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Shark Thread Edition

/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

>Thread Quality Reminder
Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

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>Other Threads of Interest

>Previous thread
chickens live
does shimada still watch the chickens?
Shimada only supported the chickens as a means to try to woozle RES away to California.
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Rundown on gumpai? https://twitter.com/gumpai_?s=21&t=705pFdVYDEJGJaqIKjolpg
she's okay, just comes of as a bit of a stacy sometimes
Shimadas brightest star.
Mentally unstable literal retard
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>Thread dies during euro hours again
Completely insane BPD flip
What are you doing about it anya?
it died on schizoposting hours, which is completely fine
now quit yer metapostin whining
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confused chicken's doing a short zatsu stream
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lolita fashion eggy's chatting over some mahjong!
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God damn fucking jongers
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Apparently Eira has an announcement stream planned
>its nothing important
her twitch channel changed name so maybe that
She's pregnant
If it's nothing important then I won't bother watching it
I would take a educated guess to say she's graduating college, and will have more time to stream as a vtuber. That, or she has started her own streaming website.
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I actually cut out the part where she mentions that so I don't think that's it
Has she really been at uni for 3 years? Also UK unis graduation is in summer so it would have been in august
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>Watching chuuba
>She says she doesn't brush her teeth
>Used to not floss
>Flosses now because she likes the pain
>Is starting to get bored of flossing because her gums have built up a resistance to flossing and she doesn't feel the pain as much anymore
Delicious, thanks
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welsh imouto fujosheep's got an announcement to make, also she's maybe doing doom ii later
>I'm still a virgin
I also doubt it desu
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bread baker chuuba's doing a morning chatting stream!
is nina on youtube today or something
I beleeb. Seep is still a bit socially awkward.
Socially awkward women are a premium
What was the announcement?
she's retarded
she dropped out of her college courses
Wow, she's just like me fr fr
How do you think she’d react to getting wedgied?
Is the reason /wvt/ dropped Angler fish Tanya because the sex pest creep who avatar posts his vtuber models cock in the /trash/ /asp/ threads and discord calls collabs with every 0view Chinese legal teen girl Coyote Knight is Tanyas oldest, and top mod?
For what purpose
She used to rule these threads back in the day, and now outside of link posts I feel like nobody talks about her streams.
it's rebel schizo nonsense
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farming sim enjoyer marionette's in a Murky Divers collab with some frens
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silly shotapire's celebrating celebrating getting 3k followers! he's having his chat play the ray rabenstein visual novel together
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Let there be bussy
thank you alice
Imagine all the vtussy I could score if I could brag that I was a /lig/s trusted mod.
No one would care. Also you sound like a groomer
It's rebel/rebel-impersonator. Ignore him.
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Then isn't that simply just pussy?
I see something has activated the sleeper Anyas. Drama?
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library committee ojou's live with Peret em Heru: For the Prisoners
It's complicated
>Teacher with hot milf body
>40k fan
>Fun teasing personality
Why wasnt I born in Australia bros
I havent heard her talk about them in a year so probably not
But alas I can only watch like 30 mins of each stream she does these days
She smells like fish
sleep-deprived spider demon's starting pikmin 1!
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dutch magical girl's doing some VRChat exploration
That's mascara running down after deepthroating a huge dick
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>implying more than one
they are legion
Even that falseflagging anya pretending to be a Chrisfag?
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This information is very shocking and has caused me to reevaluate my trust in posters...
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southern belle goat's playing another chat-requested horror game! this time it's world of horror
>Someone in chat joked about being 12 forever
Dumbass, enjoy the Twitch ban
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str-maxxing ninja's doing a discussion stream tonight!
People who joke like that are children anway
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garrage kit owl's on with Far Cry New Dawn
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cyber saffa cat's giving birth on-stream!
The cyber womb...
I'm dropping any chuuba that moves to blue sky
Have fun dropping everyone
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foodie imp's doing more art
By everyone you mean the phone circle vtubers.
Fuwamoco were chosen by haachama the almighty to lead vtubers to a new age of fiction, and glorious story telling that will uplift, and console even the most down trodden of souls.
Should the phone circle move on to blue sky earth then maybe it is for the best for the prophecy which has been for told of the ruffianborn.
Fuck this bitch that thinks she's too good to talk to her chat. She only wants to flirt with the people she chooses to collab with.
Meds. She literally went on a date with chat just the other day
>Upset over a single pikmin death
She's gonna have a hard time with this game
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based saneposter
I wonder if she'll kill all her pikmin children like Moriko
I really hope you kill yourself
Rebel, you do realise that if bluesky gets big enough holos will move there, right?
I'm not even him, I just made shitty bait and then he replied to a reply of it making it seem like the original post was him. He's leeching off my bait.
How's that veleck kick career going? She doing big things?
If she gets 50 arrows in the next 10 minutes I won't post for the next two hours.
only big things in her life are her increasing weight and bodyfat percentage
Architect chads keep winning.
Hear me out: Female Irish uwoslab style flesh vtuber sumo wrestler with Japanese obstacle course game show challenges.
She fumbled the early starter female buff harder than anybody, it probably feels rotten to see all your peers being wildly more successful after 3+ years
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peruvian drow merchant hag's celebrating her anniversary with some cake and games with viewers!
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lolibaba wetware fairy's doing a short d&D stream
She chose her vtuber friends over success. She got what she wanted
she was a herdcorder, she gets what she deserves
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Bloom Center CX is doing a Castlevania episode!
I always feel jealous whenever I see sound posts. Not being able to listen to them must be the punishment I deserve for being a phone poster
that's rough buddy
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rrat's streaming Grunn
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Why must you rub it in my face
Tampermonkey works on mobile firefox, 4chanXT is horribly unoptimized for it but maybe 4chan sounds would work.
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your cute dictator's doing a rift runners unboxing stream!
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sweet potato saleswoman's playing more banjo tooie with the genki cavewoman tonight
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Fast food delivery girl is live
>page 10 in 24 minutes
I made a decoration on my stream for October. What vtubers have festive stream decorations?
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goofy hag dog's playing more halo with viewers on tonight's dog after dark!
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cat-eared weather witch is playing Don't Knock Twice
Wtf, I was hopping between streams. Who raided Bibi to get her to 600 viewers?
What if vtubers talked with their chat while watching a game?
Hear me out. There's vtubers like shimada who genuinely have a passion for gaming. What if Shimada Tiger core vtubers had a Q&A or just chatting broadcast where they watched a match or two with their viewers and deep dived into it. I did this for a vtuber one time, and she fell madly in love with me, but I couldn't reciprocate her feelings for me, so she banned me on all platforms, and said she would never forgive me.
Other than reasons like that what's there to lose from watching a game session with your viewers?
She doesn't normally have 600 viewers?
Ever cute
She averages about 30 viewers
Weird. I thought she was /lig/ vtuber.
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cozy sea floor slug's playing some castlevania ii simon's quest!
Is it just me or does Orville Peck sound a lot like Uwoslab?

Mischievous fox rootin tootin n shootin in Fallout New Vegas.
Clover has the music on, so the VOD might get muted.

Clover has a tamagachi on their throne. Don't see that everyday.
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Bratty vampire is going to gamble i mean gamble i mean gamble i mean run a respectable trading card shop
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mecha mechanic jellyfish is looking for her wife in echo night: beyond
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tulpa toitle just wants to go home... the game's called "man i just wanna go home" sorry if i wasn't being clever about it
The forest kit owl raided Clover. That's so cool! Small world vtubing is. I'm just glad it's big enough that I'm not banned everywhere.
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cozy treetuber rigger's playing phasmophobia with some frens
Bonnie's back to FFXIV!
Clover mentioned they remember a time when Fallout 4 had a infinite stimpack glitch that they were a big fan of.
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ninja hacker bunny's beating the shit out of people in hotline miami!
Clover can't see the value of a pre-war book beyond the cap value. I don't blame them. Fallout New Vegas isn't the easiest game to decorate in.
Poor Clover. Game keeps crashing. Unlucky streak. I've had them too. Sometimes it's expected, and sometimes not.
One time there was an entire month where the floor leading to lonely wolf radio went missing, and there was, but a giant gaping hole there.
You just got to ride certain stuff out unless you want to start a new game. Sometimes that game is like walking on eggshells with how sensitive it can be.
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gondola's playing EDF6 with some friends
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lucky clover gnome's working on art!
So many chuubas moving to bysky
Mimi sex
Sure they are shill man. I'm sure the 2020 riots are returning too, and the wooly mammoths are back to fucking while Coco tells her catgirl viewers to confess to RES too.
I like the BRB music on Clovers stream. It makes me think of cute ninjas doing ninja stuff.
They'll come crawling back
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meat re8
Your unshkii doesn't have a kick, or a patreon, or whatever the latest fad is. Fads are gonna fad.
Remember myspace? Remember Facebook? Remember when cute cat girls craved mushrooms, but settled for eggs?
Fads, and wev'e all moved on.
Popp sky isn't going to be a thing 5 years from now.
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Do you like paying for things and getting nothing in return? Do you enjoy wasting your time? Do you enjoy supporting scammers? Then apply today to spend hundreds of dollars and get jack shit in return :3
It's because she specifically wants RES to commision her, but nobodies keep wasting her time.
>skeb style
>simple art
When you commission a Live2D artist you intrinsicly are agreeing to change their cats litter box, and get toxic phimosis in the process.
Koragi's intermissions feel like they take forever sometimes
That's cute that you feel that way. I remember when I had a cat they were always so excited when I'd wake up. You're like krungles cat, but she's a dog who is also not fat, but also a vtuber.
My oshi hasn't streamed in the past few days and she seemed to be off last stream. Should I ask her what's up?
She will hate you forever, and never forgive you, and probably even have eggs with a homestuck hive, but do what you must. For the good of your owskii skii!!!
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corpse is checking out the 3DS remake of dragon quest 7!
Holiness Miami is kind of a boring game to watch desu. Not much happens that she or the viewers can commentate on. It's all kind of the same
I'd give it a week at least. Otherwise you might come across kind of obsessive
I have no idea how that came out. I meant hotline
>a priest trying to clean up miami so it isn't a den of sex and drugs by converting everyone to wholesome christian churchgoers
I'd play it
I wonder what would happen if rebel tried to commission purity
How does Corpse average almost 50 viewers nowadays? I never saw the appeal, the streams have no commentary for most of the time except when she has to pause the game to type.
eh, i think watching violence is fun
that sounds like fun
Sounds like 40k stuff
there's miami in 40k?
The whole Earth is [insert shitty US state here]
i see...
it's nice to have a long break sometimes...
no she's 12
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don't tempt
at least there'd be a lot of vtubers
wouldn't it be less in USD
Even so, that's a lot for a simple drawing skeb style
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gamer baeg's adjusting the korok population in tears of the kingdom
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fair enough
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Hear me out. A signature. A signature is worth different values based on the fame of a celebrity. Just the signature alone has different values based on the fame, and reputation of a celebrity.
There's a lot of art in the world.
There's a lot of artists in the world. Very few artists you recognize by name. Even less artists you recognize the work of.
A piece that is recognized for it's work, and artist is worth something.
A average skeb artist is often not a vtuber.
A average gun smith is not a fun slinger.
A average blacksmith is not a samurai.
A average automechanic is not a racer.
A average cook is not a food network television host.
An average programmer is not the CEO of Microsoft, or apple.

I hope you see the point. In the case of Denpasar you're paying for art that is not only art from a well known artist, but also a vtuber model from a vtuber who is not only a vtuber, but one of the better known vtubers, but not only a better known vtubers, a better known art vtuber.
Thank you for your time, and consideration.
How long did it go for...
Blame the South side
>so many phone circle discorders doing phone circle discord shit

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