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What would you like to see for EN5?
Hololive is crumbling to the point where we might not even see EN5.
more Gura
better staff
We don't need EN5
People that like hololive and want to be a part of it.
This is a brilliant strat they spread out they're debuts over 6 months and boom half a year of Gura streams.
Girls that actually want to join en and not just for a Japanese visa to move to Japan. They should stipulate that you don't get a visa to japan if you join.
I'm good
it'd have to be a full cunny gen
Nothing for the moment.
Autistic speedrunner
Another Gura killer please
en5 and en6 release at the same time and it is just 3am and the barbie girls then en7 is every remaining bugtuber
Less Europeans, more country girls, better management.
fuck off we're full
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Nobody under 30 or over 20.
Alcoholic hag
Very parasocial ASMR hag
Shmup autist
Kusogaki hag that calls her views ojisan while being older than most of them
Fighting game autist
EN5 happened a long time ago with the Stars gens
People who won't suck Japanese dicks and move to Japan
fucking americans and fucking canadian shitters
5 white californians
Some fucking /choc/ girls for the love of god.
More European vtubers, no more North American vtubers there's too many North Americans in HoloEN. North Americans are painfully unfunny and boring.
A gen that actually streams, but this is wishful thinking.
a latina and a chocolate queen
>Paradox Interactive fan
>EN Raden who doesnt drop smoking or alcohol to cater her audience
>Engineering/Tech vtuber (not enthusiast level)
>balkan chuuba who ignores western audiences
>true hag that will become the Mio of EN
Instead of 5 new en talents, I'd rather they pick talents from HoloJP who are decent enough at speaking English, but also want to become way more fluent so they can eventually have English-only streams.
Fubuki, Korone, Marine, Subaru, Luna, Haachama, etc.
I just what an EN equivalent to SMOK...

An EN Deso and Raden would be interesting too though.
Five lolis, all played by hags.
EN Raden would be impossible, no western woman who consumes all the substances is that cultured
ina not being fucked up by management
someone that can actually sing and dance.
A 3d studio in NA
They are all in V4Mirai.
I don't want EN5, I want Cover to die and everyone to be free agents.
a sea branch
Mint, Milky Queen
At least a 2 year gap between them and EN4
Kawaii and Prism
5 sexy hags that love Hololive.
more gg, big cat and rock lady.
Asmongold, Tectone, Xqc, KaiCenat and Ninja with voice changers.
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I actually think this girl is a great candidate. She's got a nice british voice and does ASMR very well.
>>true hag that will become the Mio of EN
So a 40-year old?
I hate retarded jap lovers
This disgusting company gone.
>They should stipulate that you don't get a visa to japan if you join.
The 3D studio is in japan.
>>EN Raden who doesnt drop smoking or alcohol to cater her audience
So you want a girl who dies of lung or liver cancer in her second year or becomes completely unable to sing due to black lung?
A headhunted gen. Someone going out and finding streamers to augment the audition process
Biological females.
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>nice british voice
All hags, preferably genuinely nerdy ones. No more gooks or chinks.
Tiger and Monkey
Real black vtubers.
we dont need an EN5. what EN needs is competent staff
I want this specific spic girl who got a lot of shit on her for openly saying she disliked male vtubers
Justice is easily one of the worst holo gens so as far away from that as possible.
Honestly taking risks with novelty or niche based chuubas like they did with Advent would be smart. Advent was a huge risk but easily ended up one of the best holo gens to come out.
And other lies nijisisters tell themselves
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Black transwomen
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Unironically her
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ohisashiburi as a holomama
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You faggots don't deserve EN5.
I'm not seeing any counter examples though.
Girls with actual personality instead of manufactured yuribaits
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>believes eccentric art students who smoke and drink are exclusive to japs
fucking retarded jap lovers
>Paradox Interactive fan
There's already plenty of indies like this
>Engineering/Tech vtuber (not enthusiast level)
There's one indie who is/was a robotics engineer but recently got laid off so she's doing a subathon until she gets hired again
Someone who actually does ASMR and GFE
More singers (don't like ERB's singing)
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Think outside the box. Send scouts to arts conservatories and scope girls training for opera or ballet. Scout collegiate athletics for sporty tomboys and social butterflies. Human Capital is out there, you can't just wait for it to come to you.
I'm not seeing any counter examples though. How many girls in the EN sphere who anything like her that you can think of?
Girls that can sing PLEASE
Every random art collage across the west probably has one or two lying around, they aren't rare beasts. The actual issue is getting them to become vtubers when a sizable portion aren't even aware such a thing exists
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I don't want an EN 5, I like the group of girls we have now. Bigger isn't always better, and EN always worked best as a tight knit group. Let them grow as entertainers and prosper first, then get back to me in like 2 years.
I'd like to see them wait for at least a year since Justice to release EN5
One with a thick Cajun accent, one from Algeria, one from Quebec who also has a thick french canadien accent, then a girl actually from France who has to sit there and seethe
Random art colleges around the west are filled with bitter blown out harpies radicalized by twitumblr. I stand by the assertion that there is a reason why a girl like raden is JP and that there is reason why there is no EN raden in the sphere and the possibility space for an EN raden simply isn't in the same ballpark and you can't provide any evidence to the contrary.
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Latina branch
No please, my dick would fall off from ripping it like beyblade.
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>>Engineering/Tech vtuber (not enthusiast level)
I do know a robotics engineer female vtuber, but she doesn't bring it up on stream often unless she's building a robot for the stream.

I also know a male one that builds robots almost every single stream.
Like last week he built a robot that generates electricity by jerking off.
New talents that I haven't seen yet instead of my favourite indies and small corpos getting poached
Nene Amano and Athy
I'd rather not have another menhera unicorn magnet
For that to happen you need a loli that sounds better / sings better (not to mention cuter) than what Gura is.
A 50yo trve hag who's also a gigantic pervert.
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Stars isn't Hololive, faggot
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top gear (cute girls)
uhhh more cute girls?
are you a fucking canadian
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what about ID4........
Yes, create HoloES, don't add latina HoloEN members. Keep those brownies segregated.

I think they would do well, though. Just look at the average holofan in the west, tons of them are nonwhite.
inviting more muslims? imagine
NTA, but imagine the kind of semen demons that might end up in HoloES. Latinas can get it, all I'm saying.

Though the obvious drawback here is that they might be too sexo and subsequently too stupid, which means there's a risk of them becoming an entire branch of homocollabers. And then the branch dies because no one wants to see that :/
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>>Engineering/Tech vtuber (not enthusiast level)
Why the fuck does Phase Connect of all agencies have this and what is this absolutely cruel twist of fate that she applied for Hololive and Omegatroon didn't even watch her audition video.
What have the first three gens ever done where that was a problem?
The only thing I can remember is that one time Moona tweeted some religious joke and then had to lay low for a few weeks because indonesians on twitter got mad about it
You can't marry and have sex with them until you get converted to Islam
but third worlder americans don't know this
and they hide their hair too lmao, unless they are chinese migrants
IdolES was a failure, but it did serve to show how Spanish speaking audiences have no money.
Meth holo.
(You) aren't going to marry and have sex with any of the other Holos either, so what's the big deal
Was this Lumi? Didn't know she applied to Hololive but considering it was during Omegafag's time, no wonder she didn't get in
Fair enough. Guess we'll just have to settle for Latinas being in EN or something
I assume anon meant Jelly I have to admit I'm curious how she and Bae would interact

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