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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>87636779
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2 more days bros! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby links and info: https://rentry.org/Doobyliur
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
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Doob morning!
I've been trying to catch up to these threads. I'm still on the Oct 4 on the archives. You guys move fast.
Have a doobday friends!
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Doob evening!
doob morning!
hope for the best
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>gura: this is uh i guess our last one-on-one
>ame: for now
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>I guess I'm the ultimate ground pounder FOR NOW.

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
you can probably skip around 80% of the thread, lot of bullshit
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>pic rel
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>Didn't get to the crusade part
You're in for a journey there
>he's reading through the same timeloops of 2-3 retards bickering with tourists and shitposters while everyone consoles each other and reminisces
Seriously, skip about a week ahead
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I believe
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Onto the new frontier
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My bad. I was busy and almost missed it. Thanks for being on the watch
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Come hang out: https://awat.420699.xyz/
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I believe!
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Why doesn't doob simply debut earlier?
uhhhh we don't have a lease or license for that building.....i hope he didn't move the furniture around...
Its hard to keep up with Holo when Ame isn't in it. I haven't watched a single stream from start to finish since her last. I really wanna support those girls and I like some of them but it just doesn't feel right.
yeah i've pretty much stopped following holo. probably won't watch unless they're doing something i'm really interested in.
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i went from stream watcher to clipper watcher
i feel disgusting
Same. Hopefully one day I'll be able to watch them again normally.
i dont know man, this just sound like even with ame on holo you did not watch the other girls regularly outside of collabs. There's literally no different from before ame left, again, outside of the collaborations she was involved in, which let's be honest, were not frequent at all. You are probably still in post-depression of Ame's departure, so the problem is not holo, it is you. Correct me if im wrong
It’ll be hard to keep up with streams, but ive been listening to their music i never checked out. Lately sweetest scarlet by nerissa has been looping in my head nonstop.
Ame left hololive behind, follow her example
>so the problem is not holo, it is you
nobody said the problem was hololive anon. what are you talking about?
Same desu, I cant really get into it knowing Ame is not there, I know she wants us to keep watching but I just cant
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Yeah I'm having the same issue. There still some girls in EN I really like and always will i think. But I've only ever had time to fully keep up with Ame. Her being in hololive kinda had me know what what happening with other girls via osmosis, even if she wasn't the biggest collaber. Feels like I lost that and I'm gonna have to put in alot more effort to keep up with them if I really wanna.
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Has there been any mention of a start time for her debut yet? As a yuromate it's going to be tough staying awake, which is why I wish it was on Saturday instead of Sunday. Maybe I just call in sick and dedicate Monday to Doob.
Hololive is just garbage, it's why she left.
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How big will doob's bush be?
As far as I know I don't think she's announced a starting time. I actually lucked out that is on Sunday and not Saturday, I have to go to my brother's wedding on Saturday. But yeah, if the stream runs to late I'll just take off Monday.
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My wife is really popular
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Big bush, huge hips and butt, flat booba, and super massive rrat ears.
AMT(DMT? uh oh.) until stated otherwise
Would you name your daughter Amelia
This is what I was afraid might happen with me if Ame ever left, but I've been able to still enjoy streams from the handful of people I watched alongside Ame. I'm less active in their chats than before and I haven't retweeted anything since Ame's last day though. Probably won't until Dooby tweets out her debut stream. I agree with you that something feels off continuing to enjoy Hololive right now, even though I can't really place why. Maybe a part of me resents Hololive for it not being a more enjoyable place for Ame.
Genuinely yes, it's a really pretty name.
>wake up
>see it's not the 20th
>go back to sleep
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Sorry, doob isn't old enough to have a bush yet.
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Its hard to keep up with hololive if you don't have a proper anchor to keep yourself in line. I ended up checking other chuubas and now I feel guilty about it when a hololive clip pops out or an artwork appears in my twitter. I harbor no ill intents but man, I wish I could get over the feeling of guilt that appears for some reason.
minecraft START
Coco did it way before
Yeah she got a head start
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I still want to support hololive but damn their game choices aren't what i want. The TCG spam didn't make it any easier. And now that Ame isn't in the team I feel less compelled to watch. I will probably stop paying attention until Ame actually involves in their project.
Things are SO much better as an indie, fuck hololive it stifles everyone in it.
Not now ligger
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I will get married to Amelia. Have 10 daughters all named Amelia. Live on a farm with a pet goat named Amelia.
And then you fuck Amelia the goat too, right anon?
>until Ame actually involves in their project.
Good luck. Cause all we have on the horizon is a music video that is coming "soon."
I'm really worried this board is going to be unusable if she ever interacts with any indies
I've managed to leave some streams as background noise, but I'm not invested because I'm not invested in the girl streaming. But yesterday i really enjoyed Kronii and Mori's collab.
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She might not be a social butterfly but it's silly to think that she won't interact with any indies.
Yeah, she's just gonna be completely silent her entire career and NOT interact with anyone. Come on.
It's a really nice name but I also associate it with a quite tragic episode of CSI, so probably no
She will just collab with senzawa shachi and dokibird, it will be fine
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The shitposters will be as easy to pick out as they are now, they will probably just up their activity when it happens. We went through worse with the janny sabotaging us and other things, we'll be fine. Gators and kapparidders together strong
Case and point
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N-no, w-why would I do that...haha...
did dooby not yet debut
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Depends on the indie i suppose

2 days.
Im surprised there has only been one tease, debut is so soon too
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When's Ame membership access ending exactly, also
Did you do it yet?
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I really hope her oshi mark is a train whistle
when your oshi leaves there's not much point
t. guramefag, haven't watched much in over a year, I only tune in for really 'big' stuff like enreco and half the reason I watched that is now flying solo in a couple days, so
Well if she's going to debut so soon, no reason to tease that much
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People really forget >we are gators.
We've been through one of the first big EN yabs with Amegeddon, were one of the fanbases affected the most by the Stars EN arc, had to go over many content draughts, her "graduation" and jannies trying to force us into a shitpost thread. Unless you're a newmate none of this catalog fuckery will be new territory to you if anything weird happens later.
I started but only got to around a hundred of them.
I'm home tomorrow so i can finish it up.
If I had that supposed almost complete rip from the discord I could cross-reference them and just get the ones it's missing then I'd be done pretty fast.
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did she graduate? where's the graduation?
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Super awesome to see. Thank you Zeta I love you. I'm sure it means a ton to Ame for others to stream this.
No sleep for me tonight then I guess.
It'd be great if these designs become official merch. I want a Zetaseal plushie
Will she be cunny? Could she work in cunny?
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doobevening friends.
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No seriously, what time is the debut stream?
AMT or a little after probably
Dunno, but I hope she calls it a Doobut
We can be conditional beings whether you want to admit it or not, there's no harm in feeling dismayed. Most of my interest in vTubers has definitely been tied to Ame as our oshi (go figure), even though I've had many others I've kept tabs on. She's been the most influential, so it's honestly quite a simple equation. Doesn't help that vTubers have literally multiplied since 2020, so much noise with few anchors. At least she's coming back, otherwise I wouldn't be making this post
>At least she's coming back
As dooby, not as Ame
I already wasn't watching anyone else, I've always been an Amelia Watson fan, not a Hololive™ fan.
That's probably why for me this change isn't as bad as for other people, it honestly barely affected me, knowing that she'll still be streaming just without the brand.
For now
unlikely to become official merch but are there places that can turn 3D models into plushes?
Holy shit is that Anya
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I liked them all together, ya'know in a way I didn't want any other generations after Myth because I wanted them to continue to work together as having more would split them apart.

I feel like Gonathon, a bit selfish of a request.
If there's anyone who'll make theirs official merch it would be Ao kun
>ai slop
There has to be at least one person on etsy doing custom plushies from 3d renders.
What is Dooby?
sloppa = skippa but at least those are some cute butts
meant for >>87697715
She’ll announce it tomorrow. Chill tf out. Her sleep schedule seems to be back to normal now, at least.
Gonna be frank, when you've been along for the ride through several models and personas, eventually all of it is reduced to a conceptual medium of presentation. I'm fit as long as she or any other special girl keeps creating and keeping in touch
maaan... i got i feeling zeta might cry and im going to cry with her
>consistent tweets on the hour or past AMT
As long as she's got the 8 hours i guess
I think I liked myth mostly because of Ame, it was fun waiting like 10 min to hear Ame saying 2 words and post things like AME TALKED, if they ever do one again, I don't think I really have any reason to watch or support them as before, I may even just skip them... but I still like the other gens
Finished watching Ame's New Vegas playthrough. Holy shit this girl just does not or can not read.
>The TCG spam didn't make it any easier
I'm the same. For Ame I watched everything but outside of her the game actually matters. I enjoyed every Bowson journey no matters how many episodes, but like when some of the gals have done million-episode Persona runs... I can't do it.
what are we expecting gators? Full one mouse or cute conductor girl?
why is inas ass the biggest
i cant really see them doing a myth collab without Ame. I think Kiara would strongly against it and drag that energy into the others
hey alright
>no more myth collabs
Guras really gunna leave then eh
Because AI is retarded, but also Inass.
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Both, as in literally both, but as in also both in one.
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Because hers is actually the biggest
>TCG spam
>7 Days spam
I'm made for people playing various games, not the same game for days on end.
I'd be funny as hell if she had a toggle or alt outfit of just a plain mouse kek
But I expect a kyut conductor girl with mouse ears, whiskers and a tail in her fashion. Something of a combination of the links below
Bait and switch. She got an actual jerboa model rigged and will pretend it's the real model at first, before revealing the actual anime girl model.
she was betting on miko in the race anon
She didn't say the wrong name. It was a bet. She was betting 17 diamonds on Miko winning
I'm happy she's not an elf or something like that. I always disliked those pointy ears designs
I apologize. It appears I am lacking in reps.
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This your Oshi?
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I hope she has a nice belly.
Karaoke has been loaded up for the next hour before new vods
spoilers, more MINECRAFT
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holy shit
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We will see them together again, I believe it.

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