she like this?
I’ll ask again, are there chaos space marines in this game?
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Wow, Kaela and Moona are still playing
Boros isn't white anymore!
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Is it me, or is HoloAlt Haachama really erotic?
one of the fun parts of 40k is you can take it as seriously or unseriously as you want
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brothers, i am eating here
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KroFau is officially fucking dead, press K and F to give it its last rites and post your favorite KroFau moments because they're never coming again
These Marines really like chains huh?
I wonder why
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Milk onegai
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this your oshi, kroniis?
he looked like this in SM1 anon...
>Kronii consulted her Mom about her snot
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Bae a cute.
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Smell them well
why not just shoot it? or are you in a cucked state that cant own guns?
She got it from Ina.
only kronii can do this to mori, and only mori can do this to kronii. I love them
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i don't know but it's great
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What the fuck
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where's ame
Sex with postpartum femhoomans
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Kronies, what the fuck is wrong with your oshi?
Why does Kronii always trigger my saviorfag instincts?
There was another
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Kek IRyS
post the black bear
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I woke up with "It's not a Phase" in my head and it's been stuck in my head all day. It reminded me of when I was like 9 or 10 and I heard Avril Lavigne's "I'm with You" on VH1 or MTV's countdowns and loved it, but I pretended I didn't because everyone else at school would clown on it. It gives me that same vibe except I'm not afraid to say I like it anymore. It's oddly comforting.
What the fuck IRyS kek
>If the snake isn't white
What did she mean by this
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>that dude's face
Looks almost like a wojak
Why is IRyS like this
What if Hololive got a real life black holo
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The Dark Angels are a bunch of Space Frenchman whose Primarch is a guy named Lionel Johnson and they have a dark secret. Subtle Games Workshop is not.
IRyS is horny again
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Would IRyS ship Girlyman and Yvraine?
That tako would be me
i'm a leaf that lives on the side of a mountain. it is simply the largest of the many bears around here
Remember to check the color of your snake, guys
IRyS sees women only as sexual machines
Do what, exactly?
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>have my babies
kek IRyS
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What is this ship called? Greyscale?
IRyS blood moon vs Kronii multicolored Boros
imagine serving 100 years in this..... 'serving'.....
>Cadians are madwe for UltraBVLLS
wtf did IRyS meant by this
What did Irys even say, I must be as dense as her
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Why is IRyS so smug and bratty?
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Sexiest Holo according to Taiwan polls
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Mori's describing her rape fantasies again
Ame is enemy...
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>first time meeting a female in this game
>"Will you birth my babies?"
>Kronii no please, my dick can't take anymore
>She starts fucking you harder
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Dethklok inspecting your long white snake...
They should talk about earwax next
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wtf Kaela is still playing with Moona
they've been playing for so long now
I came back in the middle of that and heard changing colors and drink more water, assumed they were talking about pee.
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>Furry mode
Eigo muzukashii
The Gura question...
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>I can now commit crime
the Gura question....
Sakamata sex
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I think all 1:1 collabs should be in power wash
I'm glad Luna got addicted to Lethal Company after the FuRyS collab
I do find that women often go for the scissors to cut their food rather than a knife for everything
It's alright, I can read lips
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The Luna/Biboo Collab is becoming more real everyday
Kronii is a fucking menace
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You know what would be funny?

>Ame appearing in any capacity as an affiliate
>Gura still MIA
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Anybody make their Fubuki papercraft mask yet?
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cringe bit
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....Wait....that was detailed.
Mori died.
When was u?
you don't deserve to rockwell post
what is the final solution to the gura question
No... Even Mori couldn't handle it...
why does Shiori type "wwwww"
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nice gossip
Fuck me, now I'm even more curious...
not again...
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yummy yammers
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Gura cute Gura cute!
the only waifu is the sexy astropath
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kek Gura's face was funny during this
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Was the question about being blood sisters?
enlighten us
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Someone help a JP bro out...
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The Bone Bros are now bound by cursed knowledge...
It has to be something insanely gross, like woman-tier disgusting.
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FWMC sweep
Asanagi should draw an official Gura rape doujin
my mom
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Did Kronii just ask her an oney plays tier hypothetical
You ever saw that /cgl/ screencap?
One what?
Kronii let me smell your fucking socked feet already so I can go about my day
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Being cute
Something to do with periods, right?
what in the utter fuck are these nasty girls talking about?
Its multiple choice
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>mori answered "one"
its a piss or shit question isnt it?
I don't want him to chop her arms off...
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This question literally weirded Gura out enough that it ended her friendship with Kronii btw so you know it must be some really cringe tryhard shit
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>You would do one?
>Gotta do what I gotta do, right?
... I hope the question is not "Would you have sex with anons in /hlgg/?"
sex with one fan?
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It's probably some incest question
More than usual?
its a black bear, if you let yourself get mauled by it you probably deserved it. i cant say they’re harmless but they’re like the betas in the bear community unless guarding cubs
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You mean Mococo
>IRyS asked who the emperor is
>all kayfabe answers in all caps in chat
Kys all 40kfags.
Has to be worse than Shirako
Is it the body swap fuck your parent body or girl friend with your parent mind in it
She'll be okay
Maybe it's about that period food or that shit that she mentioned out of nowhere sometime ago
No, it has to be like a morally fucked up question to get that response
Fuck off to #
it HAS to be liek, some sort of desperate survival via bodily fluids sort of scenario
based neneti
>I would go for the same
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what the fuck is this powerwashing trident kronii is using
The shape of their hips is horrific. Also why give Kronii abs, weirdo
Would you piss in the sink or sink in the piss?
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Why Greyscale? they're both good women who enjoy life at their very best
>all kayfabe answers
Would you suck out the mucus from your friend's nose?
Since Bae saw Ina IRL and she can stream now, I'm guessing they got the issue sorted out without her getting deported?
Is Moonkae supposed to sound like monkey? lol
Keep up.
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Hey Calli if you had a teeny tiny clone of Gura would you torture it
I thought it was drugs, but maybe it's manwhores
KRONII IS /here/
Kronii was /here/?
What's the correct answer that you had in mind?
those aren't 40k fags. they are fags who only know the most popular phrases and some memes. you know those people who say blood for the blood god and don't know where it's from
>random anonymous online chatrooms
>random anonymous chatrooms
KRONII IS /here/
Kronii is literally me!
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she was never getting deported retard, she just can't "work" until her visa is fixed
a normal gun with a MUXCALIBUR addon
she's doing it on fucking purpose god fucking dammit fuck Kronii I hate this Canadian bitch TELL US THE QUESTION
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She's a weeb
>in the bear community
…are you a bear?
>random anonymous chatrooms
Not chatboard, chat rooms
>back in the trenches
>back in the day
is that what one of the options is? Your friend gets bitten by a snake in the nose so you to suck out the venom but also end sucking out the mucus and boogers in their nose?
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No Holos would ever be /here/
Take your meds.
be quiet
That’s the legs being compressed from sitting, retard.
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It is the body swap question lol
Mori you just posted in /a/ that's hardly dangerous
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could be this
It was about shota's wasnt it?
Mori tried to make mustard gas...
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I love Anonymous.
Someone called IRyS retarded...
she means Omegle you newfag retards
Chatrooms. Not actually /here/ but fun to run with the anonymous word
She hesitated and had to say "chatrooms" because "image board" could only mean one thing
I miss tinychat
IRyS's thumbnail makes me wanna fap, not sure why.
this turned out to be a way more intimate conversation than i ever expected
sometimes random streams will have the realest things about people
Moona raiding IRyS MoonRYs?!
oh shit could be
daisys destruction.....
This isn't a chat room you retards
yeah, me
4chan is not the only anonymous place on the internet.
"I woudl do one" implies there's an option to do more once
It could actually mean several places
I'm saying this because she also talked about this a long ass time ago, same with that friend thing some anons sperged about
Sounds like it was a quantitative question
This isn't new, she's talked about going into ERP chat rooms and telling people Jesus was watching
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I miss Omegle...
why did kronii pretend she had no clue what skype was
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Hi Kronii. How are you holding up?
Skype sounds like a slur word.
so who is stronger the space marine guy or the doom guy?
that's just what deathclock does if left to their own devices. I need more zatsu collabs from them.
why did gamers invent discord when they could have just used skype for all the same functionality
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we all do
>shiori runtvella
Kronii was explaining the hypothetical for a full minute, it's more indepth than that.
MORI, KRONII WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP! DO NOT. DO NOT!!! I kinda had doubts, and I wish I still had them...
It was "one" as in "option one".
you can't seriously be this retarded, right...? Why did Mori chuckle and say 'you were in the trenches too then' and say she was in these """chatrooms"""" too?
Mori is known to be /here/ inarguably so that's clearly what she meant, it'sa ctually YOU who is the newfaggot
Doom guy would shit on any regular Astartes
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>Chloe is getting a 1/6 scale figure
is that the biggest in hololive so far?
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I think I understand why Mori became so- mentally ill
text based
I prefer Slack over Discord
The same as how I know what IRC is but I have no idea how it works
Kronii saw unsolicited penis
>your oshi
>your mental illness
Kronii got flashed on cam when she was underaged
The doomguy has more heroic agency, so he'd win
Her setup is pretty long though
Kronii watched me jack off before...
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Based retard
there are 3 1/1 figure in hololive hq
Kronii used to watch old men jerk off and make fun of their pathetic penises
I remember being a regular on the /fa/ tinychat
How embarrassing
That makes it even more generic so any cursed guess would apply too
Kronii stop
That's the only way to even begin to contain her massive sagging milkers.
isn't doom guy literally god now
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Kronii was making fun of penises on omegle
Kronii is an SPH enjoyer...
Ah yes, Omegle where I jerked off with random latina girls watching
that's what you think
we can't be 100% sure
Zeta and Shiori snipping my balls so I can creampie them endlessly without worries
Mori and kronii match each others introspections a lot. You would rarely get this from two other en holos
i mean purchasable, but yeah those are cool too
Let's just go back to msn messenger.
i actually used to use skype almost exclusively from like 2012 to 2016
before that was ventrilo and teamspeak
All me.
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Peko has a 1/4. Lamy also has a 1/6.
lol Mori with the /a/ chat
all mine
OK grandpa
/i/ - Oekaki mentioned
I'm scared to do that, how do you have the courage
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The Emperor protects, and the Warden cleans.
I swear to god there was a stream Kronii talked about Omegle and how she used to laugh at how small some guys penises were
only because his speed. the demons in doom are fucking pathetically weak. literally can kill a cyberdemon with a fucking 9mm pistol like nigga what
fucking zoomers
>ventrilo and teamspeak
core memory unlocked
mine is probably more pathetic than usual
Ina got help from the secret Koreans to evade authorities.
I'm starting to think Mori and Kronii are not mentally well
Anon, "Doom Guy" is literally on the level of the average guardsman.
That should have been me
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I would like to direct your attention to Okayu slapping Sakamata('s mousepad)'s tits.
>t. mindbroken IRyStokek
Biboo just called your oshi a lazy whore for using the burn out card to skip collabs
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Pekora has a 1/4
And Laplus alos had a 1/6
It's just Iroha who was an oddity with her 1/7
remember when meatspin was shocking?
Schizoid personality disorder
Those tiny penises? Mine
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yeah, me
Kek, thanks
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skype started becoming full of ads
Orca is so cute
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>mori will never say PROINK when she flicks your balls
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No, Marine's, Suisei's, Iroha's, Gura's, Pekora's are all that scale.
Doom guy
stop early surveyposting.
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Bae cute!
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this cat won't let you pass until you give her your dinner
A Holo needs a pair of Daisy Dukes to wear in an outfit
Wait, really?
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>msn messenger
custom emotes were so kino but I guess you can do that with google chat these days
>There is a new shrek movie coming out
Since when?
imagine powerwashing shrek's dick
huh? the dude can run at like 60mph
I think it was a members 2 or 3 months ago.
Kronii really needs to do a dick rating stream
Like 3 years
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*Nudges you*
Focus on the stream, Mori.
>Laplus, Iroha, now Chloe
Cover probably signed this 1/6 figure deal way back when HoloX just made their debuts huh?
with what?
Autism and depression
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i think marine, suisei and iroha are all 1/7?
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The best you can get out of folks who grew up /here/ is to be socially functional (even successful), yet still eternally broken. Some things you learn to ignore, but can never unsee. like me.
Tellytubbies has fucking babies????
imagine the swamp smegma more potent than maggot cheese
It helps to have no shame
Good while, they did a teaser at the end of puss in boots 2 for it
a powerwasher duh
the fucking sun?
Shrek with the babies is basically just despicable me
FWMC are parents?
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>Teen wolf but with Shrek
fuck the lakers
that peko kimono one is 1/4? goddam
you're takling our "SHE'S HERE" jorks way too seriously.
A decade or two ago, anonymous forums were the norm, not the exception
Outside of your head, there's also something wrong with your ears
Would okayu enjoy breast milk?
pathetic shit like this will just make her stronger anon. What could you POSSIBLY say that could beat what she already says to herself?
I would watch a Shrek parenting show if it was in the style of King of the Hill
Anon, they are all here. Fauna stopped doing ASMR because she kept reading threads by the Fayna anti who would spam hate threads about her ASMR, and the Fauna split kept dying so there was no counter narrative.
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I bet it's extra cheesy
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why powerwash when i can clean him off with my tongue?
8 simple rules for dating my teenage ogre
Chloe SEX!
Kronii constantly having to explain her tone of voice is not disgust or shock, but actually how she sounds when listening. I relate to it so much
Imagine teen shrek. They'd 100% make a joke about jerking his huge loads into the swamp haha.
no holos except Mori are /here/, and Mori probably doesn't come here anymore.
Meds NOW
yeah, there's a reason namefags are still considered a taboo here
How did you all react to GG birthday guest list
kronii mocking my small penis as a way to deflect from being digitally sexually assaulted...
Mori, stop pls stop. That is actually disturbing.
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Yes. Pic related is also 1/4.
I already anti her for what she did to Fauna
I can't forgive Lebron for posterizing Mori
Mori please do not bring up the Onceler
You sound like a woman.
/gg/ was here
Zoomers and alphas don't know what it means to be on the internet a decade or two ago
It's almost an entirely different experience
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Here we go
....knowing that Kronii actually really is /here/ massively motivates me to say HI KRONII
We love you even if you will never ever beat the allegations!
Microsoft bought Skype and ran it into the ground with their forced Microsoft account bullshit and just generally making it a slow piece of shit.
>the tumblr sexy man
UHH excuse me?
>and the Fauna split kept dying so there was no counter narrative.
I hope no holo is /here/
I don't even want to be /here/
She can't even stand twitter or youtube random comments by JuanGokuSSJ from Guatemala without her mods and filters, do you really think she comes /here/? Don't be retarded
mori throwing kiara under the bus... they hate each other.....................
You're not that important, schizo sisters.
Shut up
i'm /there/
join me brother
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hey girl
the fucking minion ride
IRyS is kinda getting good at this
Not really. Tripfags are common on most 4chan boards, the only reason they aren't here is because everyone who chats in a stream automatically becomes a namefag
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>went on the minions ride
Uhhh KFP??
SOmeone post the tumblr sexyman chart
holy shit are they actually just casually making fun of Kiara? What
>Kiara clapped at the end of the minion ride
I see
what are you, a CHILD?!
Kek, same.
Fucking zoomers, man.
Kiara is a cute woman.
I am NOT mentally ill
Kiara is a Minion-posting white woman...
the minions ride is such an integral part of EN lore at this point, everytime we hear about it we learn something new
>Tripfags are common on most 4chan boards
maybe on the shit boards
I know that IRyS, Mori, Kiara and Kronii are definitely here but the rest are probably not
My oshi is kinda special.
white woman, please understand
They'll never forget the minions ride
>Mori probably doesn't come here anymore.
she lurks her split
This has been known for a long time
As was Ame's reaction to the thought of doing it again
holy based, and I'm a day 1 KFP
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If you've used Omegle for sexual purposes before, there's a non-zero chance that you've met Kronii and possibly shown her your peenor.
Best case scenario is that you got her hot and bothered as well, and she showed her tits for you.
IRyS literally canceled a stream date with Bae because she saw /HIRyS/ complaining about it
She clapped on the Minions ride
fake and gay
see >>87661751
Why did Kronii do this?
Jesus christ the current generation is doomed
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She's admitted having a lactation/milking fetish, but I don't know if that extends to a taste for the stuff.
>I'm glad someone had fun
I'm dying
Most 4chan boards yes
That is actually pretty shitty, sis. On (You).
>glorious nippon
foreigners love minions
lol ogey
>JuanGokuSSJ from Guatemala
fucking kek
The USJ Minions ride lives rent free in Mori's and Ame's brains, it's hilarious
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She also liked the Cats movie. She likes Rings of Power
She has shit taste
These are people who grew up in a post 9/11 world and literally can't comprehend flying on a plane without going through TSA.
Take meds
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shut up
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*blocks your path*
Brother everyone knows Kiara's taste in things is shit
Risu, Moona, Fauna, Ceci
>"Hey Ame, wanna go on the cool minions ride again?"
>Ame gave Mori the finger
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My wifeRyS
>Rings of Power
everything past the original trilogy sucks but the fan edit that stitched all 3 hobbit movies together + cut out the nonsense is alright
U can see her vagene
It's amazing because of how animated it is, like you can perfectly envision the entire sequence
I think that was just IRyS being a bitch, for some reason, she was not nice to Bae from the start of last year and it's taken them a while to reconcile and become friends again
>40k game ever not turning into imperium v chaos
Come on now
>Is "Captain" higher than Lieutenant?
oh IRyS....
wait a minute isn't it kinda strange Zeta is interacting so much with Mumei, Shiori and previously Ame.
Doesn't this imply something about Zeta's taste in women. She clearly loves MEDIUM BREAST WOMEN

not now ennac*ck
I sometimes get confused with ranks too, but I at least know that one
what did Mori say?
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>Mori doesn't know what an axle is
you'd think with all the anime she has consumed, she'd at least have watched one that has military rankings in them
She didn't aggressively fuck Risu so I'm questioning this conclusion
i missed the first 3 hours of MoonKae, should I watch the VOD?
Nobody believes this.
Holy gossiping sisters
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>Hey Kronester, ever think about eating your the line of snot that comes out after a sinus clean?
>What the fuck is wrong with you, Calli? Also would your rather fuck your girlfriend in your mom's body or your mom in your girlfriend's body?
why is this their dynamic
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>what does an axle look like?
Morichama? How'd you get a driver's license?!
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Mori can clean my penis with her mouth
The Iron Hands who have Iron Hands because of their Primarchs Iron Hands Iron Hands
she should do a band of brothers watchalong
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Calli is the type of person who wants you to go harder if she says stop. Kronii goes harder if you say stop. Huh.
The Hobbit movies aren't nearly as good as the original, but they were okay. Bit bloated, but the bones were solid
Yes, that is the official stance. It'll be pretty bad if they ever admit that anywhere. There is like no advantage other than making a huge insider shitpost. Risu what the fuck.
military ranks are stupid
why do they pronounce it "left-tenant" anyway? shit never made sense to me
She said Kronii's pussy tastes better than Kiara's
Risu is a gross pervert. Zeta is seiso.
why does everyone think that's the question?
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I doubt she comes here anymore.
they definitely have, but do you really expect her to pay attention to that?
Why do remember this moment?
Is lou-tenant
IRyS would absolutely play Orkz.
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We hate flats and large tits here. Medium size all the way.
Why cant i hear sound posts in global? They work when im in other threads.
British pronunciation
>Asian vs White pussy
Does it really taste different? I'm a wizard
what happened to the right-tenants?
Why do you need to know what that is?
There were originally 20 primarchs. 2 were "lost." 9 turned traitor, 9 remained loyal. 1 traitor chapter may or may not actually be a loyalist. 1 loyal chapter may or may not be filled with traitors
Biboo, Shiori, Raora, CC, GG from the new gens. But so far they have only hinted to it and haven't actually slipped up. 4chan has a really bad rep literally anywhere else, so that's pretty smart.
Retard, I said nothing wrong
IRyS was cold as fuck towards Bae throughout the entirety of last year, it doesn't take a genius to make that observation
Sometimes. Not as much as she used to, but definitely still checks in.
the left attendant you absolute retard
British autism. That and aluminum
Zeta joined Holo in the first place to fuck Mumei.
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Has Suisei reached Sora's level yet? In terms of everyone respecting her.
I'm starting to like Mori what the fuck
Because a loo tenant is a guy that lives in the toilet. Games Workshop is British.
>the brain rotted zoomer that scrolls tiktok all day
>iwn be Kronii's best friend and accidentally do one thing she disapproves of then get ghosted and cut out of her life forever with no explanation or chance at making it right
It should have been me...
based and WAAAAGHHHpilled
It depends on the country. Just like armor/armour, color/colour, etc.
Zeta sniffed Mumei's bed.

Zeta did not sniff the Iname room.

I already knew Zeta was a Hooman day 1
>reading comprehension
Which is why the human empire is perpetually declining
Yes it only takes a schizoid to make to make that observation. Take your meds or visit a doctor.
Who dragged Kronii into Myth's USJ trip again?
I just remember it being so short notice on her side
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Could we please stop sexualizing this innocent, young lady?
Not bad
Chaos space marines come from the primarchs that turned traitor...
In my dreams I see that place, Shreks swamp…
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This is my swamp now.
What happened to the right attendant? And how in the fuck did left end up as "lieu" of all things?
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I want to have unprotected sex with Ouro Kronii. I want to have hafu children with her.
I need IryS lewds
I can't remember, but it was a fun odd hangout, just Myth + Kronii, although I didn't really get many details about Kronii, I only know they rode a lot of rides.
>still with the negative reading comprehension
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How many more levels until they get to the swamp?
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No now deadbeat
Shrek sliding in Kronii's DMs
Why is Mori like this
Mori is getting NTR'd live!
But she's just asking for it
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Is…is Mori attracted to Shrek?
>4chan has a really bad rep literally anywhere else
my friends know I'm on 4chan but I would never tell them I watch holos. Vtubing has an even worse rep
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"According to military customs, a lower ranking soldier walks on the left side of a senior officer. This courtesy developed when swords were still used on the battle field. The lower ranked soldier on the "left" protected the senior officers left side. Therefore, the term leftenant developed."
The right side is manned by the general.
Lieu is just the french word. The US was allied with France in the Revolutionary war.
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Kronii can’t get enough of that Big Ogre Dick
Watch streams and you'd know
I wish IRyS would use her home 3D more often.
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I'm gonna post my Ina and sleep now
Or they got corrupted. Or daemonculaba’d. Or kidnapped and brainwashed or a milllion other things. Besides there are loyalist chapters with traitor primarch geneseed.
Don’t know what pose but I would aggressively paizuri
watch streams. well, actually don't. best daughterwife doesn't need more schizo sisters and botnumbermonkeys.
IRyS is unironically good at this game only one Ive seen using actual combos and parrying without the blue signal
it's ok anon. i know you're just very excited to teach people about wh40k. But anon was asking if there was any chaos marines in the game irys is playing. Not if there were chaos marines in warhammer 40k and where they come from
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Have a drink on me, brothers
Now they have blackmail on each other
I can't tell when kronii is being sincere or sarcastic
>not after answering it
what the fuck is wrong with kobokers?
Oh yea that too
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Hell yeah
>im blushing

Kronii got infected by the gg brainrot too?
Why is Mori so fucking sexuual when it comes to shrek?
Mori your phrasing please
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These are all edits, Chloe never made such erotic faces before, she doesn't even know how!
I thought it was because of a translation error because the because bongs thought the U in lieutenant was a V which eventually became an F.
Nice hat
What the fuck Mori...
Zeta's oshi is Mumei and Ame
She can't tell either, she says something and decides afterwards
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Now the biggest question is why is there no Pizza tower playlist.

She hates Pizza Tower
You know the generic faceless male most porn has? Shrek is basically that guy, only funny and cute.
Kronii would eat cum soaked gingerbread
then she should stop coming here (allegedly)
>look it up
>anon is jus making things up and it's English being a meme mashup pf languages again
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Shrek roared a mighty ogre roar.
Remember when Kiara hot glued her gingerbread house?
The British don't call it Lieu
yeah, kek
That series is insane
>shota to yuri to futanari
yeah that hurt. Just use boiled sugar.
I heard Kronii said something about Fauna earlier?
if you enlist to join the imperial guard. you too could be saved by IRyS!
IRyS butt
jwu. how has dethklok been?
VERY low bar
Remember when her gingerbread house looked like a face?
What are you smelling freak
Raora is the funny one to me because she is absolutely one of the cuteposters /here/, the others were biting bait and arguing against schizos.
oh Kiaraschizo woke up because he couldn't take a joke...there goes the straight
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I've never made a gingerbread house either
I think I'll try making one this holiday and learn how to bake some gingerbread too
Is Kronii's way of handling problematic people normal? I've been dealing with red flaggers my entire life, some of them genuinely shitty people, but if they're my friend I always try to see the best in them.
Even when it bites me in the ass i don't think I have it in my to completely abandon people, especially if I'm previously attached to them.
This smell, is the smell of an angel
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Doom has a playlist and 3 episodes.
Pizza has no playlist but had 3 episodes.

Pizza tower bros...
poor Kiaraschizo, him and his oshi keep getting mogged by Kiara....
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>edible cake for cats
This is what your superchat money goes to. Are you satisfied?
you're breaking down, also no one falls for your nonsequiter third person talk
rape this koyo in particular
Why did Kiara use her futa dong to jizz all over a gingerbread house?
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No, it was because of the French but also because the US went out of its way to spell and pronounce certain words differently.
Jesas Christ
Why do Warhammerfags only know how to spam catchphrases in caps? Are they npcs?
Isn't there a soundpost of some member breaking a gingerbread house or something like that in a handcam stream?
I mean.....
Yeah, I brought the same thing for my cat
Are you a lesbian?
My aunt used to make one every Christmas, it was glorious although we could never finish eating it
How was the Mario party collab, was it KINO?
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They talked about Shrek, friendship, the color and texture of Kronii's snot, and fucked-up hypotheticals.
She should also stop watching TikTok, but Biboo does what she wants. Dangit.
Kiara said "kobo, this is why your parents aren't doing so well" after mori and kobo ate the cat food
You’re a victim
Yes. Warhammer is an unfunny franchise. Anything actually funny like Ork imagination mechanics requires a conversation. So NPCs just spam their retarded quotes thinking it'll do anything other than put people off. 4 da emperor, am I right fellas?
It's an enjoyable and nice time with friends or family.

I always use leftover Halloween candy for it
I need more kobo and kronii content
Kobo attempted to rape Kronii....
tell it to me straight what are my chances
I'm gonna think of Gone Guru whenever I start seeing the usual shitposters from now on
Her body is sinful
>>old music cope
She has song that less than 3 months old that close to breaking 4 million lol
Kobo almost got Kronii arrested...
Sort of, yes. I personally think there should be thresholds for it. Like if it bit me in the ass for the second or third time despite me asking them to not cause it to happen, that's it. If you still stick by them despite multiple times of it happening, you might have attachment issues
Kobo moment
Kobo just wanted to rape Kronii in the toilet
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what the fuck kobo kek
kek kobo
you only go into the stall with someone to do cocaine
>is it a cultural thing or a Kobo thing
Indonesians piss in the same stalls as a cultural thing
No but I dated a girl with BPD for 2 years.
Maybe in that scenario, but I have shitty unreliable stoner friends that I wouldn't just ignore forever, too.
she wanted the other way around
Learn to have fun, bitch boy
Mori is the weak link in every collab group
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>Maybe it's a kobo thing
Definitely a kobo thing based on what I've seen of the other IDs
>So are all indos just fucking weird perverts or is it just kobo?
what did mori mean by this
Speaking of which, I saw that they started selling gingerbread halloween houses too which is a pretty smart business move honestly
why is kobo like this?
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They don't have a medic, they so fucking dead
Last time I tried it was a total failure because I didn't get the frosting right and it wouldn't hold. That was from a storebought kit, would not recommend.
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Isn't it normal for women to go to the bathroom al together like a flock?
SEAfriends is this an Indo thing?
what the actual fuck
What was Kobo going to do in the stall with Kronii?
>Kobo is a kind innocent soul
It’s not fun. no one likes you
I'm honestly intrigued
Not in the same fucking stall lap to lap
Kronii lied as naturally as she breathed
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The Dung Eater wanted to have sex with Kronii. What is this power she holds over woman?
you'll be good sex slaves to the local warlord at least
It's literally just the same thing as people who spam flower or bottom left or hi honey
It's just their need to feel like part of an in-group even if you barely know anything about it
Mori what fucking culture has two people using one stall
It's normal in a sense that throughout most human history (and for the first 16+ years of your life even today) people didn't get to choose who to stick around with. But if you're not forced to by your circumstances, then you might as well stop initiating contact with them.
Lol I've done the exact same thing Kobo did, just full send the gay chicken jokes
That also must mean she hated the outer wilds dlc then huh stupid
>no medic
>people forgetting Ame is half-doctor
fake teamate.
what did Kobo do? is this about toilet for content?
When you think about it men piss into the same trough so it's not that different.
Moom will have an ADHD attack and she would die, then Zeta is gonna pon and she's gonna die, then Ame after doing everything for the team, she's gonna fail one single thing and die. And Towa is gonna rape you and then die from cancer because she was smoking all the time
She doesn't, it's another episode of anons and their headcannon
A podologist is not a real doctor.
This really is covered in Shrek cum...
yeah we do but they never piss together, I'm pretty sure Kobo is just weird, more than your average woman (and women are already pretty weird)
Is that how you accidentally end up sucking your bros cock?
Holy flop
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Why did Mirage do so much better than this?
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Post pits
>Nerissa and ERB thought human Shrek was hot
>Kronii doesn't think human Shrek was hot
Where do other Holos stand on this important issue?
>yeah we do
don't listen to the other anons you're a completely normal person, the way Kronii deals with people she deems problematic is schizoid and abnormal as fuck and not good for you mentally in the long term (I say this being someone who similarly just cuts people off)
trying to see the best in people, while it can you mean you get fucked over or exploited by people sometimes, means you are still normal with an everyday moral compass and are not in a headspace where your view of the world and people is dark, cynical and fucked. t means even if you get hurt you can go through life feeling like you at least, for your own sake, acted like a good hopeful person and treated people well whereas if you go schizoid and cut people off only isolation and thoughts of 'this is a cold daark world where I'm a bad/defective person who doesn't trust people and didn't even try to be good' awaits you
>not even 250k
You couldn't pay me to click that link desu
yeah I figured, maybe it's because they desperately want their oshi to be relatable or some shit
>yeah we do
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Post piss
I wish Kiara hot glued me...
>The Artist with the God Eyes here to capture (you)r hearts! ~
Doesn't get much more obvious than that. She even asked YT chat early on if they got the (You) reference, then after being satisfied by the responses she smoothly changed topics. I'm actually a bit worried she'll actually slip up one of these days...
Kiara can sing
I have a friend who's REALLY weak to gay chicken. And he starts it every time too, it's never me. Like he goes 'Yeah lemme suck your dick' and I just go 'ok sure' and that's where he loses and goes EWWW.
I did for two weeks straight!
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Kronii is a gay nigga
Thoughts on slutty sui?
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Moom has ADHD, Ame gets distracted too easily, Zeta is PON, Towa is Japanese.
You are fucking dead
Buy an ad
No seriously, it really fucking needs it
The year is 2023
>Complains in a membership stream about how BaeRyS basically needs to die
>Cancels multiple collabs with Bae such as the valentines collab or the unravel collab
>stops referring to Bae by name whenever she gets raided by her for weird reasons
>Removes every single Bae reference from her stream asset-room just because
>Went from frequently retweeting BaeRyS art to not even retweeting any of Bae's releases
>Generally never mentions her unless cover forces them into a joint convention

>Was heartbroken when IRyS canceled the valentines offcollab and had to come up with a guerilla valentines karaoke stream
>Made frequent visits towards IRyS and provide her with medicine when she was sick (you never heard this from IRyS or any Bae mentions for that matter)
>Stream asset-room has tons of IRyS references such as a figurine and lotion and picture
>Talks about IRyS frequently and shills her songs while also playing her fangames
>Retweets all of IRyS' releases
>Tries to include IRyS in collabs such as GOI

I have timestamps for all of this since I watch both of them, I just need to go digging for them. It really is weird how one-sided their friendship became overnight. If you would like to explain why this happened, I'm all ears to your "non-schizo" reasoning.
I think you have a gay friend
Anyone got any good shrek fanfic recs? Real answers only please.
There is nothing slutty about sex with your wife
Based IRyS
Mumei would certainly keep a few Melee weapons, Zeta would follow her and Ame too, the only real question is wheter Towa would allow you to get guns and shiet
>mori wanted to be a comic artist
based. once upon a time i felt the same way
How to tell someone you are dead without saying it:
Which Holos have penis envy?
Why are superchats off on Kronii's stream? Does Powerwash not allow monetization?
>kronii invented being true to yourself
Mori slowly cleaning the onion cart while Kronii finishes everything is hilarious
wish we could've gotten one last big zam apex stream
IRyS deserves better than bae
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I totally forgot about that (you) too.
If Mori wrote Spiderman we wouldn’t be stuck with Paul
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big ZAM is NOT dead
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*gun sold separately
IRyS, there’s only 2 antennas
it's pretty fuckin dead bro
IRyStocrats got what they wanted which is mostly all-JP Splatoon streams during JP hours.
I don't recall that being a thing
Wifes can grow dicks now?
good thing this is normal IRyS...
guys im getting bitten by something i cannot see.
i don't know if its mosquitos or what.
ame is a prepper and probbaly has a gun or two
We always talk about having a "sword" fight and I fear I'm the only one who's serious about it
Yeah I know a lot of starters and not enough finishers..
IRyS was the one who:
>Barged into Bae's collab with Mio to introduce herself as Bae's wife
>Barged into Bae's valentines stream to post in chat "my POV btw"
>Forced herself upon Bae in all offcollabs
IRyS was the biggest pusher of the ship and she.. just stopped
It's the other way around, I'm glad Bae has Mumei, Towa, Mori and Ina, friends who care for her.
you're an adult, you get to choose who you interact with.
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>Nobody is obligated to like [Holo]
>Reply to metapost with "no good streams"
>Reply to complaint about shitposting with “maybe ___ should be more entertaining?”
>not your hugbox
>UHHHH [Fanbase]BROS????
>[Holo] is [good thing] -> [Another Holo]...
>Suddenly bringing up a split when no one was talking about one
>PLEASE WATCH [Holo] in a super obvious condescending tone
>Notice how shitposting/Meidos stop when [Fanbase]!?
>Why is no one watching [Holo]? Their stream is [Numbers]!
>all these boring faggots replying acting like the holos in question are mundane actual irl rm human versions or some shit
you literally have not only a devil, not only a literal deity that can rebuild civilization herself but also a time traveller
you couldn't be more safe with this team if you tried, the apocalypse itself would be over in an instant
If people had identical preferences things would be boring, but the same (or nearly the same) tastes and judgments wouldn't come with that problem. Lots of ways individuals with the same general opinions can have wildly divergent preferences
that's just mococo
You're taking this in the extreme opposite. There's a reason divorce and shit exist. People ain't static. Sometimes the saints that helped you back in the past are your present day demons. I don't think you should cut off people outright immediately if you're friends, strangers are fair game, but not cutting off people who are negatively affecting you despite your own efforts to help them is much worse
surprisingly IRyS has been using the mechanics fully. parrying even without the prompts
Watch streams.
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It me
kek ami right brothers
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Mori has a very "fuckable" art style, for lack of a better word
Your wife can't?
>chuuba metions strength
>chat becomes GOKU GOKU GOKU
I love it every time.
that shit was fucking unreadable
I've dropped all cape comics these days, but I do like checking in on what Hickman is doing
Ogey, I did and I don't remember it
They did it!
Literally they both deserve each other, IRyS fucks off to JP, Bae fucks off to JP, matchmade in heaven, no other contender than Takamori.
Either forgot or doesn’t want to add to her backlog
Man he's so weak. Not even unzipping his pants
She's played a lot of CoD, perhaps that helped
Mori is so excited
>implying holos read nor pay attention
>a devil, not only a literal deity that can rebuild civilization herself but also a time traveller
All that means is that the inevitable PON moments are going to put you in even more danger.
People will act like this isn't exactly what happened.
Especially going from mentioning Bae quite often to not mentioning her at all for no discernible reason. It continues even to current day with IRyS failing to mention Bae even once during her New York trip zatsu and then Bae doing her own zatsu after her and suddenly she's describing being part of all these things IRyS described.
What the FUCK happened!?
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"I was being racist"
I will NOT post the "Holo field of view during a stream" image
Amazing how a schizos mind operates, he actually believes he's not a schizo.
kronii is being vaguely racist again
Kronii please never do an impression ever again.
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Anyone got a webm of picrel?
I dopn't wanna keep any filthy GIF in my computer no more
yeah I'm surprised but I shouldn't be
Kronii Murphy....
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Eddie Kronii...
>black voice
Kronii is over party
Pink woman left pink fluids all over Shrek's swamp
Is Towa an Ame-type?
>de-woking shrek
reference to a later Shrek film
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This and also how when asked about her thoughts on Bae's fes performance, she basically went
>I was too busy eating lol
Imagine Kronii giving you a paizuri and she pulls our her Eddie Murphey impression
Holy fuck the promise lesbians on twitter wont like that kek
no please do
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why is literally every member of the Mori friendship circle fucking terrible whereas the CGDCT side + their adjacent friends are always nice every single time
I know who I'm siding with in this civil war and it sure as fuck ain't all the menhera cynical /here/ bitches - Fauna and Moom crew for fucking ly4fe bitch
Kronii isn’t black?
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That's fine, I will
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drinking wine after eating squid makes it taste like oysters
what happened? IRyS shouldn't have shot that spaceship?
Italian rape soon
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>Damn Shrek, you live like this?
Feel free to explain how I'm a schizo anon. I'm all ears
I hope it's not bedbugs anon, but you should check your bed.
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These cute dorks.
oh my god Mori
what is the purple stuff? is that the color of shrek's cum?
Kek Mori
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did you know that oysters taste like vagina
if you want to know what your oshi's vagina tastes like, cum on an oyster then eat it
NTA, but it's obvious IRyS wanted to kill BaeRyS really badly at some point
>oh my godd you really are a Shrek fan
smol smol ogre house
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I love how maudlin Bae can get
It's really sweet and endearing
Gura also stopped mentioning Ame. I think it was management's fault.
Steve from Smash Mouth drank himself to death.
Fauna and Moom are /here/ too though? You seem confused sis.
I'm so sleepy, wrap it up ladies
not all pussies taste the same, anon
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Didn't one of them of die from cancer earlier this year too?
She was looking kinda dumb with her booba and her butt and the shape of an airvent on her forehead...
He’s literally me
The Minecraft guy?
Meanwhile Bae has been closer to Ina for over a year
yeah after his son died
Fauna and Mumei are more likely to be /here/ than Bae or IRyS
I love it when kronii acts like a baby
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based way to die
And EN is just barely getting nendroids and cheap 40 dollar shit
>stop misinterpreting my lyrics
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this entire time I thought people saying GG/Gigi were talking about Gura and not a completely different girl
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ALL pussies taste teheh same
if it doesn't
they're duirty
damn i just remembered fwmc are getting nendroids
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Mori was based for telling the cadians to go home
GG I get but Gigi betrays this one
Hey I was looking for this the other day
>I'm sorry you got offended
>I educated myself
Thread BGM
Ina's nendo broke records according to GSC
Kronii STOP
It wasn’t till college I learned women have a separate vagina hole to pee from
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they really don't but I've eaten stanky pussy as well because I'm a dirty dog and have no self control
she's talking about Fauna again
>Shrek x Shadow
They really are a match huh
I like it when I hear holos furiously typing on their mechanical keyboards
did smash mouth ever eat the eggs?
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I'm so happy for that, Ina is the best kyodai she could ask for
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>gigi literally mococo
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How else are we supposed to interpret Taste of Death?
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>what if its too late
>what if you already got hurt and its too late to apologize
What did Kronii say about Fauna?
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Calli is getting a scale and I'm sure there's more to come.
It's real
>one akasupa derailed the chat
Once again kys the 40kfags.
you're actually retarded if you believe this; you can tell which ones are really /here/ and which aren't
Fauna is a redditor and Moom is too zoomie and toktok brained to be /here/

plus /here/ chuubas always have a certain personality type i.e. menhera insufferable and hateful cunts that act spiteful 24/7 and simultaneously try to pander to /here/ and/or fight with them
non-/here/ normal ones like Fauna, Moom and Bae meanwhile are always way nicer and less cunty to other women
Yeah, me
Now they're just sending each other memes on Discord...
What the fuck is Mori taking about?
>tfw no holo will do a West Wing watchalong
Before promise too!
Projecting too much there sis
retarded newfag post
>cant use a hammer in warhammer 40k

Explain yourselves 40kfags
Are there any girls that you have never watched a solo stream of?
I don't think I have ever watched a Gigi solo stream
I thought this was what she was talking about
Kronii... please don't send Mori down this path
Yeah with me
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I can't compete...
Anon, do you really believe none of these girls have heard of 4chan? You don't think they've ever been curious? At the very least, they check in here when they lack the self control to stay away. It's so easy to access 4chan.
>Oh that's nothing Mori
What the fuck is wrong with Socin fans?
one day we'll get the deathclock discord chatlogs
>open kronii's stream
>...SM buttlicker
>keep stream open
you need to collect the 39,999 Hammers first
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the culprit
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What did Kronii send? lol
is this what discord sex is
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Kronii seems pretty based tonight
>Check my messages, Calli
fucking menacing
what the fuck did she send
everything I said is true and you know it is if you're not a newfag and even a cursory look outside Holo reveals how cunty /here/ chuubas are
>Check my messages Calli
That sounded threatening kek
Found a link on knowyourmeme but yeah it's fucking gone. copyright actually.
Ina unironically and I don't even know why
I thought I saw Biboo doing that yesterday
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Gura cute, Gura cute!
>I thought chaplain was his name
How is Irys still alive irl
Fucking kek these two retards
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thank god this is censored
If a holomember is not here, someone in her staff is. This board is simply the biggest and most representative western fanbase for vtubing.
Any of justice and avent probably, i still confuse the yellow one as the german sometimes
Nerissa, Raora and ERB, besides debuts. I don't any particular reason, after their debuts I knew they weren't for me and Raora streams at fucked up hours for me
Why does Shrek have a cuck chair outside his house?
Kronii, stop drunktexting your coworkers porn.
I haven't watched any live stream in the past 6 months...
Kronii is an idol now
hammer is only available in jetpack missions
>I think Shiori can match our freak
>That ass on Mori
Here's a reupload
Not sure if it's the whole thing.
>Mori going "hey we should have a threesome with that younger girl" with her girlfriend kronii
Yeah, He turned to Alcohol as a coping mechanism after losing his 6 month old son to Leukemia… broke the fuck outta him.
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>we should ask shiori to hang out with us
it's all coming together
there is a difference between being /here/ and making /here/ their entire personality. those who make it in holo (or even large indies) clearly know enough to prevent letting the worst parts of 4chan stuff get to them.
>Kronii x Mori x Shiori
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>I think we should invite shiori sometime
Please do my wife is trying to fuck AI chatbots
The holofes leaks and some other leaks that happen mostly in /morig/ confirms that
towa is a girl
The hell are you doing here
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Good for myth, I can't wait to see my Promise nendos in 2026
Kronii seems really great to have as a friend
but isn't shiori only attracted conventionally attractive males and not meme options like shrek or sonic?
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Not the first time Mori has mentioned this lol.
She's taking a month off to recover
>one would have to die
I just call him Ainz-sama, fuck the lore.
>Kronii thinks Shiori would be completely unphased by that question and wouldn't find it strange or hard to answer at all
I can't tell if this means the question isn't actually THAT bad or if they think/know Shiori really is that fucking weird
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Quality time with Babby.
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Mori you better respect Shiori's collab choices...
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She wanted to fuck this
and they need to be polite and upfront
Is this why so many Holos fall for Towa?
The leaker in /morig/ is Mori
That's just Mori posting teasers
You don't have to be /here/ to be a cunt, and the opposite is true too, there is not that much correlation. The most vile people I know don't even know what 4chan is. It's survivorship bias really, the grifters that usually wave the 4chan flag are going to be cunts for obvious reasons.
Kroniis question would NOT disgust me cause i have eaten poop irl
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Why do doujins make cock look so appealing?
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twapi is a cute girl who will be raped by suitan tonight
What is canonically the strongest faction in Warhammer 40k?
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She has certain weird memes that live rent free in her mind
has IRyS acted like a stinky fujo during the stream yet?
The Necrons if they all wake up
napping is based but is it still considered a nap if it's long enough to dream? because I took a 3 hour nap and I had a heist dream that was awesome
mori did too no?
>Telling Kronii of all people that
bugs innit
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Tyranids. Imperial estimates are that to fight the entire combined forces of the hive fleets they would need to mobilize every man, woman and child in the entire Empire.
doujins depict an idealized penis, you don't usually get penises to look that good unless they moisturize/don't jack off much or are uncut.
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Except there's proof of Fauna visiting here before, dumbass.
>Kronii never does POV
holy based deadbeat
>haha myth friends with u I’m going to photograph them in wacky situations
>yoo I can make my promise friends with u kiss like my favourite Twitter ships
>yea I’m going to buy 3 of each advent friends with u because I’m going to fuck them so much they will break
Why are adventrix like this?
>there are people who unironically enjoy YTP
looking at it it was the skibidi of the millennials
Bugs and it's not close
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Jesus Christ, that's sad as hell.
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How has the collab been?
Drukari if they were united and came out of Commorragh

Harlequins mog ever other elite unit in 40k
Weird girl kino
>yea I’m going to buy 3 of each myth friends with u because I’m going to fuck them so much they will break
>yea I’m going to buy 3 of each promise friends with u because I’m going to fuck them so much they will break
>yea I’m going to buy 3 of each advent friends with u because I’m going to fuck them so much they will break
more like
I had a shower thought recently that if we had the modern day media environment in like 2009, someone would have optioned an Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny Movie.
it's peak
>kronii just stays in a dark room on her computer all day
I really want Ina and Shiori to do things together
is mumei going to use the rest of the clips and do the part 2 of that promise collab anytime soon- uh, anytime ever?
there literally isn't, some schizo reading patterns into the leaves in his cup of green tea and diving that 'it totally means Fauna did X thing this one time' because of a thread isn't proof, retard
really really good
both are cute and they're talking about everything from hilarious meme shit to real talk
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>a solitaire, the custodes of the harlequins, gets heavily wounded by a Eversor Assassin
He shat on straight pride parade, so eh ripbozo.
Pretyu good just wish I wasn't so sleepy right now
They had that 1 on 1
do your reps, newfag
And the worst part? It wasn’t like it happened within the last years of his life. I think it happened before they got added to the first Shrek movie. Dude was a walking corpse of such for decades.
Tyranids, fuck knows how many more bugs and hive fleets are out there outside of the galaxy
I can save you Kronester.....
>straight pride parade
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Did Kronii just say she was burnt out for 24 years?
we would also have tiktok edits of Mario Bros Z
saw a green in chat ask if Mori and Kronii "tested" the sound proof walls.
bimbofaction princesses gets me hard for some reason.
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what about Ye?
what's the correct way to deal with something like this
there's not much point to life beyond kids if you're past like age 40
Yeah, you heard her correctly.
Is it really burnout if it lasts that long
at what point is it depression
2 to 4 years.
>will it lick us to death?
yeah, I will
But harlequins are their own separate thing the Dark Eldar are the murder Fuck ones the harlequins are the trolls
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I want to make my room soundproof but I don't want it to look like a sex dungeon, Maybe I should buy a guitar
same but only if its happening to a boy
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don't fuck with deadbeats
being burnt out is the worst feeling. it was even worse because i was burnt out without even knowing it. I feel like Mori could fall in the same trap if the holo girls weren't such great supports for her and the new gens, esp biboo, as reinvigorated her
Gura get off /hlg/ and stream something
She's just like me frfr..
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towa baby
I watched this Findign Nemo movie for the first time today, and I couldn't help but notice how similar Dory is to Kiara
The Dark Eldar respect and submit to Harlequin troops.
Why exactly would one need a Polka gf?
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>it actually did turn into a Powerwash Therapy session
Is this conversation a blind leading the blind moment or does Kronii know what she's talking about?
If we're talking end times every one show their hands, harlequins would be in DE battles (as well as craftworld ones) so I include them in DE powerscaling
It's crazy you two are always here
Kinda impressive
That's what I also think I heard but I'm just asking because it's Kronii saying it so it might actually be 24
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You have a ton of friends who'd stick around Mori...
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how many times i've cum to each holo
sir this is not /hlg/ and thank god for that
This is some heavy shit Mori
What happens if you let gadriel or chairon die?
>fell off the face off the planet
5 Harlequins fought their way to the golden throne and killed a shitload of Custodes along the way
Kronii is really feeding the rrats
I remember anons joking that he was reincarnating as lyrica because of 'in the shape of an L on your forehead'
go back to the catalog
>all those at zero
>I'd stay
A polka gf would make for a fantastic horror movie monster, dragging an average guy (you) into a carnival of death.,
>came to Towa 20+ times
what's with this heavy talk.....
game over, but one will save the other before you die most likely
>Kronii shitting on Sana and Ame
Even if they all left comorragh they are still outnumbered a million to one, probably more. The only reason comorragh still exists is because it’s in the webway and because all the deldar are concentrated there.
Are they talking about Gura?
Damn, he was based?
How the fuck did Ina and Ririka even find out about this shit?
... Mori is not ok, is she?
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Gotta pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers
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>he's gay
did Mori just say she's an impotent person
He’s the GOAT, Ye should have a Suisei or Mori feature on BULLY
very serious topic all of a sudden
they were talking about insane shit justa few moments ago
>that ayylien dual-wielding swords
What the fuck, 40k has that?
>they dont like you for your title but they like you for your personality
I don't have to worry about that since I only have one friend!
This is getting a bit too real
This is basically their version of
I think the only holo I've never jerked off to is Hitomi Chris
>not rubbing one out for ya man Yagoo
if only they had used eversor assassins as guards instead......
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Yeah, its tough when that happens
especially when they get married and you never hear from them again
the worst part is, solitaires are above custodes IMO. they play slaanesh in their play so they're rarer and therefore should be more powerful
This is the arest I've ever seen vtuber are.
Gura please come back...
You have a friend? I'm so jealous.
Dunno about the other guy but I was just referring this
Almost no one seems ok in holoen right now.
Fauna broke that trust....
never was
but she's getting better
Kys retard.
so which hoop did Fauna not manage to jump through
>and came out of Commorragh
No, the thing that makes the Dark Eldar so untouchable is Commorragh itself, it's basically impossible to attack. If they leave it then that's bunk.
clones go burrrr
all my friends ducked off once they got married and I'm still a wizard
This is why people love Kronii. Its MEGA fucked up shit one sec,and real talk the next. Shes just.... real
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I want Gigi to cover Seventy Times 7 so bad. Or any Brand New, really. She could go crazy with it.
It’s actually 4 swords/double dual wielding. If you like that look up the Hive Tyrant or Swarmlord
but you know who is inclining? kiara
Not that fast
Eversor Assassins >>>>> Custodes frfr
Let’s be honest besides mori who is kronii actually close to in hololive? As more than just coworkers
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more cat needed
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It's pretty clear you're being disingenuous, you have already made up your mind by deciding to see patterns where there are none. You're no different from the Kronii hates Fauna schizo. For instance you will use IRyS saying that she had not watched Bae's Fes performance as ammo for your theory, but them conveniently ignore Bae also mentioning having 0 time to watch the rest of the girl's performances because they were all busy practicing.
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I'm starting to think Mori and Kronii might be THEY ARE levels of lovers.........
Are they talking about me?
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Fauna really hurt her huh that promise collab felt really off
This is definitely about Fauna right
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I don't like how much Mori is literally me
Is this why I hated her when myth was the only gen? was i seeing myself in her?
For what, being open with her "issues" and self-reflecting on what mentally stresses her out? Thats normal and healthy
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I just spent 15 minutes hyper analyzing each JP, ID, and EN girl and deciding on which one girl from each branch I would want to ONLY get blowjobs from. As in, no proper sex, you're only restricted to getting blowjobs from them. Here's what I ended up with:

JP: Sora
ID: Moona
EN: Mumei

Thoughts and concerns?
Don't be too jealous. I moved away and he's been making new friends without me and growing distant with me while doing stuff with them he never did with me
i hate eldar lovers
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How does one cum to towa that many times?
they are the Carsteins of 40k so I expect they could make a huge dent in the universe if they wanted to
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Fauna's milk? I drink that
i was just joking anon, clearly the spectre of despair literally did all that on purpose just for the bigger play of Cegorach. anyone thinking otherwise are negative IQ
The custodes exist to job and have you go WOAH they killed custodes they must be so strong! Like Worf, M’kar or the Swarmlord
>question why she is still alive
>non stop work despite being burnt out to hell
>tries to keep people around that don't want her
I don’t need to do reps. You’re just the weird dipshit that constantly claims the most innocuous shit is somehow proof that Fauna reads this board.
these moments are the most "gosling" for me, they feel the most real and the most like theyre actually in my life
they can sing and dance and wear new outfits and appear in VNs but it's these kinds of moments where they feel like real people to me, people who could be like friends in my actual private life
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If the little gamers cornered you in an alley, you wouldn't stand a chance against their combined power.
What do they do about the tyrannids? Their whole doctrine is about raiding and hit and run tactics. What happens when they have to fight a wall of 2 trillion guardsmen every 2 minutes?
>You're the silliest-
Kek Mori
She is literally an Anon who has made it.
Ruffians would never understand the true gosling feeling
Shit pick, she had adhd and would get bored quick
Pick Nerissa and tell her she sucks at it
Yea my penis wouldn’t
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well i mean, 100 eversor assassins did kill 400 space marines.... eversor ass-in-mes are no joke.
Mumei doesn't have blowjob art, but you know who does? Kronii, Ame, Ina, Kiara, Fauna, Nerissa, and Shiori
IRyS is just kidding right? She's going to play the same seriously soon right?
Kronii and Mori have grown as people since joining hololive. I wonder if I have
Man these girls have some real brainworms.
>fuck you!
I like when Kronii swears
uh oh
they'd dip and not be there kek
I feel bad for bullying Mori on twitter years ago
"Then, y'know what? FUCK YOU!"
According to some of the non-Holo participants, they were invited directly.
sex with angry Kronii
JESAS Kronii
Man I love kronii and Mori
Holy shit what did Fauna DO
Whatever could she be talking about lmao
Are you serious? I'm a grown ass man, I could kick their asses 4-on-1. It wouldn't even be a contest, anon, one punch could break multiple ribs.
bros..... how do i save kronii.......
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I feel you man
Fauna was always a numbers girl
She tried to use Kronii
In the end she became the runt of her Gen.
This conversation would be hilarious if FuwaMoco were there bau bauing and cleaning shit in the background
You haven't joined Hololive
>Ame leaves
>rest of Myth loses the will to live
Ina's 'technical issue' which was totally not anounced by her manager skinwalking was probably a suicide attempt.
There are multiple people that believe Kronii hates Fauna. The schizos are the ones that deny it.
I’ve regressed
This was somewhat challenging to do because I had to pick girls I didn't want to particularly fuck. I decided Nerissa needs to get fucked to maintain mental stability, so making her exclusive to blowjobs wouldn't be ideal.
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I wanna lick IRyS
Kronii will wish you a career failure if you don't text her first...
>t. schizo
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why is mori having a therapy session with kronii?
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You anons are wearing pants and not skirts? What a shame, if you were wearing skirts, you would pee a lot easier once I'm done with you.
They just don't fit EN
What is this level of rrat spinning?
I think every EN who has ever been left heartbroken by a ship of theirs should have a gayfailure orgy.
>You’re just the weird dipshit that constantly claims
meds, schizo. Fauna was /here/ before, that is undeniable. You can do your reps if you want, or stop talking about stuff you have no idea about.
Nope, IRyS is just naturally shit at games
it's mutual
Reminds me of Shiori talking about her peeing habits in detail two days ago
why do retards here always talk like they need to parent trap fauna and kronii since they divorced. kronii is clearly in a good place with how things are
They would never let this happen but yeah kek would be funny
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I like eating eyeballs
Fish eyeballs specifically
its nightime, why would I be wearing either?
All my friends moved away and got jobs and I’m too retarded to be good at social media and texting to keep up. Something in my brain just can’t function on social media that way. But hololive is easy!
Except we wouldn't be able to hear any of it over the CONSTANT SCREAMING.
Just saying the contrast of them doing cute stuff in the background while Mori and Kronii are having this heavy convo would be funny to me.
You refused to address ANY of the examples I listed out and brought forth a cherrypicked example I didn't quote in order to call me disingenuous, congratulations
And no, you are completely fucking wrong. Bae made frequent mentions of IRyS during her streams, it was IRyS who outright stopped, I'm not cherrypicking anything
How about you start by refuting the examples I've provided above instead of cherrypicking a singular instance on your own? go on
I think I heard that live but I was focusing on another stream. timestamp please?
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My current work in-progress rrat about the Kronii Fauna predicament is that that it involves Gura and allso outsider friends from outside holo i.e. something like Kronii made some comment to Gura that disturbed or upset her in response to or because of Gura's clear obvious genuine autism, Fauna then sided with Gura and chastised kronii for this in some way which Kronii saw as a 'red flag' that she would be vouching for someone like Gura - then Kronii confided in her non-Holo friends outside Hololive who (due to their own connections and the grapevine from indie chuuba shittery) managed to convince Kronii that Fauna is actually bad/toxic somehow and doesn't really care about her as a friend. This situation could even be something loli related or to do woth the male collabs in 2022, I'm not sure yet.
The way Kronii described her cutting off friends, the whole thing with Fauna matching this, the history Fauna has outside holo with some individuals as well as who Kronii's friends are, the fact that this all started post/olate 2022 and collabs with Gura and SNOT fell off and Fauna randomly said 'we love Gura in this house' unprompted out of nowhere all lead me to this conclusion.

I would like your feedback on this anons and if you could collate and provide any evidence would be helpful.
Fair enough
I don't think it was because of Ame leaving, but it was the same reason why Ame left.

>bae sad girl karaoke + post
>kronii sad post
>erb wanting a hug
>gg down
>nerissa doomposting
>kiara on alt
>shiori saying she has anxiety "for no reason"

Probably I am forgetting more
Catalog's right over there friend, they'll be sure to help
>(Holomem) was here!!
>D-Do your reps!!

Burden of proof is on the one who made the claim. Put up or shut up and accept the fact that you’re making shit up.
IRyS, Kronma and Kaela but she only 100% trusts Sally
Does this mean anon has hope?
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I did not read the entire post but please look at this
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>Are you bbeing parasocial with Shrek right now?
Actually trying to help females with their problems is how you end up friend zoned
I don't even care if you post your pits anymore. please leave
that's not what "gosling" is, retard.
fuck honey and simple syrup. i use maple syrup in place of both

full breakfast (bacon, eggs, hash etc.) with maple syrup is fucking divine
Not that it had anything to do with this, but it's kinda funny that around last year is when I stopped watching IRyS and started watching Bae more.
Is that real?
Fuwawa will shrill a lot and keep Mococo by her side instead of letting her mingle with CalliRonii.
Sometimes when I'm busy or lazy I pee in my computer chair and it gets me really horny so I just sit in it and touch myself. My favorite skirt got bleached from it, though, and I got a really bad rash on my butt from it.
I genuinely believe they had sex or come close to it, Fauna panicked, Kronii was hurt.
Kronii drank Fauna’s piss and criticized the flavor, which she took as a slight against her vegan diet. She was mad that Kronii wanted to drink it in first place and then reacted that way, and it hasn’t been the same ever since.
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Kronii please save Nene...
this anon has seen some shit
What she just talked about is diametrically opposite to what people were trying to peddle with Fauna trying to reach out and Kronii rejecting her
It is completely deniable because there’s absolutely no definitive proof she’s ever been if. Knowing who Boxxy is and having a webm folder is not definitive proof. I’m glad Fauna doesn’t browse this place because /here/ chuubas are trash.
>I'll plank your outer walls
Kronii wants to fuck Mori jesus
Kronii effortless rizz
Nah. The current rrat is still that they fucked/tried a relationship but it didn’t work out and now it’s awkward.
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I dug myself out of that grave to plant you in yours Benny
Who knows? Before Sana graduated and kronies tried to rank who she's close with in council, sana was almost always last. Post Sana grad and we knew that was wrong as hell
>Kronii is unsure how to continue the therapy bit
>Proceeds to flirt
I love this Clock.
What did you say to Fauna, Kronii...
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Man, it took them like an hour and a half to clean the first place, but completed the next two in half the time. What's up with that?
new tom cardy just dropped bros
Actually, it's so likely that they're here to some degree that you have to prove they aren't. Which you can't.
like the whole Marine Shion thing?
this but for >>87665002
god forbid you make a friend (who knows other gir
I refuse to believe they're not straight because then I don't have a shot
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Kronii is alternating between being Calli'a therapist and her mom.
>Mori is doing 3 collabs and a concert performance in 24 hours
When this bitch gonna sleep
I’ve never met someone who talks about being friendzoned who isn’t the most unfuckable dislikable shitbag ever
IRyS actually using the stomp combo properly
i tell all females i meet to fuck off or i'll rape your anus and they all get super offended. I don't know what i'm doing wrong here they still keep approaching me
This but the heartbroken girls with the heartbroken girls only
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Motorboating anya's quantum breasts
IRyS is doing well with the lictor besides not getting jumped
They're both very clearly bi.
It’s not healthy to be on shitty terms with somebody you have to work with every day.
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>I'll plank your outer walls
Keep it in your fucking pants, clock woman.
Mayhap, I only vaguely clipwatched that.
The first level is supposed to be longer. that one paid 600, the other 2 pay 200 each. you're cleaning a whole city street with castle walls and lamp posts and shit instead of just a house. and the floor around it.
>Your oshi
>Do you talk to yourself out loud?
If a lictor is so strong why don't the tyranids just make their whole force full of lictors
What the fuck did they say?
I mean IRyS is THE gamer of HoloEN, so it's not surprising.
oh, I thought they were all bundled together
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Yeah sometimes
Only in the shower
Well I don't know about that but it always struck me as interesting that like, 2 days after Kronii visited Fauna last year, Fauna had the "not your friend" speech, and then a day later Kronii did a stream about making friends. I really think that they tried to have a relationship and it ended badly.
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Rrats status?
brother, i work in an office
everyone has one person that is on their shit list but thing still functions
lictors are expensive
People who talk to themselves out loud are psychopaths
>all of Promise invited
>advent minus FWMC
>myth minus Kiara (not counting lazy shark)
LMAOOOOO based Gigi
Yeah this, at least since the GOI Trials
Idk why but that feels a bit different
Only when I am thinking really hard, usually work related.
sometimes yeah
Honestly this is something I can actually believe to be plausible. Its the most realistic of human emotions to flare up
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these are pretty good screams for not a horror game
You're supposed to actually do it you pussy
IRyS unironically gaming
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Friend always looks so funny when she's thirdwheeling
And also her sexfriend
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Tired, check back later
Kronii is too relatable to be my oshi. I feel like if we ever meet we'd be horrible to each other.
Wasn't Kronii sitting face Mori
It legitimately feels like Kronii has an eating disorder
Okay I didn’t actually believe this relationship rrat, but right here in real time she just quoted a breakup speech about still being friends.
There is, I'm not spoonfeed it for you. Her menhera friend also recently talked about it.
>/here/ chuubas
Just coming here once or twice a month doesn't make someone a /here/ chuuba. It sounds like you really don't want her to be /here/. I get it, but it's her choice.
>>87665002 is right, but I get what you mean.
I feel like these types of moments have been less common recently with all of the big collabs.
It's a nice counterbalance
>Mori and Kronii talking about eating
>IRyS talking about eating
Ended up running around a block for 16km because I got caught up in an audible debate with myself and lost track of everything else
[IRyS News]
IRyS has a cookie she bought from the conbini store that she's going to eat
that's because she does
>chicken salad sounds like a good idea....
>....without that last part....
lmao that's 100% getting taken out of context by this thread isnt it
>I am not a vegetable kind of girl
Kronii PLEASE don't feed the schizos
>I'm not a vegetable kind of girl
That's it, this is the proof KroFau is dead.
Kronii is too Korean
WHAAAAAAAAAAT? BUTTER?????? Mar-ga-rine?
I really don't understand people that don't like/eat vegetables
Like what the fuck is wrong with you
>Mori: Ya know sometimes I feel always like I always have to work and it can be a tiring
>Kronii: You should take it easy man, that's probably burnout setting in
>Mori: Yeah but I feel like if I'm not useful people might abandon me
>Mococo: HOEH!?
>Kronii: Well you know what, those people leave you? then fuck em', you didn't need them anyways
>Fuwawa: Ah ah, Calli-senpai remember it's important to have self-worth! BAU BAU!
that cookie is for cheebs not takos
>Chickensalad without the salad
What the FUCK did she mean by this, is she /here/?
>I genuinely love talking to myself and i do it literally every day. I always have good and interesting things to explain and discuss with myself.
Blue women and vegetables…
How will (You) react when Gigi has Kronii and Fauna on at the same time?
Will you respect her more if she single-handedly mends their relationship and we start seeing them again afterwards?
When I'm working on more complex functions I say numbers out loud
>the current rrat
'the fiction I choose to believe' ?
>cocaine spray?
Too easily countered. Same reason why they don’t just have swarms of only carnifexes. Probably too much biomass spent for the amount gained.
I sometimes think out loud to myself but I don't talk to myself as if I was having a conversation.
Yes, to organize my ideas and for the voices in my head to be quiet for a while
>2 days after Kronii visited Fauna last year
Retard, that was months later. You don't watch either of them.
>I don't like that it's green!
What concert performance?
>i just
>don't like that it's green
>I just don't like that it's green
Seriously? They are here reading this conversation feeding into it. You cannot convince me otherwise.
There are countermeasures for lictors.Tyranids win by having specialized bioforms that disrupt and counter enemy assets while also maintaining an endless tide of smaller gaunts to flow into the gaps created. A lictor kills the guard command staff in the theater, allowing a consolidated push by gaunts and carnifex to break the guard lines, for example.
I worked at a high-end farm and it mind fucked me about how good vegetables should taste. Groceries stores seem like garbage to me now
>I just dont like that its GREEN
its really fucking over isnt it
I am now an anti
>I just don't like[...]Green
the Fauna x Kronii rrats...they are feasting today
i know someone who'd pick out whole tomatoes on their pizza. Shit's really dumb, not even their sob story could get me to feel pity for them.
>I just don't like that it's green
Not engaging with the Fauna Kronii schizo but this was hilarious timing
>Fauna tried to pull some vegan shit on kronii
That’s my rrat
it really is opposed to it; Kronii said if she views someone as a red flag/not a true friend then she simply cuts them off and stops talking with them - this is fully in line with the idea that Fauna could be reaching out to her and getting stonewalled
forgive me coomer anons, but I am being 100% completely serious and fully believe this rrat has legs and want to get to the bottom pf it seriously, there's just too much that adds up and it's not some fanfiction shipfaggotry shit, something real is clearly going on when you look at all the evidence and the timeline of it
cute rat
Canadian thing or Kronii thing?
Jesus christ everything is real. The schizo was right.
There’s like… 7-8 green vegetables that came from one plant. Like, Humans found a way to grow different parts of this one plant, creating separate vegetables.
So that's why she likes Mori and IRyS so much, those two are the most carnivorous of EN
Good job, anon. You finally figured out what “rrat” aka narrative means after all this time.
Immeroniibros it's over...
Yeah, don't care. Gigi wasn't able to wrangle gura to the collab so it's pointless
I saw you in /rrat/ before, pretty sure you brought up that same example which is the reason I mentioned it.
Because they’re not that good for the actual gathering and processing biomass and would be vulnerable to massed fire.
some people end up needing to shit after eating tomatoes
Look man, you can just ask what streams I'm talking about if you don't know. No need to out yourself as a retard.
Probably from time to time, but she's on stream right now so shush. Doubt they can watch threads while streaming. Only Biboo watches /gem/ on auto-scroll
Mori's cumming!
Thats a Kronii thing
I just find it's weird to correct someone on what "the current rrat" is when it's all fiction
But CC isn't vegan.
>the Fauna Kronii schizo
implying its only one person? you are a retard. you are the kind of retard that thinks Ina was actually talking about her VISA credit card and cookies

kill yourself retard
nah but they also don't eat other veggies
Blew my mind when I found out chard and beets were the same plant but specialized for the roots and leaves respectively.
Because they are garbage. Produce grown for Grocery Stores are grown to look pretty, not taste good.
can anyone in hololive in general even figure out how to enable autoscroll, I'm not so sure
that sounds kinda gross ngl. At least cut the tomatos
Kronii thing
if it's a fuckin canadian thing it isn't an east coast thing
Canadian thing
there's actually quite of few of them. i know since i am one of them and for some reason there are other people also posting about it and i am NOT happy about it
Gura's house doesn't exist anymore, anon. She brought Atlantis to Florida and has to stay with her family without any streaming setup.
Is this your first time in these threads?
>you can't keep me away kronii
>I'm coming
>is this a kabedon?
IRyS is becoming fat
I know, I'm right next to her while she does
It’s a problem if you work in showbiz and can’t conceal it from the audiance. The 2 guys from Mythbusters were never the best of friends, but they were both consummate professionals, so nobody actually suspected that until they said it after the show ended. Kronii is the complete opposite of a consummate professional. She’s petty as all fuck and wear’s her emotions on a sleeve.
She claimed she was the one reaching out, not the other person, and getting ghosted or turned down repeatedly
That's clearly opposite to what was being claimed here
Ogey Fauna Kronii schizo
Some people on this board get so wrapped up in this shit they can't conceive a normal person's perspective
Drunken sex with your best friend and the hot pink thing can really change a person.
*it really isn't opposed to it
Is this going to be streamed?
>realize she steered the conversation into doomposting
>proceeds to dyke the fuck out to cover it
I'm starting to understand how Sally could take advantage of her the way she did.
What if the real rrat is Fauna started talking to Sally and that's why Kronii stopped talking to her?
Kronii's palate...
Of course. Just don't expect them to know how to drive, cook or properly take care of themselves.
anon? literally yes??
Sundial wins
I don't recall that, at best I remember mentioning IRyS' comment on BaeRyS from her mengen
I'm gonna heal IRyS foot by licking it
Usually happens when your family is poor or your parents don't know how to cook. If you were always being fed canned veggies as a kid you'd probably learn to hate them.
um, that's my title anon. please don't call another person that
force feeding Kronii with vegetables
this kronii x mori stream might go in my top 5. so comfy and real

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