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Why do we tolerate grifters and drama vtubers?
Because they killed niji while you just wringed your hands in this shithole and cried about homos
same reason we tolerate you, OP
Niji killed niji. Don't twist history in your favor
>watching ENwhores
you only have yourself to blame
>eurotard seething
If I said "I feel like you're a creep" would that invalidate whatever you say?
>euroseethe out of nowhere
Niji couldn’t even kill Doki. You think they’re capable of killing themselves?
Why do we tolerate pagpags and catalog shitters?
An asshole that's what she is.gn
What are YOU going to do about them?
Because it's a self sorting problem. They'll either crash out when they go up against someone who can hit back harder than they anticipated, or they run out of steam and devolve into the kind of creatures you see cashing disability checks.
Either way, they'll be gone soon enough.
i dont and never watch them
Rima got btfo by a superchatter earlier today, she is legit retarded.
Every fucking day. If you hate vtubers so much, why don't you find another hobby.
make a screenshot. i'm not giving her a view.
No no no you're right. Rather than take both sides into account why did rima dig up jack past just to agree with Pippa's insult to jack being a creep rather than make a reasonable discussion about the topic raised by him regarding react content just needing credits and having more thought into the reaction like asmon? If it's about finding who has less faults in the past then why can't she dig Pippa's past too and compare the things she did just to see who's superior. Why is it so one sided everytime she talks about something.
Sh0eonhead sssniperwolf pippa ironlung fillian all of them were placed on various suicide watches after being called out for being lazy whores.
In your imagination
She just briefly read it and went over it just as quickly, the superchat was someone complaining about both sides frothing at each other rather than having a civil discussion. The latter part of the video is over exaggerating betterhelp sponsorship jacksfilm had to prove Pippa was right for calling him a creep.
Easy dramatubers like Rima and doxcuckgi all have this agreement with phase. Dramatuber gets to sweep shit under the rug for them as you've seen with Rima and pippa in return Rima benefits from pippa viewer or x talent they're covering for via subscriptions.

Rima used to be an okay indie chuuba if you wanted to turn into a historian and just hear something educational play in the background. But once she was discovered by legal mindset during the doki v niji arc she saw all the dono he was getting from retards and she went full grifter like the people she surrounds herself with (nux LM doxagi gator kirche).
Yes pippa meltdown is all imaginary says the phasecuck.
Pippa is always having a meltdown over something stupid these days
Vshojo deflection thread
>she saw all the dono he was getting from retards and she went full grifter
I think seeing parrot numerous supporters also has something to do with it. I remember her taking one of his picture in his videos, the drawing of a guy shouting support at nene being used as some kind of symbolism of an anti screaming hate at a hololive talent.
I like react content. I don't know what you fags are complaining about.
If you were there Rima did consider his viewpoint and agreed with some of the stuff he was saying. Many of his points are subjective though. Like you can't laugh during a reaction? The example Jack cited as a model reaction was a video essay about politics? Jack missed the mark some stuff and there are better Filian reaction videos to judge.
rent free I see. Was this suppose to be some fan base clash shit? No one gives a fuck because the topic is reaction videos. Everyone either goes to the source themselves or watches it with an audience or not at all.
Easier to sit in your ivory tower and do nothing than try to stop the fire around you.
>"Yeah, didn't expect anything less, but here at MY corpo\group, something like that could never happen"
When you pop up 10+ threads in order to get traction for whatever shit you are stirring up no one is going to believe its serious when every thread is filled with non logical opinions or any kind of discussion besides one sided 'so bad' just because I say so. Give evidence or talk about the topic at least and push your opinion forward. The kind of hate Phase has been attracting is all trash.
You’re posting this on a gossip forum
It can't be translated as words, her tiny dramafag brain had a short circuit and she had a long pause while thinking of a shitty coping reply.
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Not the biggest Sh0eonhead fan but she actually creates content. She is nothing like SSSniper or Pippa or Filian that just react to other people's stuff and scream and say stupid shit they later on end up having to apologize for. Pippa in particular is a legit low IQ retard, people need to stop taking everything she says so seriously.
>people need to stop taking everything she says so seriously
She's a public figure that has reach a certain amount of popularity. Her words holds weight whether she likes it or not, especially since she can easily sway her fanbase into harrasing other people.
Not including how she's the face of phase and other's livelihood depends on her too.
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Rima Evenstar's application to Hololive EN was rejected years ago and she's been crying and seething about it ever since.
I'm just gonna put this here lol
Suck my dick, shill
watch the clip She is getting called out by her audience kek
Can't wait for this bitch to get banned
2 more weeks, yes?
Basically someone sent a super chat saying everyone was on board on him shitting on Sniper wolf but now that he made a video about Filian that's crossing the line
Then she took a really long pause to come up with a cope response
How did Phase get the most active schizo catalogfags on the board? They have stiff competition but rise to the occasion every day.
Holofags can't shittalk Niji anymore since it's dead so they need to shit on Phase.
It doesn't help that they make up the majority of the board.
Another stupid seanigger that can't even read. Or a bot (same level of intelligence either way)
I agree sister, we should email Plappa's boss and get her fired.
Truth hurts, don't it cuck?
now that makes sense than the cope and delusion from phasefags
so the phase cope defense force and dramatuber syndicate is real
agree, she used to be pretty ok. but she absorbs the bad trait of ppl around her. take 4chan cmt as a source for drama video (from parrot), make drama reaction stream to take sc (from lm), make clickbait, poorly researched old drama vid (from doxxagi)
I will now proceed to shitpost even harder than before. They took down my beloved Livers, they will pay for this
HOLY SHIT THE ABSOLUTE COPE! What a roundabout way to say she and her other vtuber grifter friends are scared of being next. The fuck she means targetting? Did I get under her skin for calling her out here and now the rest of the board knows lmao

The supachatter was based, this was crossing a line to them and now the dramatuber cabal is taking action

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