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Why did you hire a female voice actress off of fiverr and pretend to be a woman?
The fuck am I supposed to do with this.
This is fa/tg/uy bullshit, take it there.
Because I could with the millions I’ve earned through hard work and grit and for no other reason.
>I would be Slaanesh
Heretic thread
There was this weird incident where he did that
40K factions are unironically a litmus test
Well yeah, most games with factions choices are.
I hate all the "the Imperium is evil" cucks. Nigga they're surrounded by literal armies of demons, robo skeletons and green africans wtf are they supposed to do?
More like grift.
you chaoscucks will not take my biboo
sorry, she's gonna go green
The hedonistic, brain-addling Koslaaneshi Biboo finally finds her true calling, hell yeah.
can someone who is both certified at 40k lore and socio-psycho wizardy give me a brief personality analysis of the girls based on their opinion of the factions and/or 40k lore?
mine is; mori has had daddy issues, biboo has a functioning family indicating that she is asian that isnt born in western country, irys has had accident and/or trauma at childhood resulting in loss of brain functions practically lowering her IQ by significant amount.
Tau are also evil and genocide the humans who surrendered to them.
Yeah, at some point it's us or them.
indeed and the correct answer should always be that the orks are the best
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1. Your oshi
2. Which faction do you think is her favourite
After analyzing my test results, I've come to the conclusion that OP is a huge faggot.
The Imperium is fucked up, but there are people and factions that want to do good, like there are some that are completely fine with being "evil"
Based Biboo shitting on fascists.
The Emperor is barely conscious, so humans aren't actually doing anything he says. All of his mental energy is focused on stopping The Warp from opening a massive tear in reality centered over Earth, which would not only destroy all of the core worlds of the Imperium, it would destroy the Astronomicon with it, which humanity needs to be able to travel through the Warp on board their ships.
So, humanity is free to do whatever they want, but they recognize they are doomed UNLESS
>The Emperor is fed psykers to keep him alive.
>Humanity dominates the Galaxy and all worship the Emperor as a benevolent God during an era of PEACE.
>The Emperor is finally allowed to die.
>His soul becomes a peaceful entity that reshapes the Warp into a pleasant realm, essentially Heaven, ending the threat of Daemons forever.
The Imperium of Man, therefore, single-mindedly pursues ending all war by eliminating every xeno threat and excising all corruption among humans. If they fail, the Emperor is likely to become a powerful Warp Daemon when he dies who is just as deranged and evil as the other Chaos Gods.
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We will eventually convert Beeb to the Greater Good
The Imperium is a pastiche of everything bad about every totalitarian government ever, you stupid commie. Commissars are literally fucking taken from the USSR down to the outfit.
He was conscious enough to have a long talk with resolute gorillaman and not only gave him his magic sword but also told him to take charge and clean up the the absolute clusterfuck of a situation.
I never thought I would but I'm actually pretty sympathetic to bobby since he came back
I'd still prefer none of the primarchs being playable, but characterwise he's neat
He has good and bad days.
Understanding how the Imperium came to be and that there were good and understandable reasons for every step doesn't mean that it's not evil, corrupt and inefficient.
Jerry! Admech!
The Imperium is good, honest, and efficient except when it makes mistakes but everyone makes mistakes.
But it's making mistakes every day for the last 10.000 years!
When I bash your 'ead in, ya git
Nothing escapes entropy. Evil, corrupt and inefficient is the natural state of all human government. They don't have the luxury to tear it all down and rebuild again, if the Imperium falls then Humanity goes extinct. It's an existential battle for survival and every day is spent trying to keep the tattered pieces of lost glory together with grit and duct tape.
They can't be good cuz their willpower is too weak, only Humans and Eldar can be good and resist corruption.
Well you can't expect untold billions to go an entire day without making any mistakes.
One of the themes of 40k is almost every faction is past their prime and a shadow of their former strength. The Imperium isn't as strong as humanity in the age of science, the Eldar used to blow up stars just to see the fireworks and now they're scattered nomads, Necrons fought gods and went to sleep only to wake up to a galaxy that is no longer theirs, Chaos has been cucked ever since the Horus Heresy. The only faction on the rise is the Tau and they'll never reach their peak because they'll eventually hit the wall that is the Tyranids or the Imperium or the Orks and get crushed by sheer numbers
How so? The Emperor was planning to start using the Webway just like the Eldar but also sever humanity from the Warp completely, which would have protected them from Chaos.
The Chaos plan was just to trick Horus and then eat yummy human souls once the Emperor was out of the way.
her opinion is so retarded that I think she actually might have been corrupted by chaos
that being said, I think that necrons are the best, least schizo and have the brightest future in the galaxy
Roses are red
This board is blue
I won't watch your clip
And I won't give a (You)
While it is corrupt and inefficient now and does engage in evil shit from time to time:
1) everyone other faction except the tau meme is worse, and tau only works because they are tiny
2) its only like that because literal space hell united against the imperium because they had an actual chance at winning
Meanwhile chaos gods just want to destroy the universe and feed on your souls for eternity, while raping your entire being in some sort of flavour depending on which faction you choose (become a mindless junkie, become a 15th angled 18eyed bird, become a mindless drooling bloodthirsty retard that literally feels nothing and sees nothing (literal grayscale) outside of blood, literally serve as an incubator to diseases and parasites and be fine with it because grandaddy midnrapes you to see him as a family member and to not feel pain while your insides slough off)
Meanwhile orks just want to straight up murder you and have fun engaging in torture/brutal slavery of any humans they don't instantly kill
Meanwhile the eldar just want to go back to the good old days and would skin you alive if it meant their race benefited in the slightest
Meanwhile the necrons just want to go back to the good old days and would skin you alive if it meant their race benefited in the slightest, and then half of them just want to kill you because they are actually literally insane due to a murder-curse

Not all evils that the imperium engages in are necessary or the best path possible, but by god too many of them are, and for an empire that big and fucked some of this shit is inevitable.
Then they wouldn't survive. Just as 1 example out of a million universe ending scenarios that you have to actively stop every single day: You just need to ignore the works or armageddon for 100 years and you have fucking krorks flying around in moon sized ships
Chuuba playing Speed Freeks when
Tau are the ultimate upstarts. Their technology is weak and feeble like their souls, but in their arrogance they consider human technology to be lesser. They don't realize that the lasgun is actually more advanced than anything they have, since humanity perfected it as an effective weapon that's very easy to manufacture and maintain.
Guardsman until the day I die.. So probably today.
Battletech is the better tabletop
Yeah it's interesting the intersection. The Tau are rapidly improving their technology, and rightly view the Imperium as technologically stagnant but don't realize that humans have been able to maintain a galaxy spanning empire with 10,000 year old antiques because they're just that strong and effective and come from an age where humanity ruled the galaxy uncontested
>then eat yummy human souls once the Emperor was out of the way.
Not even this, the original plan was to empower horus just enough so that he would job to the emperor, forcing him to honor his original deal of ascending to a chaos god and ending the galaxy
Once the emperor fucked that plan up a second time then they resigned themselves to making horus a puppet/instrument of chaos and feeding on humanity. Galaxy doesn't end but humans do
The emperor managed to also fuck up that plan, so they had to resign themselves on just keeping things more or less like what they were in the past but now with a new legion of toys they can fuck around with in the materium
Do note though that this whole shit is only possible in the first place because of the old ones, so the root of the issue isn't even because the emperor did a goof that fucked the galaxy, the galaxy was just fucked, he knew it, he had a plan that would've worked, but it ended up backfiring and crippling him in the process because the chaos gods united "too fast". If he didn't go for it humanity would've been decidedly in a less powerful position in the galaxy regardless because ullanor would've fucked whatever other human civilizations still existed/kept intact technology from the past and from there they wouldve been literally just cattle to any other alien civilization or warp shit that pops up (anyone remember the slaugh? Or the bone marrow parasites alpharius took care of? or the rangdan? Or etc etc etc?)
The imperium chews up human lives to maintain a semblance of order, the real argument isn't whether the imperium is good or evil, its whether its best to kill yourself/your race if shit is ultra fucked or if you should try your best regardless of what it takes to try to survive
You missed the worst of all, the Dark Eldar who just want to skin you because they think you make a nice sound when they do it
Even the Tau start to realize that "hmm... the best way to deal with this sudden Tyranid invasion is to produce a ton of cheap weapons... like lasguns... and arm a big population of warriors who can fight okay without much training... like humans..."
You are now learning biboo gets gangbanged regularly during meetups with shiori hence their relationship
You know what the setting needs? Dark Age of Technology humans baby! Actual functioning people, advanced technology, robots, non-warp FTL, dyson spheres and sun guns that made Orks shut the fuck up
if you want the setting to end/the galaxy to be fixed just make the emperor get up and not be completely unrecognizable
Remember that the emperor is literally one of the best scientists ever and that was back when he had 2 miliseconds to do shit and 2 pieces of scrap, if he gets up all of that tech could be remade
It would be interesting to see what humans were like in their prime. I'm guessing Dark Age of Technology humanity would be capable of beating all the other factions with ease
Nah eldar and especially necrons are a match
But yeah chaos would be mega fucked
He's supposed to die so his soul can be released and reincarnate into someone else / become a true warp god of humanity
>He's supposed to die so his soul can be released and reincarnate into someone else
Not until you fix the golden throne, and seal up magnus whoopsie, and remove the final oh-shit-fuck-chaos-mega-vulcan bomb from beneath the throne
The emperor basically being a split entity between the guy on the throne and the star child is the most likely outcome
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based rock. only one cool faction in 40k
Aren’t Leagues of Votann close to that?
That's 100% always the case. No such thing as a seiso vtuber, the mask always slipps.
>remove the final oh-shit-fuck-chaos-mega-vulcan bomb from beneath the throne
The what
don't worry about it
Aren't they already going in that direction with Big Bobby G coming back and acting as proxy Emperor. They have a guy now who knows how fucked up the Imperium has gotten since the heresy and is fixing it back up
Yeah sort of and he is the most effective of the primarchs that could've come back for sure and you also have cawl to do tech. But they still aren't the emperor even if combined. Anon was asking for DAOT humanity to come back because they'd be op, but you don't really even need that, guilliman/cawl combo already fixed quite a few problems, the emperor himself getting up would be an actual end game situation for the rest of the galaxy except maybe the necrons

>In truth, the Talisman was constructed by Vulkan under the guidance of the Emperor and its true purpose was to serve as a Dead man's switch. Installed into the Golden Throne, the Talisman would activate should the Throne fail. This would create a roaring inferno that would consume all of Terra, denying Horus and the powers of Chaos the Throneworld should they emerge victorious in the coming struggle. The Emperor always intended for Vulkan to construct and oversee the activation of the Talisman.

Note that when they say
>roaring inferno that would consume all of Terra
they mean
>roaring inferno that would consume the solar system and the entire warp that accompanies it at the same time
In the hopes that 1) the chaos gods suffer big time and 2)another galaxy's anus doesn't appear
Oh and did i say that you can only fix/remove it if vulkan is around to do it? So yeah, you need at least another primarch to appear, need to fix something the emperor couldn't do (at least on short notice of a couple of years), fix literally the most complex machine in the known universe, and hope to god that you don't permanently kill the emperor/or that by him being gone for 2 seconds Terra doesn't become a second eye of terror
>suddenly, now everyone is a Warhammer 40K specialist
Man what happened? Did the new game really warrant this much of interest?
Your seethe sustains me, Biboo is on my side.
nah, they (we) always come out of the woodwork when the topic comes up
Every true vtuber fan has spent hours scouring the 40k wiki, shit game but cool lore
she HATES humans
Eldar are evil because their souls are tied to Slaanesh.
Tau are evil because their willpower is nonexistent, they are controlled by the Ethereals who appeared during a warp storm, which means they could be daemons or something else.
Humans have firm control over their own will and aren't tied to any daemonic entity, so they are capable of honor and compassion to a degree far beyond most races in the galaxy. Hence why they're told not to trust any xenos, since they're probably pawns of daemonic entities, but there are some xenos in the same boat as humans where they're capable of being good and have become unsanctioned trade partners or even allies of humans.
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Well my oshi is like a Sororitas poster child
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It started with long form lore video slowly gaining traction and the success of the new game accelerated this surge in popularity.
I played Tau in Dawn of War 1, wasnt too big into the lore but the Biboo stream was enjoyable.
Tau are basically India
The Imperium being evil while also being surrounded by armies of demons, robo skeletons and green africans aren't mutually exclusive. It's part of the grimdark setting. I'm more concerned about those people IRL who genuinely believe that the Imperium is a good (in the moral sense) organization.
Galactic Superpower by 42,042
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I like the imperial fists
and the carcharodons are cool too
>I'm more concerned about those people IRL who genuinely believe that the Imperium is a good (in the moral sense) organization.
Depending on how much you want to nitpick there's no good organization out there unless you are talking about utopian unrealistic fantasy and even then
At the same time, if your definition of a word is so strict that it applies to no one it's a bit retarded no?
Imperium does evil shit, but the alternative is worse so how bad really is it?
>but it could be better/not do so much evil shit
Yeah some stuff for sure, but its also a million wolrd wide empire with quintillions of people on it, just by pure random chance you are going to get evil shit happening
The thing is with the setting by its very nature focuses on the warfare of 40k. There's over a million planets in the Imperium of Man; not every single one of them is in conflict. There are plenty of worlds that nothing happens on, agriculture worlds where the planet is just one massive farm, feudal worlds where the time and technology are literal medieval era, resource planets, pleasure planets, etc. While every planet feeds into the Imperial bureaucracy in some way, there are plenty of planets were it is actually quite peaceful. Of course those planets won't get featured because why would they.
sci-fi is great because it routinely exposes traitors to humanity who would sell the planet into slavery or worse just because they have daddy issues
Quaritch was objectively the good guy in Avatar
Your tulpa nodding along isn’t a moral high ground.
this is some insane cope
Rock please
Take it up with the gay anglo who designed them and decided totalitarianism is the most humanistic element in the universe.
Is the T'au naturally resistant to Warp bullshit and that was the reason why the Imperium calls them T'au in the first place (the psyker grade system)?
Not green africans, green UK drunk football hooligans or "norf fc" but green
>fix literally the most complex machine in the known universe
this is the redemption arch for perty! I believe!
lol no
Funny how her favorite part of the Imperium are the inquisitors, despite the fact that they embody everything repessive and anti-freedom about the human factions she complained about except turned up to 11. And the reason why she likes them is because they blow stuff up. She 'gets' 40k more than all the media-literate people in this thread.
This video is basically the crux of the argument.

tldr: The emperor was idealistic and fundamentally misunderstood human nature. He tried to take away their gods, so they made him into one instead. That's why Lorgar went to the dark side.
No, their souls are extremely weak, and they have no psykers, which means Daemons MIGHT not even notice them. That's how they're able to make very short jumps through the Warp without a Gellar field and not get immediately devoured by Daemons.
However, if they make a longer jump through the Warp, they usually encounter a Daemon which instantly overwhelms their weak minds and eats them.
So, Tau can't use the Webway and can barely use the Warp, traveling much slower than the Imperium.
Humans, meanwhile, have the Gellar field for traveling through the Wrap with protection, and also have their own Webway they built which they can't use because of Horus.

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