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Retarded Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 10/16:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (7,664)
2: https://twitch.tv/Sykkuno (5,763)
3: https://twitch.tv/vei (3,635)
4: https://twitch.tv/lilypichu (3,178)
5: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (3,112)
6: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,832)
7: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,442)
8: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,071)
9: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (1,867) *Tie
9: https://twitch.tv/deme (1,852) *Tie

1: https://twitch.tv/nacho_dayo (3,011) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (2,906) *Russian
3: https://twitch.tv/hennie2001 (1,959) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation, lack of brand cohesion, or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 18th - Squchan
October 21st - Grape
October 24th - Batat & YUY_IX

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>87664141
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
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The morning Putain is making progress!
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I miss feemsh so much
I love feemsh very very much you know
I want to take feemsh's illness so she can be healthy
Uuuuuuuuuu i miss boobibug
What is your top fantasy with a chuuba liggermen? Say it with your whole chest I need to understand
Grimmi Gaspar incest sex nude barefoot nipples kissing love
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do you ever feel like everyone else is in on a joke you aren't?
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Stinky femanon please date me
When is Squ streaming?
mating sex with deep french kissing and handholding in the missionary position leading to pregnancy
Being in a loving and healthy longterm relationship, that ends in a happy marriage and 2 children that grow up to become good people
kidnapping moriko and forcing her to play a video game without randomised elements
Don't give info to the femanons
I am sorry for sexpesting you yesterday. That was not okay.
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I want to marry feemsh and cuddle with feemsh and make love to feemsh and she would love me back and we could live together and work on esoteric projects in an oceanfront compound. We can watch movies and cuddle on the couch and I can feed her tasty treats and she can smush me into her bosom and we say that we love eachother and really mean it. I want to take up next to feemsh, I want to smell her hair and cuddle her body and kiss her lips and look into her eyes and take care of her and make love to her. Maybe we can also have two kids and she can teach them all her smart feemsh tricks and we can like play baseball with them or something.
I Love Lucy
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Married life with Lucy Pyre
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who up egosearching
I need someone to love me as much as feemsh misser misses feemsh.
anny trauma bonding with whoreclan over getting one guyed a lot
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it's nice that shondo is trying to connect with people outside her friendgroup
tell me all the things you love about lucy
I want to feed para southern cuisine and smell her farts
two big ones eheheh
where are you reading that?
I don't know if I'd admit to cultivating that kind of viewership
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I want to be Para's mommywife and change her diapers.
yea yura is so cool
Reap what you sow
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Not necessarily a chuuba, but a healthy, fulfilling, long-lasting loving relationship with someone i love and that loves me back would be nice. I feel like having that would make anyone feel better despite their circumstances. It does require effort from both partners though to be fair. You can't just randomly start a relationship and hope it works out. That's why i think a viewer/chuuba relationship wouldn't work out unless you talk to them in DMs long-term to actually get to know how they really are and see if you and your oshi are really compatible with another which you can't figure out by simply watching streams.
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Doing shrooms with Denpa. Looking at the moon with Denpa. That's not a moon Denpa. You've been tied to a chair for 3 hours Denpa. That's just a very bright light Denpa!
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I want to smoke weed and watch movies with Mint desu.
Doing mushrooms with Snuffy and making out under the stars in a grassy meadow. Sex eventually sure, but we play naked in a stream first. Then we dry off and warm up under a blanket and I rub her head while she tells me about her latest fixation and I make little mmm noises at the right time so she knows I'm listening and interested and I like what she's saying. And then a forehead kiss when she's done.
befriending more supernaturally gifted chuubas, forming a group for outreach that searches for young women and men who show promise as artists, as vtubers, as entertainers, and as sources of psychoemotional energy, and creating a subcircle for those with the acumen to control it. outcompete vtubing software competitors, outcompete talent agencies, outcompete vtubing corporations, outcompete flesh streamers, outcompete entertainment companies, root ourselves as a permanent digital force in the entertainment industry, an ingrained cultural phenomenon, geared towards the most emotionally volatile, influencing the most unpredictable group of humans throughout both the east and the west, shaving sparks of spiritual energy off of billions of humans, and using such power to prevent the heat death of the finite physical universe at the cost of the infinite spiritual one. as one must
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good morning?
I want to become friends and play mario party with marimari and miia
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It's just me and Moriko in a room and I get to ask her why she's so fucking weird.
I want to marry my oshi and start a family with her.
popular big breast bad no sex, actually you are boring

ohhhh 3view who never incline and hates coomers your flatchested furry model is sexoooooo bug sexoooooo tiny boy chest buglady
How's it going?
getting brutally beaten by her and her friends and and then they all take a huge dump on my chest
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kek shylily seething
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Why's that?
that she'll always be there, the impending finality eats at me
I fire chibidoki out of a cannon like a cartoon circus and she lands in an old woman's house and crashes through the roof and a bunch of fighting cats and breaking glass sound effects play
I like your eel
why do you hate that old lady
I've been stealing Bluesky name's from my favorite streamers' mods so they can't have them. I will go deep undercover to obtain /lig/ secrets
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Love my wolf wife
wtf think of the poor old lady
The weird autism snek just appeared on my screen
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weak to boobs
Why is ecto pretending to be gay?
There are bad women in the lig I can smell the clunge
Stop calling it that, that's disgusting
i think ecto was ruined for me with that old clip where she's not giggly
what is clunge
my fantasy is for everyone elses fantasies to come true, or at least for them to be happy
>in my emails
That makes it funnier for me for some reason.
Yay, she's using the racing model again!
It’s a hazard like a plunge but substantially more dangerous
a lot of liggers were more "mature" in their early days. their voices were more low too.
I have never made soundposts work I refuse
you bat you lose compilation
ok I waited all day but I just wanna say god I would love to be under grimmi or para or under their desk so i can huff them and get high on their raw girl fumes. the remnants of girl piss and sweat and raw stink from weeks maybe months of never changing and showering would probably kill me but it would be entirely worth having my soul stolen by either of their unwashed clunges. that would actually be perfect.

ok it's out of my system now
Bring back raw unfiltered chuuba! Your flaws are how people connect with you!
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Good morning
yeah cause they were all doing vei voice
Okay I understand clunges now what a gross word do not like it.
hello whore
how often do you jerk off to geega
be honest
why does vesper sound like a baby
she is a baby
The circumstances of random chance and the whims of fate.
post vesper talking about her squidwards being taken away
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I don’t have a smell fetish but I enjoy normal levels and types of womansmell, and I find slightly lax hygiene habits kind of hot, I kind of like it if they’re shameless and own it. I love a girlfailure. I want to compact her shrimped up vertebrae from behind and shove her face into her new custom keyboard with a fistful of hair in my grip, you know?
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Teen rebel Geega sucking back alley dicks to get back at her parents...
You would fuck a teen?
god I hate geese
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this but teen geega fucking shotas
This is just Lucy with an eyepatch, get better material
Bullshit go to therapy
i tried watching geega once, i think ill stick to masturbating to your gens instead
That doesn't even look like Lucy at all
cows are so cute
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When did this thing become popular?
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oh sorry yeah let me reword that
my fantasy is for everyone fantasies to come true except for yours, and for everyone to be happy
Are you asking when belly button piercings became popular or whale tails?
if i saw alice's feet i would cum
the high strap whale tails
when Nomura was born
this one can stay
looks like a kid
The late 90s/00s
When clothing sink into flesh it good, girl soft, soft good
No I swear I've been seeing it more recently.
Its been around for a while dude. Maybe you're just seeing more whores lately
The weather is good
Anny not live!
I miss Para uuuuuuuuuuu
And we're back to menhera alt streams
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I'm so excited for the blue stream uuuuuu
i went to a doctor one time when i was really underweight and it was this SEA lady who spoke really poor english and she would say "you need get obese. OBESE." as if i didnt know what the word mean, and it was really hard not to laugh at her and every time someone says that word i think about that memory
ligga we are not watching that shit
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nah bro this mans is cooked
lmao this guy is probably like 15 and thinks he's so mature that he can consent
that didn't take long kek
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>Pinned by SmugAlana
alt stream because no energy because almost no sleep
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I can see why she gets those emails
Where’s my fuckin MMOshi at, the deadbeat? I’m lonely turn on the alt
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I forgot this cursed model exists
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[Anon news] I have showered I am no longer stinky
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that neck and bow makes her look manly
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cuddling with Meat and watching movies before bed
all those pheromones, gone. wasted. but im sure the warm water felt really good
i didnt need to know it existed
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why is she like this?
Good girl come put it on my face
She used it for exactly two (2) streams: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TOClonsdicw&pp=ygUbbnlhbm5lcnMgM2QgbW9kZWwuZGViaXQgdm9k
I made this post
Did she consider stationary professional help?
she should stop reading comments, because she'll never stop being this easily oneguyable
>furry avatar
every time
I always knew the whole "furries are good people" is a cope
Do you want your chuuba to play a character for you?
holy shira kino
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i miss hearing my oshi's voice and i miss just touching another human being in general i still have sexual thoughts about her sometimes but honestly i don't even really want to have sex with her i just want to feel warmth again
I would have sex with this
The uncanniness makes it hotter
who the fuck says that furries are good people lmao
Oh, I can trauma dump on her discord? Neat
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buttslut is a horse vtuber?
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>i just want to feel warmth again
I feel that, besides the again part, as i never felt that
But she has 4 ears...
I made this post
that is a youtube comment
Parasocial relationships DO go both ways after all. Though it's worse when it's a chuuba.
buffpup and girl dm
>ranting in a youtube comment
I think this without a reasonable doubt proves anny's mental state
Stop hating on anny you pieces of shit
I swear it's all this place ever does these days.
>what a whore kys
>goes live
>fat disgusting bitch lmao
>omg stfu drown in your tears already

It has to be projection at this point. Fuck you and get help.
DM also praises furries from time to time
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I think I had a stroke and was looking at another ligger's page that said horse vtuber
the only strong feeling i have towards anny is how hard she makes my cock in those 3d webms posted sometimes otherwise i dont feel much towards her.
I hear they like sex and drugs and anime. I also like those things.
stop thinking about horsecocks
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Personally I don't even think anny is hot
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no you weren't dreaming
I don't mean this in a mean way, but i feel like a month completely of the internet may be beneficial for her mental state. Maybe being a public figure as a streamer isn't the right profession for her mental healths sake.
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Oh yeah, let's ALL hop on the anny hate train while we are at it.
Any more?
Anny, you need to stop coming her. It's for your own good.
Is the reason Anny isn't on Bluesky yet because they won't let her constantly delete and undelete her profile?
agreed people need to be nise and not post stuff like
>anny is such a fat ugly whore i bet there's stretch marks and loose skin everywhere and she'll just gain the weight back like she always does lmao kek!!!!!!!!
please stop the mean to anny and f u kids who hater her!
we knew you're prancing lala homo already
>pieces of shit
>this place
it's literally one guy
she's streaming tho
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I wish there were liggers into Joshi wrestling.
>i bet there's stretch marks and loose skin everywhere
Unrelated trivia, but that's an actual thing for obese people who lose a lot of weight. I'm speaking from experience.
No one wants to see an irl ass pic of her LMAO
Honestly looks like something Snuffy could take an interest in given her love of Sumo
yeah I know i've seen very extreme examples of it
How fast did you lose it? Speed matters and going slower mitigates that
feelin' kinda cummy for alice....
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It's getting cold now so I wrapped my heated blanket around a big pillow and I pretend it's feemsh and I can hug feemsh to sleep
this but cuckesque
30kg in half a year.
who is the honey the cat of liggers
She likes Sumo? Holy based
I hope you fall asleep with the blanket on and it shorts out catches fire and kills you
pooping rn and it feels so good i might go sissycrazy.....
okay rain
wtf did you have cancer or rampant diabetes? or were you just really really fat
be nise
Okay Bao
Why did god design the male arsehole to contain a g-spot that triggers every time you poo
probably anorexic
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don't worry about it
>a g-spot that triggers every time you poo
works on my machine
I’d love to see many pics of her. I’d sub a fansly
I changed my diet due to health issues. I'm at a healthy weight now, close to underweight.
I hope you have good dreams
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old sexo shira model my beloved
Just shit in the bed Jose and pour a bunch a pig's blood on the sheets, then you could pretend you raped and murdered that obese fuck Nemu
how come no one has ever made a shira lora
Anny should hop on my hate train and I guarantee she’ll get enough endorphins to kill the pain
stop trying to create ritual posts
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I feel for her despite not watching and never thinking about her. I hope she has some sort of support network.
erm what the bat?
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uuuu when the blue stream uuuuu?
one and a half hours to go mate
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mork tuah bat on that thang
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what if blue and red
blue should masturbate on stream
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hell yeah dude
she has brought her vibrator on karaoke a couple of times
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she should use it on stream
imagine the shits
can't really do that on twitch
I thought these were supposed to be weird edgy posts for shock value even if they were all uncreative low quality stuff but sometimes you sound like you're actually mad and I don't think anyone knows why including you
yes she can
if she's too scared of doing it on twitch there's other places she can do it
i think he just enjoys torturing feemshmisser and doesn't have a problem with nemu at all
mork +2ah
So is Coqui going to become one of those annoying twitter users that posts their alternate social media account in their bio and on every post and talks about how shitty twitter is while posting almost nothing of value at the other site like Gab users did back in 2018?
After two months, she will come back with "I tried to do the right thing, but [insert bullshit]"
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I don't think feemsh misser feels tortured
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i dunno she mostly seemed to be sharing art posted there so far
then why don't you ask her to do that
is this sawa
Fuck, I added too much spice to my scrambled eggs
And I slightly undercooked the rice.
It's over for me, I'm as bad as Giri...
why the hell would i do that
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Once upon a time, in the misty mountains of Japan, there lived a kind red oni named Yocci. She had a fiery spirit, yet a gentle heart, and longed to be friends with the humans who lived in the nearby village. Every day, Yocci would watch the villagers from afar, wishing she could join in their laughter and games. But whenever she tried to approach, the villagers would scatter in fear, believing her to be a fearsome monster.

Yocci was heartbroken. She couldn’t understand why her kind nature was met with such fear. One day, she shared her sadness with her closest friend, Kuu, a blue oni who lived deep in the forest. Kuu was wise and calm, and always had a solution to every problem. She, too, was a kind-hearted oni, though she preferred the quiet solitude of the woods over the company of humans.

After listening to Yocci, Kuu came up with an idea. “What if I go to the village and cause a little trouble? Then you can come and ‘save’ the villagers. That way, they will see you as a hero and no longer be afraid of you.”

Yocci hesitated. “But Kuu, I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

Kuu smiled gently. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure no harm comes to anyone. It’s just a plan to help them see your kindness.”

With that, the plan was set. The next day, Kuu went down to the village and started to cause a ruckus—knocking over carts, shaking trees, and pretending to be wild and uncontrollable. The villagers were terrified, running for shelter and crying for help.

Just then, Yocci appeared, rushing down from the mountains with a fierce look on her face. She charged straight at Kuu, and with a loud roar, pretended to knock her unconscious. Kuu, playing her part, fell to the ground dramatically, and the villagers cheered.

“Thank you, kind oni! You saved us!” the villagers exclaimed, gathering around Yocci. She smiled shyly, her heart swelling with joy. For the first time, the humans weren’t afraid of her. They invited her to stay and play with them, and soon, Yocci had made many friends in the village. Her dream had come true.

As the days passed, Yocci became a beloved figure in the village. But in all her happiness, she noticed something strange—Kuu hadn’t come to visit her. After some time, Yocci decided to visit Kuu in the forest to thank her for the clever plan and share the good news.

But when Yocci arrived at Kuu's house, it was empty. On the door was a letter written in Kuu’s familiar handwriting:

"Dear Yocci,
I’m so happy that you’ve found friendship with the humans. I knew this would make you happy, and that’s all I ever wanted. But I also know that if I stay, they might find out the truth about our plan, and I don’t want to get in the way of your happiness. So I’ve decided to go on a journey for a while. Don’t worry about me. I’ll always be your friend, even from afar.
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good story
bad story
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looks like the japan vacation is over and liggers begin to return also giri doing some sponsored stream but who cares?
Grimmi's feet in my mouth
I miss Smilfy, but times change, and those of us overly weak to breasts get left behind.
very old clip, i think she was too nervous to be herself, then she got comfortable with us
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didn't read lole
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I am overly weak to breasts and I am still enjoying life
Coqui doesn't seem like that type of person
I know who made this post, an ALIEN
I still think the "hair bra" or whatever you want to call vivis design is a genius design and whoever came up with it should be proud
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watching Shira play Most Wanted made me realize I enjoy playing/watching people play simulators way more than arcade racers
am I getting too old? is this normal?
I think Meat would be good at affectionate nursing handjobs
late onset autism what other chuubas do you watch
I think Saru got dicked down good. She's in a good mood
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-12-31]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
I hope the raccoon gets the dick fix again soon she seems in need. Got a lot of shit going on.
>She said her "brother" is downstairs
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It’s 5 am
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I agree but it's possibly going away in her next model (she has teased different hairstyles for it but no clue if any of them retain the inward hair bangs)
It might be getting the model stuff in but sure
which ligger has the most haunted vagina
Don't argue with the cuck schitzo, he gets off on it.
This is how it feels to watch an Olivia Monroe stream
>Not a Mari stream
If I didn't know the brother was actually real it would be a pretty good rrat.
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I'm thinking she's retarded.

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