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Half of that British zombie movie Edition

A thread about vtubers growing to gigantic sizes (or shrinking others), and having tons of fun!

Previous: >>86722269
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It's so much harder to keep track of these threads when they're not baked as soon as the old one dies.
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We ageed to make them on Fridays, so if one isn't up you have 6/7 of a week less to worry about
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Oh I must have missed the friday part, thanks that helps a bit
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Someone suggested that at the end of the 1 month long daily period.
We had a thread die and a lot of repetition, so someone brought up how other similar threads on /vt/ are basically a weekend thing.
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How do we rate a 2 week time skip?
Weekly was a bit short when the thread lasted up to Tuesday, leaving only 3 days gap before Firday
>Saturn not Jupiter
Dumb bread dogs
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honestly I forget this thread exists until I see some interesting art and then wait until next thead to share it
>entering Nature's domain forces outsiders to become fairies
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AZ makes something with Calli now: https://x.com/AZmaybe9/status/1847158117710299504

Kronii is finished, though, it is soundless and patreon only
I wish the Kronii thing could leak. I don't realy care about sound
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AZ himself lurks and chats here, I doubt he would be glad to see his work being leaked here
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Looks like the wait was too long and people didn't know when to come back
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1x thread per week seems fine to me
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Dear god, what I would give to be stepped on by a giant Gigi...
How big?
I'd say either miniGTS range, or "so big that her sole (before the toes) would be about as long as a car" is ideal
also no hard crush since this is all an impossible fantasy anyways, so at worst, her "unfortunate" victims would just get smushed into her meaty soles and stuck to them
How about having your body covered by her sole, except your head which sticks out from between the toes?
Yeah that works too, that way I can see and hear her teasing me
And if you ever talk back she can squuez her toes to punish you
missed you guys
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>evil/anti Sana canonically exists based on some Splatoon stream
>doesn't have reversed powers, remains beeg
>is cruel (especially to children in online games)
I want to be smothered under Gigi's sweaty spats...
True i guess..
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maybe if we beg him hard enough he will upload it here himself...
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That Grease cutout guy is making a giant Henya next
Reminder that his giant Ironmouse nearly fell on him and killed him
Totally not giantess fetish guys
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That Ironmouse was huge
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I mean I worked extremely hard on Kronii vid.
"You worked hard for 1 1/2 months, but you will release it for free, yes?"
After a bit when sound is done seems to be the most fair.

Just gotta wait for the new sound guy to work on Lili vid and he can start on Kronii.

But don't forget this awesome giant Calli shot!
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Now that you mention it I faintly remember seeing an old clip of her where she talked about her lore and being like 300ft tall
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Also we need more Calli high quality outfits! How has nobody worked on the sleepy Reaper outfit yet!?
Deadbeats only care about calculating her diet based on her farts
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Sana love
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Big menheras
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God I wish
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pink cat big
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She's finally coming back after chemo kicked her ass
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So she's finally beaten cancer? Nice!
I hope she's cancer free. Size fetish be damned, she's a fucking mother of 2 young children
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Who's the most unstable?
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Anybody crazier than Nazuna / Mike is too menhera to think about honestly.
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get eaten
o7, man. hope people here will have enough decency to not leak your stuff.
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I don't think she officially sad it, but she had surgery to get her port out a few weeks ago and that's a VERY good sign.
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Need to get crushed by big pink cat
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I want to bury my face in this giant blacksmith's cooch
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Holy boobers
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Which blue woman is this?
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I remember some calculations that claimed a breats should be significanty larger than Earth to have the same gravity
I doubt a paper cut out would have killed someone, but being the 1st person in history to die to a giant vtuber is definietly an achievment...
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we are going to get something /beeg/ soon
giantess Gura anim, but it's from crash landing studios
a finger curls on the monkey's paw
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what's wrong?
their animation quality seems pretty good, and is done by pros
Not him, but i'm guessing he doesn't like the uncanny puppet look, even if it is well made
their artstyle scares me, their Gura isn't the sharkgirl i know and love
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How does this brat keep getting away with it?
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She has a natural size change power, even with the limiter shackles, we can't stop her from using it
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