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>idk I am curious and there is no info on the internet.

Anyone happen to know? my brain won't stop thinking about it.
Your dad’s boyfriend
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Pina, shes in EN5
ngl, this is some creative pippa deflection thread
Not even asian.
IRyS is half Japanese.
Kronii is like a quarter or something. She said she has distant Japanese relatives living in Japan.
That's it.
read the fucking rule you god damn newfag or go back to whatever shitboard you crawled out from
irys is half japanese half burger
kronii is 3/4 korean 1/4 japanese
burger is not an ethnicity
she's fully american
IRyS is half-Japanese half-Chinese. Kronii is Korean with some Japanese blood. I think she said she has a Japanese grandparent.
>”subtle” doxxthread
Phasekeks getting desperate, what happened with their wrote now?
Fuwamoco are spiritually Japanese
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kronii has talked about this during the english stream with lui
she spent some time in her childhood growing up in the japanese countryside with her grandparents and has memories of reading japanese manga
wolves don't bark, they howl.
Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
okay then guide me to a thread that does share this information so I can leave
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illiterate retard
like I said I understand, so guide me somewhere where everything about a vtuber can be discussed. Who stepped on your tail?
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What part of >>1 do (You) pagpag-eating ESL retards not fucking understand?
Go outside, dig a hole 6 foot deep and long enough to lie down in. You can discuss that all you want there
why do yall care about the rules so much, its fucking 4chan.
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>unironically asking to be spoonfed
yea unless you think its "your" like a dumb esl

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