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Latest Voice Pack "Good Morning": https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/tokinosora_an7th
Latest Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdCM5dJHHsg
Music: https://www.youtube.com/@TokinoSora/releases
Holodex Radio: https://music.holodex.net/radio/:artist[ch=UCp6993wxpyDPHUpavwDFqgg]/
Watanuki-san song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHzfRyYEfHo
Yume o Kakeru Group Cover: https://archive.ragtag.moe/watch?v=gyJQ9u_UKbo

Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/tokinosora
Fan game: https://likeslug.github.io/zarikkuma/
Fanclub: https://tokinosora-fc.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/
Manga: https://twitter.com/hashtag/SoraRecord?src=hashtag_click&f=live
Further information:

Previous Thread: >>87308438
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You again
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I thought we did pretty well by reaching the bump limit.
Sora's home!
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Good job nunnun!
Stream tonight?
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(๑ ' ᆺ ' ) I think Sora is cute
More Zelda in 20 minutes!
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Final Zelda part
Starting! It's time to save Linku (while wearing his clothes)!
The last STA
It'd be funny if Linku thought she was an echo and they almost fight
This is so cool
Lynel-san and Linku working together to free Sora!
Linku is a fucking tank.
I love when the tornadoes are summoned and Link barely moves.
I'm surprised be how competent the AI for him is too
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Sora, put me in the fight!

▲ ▲
They did it! Hyrule is safe and whole once more
what a comfy game, im gonna miss her zelda streams
I'm gonna miss Linku
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Bonus ponytail Sora!
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_(:3 」∠)_
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I miss Sora, Linku, and Zelda
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Holy shit the block is thick
Congrats!! Very cool acrylic and tomo.
Sometimes I regret not joining because I don't want to deal with freight forwarding
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( ˘ω˘ )
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sora sora sora
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Just beautiful
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Today's konsome! No stream today and maybe tomorrow as well...
Oh no! No weekend streams...
I guess a pause after finishing a game isn't bad. Let VODtomos finish up too.
we are forsaken and all is lost
I hope Sora plays Ocarina of Time on the small chance it gets her to buy an actual ocarina on a whim and we get an ocarina stream
Also, if she plays OoT (and enjoys it) there's a chance she'd play Majora's Mask too, so we'd get double the Zelda streams
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Nice, I just got mine earlier not too long ago to add to my Sora collection under my monitor.
Yeah, it sucks that if you change your plan that it loses track of how long you were a member.
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Cute terrorist!
The final boss design was kind of uninspired but that was otherwise a cool fight
I wonder if the Peach game is as good
Dunno. I wasn't expecting the Zelda game to be all that good but it looks like a much bigger and better game than I expected.
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( ´•д•` )
(๑ ' △ ' )
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I really don't understand what's going on in this picture, why is Sora barking like a dog and why is Mario there?
She's malding while playing Mario 2
Apparently, Sora was drafted into Koyori's team
It's only her name and rough likeness but I hope she does well
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Sora love!
Done signing, maybe there will be a stream tonight?
It's already past her usual streaming time but a nunnun can keep his hope up...
It's up!
Sora hears nunnuns prayers
Started! 30 minutes ago.
She loves us. Sora love
>[EN] Sora: About FF? I don't mind spoilers, so I'm learning quite a bit from friends who know a lot about it...
>[EN] Sora: I've had friends who like it tell me quite a bit about it. So I know most of what there is to know about 568.
Sora, your friends are lying to you....FF only goes up to 16
>Sora: “I bought a new bike, what keychain do you recommend?” Eh? Get mine!
>Sora: Might lose your keychain? Buy two.
Expert saleswoman
>[EN] Sora: I don't replace them because it's too tiresome. No doubt.
The data transfer between phones is super easy nowadays, if that's what she means
So many koreantomos nowadays
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otukare sora-chan, s
What's the lore behind the blue eyes and brown eyes?
Sora has been practicing her Korean. They probs felt more comfortable revealing themselves as Sora can actually read and understand them better now.
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Natural color.

Her original model had brown eyes. She switched them to blue for her default model, using the justification that she's wearing contacts.
Ooh I didn't know brown was the original, I would have thought blue was. Thank you for explaining!
Brown is Ankimo form while blue is Blue eyes white dragon form
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( ˘ω˘ )
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I have grossly misunderstood how big dollSora is
It was scale 1/3, I think
That would be roughly 53cm or 21 inches
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is there a non jpeg version of this somewhere
I wonder. Here are the original links. Maybe you can do something with them.
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Anyone know what this is about?
Zelda soradumpling creatures are CUTE
Sora's OoT progression status
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>Possibly got lost in the Fire Temple
This doesn't bode well for the Water Temple...
Today's konsome, no stream today because of the offline FC meet up!
>listening to koyo's cover of yuzurenai negai https://youtu.be/6Q6e0QfDGtI
>thinking to myself wow i wish sora would cover this i bet it would sound nice
>look at sidebar recommendations
truly we are blessed
It's annoying that she covered so many songs years ago because she's even better in the past 2 years and those covers would sound even better if she recorded them now
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Ha! That is amusing, I didn't see that before I made that post. If Sora is improving every 2 years then when does she reach her apex? At any rate, one of my favourite things about Sora is that she worked for her singing skill. She didn't start as some generational talent, she was an ordinary girl who was willing to put in years of work for what she wanted.
Soder spotted.
>She didn't start as some generational talent
Talent helps you with your training but doesn't excuse you for not doing it, maybe not a prodigy level of talent but having musician genetics is already a talent compared to common people
Cute background dancer!
Have fun Sora and FCtomos!
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Hot stuff coming through!
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There's an unofficial meetup as well. I hope everyone has fun meeting up today
Aww man, I want to go to a 'tomo meetup
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>How it feels when there's no Sora stream
(๑ ' ᆺ ' ) ?
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SorAZ if they were a couple
It seems the meetup went well. Sora encourages Soratomos to become friends at these meetups (even the unofficial ones) so get to it
No fights?
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She even gave her love to the unofficial tomos!
Sora is watching the unofficial meetings, fight at your own risk
Maybe it's for the best that she hasn't mastered English, it'd be impossible to keep away from her otherwise. How long would it be before she finds these threads?
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Ordan-sensei popped by too!
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Clever balloons
Do you think future Sora albums will get Sora tcg cards? Since they're a Victor production.
Marine, Fubuking, Migo, and Regloss all got special edition CDs with cards
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Glad to see I am physically represented on site.
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Maybe, but these are the only type of cards I care about.
filling the nun balloons with galaxy gas
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the horror... I can no longer sleeptomo...
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it's almost that time
I can't Google translate my way out of this one. JPtomo, could you please give a quick rundown?
W-wait, let's get some Halloween Sora first
I'm not a JPtomo but I tried to write down as much as I could understand.
The far edge was blurry but different frames I think I got it.

1st slide
2024.10.17 17:58 DM抜粋

Google translate TL+some fixes
2024.10.17 17:58 Private message excerpt
We apologize for the sudden inconvenience.
My name is Odajima and I am in charge of operating TokinoSoraFC at Dwango Co., Ltd.
First of all, I would like to apologize for not being able to invite everyone to the official offline meeting on the 20th.
The management side was aware that you were planning an unofficial offline meeting, and we were hoping to be able to help in any way we could.
In the hope that you can enjoy the offline meeting as much as possible, we would like to provide the KV for the official offline meeting and a simple message from Tokino Sora.
(I don't know what is the KV)

2nd slide
公式にはない 「unofficial」 の文字と、ときのそらからのメッセージが入っております。

Google translate TL+some fixes
It contains the word "unofficial", which is not official, and a message from Tokino Sora.
Thank you for planning the offline meeting.
Thank you for your continued support of TokinoSoraFC.

(I don't get the "there's no unofficial in official" thing)

3rd slide (illustration)
Always thank you

Extra for completeness
Ordan writing here >>87826604
Congratulations!! Ordan just passing by
>>87837509 (me)
>we would like to provide the KV
>(I don't know what is the KV)
I found it
It means Key Visual
They provided the official art and a message from Sora.
That's what they mean
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Big nun for big thanks!
Literally this kek
depressing sight
( ˘ω˘ )
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Look at her go!
Go Sora go!
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Did any FCtomos get up to stack related shenanigans in the meetups?
i see some white dudes in that meetup pic so its possible
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Seems relaxing. Shame the weather isn't nicer
Today's konsome, more streams this week!
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Doesn't look like it
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Nice. I wonder what she'll stream this week
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Nunun Antenna is Operational, Ion Cannon online.
=͟͟͞ ( ˙꒳˙)
I demand that the ion cannon be nunnun's effect or art or whatever in the card game

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