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Why aren't people who support "da bois" playing their game?
maybe you should buy an ad and then kill yourself
I don't think OP made this thread to advertise. It's more likely that he was making fun of beggars like you who won't consume the media you begged for
>we need boiz
>da boiz need support
No matter what happens no one watches them.
V T U B E R S ?
I am a huge Starz fan and would like to buy and play the game... Alas I'm really busy ATM. Are there any clipz of The Game?
It came out nearly a year ago, this is just the Steam release
Why aren't people who support "the board" making on-topic threads?
Captcha related I guess
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Are they the fabled "A Year of Nothing"?
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I'm also the fan of dabois, I'm busy and doesn't have time to watch clip, are there any thread that i could glaze in mere second to support the game?
I think we should start a change.org to support dabois
looks like they all are
because you don't get any twitter likes for it
What's the name of the game? I didn't even know it existed. JP or EN stars?
OP should still kill themselves
EN stars only, they have a JP stars?
You serious?
>first release was 6 months ago
>everyone that wanted to play it, already did it.
>another thread again and again
They live rent free in you head, its funny kek Why dont you show such dedication to your oshi instead?
Like what? Footage of them realizing they lost The Game?
It's a fucking visual novel you retard, there's very little replayability in those.
This isn't even about Doppelganger, it's about an unofficial Tempus fangame called Protostar Twilight that has been out on other platforms for months. Altare played it on stream all the way back in May.
sure sister
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>their game?
Games. They have two now.
That's literally all the people that want to support them. The same 7 people also spam the catalog and social media, homobegging

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