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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura 4th Anniversary Celebration Merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Youtooz figure

Previous Thread: >>87636759
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I love my wife so much!!
Guys, I have this pit in my stomach feeling about Gura. Like an "it's so over" kind of feeling... I hate it.
Sex with a fembud.
Guys, I have this rumbling in my stomach and I'm farting up a storm... I hate it.
Guys, I have this twitching feeling in my penis and it's getting hard... I hate it.
I love Gura for real.
That is all, have a goob thread!
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Same desu but for me it's "hungy".
Goo... rah...
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I just farted
When is Gura migrating to bluesky.
Are those balls?
It's her puffy cunny, now stop staring.
I bet it grips like a retard holding the class pet
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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dodgers won
whoa they were playing at 1 in the morning
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Gura made me start to like children in a different way TuT
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They make a good soup.
I swear I made this exact post like a year ago (lol). are you a bot?
That's a child
T u T
possibly but also every possible doompost has been made and iterated on by now, might just be someone else with accurate tummy premonitions
Gee Goob! How come you get to eat two cups of pudding?
Would sexually bully and ryona this little goth goober T u T
Gura. Gura.
Gura. Gura.
Gura. Gura.
They are lovers.
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Starting now I'm on vacation for 2 weeks. I can't wait to be a useless piece of shit the whole time!
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Booba huhaha
That's not Gura. That's a whore dressed up as Gura.
Goobnite. Try to hard ignore and report the shitposter when he starts in 6 or 7 hours from now. Stay cool.
Sleep well, gamer.
Goob morning chumbies
kill yourself last samurai and remember that Cover terminated Mel because she leaked information to their opponent company
imagine being a subhuman weeb like you who believes they are somewhat united and don't want to tear each other down, blindly optimistic to say the least
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Goob morning, you retarded faggot.
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Gura is a streamer. She can stream
Goob nite
Gura lost her oshi, best friend, health, home in the span of 2 months
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prayin for goob
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I very much dislike it when people are mean to her.
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Being mean to her is necessary. She's the sexiest when she's depressed T u T
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Bad fortune lack...
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I am stealing that line holy kek
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Hey now, it really does suck for her that she won't have Ame to collab stream with in Hololive, but they definitely will be staying in contact at least as much as they've always been, she hasn't lost her friend. And her living situation... is probably fine, her luck can't be THAT bad.
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A Samenekomata. Two tails, one shark one cat.
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good morning
i love gura
Goob morning retards
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Brrrrr. We skipped fall and went straight to winter
i hate that in between period where i have to switch my AC to heat in the morning, then cool by the afternoon. seasons were a mistake
Goob morning faggot
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It's quickly getting cold here too, but I still have a lot of Autumn weather here to enjoy yet. God I wish it was Autumn year round.
The temperature, the day/light ratio, the beauty, the feeling, the autumn food, the general smell of the outside... It's all so perfect for me.
My favorite Skyrim biome is "the rift" what's yours?
I'm wearing a jacket inside. It's comfy.
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Same desu. It's worst at night when very subtle temperature fluctuations are enough to make me constantly overheat. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in a while now.
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I want to lick every square millimeter of this adult womans body
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Well you might've guessed I meant "day/night" ratio, as in sunrise/sunset times. I'm sorry, all you need to know is that Fall/Autumn is the best season.
>last samurai
I've been gone for a bit, tf is a last samurai? Some schizo shit?
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Whatever the biome is for Riverwood. That cold fall muddy look. My favorite song from Skyrim is “Secunda”. When I had to study a lot, I played that on repeat for bgm.
Same with Mass Effect’s “Uncharted Worlds”.
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I think it's an old story, a movie or anime?
I was going to reply too awhile ago, but I just assumed he had the wrong thread in his tab or something and didn't say anything.
It's a good movie from 2003 starring Tom Cruise that I remember rewatching all the time as a kid
idk what the significance of this faggot using evoking it here is though
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Jeremy Soule is one of the best modern composers.
I genuinely think if it wasn't for his music, there wouldn't be anywhere as many people that would've stuck around for the Elder Scrolls for as long as they did. The music subconsciously sucks you into the world of the game and wants to make you learn more about it and play it more, then you're addicted to the game.
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>>87679575 (me)
Oh wait I see, he's using it as a synonym for "weeb" because the movie has a white man civil war vet basically become an honorary Japanese Samurai fighting for the "reactionaries" during the Meiji Restoration.
That is one of the gayest and most esoteric metaphors that I have ever actually had the context to understand as soon as I heard it. Fuck you anon.
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Didn't Keenu Reeves play a Japanese man in a movie quite a awhile ago now? I didn't see it, but it seemed fun, what was it called?
Baguraette honhonhon
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never reading the thread
The best part of the whole thing? Its complete bullshit. The Meji restoration was all based on punishing the Shogun for succumbing to foreign influence and expelling it all then returning to isolation with the Emperor in charge again. It was all just an excuse to switch leaders around and using "GROIUS NIPPONGU PURITYU" to get backing for it before loading up on Guns and democracy anyways as nobody was retarded enough to say no modernizing and chagrge 1800s armies with fairly shitty cermonial swords after nobody had fought in 200 years
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How big is Gura's clit?
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I wish to know this as well
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Cute girls doing good things
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i bet u meant speed. thats the one where if the bus goes below 50 it explodes
>Adult woman
Why did you post an unrelated pic?
Im not following
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Have you ever seen "Jet Lee's Fearless"
That's one of my favorite martial art movies.
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I hate this so much. I'm not a furry but I would destroy that.
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I watched it without out subtitles at first, but I feel like I understood everything in that movie at the time without it at the time.
this cookies and cream ice cream tastes like they took the cookie part of an ice cream sandwich and called it done. that's not a real cookie. I have been duped.
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That's one of my favorite kinds of ice cream, have you ever heard of moon mist? It's really popular from where I'm from apparently. It must have it's own special blend or something.
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For King and Cunny!
>banana, bubble gum, and grape
sounds bizarre. i would like to try it but not enough to order it online so I guess I never will
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It really does sound bizarre, but somehow it works. If you're thinking of ordering it online, there's no chance it will taste and feel the same as when you grab an ice cream cone at your local farm market and "moon mist" is on the menu.
thanks, I'll never order it, you've hyped up something I can never have too much
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>releases feet merch
Gura loves feet and wants you to worship her feet every day.
It's why Elder Scrolls 6 will be comblete garbage and not worth playing.
Bethesda's petty spitefulness fueled by their own ego along with thinking that he's replaceable has guaranteed that I will never buy or even play the next game from one of my favorite series I have loved for 22 years.
The Elder Scrolls 6 will be Souleless.
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MY wife
Yes i heard that she went along saying that she had a feetfetish to other people as a child
Also that feet in latin is pedo
>Also that feet in latin is pedo
how has nobody superchatted this to gura in 4 years
Because he's wrong.
Foot in latin is pes. And the latin root in English is pedi, as in pedicure.
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What do you call a device that count how many steps you've done in a day anon?
We all know Gura will never top this pedo moment, don't even try.
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Ngl, I love booba Gura.
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She's so hilarious lmao, the way she dug herself deeper with every single word she said it's actually crazy
gura wants me to make her sticky T u T
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Pedometer =pedi (latin) + ometer (greek)
Anything else, retard? Do you enjoy being anally gaped in front of everyone like this?
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
inb4 he tries atguing by quoting surface analysis
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>counts your FOOTsteps
A quick reminder that gura is 9000 years old and was alive back when the romans were still around
>this too was planned by gura
Lmao. Called it.
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>gura takes part in history to make a funny joke
>anon tries explaining the joke away
Alright smartbud keep it down while gura and i laugh or ill shove you in the locker
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MY Gurandma.
There was definitely something physically different with her during this stream.
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didn't have her 4th monster that morning
you know gura drinks red bull these days right. and that the studio has free red bull so it's even more likely she would have red bull and not monster.
>you know gura drinks red bull these days right.
Yes? That's why i said that she didn't have her 4th monster that morning? Are you stupid?
I meant that during that stream, she was slow and lethargic and more uncoordinated than normal, as if all her movements took twice as much physical exertion.
It was like she was being weighed down by something.
Are you a fembud?
>It was like she was being weighed down by something.
Yes like what was said here >>87689691 she didn't have her 4th monster
>in japan
>no sleep
>no monster
What did you expect?
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Jeremy Soule and the early drug filled Michael Kirkbride combined with other writers made my all time favorite video game with "Morrowind"
Cover should really look for that monster sponsorship
There is nothing wrong with being smart and showing it off
I don't think Red Bull will let them have Monster sponsorship perms. It's one or the other.
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I'm way behind. Will EDS6 really be Souleless?
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Just google it dude. He got accusationed and sounds like a shitty person apart from that so good riddance I say.
Kill yourself.
I bet the accusation is just from spurned ex that wants to destroy him or something.
the starfield score was so generic and forgettable compared to a proper bethesda RPG that it was actually distracting. he was an absolutely indispensable part of the team.
Bethesda went DEI crazed and ruined their company. Starfield is the most recent result.
The rumor is they're hiring the guy that did Fallout 4's original background music to do ES6's soundtrack. Except his music is absolute dogshit compared to Soule's and there's no way that Bethesda is going to find anyone good enough to replace him. Soule's music has this unique "tranquil melancholy" that has majorly contributed to The Elder Scrolls' identity. Without Soule, it's not going to work. It won't feel like ES anymore.
And a former Bethesda lead game designer basically just said the other day that fans of the Elder Scrolls series are going to be disappointed by the new game.
The SA accusation was obviously horseshit, but the guy also compared video game piracy to the holocaust lmao. Wish he just stuck to composing
They'll probably get the guy who did the Elder Scrolls Online's soundtrack to do it. That soundtrack is fine and the new soundtrack if by him will be fine too.
I don't care at all. He could say that black people were the original indigenous people of Japan and it would never fucking affect my enjoyment of his music while playing these games. Anyone who cares about stupid shit he says is retarded. You don't hear it when listening to his music.
I don't think it's fine. I think it's below mediocre.
Once someone knows about the shit he says, they're very likely to remember it every time they hear his music. That's how memory works.
Gura cute?
Inon Zur? I really liked the music for Fallout 4, one of the few things that were good about it (I could rant about the dogshit story and retcons for hours...)
but yes, I don't have any hope of TES6 being good, especially if they have the same self absorbed, incredibly out of touch writer, who said that gamers are too stupid for good stories and would rather spend their time building shacks or something.
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Gura ugly.
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Cura gute.
where is my goomba
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I mated with Gura. I put her away and am saving her for later T u T
She will give me my New Years karaoke this year.
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Sgura really took everyone's money and ran, didn't she? Why doesn't she feel bad about being a lying whore?
Are you a fembud?
October is already like 2/3 over...
Good, I hate halloween. I'm like the scrooge but for halloween instead.
The estrogen levels are through the roof so I'd say yes.
Rape correcting bratty fembuds TuT
2 years in a row without a single stream during her "favourite month" lets GOOOOOOOOOOOO
Yeah how dare she get sick and get hit by a hurricane
Fucking psychopath. Also she played Phasmo with Ame last year, tourist.
and we will get no christmas and new years stream as well 100%
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My chameleon just took the largest shit of his life
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Few people understand this dummy like I do.
based lizard
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Don't reply to the baiting schizoid.
>"favourite month"
yes. why would she ruin that by spending time with (You)?
I would really prefer if you would stop confusing schizoids with schizophrenics. Schizoids are all based and good people.
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I'm going full schizo but I'm 95% certain that she's gonna join Ame so they can be together. She's just waiting for completion of her 2 year project before following Ame. Her new model is also gonna be designed by Nacho and will be just different enough so she won't get into any legal trouble with Cover.
>how dare she get sick and get hit by a hurricane
She's almost certainly not sick anymore and there is very little damage to homes and building in the area compared to helene.
Looking forward to GG's birthday later
Prove fucking once that Gura did the thing you are insinuating. But you won't cuz you're a fag with a reputation for lying out your ass.
what's the difference?
>She's almost certainly not sick anymore
>and there is very little damage to homes and building in the area
This. It used to be she only spent the holiday months with the people in her private life instead of streaming, but now it's every month.
wrong thread
Still not watching your dooki lite, grem. Fuck off and buy an ad
There will be hurricanes and sicknesses then too. And if not she's busy working on dem projects
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Cute Inner.
my proof that Gura is not spending time with (You)? is that her last solo stream was 5 weeks ago, her last stream at all was almost 3 weeks ago and she only did that because Ame was leaving.
What? She's a sperg autist she doesn't have any friends outside of Hololive and her parents
Shes just like me…
we hate guras friends here
how dare they stream
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>And a former Bethesda lead game designer basically just said the other day that fans of the Elder Scrolls series are going to be disappointed by the new game.
Dammit really? Did they work on Morrowind? It's hard to name my all time favorite game, or favorite anything really. But if you held me up to a gun told me to tell you my favorite video game or else you would shoot, I would say "Morrowind".
Then maybe Pokemon Gold/Silver, then maybe Timesplitters Future Perfect. Just a couple other games off the top of my head.
She said she was sick, are you illiterate or something? Do they not teach you brown monkeys how to read?
Are any members of Advent and Justice fembuds? Or are they frens of Gra-chan?
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Why are "they" so damn obvious?
It really must be this, right? She's doing the same thing as last year where she just ignored us for 5 months and pretended we didn't exist.
She doesn't have any good feelings towards her fans anymore. This is just a job to her now and she knows she gets paid either way. So yeah... why the hell would she ever choose to spend her time with us? She clearly wants to be with other people.
They always start shitposting at the same time. The thread is usually slow and comfy when they are taking a nap
Always funny to see how thread randomly becomes active and full of shitposting. It's still baffling to me that people just sit in discord all day and randomly raid threads on 4chan. Genuinely what form of mental illness is this?
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Why did it suddenly get so fast?
Phasecuck discord woke up. I think it's early morning in seanigger land.
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I forgot to quote
But I'm sure it was obvious.
I assume they cant afford a computer thats capable of gaming
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Day 18! Give it up for day 18!
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Reminder that Gura loves you and she's not going anywhere.
Yeah that's what she always said.
>broo she's lying lmao
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Woah now, it seems a bit too early for this.
Thats it? Thats all you got? Just your damaged brain concocting bullshit narratives? Fuck outta here, retard.
She clearly doesn't or she'd spend time with us and she's never around anymore to begin with.
can you post tenroy leaks
T u T
I give the meidos 1 hour before they even bother coming through
Based. I receive my Gura love telepathically.
>I'm sick
>streams three times, once unplanned after Kiara begged her
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Is it though?

I feel generous today. I will post one set of your liking
Is she playing any good games?
It's a whole branch event, retards
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Oh yeah? Then why aren't the dogs there
Uh........... I don't actually have a set in mind. Did he have her pee in any of them? That one, if not I'll bank the generosity for the next time he has her pee.
Gura isn't there, so it doesn't belong in this thread. Simple as.
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Reminder that I love Gura and I'm not going anywhere.
current speculation is some kind of murder mystery rp
like I said, it's a HoloEN branch event
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Based and same desu
>HoloEN branch event
Who cares. Gura is not in it. This is the Gura thread. Not the Hololive English thread.
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That anon has a point chumbie. I don't know if GG is a fembud or not so her status is a little iffy here.
oh hey, guy who call non-chumbuds chumbie is here. That's my cue to sleep.
are you a fembud?
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She just wants people to smile and have a good day, like she attempts to smile and have a good day...
This is the latest juice one, which isn't on kemono
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Love goob
Are you?
sorry I'll stay on topic and only talk about gura's streams
thank you
so why is she abandoning us if that were true?
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You can talk about halo or bethesda if you want as well.
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Just don't try to make the Gura thread about other vtubers. It's not difficult.
I mean she is still in HoloEN last time I checked
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You don't understand her at all.
T u T
she does the opposite by abandoning us constantly
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anon you already said that
Yes, but HoloEN in this context is a vtuber collab without Gura, hence why it is off-topic.
It's more on topic than 90% of the shit posted here
No, are you?
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I don't like encouraging the talk of collabs without gura. It always leads to a doomposter crying about something.
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They very often can't keep their shitposting coherent and fail to follow their own plots.
This is what happens here and every other general.
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There aren't a lot of people that can understand people like us chumbie. I just accepted that I will be misunderstood no matter what.
Nope. Fans casually talking is more on-topic than making the thread about other vtubers.
No I didn't
Wow just checked global and KFP are having a meltdown about Gura and wishing death upon her. Were they always like this?
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Oh yeah? What did you eat for breakfast today?
>Were they always like this
anon is advertising his own posts again
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I ate a banana before going to work and had fish sticks with potato salad when I got back home
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Ironic falseflagging looks nearly the same as falseflagging, it's that dumb.

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