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>They do the same content like Filian
>This is actually a warning shot to Jack
>They express to avoid being next
cucknect at it again
Phasecucks, how are you going to protect your beloved corpo now that Pippa has shown that she's an unapologetic grifter? I hope you slops blow this up so more eyes see this
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>They eat the same pagpag
>This is actually shitting up the catalog
>They post to feel included
I was worried since it was like 11 minutes since that last thread was made about this
Why did pippa escalate things further unprompted though, even going beyond the topic about her friend.
they are all afraid of him, it's genuinely funny to think about because Fillian doesn't give a shit about drama apparently and Jack does not seem to be the aggressive call-out guy. Attacking him unprovoked means they are scared of being next and they feel a genuine risk of losing money because of him
here's what's gonna happen
>filian won't care
>jack won't care and will just move on too
>pippa might seethe on stream a bit but neither filian nor jack will care
>jack will not make a video on pippa because she is literally who to him
that's it, and SEAponies will move on to the next drama and continue making bait threads about whatever
>Attacking him unprovoked means they are scared of being next and they feel a genuine risk of losing money because of him
Yeah this is why Fillian is bigger than pippa. Even with the model drama she acted the same as usual and people's attention died out
Since you're never gonna get a real answer. I'm a former Pippa watcher she hasn't liked Jack since I started watching her due to the betterhelp shit since Pippa has strong opinions about mental health. In other words, she wanted to start shit with him and Filian was just an excuse.
Is Filian superpower immunity to yabs by sheer unwillingness to give a fuck?
Yes, she learned from the best in vtubing. Focus on your own thing and ignore drama.
You forgot her dramatuber friend that will push this for weeks.
it's not a superpower, it's having two brain cells to rub together. something that 99% of streamers somehow lack and filian's purportedly stupid ass somehow doesn't.
Better help is shite to be honest.
ngl anon, I kind of want Jack to react to Pippa's slop for a video and watch her seethe on twitter after
Too early to tell but she might get dragged in because of pippa going full ham. Unless of course they talk behind the scenes like reasonable adults to prevent situation of needing to show public support in twitter.
>incredibly nitpicky
Much like how dramatubers — Rima especially — refuse to cover Phase’s laundry outside of fluffing up Pippa, the most wishy-washy of all. Not to defend the fag, but still.
twitter trannies want to discuss the hottest takes from literal who cares on /vt/
Based but also dangerous for him and his family with how far pippafans would go.
because shes not stupid, she's smart, she only plays the clown, whereas most vtubers corpo or indie are very fuckin stupid
Is that a valid criticism I see!?
yeah, that's why I said purportedly
Can't believe Fillian is outliving Rushia's entire lifespan by a year now. That's really is the art of not giving a single fuck.
Rima doesn't do the same content as Filian.
She does much worse one.
7 threads on this topic? so who is crying right now?
fagsfilms will keep making content on filian until she responds.
this is how this nigger operates incase you didn't know.
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It's because the effort isn't worth it for the amount of views she'll get in addition to destroying her friend livelihood and careers of others dependent on pippa. Hololive on the other hand is big enough to take alot of beating and anything you say won't affect them that much so you can easily spread any negative thing about them.

Which brings up the problem of hololivefans being too parasocial and not giving a fuck about her drama videos making them pointless. So it must be noted that the fans should be insulted and villified in every turn to make sure each video affects hololive leading to it's downfall bit by bit.
Eh, he got doxxed already, he should be mindful but he has been on the internet for over a decade. I am sure he can totally make fun of her and still be safe
Phase Defense Force... SEETHE
I'm sure Rima will at least try to farm some content from it
You PhaseKEKs have made so much shit catalog threads in the past without batting an eye, do not fucking cry or complain, idiot
>big enough to take alot of beating
You're not wrong but that sounds like what a shitty person would say.
>affects hololive
At that point hololive anti-slander policy might as well be useless. Nijisanji has gone against their haters for much less in jp.
Rima and dramatubers in general are fucking embarrassing and the worst kind of grifters. Pippa alongside anyone else associating with grifters like that says a lot about the kind of grift they themselves are running and their own morals.
next catalog thread, I promise
I prefer to think of it like Phase is in bed with the majority of dramatubers that would have covered them prior to being ingratiated. Punching up is no different from swinging down in the world of dramafags, so you can’t convince me it is impossible to accrue views if trussed up like any standard coverage of a larger group would be.
You assume that cuckfilms won't start anoyher channel where he talked about Filian? How new?
>she learned from the best
From Dr. Disrespect?
griftkin pippa and doxx connect are afraid of him.
nobody's afraid of that literal cuck
those tweets say otherwise
>Pippa being unnecessarily mean-spirited to make Jack look like a bad guy
She's not afraid
>Rima agreeing to say he's nitpicking
She's not afraid

You seriously cannot think these tweets are NOT warning shots??? It is so blatantly obvious that PhaseKEKs are super seething on catalog
A married person already won in life, can't say the same thing with pippa shitting herself over a react video.
idk who this jack guy is, qrd?
Every dramatuber is going to dedicate at least 4 videos to this in hopes of it generating more drama to make more videos
tva is a ph*se safe haven after all
Seriously? Dude is like one of the original youtubers. He’s probably close to 2 decades on the platform
nta but I seriously don't know who he is either. Was he active 20 years ago that's why people are crazy about him right now?
the only relevant youtuber from that time is ray william johnson I'm sorry, I have no idea who this guy is
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>are afraid of him.
The most noteworthy accomplishment of Pippa's is that she's a grown woman who is flat as a board yet can easily hold the attention of thousands of men for long periods of time. That's a superpower so many "ethoughts" would kill to have.
>the only relevant youtuber from that time is ray william johnson
Funny you say that actually https://youtu.be/vRJY9Y6wK2Q?si=Zlos0dCMGCb-rhVG
you're balding worse, pippa.
Pewdiepie if he fails at life
Started his channel in 2006. Guess hes not as well known as some others from that era as I thought he was
kek all the dramaloving reactsloppers banding together huh
why? her video about Pippa is based
with a big wall of money
no fucking way is your new defense that she has money, this defense force is super retard graded.
She is jealous of his hairline
This fag is currently dicking off every towelhead dick he can find to apologize for pointing out they are a bunch of baby raping terrorists. Point and laugh.
Someone stick plappa's face on the brain bug cause this bitch afraid.
does pippa even do react content? I thought only indies do that
literally who? rhetorical question, I don't actually care
phasefag fuck off
This whole drama is just a bunch of react youtubers/streamers jerking off about how their content is so much better and everyone else is slop. No one involved is original.
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He's old and washed up. He's lashing out at popular vtubers because he's desperate to claw back the spotlight. Poor guy.
except none of that is true. take your dog fucker oshi and fuck off back to the farms where you belong.
Based harine
>complaings about him being like a drama channel
>is literally in bed with every notable dramafaggot under the sun
Sounds like projection
Didn't he semi-retire or am I mixing him up with someone else?
I don't think popularity is an issue for him, he's just being consistent with his hatred for content thieves and Pippa knows she's next on the chopping block.
Basically the whole thing. Jack used to do actually funny skits and parody music back in the day but became a react andy a few years ago because that's what's popular.

To be blunt, dude fell off and is throwing stones from his glass house... even if he is right.
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Why has Fishman not gone after the doxxfags over there?
I don't know why, but now you know why we call the corpo doxx connect
Rima adds commentary to her reactions and explains her viewpoint about the subject or person in the video (although she is lending too much on chat send video recent instead of covering subjects); Pippa picks good videos but half the time will turn the reaction into a superchat reading and just have the content in the back ground as she constantly recycles the same thank you lines instead of making a dedicated stream.

One of these are acceptable the other is not.
Your opinion is now worthless.
Rima is alright but yeah it's apparent when her circle doesn't cover events of the people they like. Example: False didn't cover the Sayu on stream breakdown a few months back; Many Phase yabs get overlooked; Kirsche got a soapbox during her beef with Off Kai, Rima has yet to cover the Asmon drama, someone LM really likes for his politics.

At the same time they will go HARD on the people who have or appear to have wronged the people they like: Rima and LM went really hard to Quinn over little material from years ago because it involves Sayu; False went hard on people who spoke against or didn't acknowledge Ironmouse; Rev went hard on Off Kai and continued to make tweets disparaging it after more clarification came out.

I don't care who they like but cover things equally.
Rima outright misrepresented quinn making people believe that he was jealous of his numbers and downplaying her doxxing. Dramatubers generally have no integrity and should always be treated as the scum they are.
Man, it seems like being a dramatuber is much more stressful than just enjoying the things you like. Why don't they just stop being one, and pursue what they like?
The irony in this post when plapping plappa start a beef with him when he doesn't even know her, kek.
if you could generate energy from seethe then artfags and troons would finally be worth something lmao
Wait did Pippa really got collateral butthurt that much that she calls jack a creep?
/vt/ glazing a male dramatuber wasn't on my checklist
Not /vt/, just newfag tourists doing le epic troll xDDDDDD
Whilst his obsession with Sniperwolf was a bit much, in fairness, it didn't warrant her literally doxxing him. And this was all while YouTube were doing their absolute best to promote and protect her, despite her only being a react youtuber. It was one of the most egregious cases of favourtism on YouTube's part and they even pulled the "both sides" argument when they gave her the slap on the wrist.
Good God the ESL on this post.
Always fucking SEAfags with the dramamshit.
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Is the racist 4chan vtuber having issues with views again? Are y'all that desperate for her to get attention that you'll make bait threads for free?
>Many Phase yabs get overlooked
What phase yabs? I've been watching some of those girls since like a year ago, and I haven't heard of any yabs, despite what dramanigs claim /here/ to be fair I only watch the non-yab ones
I'm genuinely asking, cause apparently I'm blind/ignorant
>Sage with an image
"it"? Is this some kind of pronoun tranny?
It all makes sense when you see who the new Youtube staff is.
Pippa is such a coward. As always. A creature that tries to sound free and badass but lives in fear of any bad opinion
How are either of these bitches seriously seething about "grifters"?
Plappa is about to eat shit from this
Idk calling out a huge fleshtuber to protect a friend seems pretty brave to me.
Phasetranny SEETHE
It was just another sponsor for him. I doubt he used it or cared beyond that.
Saying this when she threw kirsche under the bus at off kai KEK
Get off /vt/ plappa
is he "huge" or is he "washed up" discuss amongst yourselves
Subs seem pretty big, then again i guess the luxiem boys still have like a thousand each at least? so you know doesn't exactly guarantee massive views/comments/donations/ect.
correct answer is his sub count has been largely stagnant for years now, but his active following who watches his videos and livestreams is probably bigger than Pippa's but not as big as Fillian's
He deserved it. He was milking her low effort content and and cried victim when she starts fucking with him so he could victimaxx for views.

Both of them fucking suck.
she is pretty stupid though, blew out her car tire because she neglected a maintenance task that takes 3 minutes twice a month
high social intelligence though probably

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