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Bling-Bang-Bang-Born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>87524558
No reservation for the return stream, but it's at 2 PM PT
Thanks Ina!
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Cuddling with Ina...
>used this art for the thumbnail
literally me
takotime soon...
I would rather Ina collab with a Holostar than ever flirt with Mori on twitter again.
I'd rather Mori and the homos all die in a fire
Stop replying to yourself.
From watching the vods, I don't think i like her model update
watch streams
Prepare your guillotines, we are executing the japanese in 8 hours.
Easy there takito.
Ina has wives between the Japanese.
genociding all Japanese males would have 0 downsides
sorry anon, in this cult inaction is seen as treason. I don't make the rules
But Kuroboshi...
He's FGO female
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InAme schizo here. I posted this from the ame thread and I'm posting it here as well. I made a Total Eclipse of the Heart cover with Ina as lead vocals and Ame as the duet. Don't ask me why I did this. I don't know myself. Used RVC and SynthV.
kill yourself
I am glad Bae has been feeding my Ina good food
Thoroughly disgusting.
death to shippers
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they should smooch each other everyday
I hope she's still on track to go back after this trip home, she was having a lot of fun over there.
oh yeah she doesn't have to inhale ratwhore particles anymore
This schizo is alright.
Ina should end up moving with Bae, that would be the easiest, fastest and cheapest way of moving there
She also gets free AIDS, what a deal
Free miracle fried rice every day. What a deal!
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iname nation forever together
Directly living together isn't gonna happen but moving close to her would be pretty great
what's with all the tourists shipping Ina with whores
Yeah, they might not move in together but still makes me very happy that they hang out whenever close by
mmm finding somewhere "close" available for purchase would be a challenge itself depending on the area
also their economy is fucked
It's so fucking weird how food is really cheap in Japan but everything else is relatively expensive
They have a lot of the same needs (open to foreigners,easy transit to the studio, private or otherwise safe from stalkers), so it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up with similar areas to choose from.
considering bae posts herself online I think she welcomes stalkers
>least obvious samefag holo vs holo
Fuck Off vermin
>replying to the mentally ill instead of ignoring
go back retarded tourist
>I think
You really don't
In the scenario that Ina does move to Japan, she will definitely choose a place that's close by to Bae considering how often they talk
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Stupidly soft sugar cookies that that threaten to crumble into dust in your hands sounds really nice right now.
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I-I kneel before you Moom-sama
Why are promise fattening up my wife
They're called Promise because they Promised Fealty to Ina.
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the hell is this?
Looks terribly unhealthy
I want some...
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Ina could eat like 40 of these at once...
shit taste
not surprising though
mediocre as fuck
generic white bitches love them
Huh it quite literally is the bot that shits up other threads too. It loves using that format
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damn... this girl never gets tired of getting rejected by my Ina...
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What did she mean by that
I want to see Anya and Flare duel to the death for Ina
This but it should be mud wrestling.
This but tentacle slime instead of mud.
shooting her shot
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Flare retweeted this a few hours ago.
>The girl that splits a Subway into 3 different meals
> eat 40 cookies
Why lie ?
Forget about prices , Why are women so fucking obsessed with Japanese food ? Specially sushi ? What's the big deal of raw fish and plain white rice
women be... eating sushi, amirite!?
Cute, I didn't notice that underneath the pile of shill tweets.
Now that is really specific.
Freshly baked sugar cookies melt in your mouth and don't sate your appetite at all. The tactical advantage to this is overwhelming
Imagine been the guy that is plapping and will impregnate Ina's sister , Who is the popular girl at school hag version of Ina
why the fuck is shape trademarked?
Yeah, me
Yeah, that guy is me btw. >>87682802
And this is Ane'nis.
Appreciated, fellow schizo.
Yeah I don’t think Bluesky is a real place for chuubas to move to. There are way too many reuploads of old art when really, people should say a certain 3 words when it comes to numbers.
I know there's a good NTR joke with Bae's egg fried rice somewhere but I haven't been able to put it into panels.
Has Ina ever sang that song? Unarchived karaoke sometime?
did the ratwhore have a yab or something, why are brrats more annoying lately
>the brrat is shitting up both /HiRyS/ and /wah/
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Thanks guys.
Not sure. I don't think so. I don't remember.
Ah so it's an AI cover? It sounds good but I'm not really into that.
>AI shit
they're not even trying
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>0 seeders
>3 seeds

Yeah I set it up using SynthV (basically Vocaloid but better) and used RVC to change the voices.
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The only AIs that I approve (I don't know if they're actually AIs but I don't care).
It isn't AI exactly, it's a voice synthetizer.
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Well, they're smart and cute, and they're artificial, so in my book they are AIs. What's the point of a smart machine if it cannot also be a cute girl at the same time after all?
I hope our AI apocalypse is just Neuro fighting Evil over the last remnants of weebkind.
That's like calling your standard run of the mill text to speech an AI. The only difference is that Vocaloid has timbre and pitch control added on top.
nice try, Ina. I will never listen to vocaloid songs again, they peaked with Lost Time Memory
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Ina should sing I'm Yours again. Back then she was the cute and clumsy priestess, now she's a more open and cool nerd, and I love her even more than I used to.
Every couple weeks I remember her kino Unarchived Karaoke and wish she'd do some again.
I don't know why she got this idea that she doesn't know enough EN songs. She knows plenty.
Hi ina, if you could move takotime to 2-3 hours earlier just for the next 3 days that would be great. thxbby
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yo Ina, could you sing I am All of Me for my birthday in december? that would be kinda cool I think
All this talk reminded me I never watched that off collab unarchived singin stream with Ame and a bunch of other ENs
Time to remedy that.
4 hours left...
>supporting criminals
I thought you knew better than this, takochi
She stole my heart. I don't have a choice.
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Is Ina considered a kn*fe ear?
is Ina team werewolf or team vampire?
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>On a Friday
>On a day where everyone gets assraped by overtime
How do people look at Friday and think this is a good day for weeb things?
Hasn't the Round1 collab thingy been going for a while now?
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>everyone gets assraped by overtime
not me bro
>Nearest one is a four hour drive round trip.
I hate shit that requires physical attendance.
Stream all events, sell all merch online.
It’s split into 3 weeks of updates.
First one was just the towels which don’t let you pick a singular girls.
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You guys said Ina visits our thread sometimes?
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>watching random streamer play Nier Automata
>they refused to sacrifice their data to save someone
man... some people are just pieces of shit. That and not giving a positive message are two easy ways to identify someone as a piece of shit or someone who didn't care about the endings.
I am glad Ina appreciated the game, still one of her best playthroughs
Where do you live that Fridays aren't the chillest days of the week? Nobody fucking does anything on a Friday afternoon except rounding off the work week.
>Actually taking the bait
Anon... You know deleting your data is a genuine awareness check that you objectively fail if you agree, I hope?
>The whole point of the credit section is saving the save data from being deleted
>Delete it yourself anyway
>When a bit part of the narrative is how bad that is and how much it would suck for the characters in the story
>All for the computer patting you on the back and saying you did a good job while not actually affecting anyone positively in any way
Please play the game and pay proper attention this time.
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Don't care, it's about doing what is right and helping the weak. Also it's the fitting choice after getting the help and encouraging messages from other players
>I'll put a hairball in your throat Nyaa~

And then they kissed.
You were never funny Jerry
What's right, in the context of the story, is valuing those who sacrificed themselves to get you to where you were, unless you beat the credit section without losing anyone then just you sacrificing your own save would still be a huge net loss. Are you telling me multiple save files died so yours could live, and you waste that by throwing it away? That's not going what's right, that's doing what makes you feel good in the moment out of sycophantic altruism, rather than genuine care for what's right.

The whole game is about the veil of "doing what's good" versus actually doing good. You failed the final exam. I am going to drop the issue here though, don't want to make a mess in the thread more than I already have with this.
>while not actually affecting anyone positively in any way
this is what a sociopath looks like
>reddit paragragh from a pseud
the game was just about nice asses
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>Reddit paragraph
>Actually believing real people are helped by this
>Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary
Guess what? Believing convenient lies is also a bit theme of the game.
I believe this.
If you feed Cecilia a fish, would she die?
Your message and data literally shows up in other people's game to help them you fucking retard
I am too drunk to undestand your guys autism today. Can one of you make a metaphor involving Inas flat chest instead?
a2 should have been completely flat
>People show up to help save your files from being deleted
>Delete them anyway
>Think you alone replacing them isn't a huge waste of their sacrifice
>Think that the game system actually works like this, which can only be true if the overwhelming majority of players never accept the assistance or if the assisting players are never actually lost in the first place, making your sacrifice wasteful, redundant and useless all at once
You're not a very smart sort, are you? Do you think 2+2=refrigerator or something? How do numbers even work in your head buddy?
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if you didn't delete your data you must have all of your skin and limbs removed.
deleting your save = preventing a random fanartist from drawing Ina with big tits
not deleting your data = removing Ina's flaps and making her tits bigger
>not deleting your data = removing Ina's flaps and making her tits bigger
goddamned subhumans
People who don't pay attention to stories and thus delete their saves are a cancer, like two lumps growing on Ina's flat chest.
People who pay attention and preserve their saves are defending the sanctity of DFC
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japanese people dont understand philosophy. anything youre noticing is simply coincidence.
>anything youre noticing is simply coincidence
it's made up head canon from a reddit sociopath
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Ina's brain is being loud and you fools are arguing about Automata.
>If you're not an idiot falling for extremely basic emotional manipulation in a story that just spent hours warning you against that sort of thing then you're a sociopath!
>Le reddit!!
Convincing take!
Ina is thinking about it too
id like to nestle up in the folds of inas brain, personally
yo Ina are you ever going to play Replicant or is your collector's edition still accumulating dust?
>switching tactics
DanDaDan cover soon
Ina will become the Japanese Rapper.
Ina is tweeting a lot more than usual, she's excited.
I feel like prison made her dopier
My Ina...
how new
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give me the order Ina, I have the red button on my desk right now
RIP into them Ina
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Am late. Did she talk about the rest of her World Tour yet? Is it still happening?
Useless shits
Oh shit Ina's throwing cover under the bus the 4th trumpet is here
I can taste her anger
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>openly shits on the management
So fucking based.
Yeah, I get it Ina. Kyoani treatment it is.
that's it, I am going to fuckign kill them all, don't stop me
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I love Ina
Kill intern-kun
How can management be so bad at their jobs.
I missed the first six minutes of the stream (including opening screen), did Ina say anything I should be aware of?
time to gut the fucker in charge of work visas
Literally worst case scenario holy fuck
My deepest hope is that whoever fucked this up is feeling the biggest shame ever at the moment, it's the only thing that could satisfy me.
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Cover Corporation and Hololive are fucking dead to me
jesus christ they actually fucked her over completely
Scratch that, Kyoani treatment is way too nice for them.
no one will stop you
Oh shit. Ina will make KyoAni2 happen
cover, what the actual fuck,
all that paid in advance material, like tears in the rain
With how careful she's being, it feels more like the government fucked up.
Seems to be tourist season here today.
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Thread theme:
Can someone summarize?
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Kill japs behead japs drown nuke japs. LET HER IN
streaming while using a vpn wouldnt count as working in japan in my super professional law experience
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I can't even shit on the company fucking twitter won't let me
she should just stream for fun *wink wink*
>more letsplays
any normal person would sue or quit a job if they fucked you out of thousands of dollars and a significant amount of work and refuse to reimburse you.
This is actually a good thing, that way we don't lose her to JP bros, her moving to Japan and all.
its a lot better than no ina
Does it? To me it sounded like it was the company or their lawyers, some retard in government would be a possibility but it feels a really small one.
and now you understand why Aqua quit
fuck Cover
Yeah okay they'll just go take up all those other jobs that make you rich from playing games.
subhuman managers, subhuman company, subhuman country, behead them all
>Stutter Hill 2 shills in Ina's chat
I would usually act nice if an intern fucked up or something, but this time around Ina specifically said she did everything she could, which means her AND her managers probably were ignored. Therefore I hope whoever is responsible actually gets fired or heavily demoted at least.
I dunno, I feel like if it was as simple as "we forgot to file documents, visa expired", she wouldnt have mentioned law speak coming up and not knowing how to explain what is happening to us. That would be a pretty straight forward situation.
It really shows that the basement dwellers here do not know jack shit about work visas/permits
Great she's using this as an excuse to not stream for the rest of the year.
Her work visa is still fucked but she's already paid for so many plans in Japan she's going back and will have to go radio silent again. We get maybe two weeks of streaming and she's going to record extra stuff to air later. 3D live is likely delayed.
She really is mad isn't she?
She said multiple times there's nothing she could have done. If it was management she could have gotten on their ass about it up to and including personally strangling Yagoo until it gets sorted. If it's the Japanese government it's over.
She is literally not legally allowed to, that isn't an excuse you animal.
>gets fired or heavily demoted at least.
this but also beheaded
She is trying her best not to seethe on stream otherwise the shareholders are going to kill themselves
How long is she in Japan?
>chose going back to japan over takos
its so fucking over
But if an intern fucked up and the visa expired no amount of strangling yagoo will help.

Seems like it'll be at least 2 months.

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