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Blueberry Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
Pixel VSMP:>>>/vt//vsmp/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>87589359
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OP is Oona, a blueberry sheep who sings good
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Eira changed her Twitch username, update your bookmarks
Also she's not pursuing a useless humanities degree anymore
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Para is still murdering and yapping
>blueberry sheep
Its such a weird combination. Wonder what inspired it.
Also that jacket looks like Essies. All sheep must shop at the same store.
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>Para is scared shitless of dudes wearing sleeveless shirts
the primal scream she let out seeing that guy had microwavable bunny vibes
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Creature from down undah roams the foggy hills once more
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interesting, heavy, low hanging, stereo intro today
board is speed
anon is eepy
>para just now learned about pigs
supposedly a serial rioter btw
Raki was supposed to go live right about now, pushing stream back by 30min cause she's being studious and academic and definitely not caressing rice cookers
that rice cooker? me.
the only thing keeping para going at this point is the fear of being laughed at for getting filtered by yet another game
>para really enjoyed her sniper game
>but she needs to play food guessr before ending stream
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>Morrowind drinking stream tomorrow
>excited for her very first Elder Scrolls game

>not redebut
>not graduation
>just a little announcement
>something cool i wanna show you at the start of stream

>it's not the collab either
>next week on saturday, i will be participating in a game show
>will not be live on stream but did submit something with nejiko
>why was i in the middle of the fucking trailer??
bon ben she is enceinte quoi
also no awkward collab Para kino
para raided urple lava who is arting
Studious rice cooker enjoyer and occasional fussy baby gets spooked a thousand times, a Raki stream
>about the Bloodborne playthrough
>elgato capture card is broken
>they were gonna ship a new one
>but a marsupial spider ate her warranty
>gonna have to buy a new one
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>Ragi Raggooey tried to spook the pans twice
>apologised for being late
>did finish her essay
>but has more stuff to do
>is so stressed out
>out of nowhere, for no reason at all and probably out of pure vanity, Raki Kazuki decided to compliment her on fluffy tail

>watched furry anime with Rose
>had crazy dreams
>woke up
>went to a market, wanted to get clothes
>found no clothes but got perfume, it tastes like berries
>went to a toy store next, they had plushies that help with your posture
>went to a vintage photobooth thing
>all 3 of us crammed into one booth
>took 3 strips of 4 pictures in a row
>feeding it dollar bills was a pain
>sat on each other's lap
>went to make up store, took pictures
>it was a very girly day
>had crazy good coffee $10 for 16oz

>did birthday planning
>gotta do a bunch of school stuff
>hate sending email, had to send apologies to people i accidentally sent emails to

>wrote the meth head garden essay
>still gotta do a persuasive 3 page activism essay
>gonna do a harmonica horror game playthrough
>i bought probably one of the most cursed things i have ever bought for stream
>so expect that next week...

>then i went down this interesting rabbit hole...
>it was very... goofy
>i was like "what is this website..."
>there were rainbow coloured kazoo ballgags...
>so yeah anyway...
>i dont know what game we're gonna play

>havent had headaches since i started eating better
>also did not frow up this week, usually happens once a week

and we're already in game, hunting doors or something terrifying like that
>spooked by the first jumpscared
>im not scared...im not scared...im not scared...
>a distance rose goes on a quest for seasonings
>been listening to a lot of radio in the car lately
>they are pushing the Bruno Mars & Lady Gaga song really hard (Die With A Smile)
>me and Rose, we dressed up really cute today
>and you know what music we listened to?
then the game got in the way of the yapping
something bout Disney songs?
there was more probably more to it but the game robbed us of more cute stories from Ragi & The Roomies
disney channel original movie song playlist
surely that was not the end of it
it must have something cute like re enacting whole scene as if they were in a musical or something
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>raki is screaming a lot
>asking trashpans how scared they are

>texted JP sis Shiena without needed a translator, felt very proud
>meow meow meow meow~
this is slowly turning into karaoke as Raki sings the fear away
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the roach is yapping in 3D
>long break
>lots of pressure on the ragi
>back to the game
>"am I big gaming right now?"

>when I was at Glossier, i was given the iPad to check out and i was putting in the address and i kept looking at Sunny asking if it was the correct address cause i didnt want it to get lost
>then i gave the iPad and said i wasnt sure if i did it right
>and the lady looked at me and said "you're doing a great job"
>and i looked at her and i was like, "thank you, thank you so much"
>and she said, "of yourse, you're doing a great job"
>and i was like "can you tell i need constant validation?"
>validate the raccoon, i need love and validation please
i love the way Raki asks
>the human ninopede
this is the first thing i heard tuning it
i choose to believe it was about having sex with Naiyo
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she's yapping about her mom's yoga session while laying like this on the couch
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the raki is bored of the mini game and decides to yap instead
>hit them while they cum
>raki smash
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>wondering how many braincells pans lots watching stream today
>quick vibe check

>Sun call
>another break
>Sunny came home
>got to room 400
>will do more soon

>would have turned this into karaoke if the ragi was home
>was that a gamer moment today? was it really?
>it was scary but not in the way i thought it would be
>>raki doesnt know what "gamer moment" mens
>wait what does it mean?
Raki doesnt know about that one PUBG bridge

>when Rose and I were at the garden yesterday, we saw a horse drawn carriage
>so there was the drug meat up with the microphone, the garden and stuff and there was a horse carriage
>sorry if i seemed a little distracted during this stream, i promise it will be better next week
>thank you for being understanding
>gonna head out now
>let us raid Ms Fortuna today
>oh this is a really interesting game..

>thank you trashpans i really appreciate you guys more than you know
>bye bye~
Daiyaya is playing some sort of midwest emo horror thing
she wants to do karaoke sooooo bad
wtf is lilbro making us watch
why the fuck is this faggot everywhere
he's the latest mildly inoffensive lolcow
is this stream just her sharing her brainrot stuff?
the start of stream had interesting family stories
the problem with sharing brainrot is no matter how much she loves it you cannot derive anything of substance out of it at least if it's a movie or a game she got really into you get crumbs of personality through it
but brainrot is just nothing going in, a lot of nothing, nothing coming out
>she's got baby fever seeing those kids
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>>can't believe you asked this model to have panties
>hey I only decided the colors, they needed to be accurate
she's not even drinking
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white asmr sheep Noena is a black gamer cat today
>guys what if i did ONE song for karaoke?
it begins
karaoke now
Two songs later:
>okay oooone more song perhaps
>>87721489 >>87739847
>wait i wanna sing you guys one more song!
>>"one more" CLASSIC!!
>you will be sang at and you will like it
>actually you know what... let's jsut do a couple more... let's just do a few more!!
>one last song then we'll say goodnight
>but if i mess up it's just a cheat code to sing more
>raiding chromuchromu but no flirt emote
>playing roblox with mota beri souly tomorrow
unbanned pink thing is also doing karaoke https://www.twitch.tv/chromuchromu
>used to be a blue album girlie in denial
>turns out I'm a pinkerton girlie
>the other albums have a few songs but meh
This is all too familiar
>she's unbanned
Reminder to add pomu dex to the op.

Also damn, it looks like there are only two streams scheduled for today, and first one is in eight hours. Rough.
we've survived worse I suppose
My oshi is such a nice girl. She is so nice that she agreed to marry me when I asked her.
I love her. Maybe she doesn’t love me as much yet, but we can iron it out.
Yes that’s my oshi I love her
If you mean the spoiler it’s because I’m phoneposting and I forgot how to do it, I can’t ctrl+s on here
**I know that feel bro**
ok *cums*
a new general we can shill Esi in: /gay/ good at yugioh
did they pick that name in a attempt to find the 6th exodia card?
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Lateposting Noitan singies
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no idea kek
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gremlin noises little sis sheep's doing a chatting stream!
Might have turned into ASMR. or chatting/ASMR I am not sure I cannot understand anything.
it's something like both yeah
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eepy thread
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https://marshmallow-qa.com/lnasfy2nhi60zhs actual shmallow link oops
thanks for the heads up
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Comfy morning with Pillow and a shadow being from her minecraft basement
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>good morning good morning good morning
>how did you sleep?
>how long has it been since we did Comfy Morning?
>Four weeks, right?
>i missed it a lot because this is my favorite type of stream

>you know, this is a very special morning...
>*whispers* i think i saw someone over there
>>*giggles coming out of the darkness*
>what it that?
>>let me out!

>i moved in with a friend
>we know each other since early years of highschool
>i actually drew her model like a year ago
>introduce yourself
>>hi, i'm Olive...
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>P: what do you like?
>O: coding, games, Bloodborne
>O: was working on a tamagotchi type thing for you guys where you could interact with Pillow

>P: i drew the model and she rigged it herself
>O: i can open my eyes real wide, unfortunately this stream is gonna end with me dead

>O: no Osu!, used to play LoveLive SchoFes and AllStars sucks so bad, it split the fanbase and killed my baby
>P: she also loves MLP, who's your favorite pony?
>O: i like Applejack
>P: she loooooves Applejack, you're also into scary spooky stuff right?
>O: Project Sekai is good, some of the charts are really dot dot dot

>P: fav pokemon?
>O: i have a lot and it changes often, i like novern, Black and White is best pokemon game
>P: she's a very insane woman, she kills peoople
>O: no i don't do that... ...only in visual novels

>P: fav anime?
>O: prob MadoMagi, first thing that comes to mind

>P: any gacha?
>O: been playing a lot of genshin since day 1

>P: they are asking, do you like ASMR?
>O: okay, i DONT like ASMR... i dont like people putting stuff near or in my ears
>P: sometimes i try to tappitaptap but she's like STOP
>O: i know it helps people sleep but for me it's white noise, ASMR is not for me but i'm supportive
>P: she is very supportive

>P: what would your oshimarks would be?
>O: an olive, when i made my character her eyes are olive, that's the whole thing

>>fav programming language
>O: i don't like JavaScript, i prefer Python syntax, i like Java, not JavaScript, if i had to pick one language to code in for the rest of my life it would be Java, never coded in C/C++ wanna learn it

>P: fav type of dere?
>O: i just like normal girls... i always go for the centre girl in idol games cause she is very normal and cute

>P: i think it's time we switch to the kitchen...
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>used to do cooking videos all the time, kinda lost motivation
>with the new place i feel motivated to do it again
>making omurice today
>Olive really likes onions

>Olive asked me to put some salt on the rice and i put... how much did i put?
>you made it snow on the rice... i can already taste the salt from the stream coming off of it

>I liked it a whole lot, Olive how did you like it?
>she liked it
Olive is also the name of Ayu's cat and this is gonna confuse me to no end
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lots of lettuce hate
>P: she made me like onions, maybe she can make me like lettuce
>O: i own a takoyaki pan, it's not here

>P: Olive, have you made me cry before?
>O: ....maaaybe?

>O: i love keyboard sounds, i want an IBM model M

>P: she's my best friend, she knows all my secrets
>O: all of them!
>P: she knows where i hid the bodies
>O: ALL OF THEM!! i have pictures of them
>P: i took pictures for her

>O: whereever my interests take me Pillow is near unless she doesnt understand it
>P: i try to get interested into what she likes
>O: i showed you my cool code yesterday and you didnt even care!!!
>P: i did care! i just didnt know what it meant

>P: she's even worse at horror games than i am
>O: im an anxious little dog that pees everywhere
>O: she does kinda pee everywhere

>P: back to the basement! so! how did you like that omurice?
>O: im sorry i burnt it
>*sad pillow sounds*
>O: don't cry, it would be the second time today already

>O: she won't even think about me 24/7 can you believe that??

>P: tell them what's in my head!
>O: only soft cute things... for sure...
>P: yes!

>P: she only exist when i think about her
>O: and she only wants to think about you guys
>P: well, you know

>*Pillow pulls Olive closer, at armpit height, and declares proudly*
>i'm kinda sweaty
now checking out the hashtag posts
I dont think there is a single being on this world that enjoys javascript.
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>Pillow called picrel a xylophone
>Olive lets her float in confusion
this is a good way to handle Pillow

>O: i thought about making you a sandwich this morning
>P: but then you played Muse Dash instead

>P: what are your thoughts on Olive and don't say you hate her
>O: it's fine if you hate me it's not like im gonna be here for long
>P: today im killing Olive on stream!!

>P:do you like Bloons TD6?
>O: never played it

>>olives are pretty but they taste weird
>O: i can agree with that
>P: i like black Olives a lot, i like that it tastes like iron

>P: fab bloodborne boss?
>O: basic answer but Ludwig

>O: started watching a playthrough of the SH remake, not a fan of the new voice acting

>chat finds that Olive sounds like Pillow's mom, she hates the comparison and her mom

>both really love Minecraft and both have bad memory
>Olive is much stronger than Pillow and would win in a fight

>Olive designed the model, Pillow drew it, Olive rigged it,

>Olive likes puzzle games, played portal "super young" and enjoyed it a lot, now enjoys solving problems with scripting

>P: on a scale of 0 to 10 how dumb am i?
>O: don't ask me that question! it just takes you a second... you're a little bit slow, you're not stupid
>*Pillow pien noises*
>O: stop! that's the 4th time today

now it's time to kill Olive
what a funky-looking xylophone
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>Olive coded a thing
>making chat spam
>counting for unbroken chains of "pillow" or "dear"
>it's code for the tamagotchi project
>no pet command yet
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>P: how do you want to die?
>O: in the most violent way that won't get you banned on youtube

>O: we shower everyday
>P: hmmm... i like being at my computer, sometimes i forget

>>thank you for taking care of Pillow
>O: i try, it's not easy with all the self sabotage

then Pillow started to punch her lovely and innocent roommate in the mouth until she dies as a way to smell her
>P: im sorry... im sorry... i'll buy you food
>O: i'll forgive you if you buy me food
>P: that's like the 10th time i accidently punched you
>O: im starting to think this is not an accident

>P: what's my weakness?
>O: fire, disease, blunt force trauma to the head
>P: anything else?
>O: nope you're invulnereable otherwise

>P: now it's time to kill you, let me get my knife
>O: yeah
>P: welp, that was my roommate, Olive the... the... the girl! I couldnt think of anything else and she's dead now ....are you dead?
>O: meow

>P: i love my piwwows so much and you better not favor her even though she is my best friend and i support her, you're not allowed to do that!
that was a really cute stream
all the stories about Pillow messing up mildly and crying over Olive's reaction make a lot of sense and are just cute stories about Pillow being silly and pien and someone more adult taking care of her
they're really sweet together and should have babies i think
Olive can pull some really fun faces the lean is good too
and she rigged that herself, a year ago...
It is impressive and the only problem is the theme
>so what do you want your avatar to look like
>me but olives
if she has no interest in streaming herself, i think that works as a design, very simple but eyes are unique enough that you could chibify Olive and still recognise her
Eira you can just get married to me btw we can travel and stuff
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Para want to prove that she is one of the boys by playing the N-word game
>will i finally be a real gamer after playing this
>oh also we are DRINKING tonight but don’t tell anyone
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today's costume: (your) treasure
>not pregnant
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>lots of hiccups cause Para just ate, kebab pizza
>rina raid
>para gets comfirmed pinoy by real and true filipinos
>i had to make my little race announcement
an there you go, Para finally announced her true ethnicity
unrelated to the pinoy announcement, this is happening next week, Friday 25th
>i will be the most idol that i can be
>last stream before i leave for a week
>can't be there for Halloween, doing this instead
>not a fan of the twitter changes
>but not planning on moving to the butterfly site either
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>food guessr before gaming
>cant do the daily one yet, played it too late yesterday
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Para is playing Morrowind today
>and drinking
>not a single mod
>using openMW version
>will try to not break the game
>backseat too much and you get bonked
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>playing as this ugly dark elf
>did the questionnaire
>got acrobat as a class
>what do you guys think am i cool? am i cool?
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character sheet
>am i allowed? i feel like im stealing
>already looting everything she can
>para can now pronounce "sword" properly somehow
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creature from down undah whispers in your ears for a couple hours
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>7 Days Left
>Day-one members of Nexas debuted on April 26th, which was almost 6 months ago now! I was a part of this group, so I'll be celebrating with you guys on anniversary day, October 26th!
>More info later this week
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>running backwards
>making girly noises
>one death
>one drink
>one chirp
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>i hate you guys
>i am not dark skinned!! i am milk tea at worst...
>my foundation shade is callled "sand"
>LOOK it's my color skin
Para can't stand being pinoy...
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Idol debuts preshow with Lisa, Tonya, Nikki and Enya
>What types of deres are the Wildfyre girls
This should be interesting
>Daisy is the deredere
Wasn't much debate on that one. Tonya also wants to lick her belly... same
Enya taking the hosting job seriously was unexpected and rather effecting at herding dorks
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Dollie is playing Parkour Civilisation but Skibidi Toilet edition, with da boys
one of the cursed streams of all times
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>may what ze fuck putaiiiin
>why didnt they put a little sign that says there are ghosts here
Para tried yelling at the game in french, it was not very effective and she died after not saving for 2h
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Does Essie draw with a mouse or stylus? I remember her saying she prefers mouse long time ago but don't know how is it currently.
Seeing her simple doodles come out so soulful kind of makes me want to try too even though I gave up on "properly" learning drawing long time ago.
how is essie so sexy
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not sure what happened there
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>para has stolen serving baskets like these off restaurants
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picrel is an iPad doodle by Essie
>>87780129 this is most likely mouse + msPaint
>Para literally stole mud
thats it we reached the peak/bottom.
are you guys gonna livepost the idol debuts?
Are any /wool/ girls doing watchalongs?
Lisa and Enya are supposed to, as a pair
Lisa's internet has been terrible today tho
Then I don't see why not if anyone wants to. I'll be bust and probably won't be able to do any posting though.
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Debuts roadmap and playlist
/wool/ fren Kannanananana is watching Daisy's debut
oh nice
about 4h50m30s
>primal YEEEEEESSSSSS scream from para
could be a soundpost
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Daisy is live!
>oh shit
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Lisa, Enya, Roca, Poko and Coni are watching wyldfire debuts
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>telettubies style intro with handmade felt genmates
the creatividad is already over the top
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>maybe this time it's not a flop
the Daisy grew out of this pot and your water, not double entendre here
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i liek the cat mouth a lot
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da weed
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>im a master autist
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skyrim ass lore, kill thing, eat its soul
i love it this is so mer-
is this legal
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>calling out all vtubers who use @FirstnameLastname as handle
>30M years old
loliest hag ever
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>pixelchat likes and dislikes
this is the cutest way to do slides ever
Man I'm so proud of her. All of the effort she put in and how happy she has been has really paid off.
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>geocities coded "social media"
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>Snoopy enjoyer
>the OG snoopdog
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>>87786490 >>87786267
>sells drugs on debut
it's just catnip dw
Enya is in love i think
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Daisy dislikes, on a plate
>>87785564 Kanna guessed "herbicide" really fast
>>87786490 it was in fact not Herobrine
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>>87786490 >>87786267
>Lisa: im biting my nails.... this is too much for me
everyone is in love i think
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>herbicide doesn't kill it, it just makes her cuter
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>gonna perform for you
>not singing
>not guitar
is this the first vtuber with a stylophone performance on debut?
>Enya: oh i love her so much... ;; she is so cute ;;
that's all Enya has been saying this entire time
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the new postmates are kinda cute
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>there's a picrew to make your own
>>87786490 going feral over the link
and Lisa is grabbing fried chicken
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Cersea up next
no im not late because of the picrew or anything
>Roca left cause it's 2AM
>Poko was found after waiting for 2h in discord, Enya was too busy drooling over her flower kouhai to noticer her blue paisen
>Spongebob opening
Had a good laugh at that
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I dig the accent a whole lot
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mysterious crossed out tag...
>"mommy... i mean mommy" x10
This was easily my favourite debut ever.
I absolutely adore how little of it was about the model and it was all silly and creative in 12 different directions
>I understand I have the taste of a 13 year old boy
i need more viewer mascot picrews
all of the links i have of the old one don't work anymore
well RIP
the old floomfie one*
I'm glad they let her just go full la creatividad for it to really show off her talents. Now she just needs her 3D to show her full power.
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taste slide
>>87786490 NANA is very popular in this house
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>fish are friends not food
i know a blue cat who thinks the same
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Oh I really like this part of her model
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nino x besties on roblox in a few
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She's just like me...
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>>87790325 >>87786490
>Lisa: have you ever seen Cersea and Scurvy in the same room?
>also i love her cause she has a freaking eyepatch! come on y'all!
Sheepy with the hard hitting conspiracy theory
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>>87790325 >>87786490
eyebags are popular
>Enya: Lisa is trapped here with a bunch of gooners
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Cute Daisy
Cute short hair
Cute eye bags
waiting for nino screams echoing from another POV
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some dork in the audience:
>nah i'd win, i have the power of the purple psychic ice fire dragon on my side
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>this is one happens when you interrupt her eepies
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I like her...
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>>87790325 >>87786490
>first collab is a monster smash or pass
Lisa was a little confused by that concept
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Riki is next!
>Pogo is craving her bed, it's 3AM
>Enya and Poko are getting married
>Lisa was too busy eating chicken wings to notice any of it
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oh this one is a creatividad monster too
>blowing my ears out already
yea this one is good
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someone around these parts was into sockchuubas
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Vtuber debuts were always missing puppets and I'm glad this has been fixed with these recent debuts
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>Lisa: SHE'S OLD!!
>Enya: she's a hag!!!
>Lisa: all these bitches are OLD!!! ... bitches non derogatory
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>very tired
>cant drive
>very bored
>need a game
now we try to guess her tastes
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>i really like metal or metalcore period on god no kappa
>i sing metalcore i'm a metal vocalist i cant help it
>Coraline inspired design
Essie is feasting right now
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>>87793437 >>87794652
>favorite movie is CORALINE
Essie just watched that last week
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another bikini bottom resident
>SEX: L, because L bozo
>WT: DA FUK, cause why da fuk would you ask that
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>mushrooms top of the list
is that like Daisy's weed?
>horror games
>metal and hyperpop
>L2D animation
>too many plushies

tism so
>no loud noises
>no soggy foods
>no parties
>no grass
that last one is not an common autism trait
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>that thing in the back that's my struggle meal
>instant ramen and hot cheetos
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>chat broke
>im not a failure i swear... x5

>Poko: i want to put my tongue between her teeth and clean them individually
raccoons are always he biggest freaks
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chat fixed itself

>no one in this gen is flat...
>Lisa: Daisy is flat...?
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Riki goals
>original metal songs, also hypermetal song
>virtual mosh pit

>Lisa: this girl and i are gonna get along very well
>I feel like I finally found my people
That's what it's all about. Giving these girls a home.
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pay no attention to what lies under the hair
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>meme review/brainrot on week1
that's interesting
i totally did not mix up my pics >>87796491
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an finally Yena
>Enya has now convinced both Poko and Roca to share her lap
>Poko calls dibs on the belly button for no reason at all

>Encore debut were planned within a month
did i hear that right?
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>starting with a webtoo
>with immersive scrolling sounds
okay i see the vision
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sheep news anchor?
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cute forehead
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>>87796851 >>87786490
>Lisa was pretty hyped about the akira slide
and the forehead
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>>87786490 everyone but Lisa is horny for this one
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Daisy still looking cute no matter where she appears
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>Lisa: she's got scars on her b- on her chest
>Enya: what's the other word Lisa? x5
>Lisa: . ... on her bazongas...

Lisa like the good girl tail wagging aspect
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>pseudopenis mentioned
this Hyena can stay
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Scuff chuuba...
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>Lisa: i wub... i want her to wag her tail more...
>Lisa: it's like the worst isekai ever... my dad turned into an anime girl
and she sings! about daddies....
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>>87796851 >>87786490
oh okay i can see the dad thing kinda now
>Lisa: how can she hear the music?? she de-eared herself!!!
i did not livepost it every time but Lisa kept pointing at plot holes and inconsistences throughout the debuts like the little movie dork she is
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the transition/stinger is really clean and everyone loves it
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I really like her teeth
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>>87786490 >>87796851
>Lisa: i love everybody's gap moe!
>Enya: Daisy said she is the coolest of her gen and everyone else is just cute, and i think she was right

then Lisa went feral at the mention of Taco Bell, AGAIN
>everyone agreed that Kill la Kill is not gooner anime
Lisa saying goon over and over is her gap moe
My little sister shouldn't know that word...
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>Lisa: she's a cryer!! i called it!!

>yugioh (anime) enjoyer
this is actually a massive dork hiding behind a muscle lady body
>Lisa: she said she is 31, that's literally lobotomy age!!
>everyone chanting hag hag hag
this fucking brat
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>>87786490 >>87796851
>Enya: i can say this now, when i started my Outer Wilds playthrough, Yena was DMing me
>>why did you do this why are you doing that first
>Enya: she wasn't backseating she was giving me vague reactions

>Yena got parasocial on debut and set the stream on fire
she is really taking after Enya...
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this debut was really fucking cool and high production value
i did not expect to enjoy Yena this much
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>>87796851 >>87785185
>group song teaser
that went hard
Same Yena was the one I was expecting to like the least but she and honestly all of Wildfyre were really good.
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i like this one a lot
the whole gen is cool
she seemed super rehearsed but I'm not sure if she's actually that professional or just korean
>Poko: we've known about them for so long and we weren't allowed to acknowledge them
>Enya: i sent everyone a friend request and a DM asking if i could objectify them

>Lisa: reminds everyone to shill the merch
>some of these 4 will be part of the karaoke relay on schedule here >>87800101
>the watchalong ends here
>raiding into the collab on Daisy's channel
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Wildfyre collab over at Daisy's
>hot mic during intro
now fixed
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>We are so 360p!
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then it turned into ASMR
>never gonna give you up, on the kazoo by Yena
i see the vision
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8 minutes it
>im Daisy Dandelion, bitch!
Youtube-kun is not gonna like that
I noticed all of them were swearing so I guess Idol doesn't care
This is extremely dorky and I am very happy with it
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>Yena lets out a massive burp
out of nervousness, because gap moe
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>i don't have that kind of creativity, i'm a vtuber
Daisy caught lying
>Riki and Yena went to the same con, separately
>Riki went to the wrong convention centre it was a weak early for the anime stuff to be at that con centre
that was more than 1 year ago
so OffKai 2023 before AX the week after?
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chat is so fast i dont even have to edit it out, it's great
>Daisy is not aware of Code GEASS
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>Daisy with the long forgotten prehistoric memes
no one seems to know what the fuck this is
and they're easily over 100 years old combined

>end of the segment
>shilling merch real quick
>chatting a bit
buy merch
support the girls
>Yena YT outro
and now i sleep forever
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Daisy ending screen cute
Really really happy for her
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Make sure you show Essie some love she was watching the debuts or reading the thread
Essie can never know how downbad I am for her. She'd never stop teasing me if she did.
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So proud of Daisy
New Essie lewd get. Pero pero.
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That's a lot of pachis for that post
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Let me guess, none of the new idol girls stream in euro friendly timeslots ?
>I miss you guys and I miss streaming! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
I'll be around for the streams, but can't post the anchor the usual times cause I have shit to do unfortunately.

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