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The 272nd Wind

>CURRENT STREAM: Making Bday Gigi song but it's a Guerilla stream【Music】

>LAST STREAM:【Zelda: Majora's Mask】Time is just a concept and I will prove it here!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>87634207
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if you hover fast enough it turns into a cute silly gif :D
>Tiny schedule vs big Zeitplan
>big lie
You got that right at least.
its sounding very undertale-ey is it now
she's cuter in this one
put in raora's laugh
>gigi bgm
>adds in her own laugh
is she...
Chat told her to do it.
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Complete your thought
Sell me on the Germnan
just personally composing a birthday song for my friend (no homo)
she does good jokes
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Flat, so fucking flat. It's amazing.
Rate the song
Right now she's having a 90 minute stream where she's making a song about GG and she's occasionally like "let's make it more shitpostey than it already is" while giggling about her
She bring a similar vibe to most of her gaming streams. In collabs she's the devil in their shoulder convincing her collabmates to do Genocide Run "because it's amusing"
ve said it quite well so I might look at her streams more in the future.
no don't go....
She is the devil on her own shoulder too.
It’s like that bit from Xavier Renegade Angel. The devils with devils on their shoulders.
What's this "horns" thing all about?
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>spelled correctly
Mimic behaviour.
>I don't have to kill them, but...
That's in short how her dishonored playthrough went and how she ended up with high chaos.
she added truck honks earlier in the stream
>>87695608 (me)
>press enter
>autorefresh kicks in
>see this >>87695559
damn, I was too late...
Ooooooooh I'm retarded, I thought we were talking about devil horns...
And here I thought she was French.
9/10, GG's coughs will make it 10/10.
I wonder how long Ceci is going to keep tinkering with it in the background, and am looking forward to hearing the results.
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Top quality board. Watch her when you’re bored. It’s like watching the paint dry. Her humor is also flat.
Probably until GG birthday stream since it’s less than 5 hours and she said she hasn’t done the mixing and maybe add GG vocal
>convincing her collabmates to do Genocide Run
He would be proud.
Her music was so bad she’s going to remake it off stream because of how embarrassing it was
Oh, that's hilarious. I'm sure you haven't told that joke a million times before. haha so funny she's flat as a board.
>flat without cunny
It's hot, I don't see the joke part though
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CC is so great.
Great at being bad
Cecilia is as flat as Niedersachsen
She's not bad though.
did she just fill up that teacup with her piss?
yeah she's evil get it right
its kino wtf
This was playing when I made love to a grem.
Did I miss kino?
you missed gorilla
Not what I expected, but the chaos does feel very on point and the ending is just peak.
off yourself along with your wife and kids
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I like it! It turned out great kek. I love the addition of the baby cough
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Literally me every day.
What are the rest of you Otomos doing to endure until 3 AM?
Watching Ina.
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It's coming along, but it'll be hilariously bad

Also, no idea who or what should replace Nunnally
watching proko's art course
one time convinced a stubborn rock to move out of the way so I could find my acorns and give them to a group of arguing squirrels so the would stop fighting. Thank you Cecilia Immergreen
Sleep until 2:55am
Watch Ina then make some snacks after a small nap
I'm watching raoras TCG vod but it's making me sleepy
Recovering from the trauma of the dentist
planning my factory's growth
btw is there frame for GG's...
nvm found it.
Northern Germany is the best region. Flat as loli.
You have only two days before space
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I'm still figuring out my blueprints... tidying up my messy railroad system.
Can Ceci really do this?
yes, but only with pizza and when she's with gigi
>【GIGI'S BDAY 2024】A Dinner Party to remember!
she will not go... you know?
btw stream already started, loading screen currently
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Is CC going last ?
Poor sleepy girl.
These two...
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Enter hangover (?) CC
Oh and GG died
>this isn't the key that you are so familiar with
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>cc crying
> CC was at the mansion yesterday and set up things
How much are we betting that CC did it ?
It'd be too obvious
idk, a bit too obvious
ok whose getting voted out first
What the fuck that's cute
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I can’t believe that piranya broke Gigi’s locks and ruined the trick!
So Justice helps out with the party, Biboo went to the house to ask for a truce, Bae lives at the house.
> Splitting off
Wonder if the killer can keep killing or if GG will be the only one dead
Even as a ghost, GG is still bullying CC
just tuned it. what character is ceci doing? why is she crying
that's why she cries
>cc gaslighter
no surprise here...
> CC is a manipulator
they're suspecting her....
Immerheim über alles!
> Coffee
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There's something off about Cecilia
hates tea and loves coffee. it's an imposter
she's so bad at improv kek
>hat covering where her key could be
>gigi dead
>ceci was killed and replaced with an imposter
THEY ARE (fucking dead)
bros they ARE they so ARE
>love letter from Cecilia Immergreen
Kill yourselves
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And now they are discussing if CCGG is a thing
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do you think she knows about this? I imagine her laughing in the background cause she can't do/say anything about it kek
biboo wrote this, she probably tried to play cupid again.
Cc wrote the love letter while drunk and then blacked out and woke up and threw it in the fire, hence the hangover and awkwardness.
Probably, her character is involved in a lot of the plot (arriving late, set up the tank, grieving, coffee rather than tea, the letter
>while drunk
it's neatly written for a drunk person
Wrote, regretted it, threw it in the fire, then drank to forget it maybe? Besides we don’t know if alcohol affects mimics
> Bae will inherit everything if GG died
>she was very much inlove with her
> ERB: “Cecilia was massively in love with her (GG)”
Also they are really playing up CC being an alcoholic
what were they all doing at 4am???? what about sleep????
Erb is the killer.
well if you remember we once determined that cecilia is definitely an alcoholic
>both half truths
the essence of theater is exaggerating some real life facts...
I think mori's a little too obsessed with his daughter
> Custom Tea
So Ina sells drug, the illegal kind
is this real cc this time?
> Biboo: “Stop being sad, why are you sad ?”
Biboo.. . someone is dead
>openly crushing on gigi
idk still a little sus
mori killed gigi cause she thought she was flirting with her daughter
and nerissa is the helper
Is Biboo suggesting Nerissa a harlot ?
Nerissa is a thieving whore
this, she stole my gallons
So Nerissa and CC might have slept together and Nerissa stole the key, there is a bunch of paper on advent, the glowing green letter of Hussy, Nerissa has beef with Advent.
oh my god she grabbed faunas pussy!
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>She came inside, it was really awkward
They have forgot Biboo body..
> Shiori: “She took my innocence”
We may have 2 different crimes
oh god here it comes
Lawyertomos we need your help
Oh no they are putting her on trial
Easy, she's a mimic
why did she do it?
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justice unity......
Wtf mooms
>ERB, Raora, Irys and Mumei vote to kill
This only confirms my biases. Chattini and Rosarians must be eliminated
green unity!
They're going on the list
What a waste...
And just like that Shiori fall to her death
what the fuck is going on otomos...
gigi died
greens together strong
last time they were in the same room someone died, she's gonna die next....
it's been a while since a BaeCC interaction...
To quick recap:
> 3 people are dead: Gigi (failed magic trick), Biboo (got stabbed in the bathroom), Shiori (tripped and fell down the stair)
> People under suspicion: Cecilia (who has the key to GG fish tank, is in love with GG but got rejected, also an alcoholic ), Nerissa (who has beef with advent, was with CC on the night she was rejected, there is invisible paint on her hands)
> Some clues: special tea in the kitchen (Ina is a tea seller), CC love letter to GG, GG’s will (Bae get everything if GG died), Hussy written on the library wall, purple lipstick kiss mark in the bathroom mirror (which is also Ina)
>Fauna and CC had sex
CC and Fauna has a relationship? And Bae is just third wheeling
damn cc gets around
wish I was bae rn fr fr no cap on a stack yaknowhatimsayin
no faaaaaaunaaaaa
> Fauna get taken away, Nerissa keep on monologuing
> Ina has 5 exes
Everyone is a hussy in this story
>go to hell
The killer is an incel
>all women are whores
Why is gigi so misogynistic
It was the one person she DIDNT sleep with
> It was the one person she DIDNT sleep with
> Another person with Irys is dead
Fauna shot at ERB because she took CC away
The green women are plotting something…
I bet she also killed gigi for stealing CC
Fauna has super power ?
>can I check out Liz’s body?
She’s frisky tonight
i just got back, what happened after erb got shot?
Cece is trying to rekindle her old love affair with Fauna
A genius shill for merch
Ceci cucked again
> GG is dead
> Ina may go to jail
> Fauna and CC rekindle their relationship
Honestly CC is getting the better outcome
it's cute! stop making her conscious
why isn't there a shiori ghost?
Mori and shiori had hard outs
it was bae! she wanted the inheritance.
nerissa fingered someone...
>rissa was fingering someone with those gloves
Nerissa can’t count…
So Nerissa and Erb were murderers?
guys i thought justice were supposed to be the good guys
Yep, Nerissa killed GG, ERB killed Biboo and Kronii. Shiori death was an accident.
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I'm exhausted, good night brotomos
Kino stream
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bros.... I love evil women
It was also kinda funny that after being proven innocent, CC immediately tried to shoot Irys so that Fauna doesn’t have to go to jail
She was like the one character in the story who wasn't evil
love makes you do crazy things
Greens stick together
she liked coffee, ofc she was evil.
That makes her the opposite of CC, hence not evil.
are you saying coffee lovers are the good guys?
Define good.
Yes, of course.
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>>87722918 (me)
>>87725028 (also me)
I knew it...
good job chief detective otomo martini
was cc's love for coffee and chores ever get explained?
Ooh... T-thank you... I... I always knew I had it in me...
that was mimicCC
Making clear that it's a character.
oh makes sense due to all the toxic yuri
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cc was so cute today
what was Ina's deal tho? why did even around her die
but she's always cute
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cute lost tako...
Do you think Gigi wrote the Ceci love letter or Ceci wrote it herself

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