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Great great assets!
Grr the inconsistent thumbnails
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Burgerchama soon!
Been a couple days, I'm happy to see Anya again
Rare double Mori group.
Anya's network of friends is ever expanding
And for LC she wouldn't use the kimono either!
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Anya pride worldwide.
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My Anya
We all know Calli would be the sheriff.
Dangerously cute
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Good day to be Lethal.
Beehive gaming
The bees will outgame them.
Every one of these girls speaks perfect English!
Wait, Luna's audio lol
>Luna already forgot how to play
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Anya's addiction is called out.
It's not an addiction, she can stop whenever she wants.
Ojou Anya can't tell left from right
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Oh... Calli? RIP
I love stumbling into bodies. It's going to happen a lot without her PoV.
Hey, they're all alive! Minus, you know...
There she is lol
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That won't be the last turret death.
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Do NOT parkour.
They don't check for ceiling worms enough.
They stepped on a mine, Anya stepped on a whoopie cushion...
Ojou-samas shouldn't fart.
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I thought this was Haachama's corpse for a moment.
It's scary when she doesn't respond. Well she's lost now
Burger farts...
They are supposed to be idols!
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Hive get!
It's safe to just drop them in ships now? That's really helpful.
I guess not?
That's why you leave their home intact, they just go after anyone. Shit's scary.
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Walkie-talkie okey-dokey!
Great great asset
They're rich!
Waki taki
The reaper is PON.
All this voice acting from Anya is so cute.
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She's a refined lady.
Anya-sama desuwa~
Nice quicksand save lol
Big spider killed Chama...
The betrayal. It'd be so tragic if they could teleport monsters too.
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This group has minimal deaths.
You love to jinx it, they are going to zenloss now
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First time on this map! (for them)
Anya laughs are so cute
Aw, baby doko.
What are they yelling about lmao
A monster appeared right as Anya left.
Giant ate her...

Coilhead I think
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She was good bait at least
They should learn they can teleport anyone in danger.
Flooded planet looks neat.
They probably don't know about the spinning signal
they're drowning lol
Comfy AnyaMori walk in the rain.
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She was already inside, too...
Fired fired let's get fired
All they had to do was pull the lever but life throws a dog at you
(You) and I
That was a quick Haachama death
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It always comes in handy.
And everyone died but her.
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A win for toilet paper
Gundam day today
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Maybe they should go to an idol meeting...
TP should stand for teleport. Also I heard very faint screaming...
Worms can follow you everywhere, huh. CHAMA LOVE
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All those enemies lmao.
American joke coming from a JP disguised as ID
In Japanese, might I add.
Idols have no use for toilet paper.
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You hate to see it.
Haachama has bad luck with spiders
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They call to her
Anya always loses the egg gacha
She can't help it.
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Sold like a piece of scrap.
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This company... doesn't need Anya!
The michi is over koko!
A boombox is a fine addition to any expedition.
Anya is so happy to find a cash register
I need to kiss lady Anya on the lips.
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It's Haachama's turn to die a lot.
Mori is safe for now
Luna rap! And sudden screaming...
Lots of cute singing this collab!
Sudden meteor shower what
Sui-chan is a wrathful god.
Mask, spider, and meteors make some really creative deaths this round
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[She found the pickles]
I hope they see the baby. But it might wipe them.
>Anya picked up another egg
It's so over
There's way too many monsters, I'm scared
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I don't even remember this thing.
They're alive!
Oh wow,.everyone lived.
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These are some of the best runs I can remember.
Huge profits. This group has been amazing.
I love it when they go for long

JP groups aren't usually like this.
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Not like this.
I don't think they've seen the butler either
Scary mimic...
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She might just be the best LC player.
Japan viewers can see how cool she really is
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Always save the toilet paper.
Calli got headwormed...
She should have used herself as a weapon.
Surprise Mimic!
That was some terrible luck
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Zenloss might make this the last run
Curryope will definitely stay alive this time
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Cash register wasn't as strong as they were expecting.
The ship always feels more complete with a teleporter
The world is out to kill her
Everyone died while Anya was fooling around.
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Hey, new items
Shopping spree cause they have nothing to live for.
>sprayed with insecticide
Anya's goofy ass laugh
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Happy Halloween!
This group is super fun together
That was a fun dream...
And they were so good!
Next collab is tomorrow after all
Aquarium date let's goooo
She got her schedule all mixed up. And mine too!
I wish they could have seen more of the new content but they got really far still. I had never seen the flooded planet either.
She tries to fly, too close to they honey
They added a lot of toys to the ship. I might get this game on sale one day.
What they need to do is use the big multiplayer mod again. That was amazing.
Possible den visit on Monday then
I haven't checked VR world in a long time. Maybe someone added Anya's official 3D by now.
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It's like a slow-motion wreck...
Put this in S tier, it got robbed
Anya's sweet ojou-sama voice only made it better
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Big groups are always good.
She's my princess. Even with Luna in the room.
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Eat Anya.
It all comes back to vore.
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She shouldn't be so happy about that.
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For Anya to seem cool she just has to play a game without any gambling
Anya is making a lot of different friends now.
The amount of Haachama collabs made me really happy. I hope she plays more with EN members too.
Knifewife. It rhymes for a reason.
cute jap
Me in the middle
Early time tomorrow
Smol Anya!
The GOAT is back. But I'm sure someone uploaded Anya's official outfit by now.
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ID3 doesn't have smols?
Idk but the same person that made that chibi Zeta made them for Holoro too.
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Feeshing collab!
They should have released Zeta's thighs so that they can match
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Want to hug Anya
The snack that smiles back
Anya and Zeta are my favorite people in Zenya.
Top... 3 at least
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I hate checking my Anya for lice.
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I like this one.
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This too can be you
Goriela is perfect for the job.
Every time I see this I think her hands look like hooves
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Think that's just the sleeves
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She's really squishy.
Wow, this thumbnail.
Fish shouldn't be so kissable.
Thanks for the cursed art.
Anyafish are built different.
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Fishy date!

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