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A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Doki Artoria Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>87653553

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

>Our Divegrass team page

>Divegrass suggestions poll. Got any ideas for the team? Send them over!

>Don't be a Dumb Goon and reply to (or even just give attention to) every single bit of bait, shitstirring, tribalism, and/or dramafaggotry out there. Be a Smart Goon, Ignore it and Move on! (Report if you have to though!)
OP Theme:
What type of Servant would this Doki be?
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so close but of course bonuses
Defensive saber Doki
>0 stars
I don't think I've seen a worse Mario Party perfomance from someone
Sykkuno got fucked hard too but at least he managed to do some things... Ellum was just nothing
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> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbhFgrMxHns
Starting Now!!!! We're finding her Wife now...
doki gonna die of her coof
distributor issue solved
fuck the ex director
On the contrary, I think she was the most scared on her Blair Witch stream
True, also because of the doggo
Fuck yeah, the Merch can be shipped again!!
She literally had to get her own dog for support lol.
Pre-Brat D.A.D. was cute
Project bird...
>I forgot to order the standee
Didn't she said this one wasn't going to be limited?
Or was it put as "Sold out" due to her distributor problems
WAIT... I though only Bettel and U-san had the right to get a belt.
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spoilers: the monsters don't actually respawn
The ones who won exhibition matches got them too.
>send email about my order that still hasn't been shipped
>doki gives merch update a few days later
She loves us! ME specifically!

I think she means this one replaces the Retro Doki one? IDK.
I'm pretty sure only the New Years stand was the only limited edition one. Might have been temporarily "sold out" due to merch problems.
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>Stalling Hill
>stalled at the apparments
>it's the least spooky part of the game
>lured into a haunted house
Doki last time you went to a haunted house you had to hide behind a random group of people.
Is it the orca?
it's likely gumi, she talked about doing an off collab very soon
she has a friend this time(not on a discord call)
Wife? Ghost? Owl?
Two scared birds...
She has more than one IRL friend, goon.
I thought the same to be honest.
THE gumi megpoid?
I don't think so, she would had named her.
Well, the thing is she had to brought them to her so it has to be someone that lives far The orca is american, right?
Inshallah Dragoons, one day I shall complete Doki's conversion to ensure her security in God's heavenly bosom.
not necessarily if she wants to keep it a surprise
She will STILL STREAM on that week btw
Speculate in your brain wife finally starting
the sea creature is infamously hard to scare, too silly to take horror seriously
Doki only just started the game and she's already scared...
The chat window is unberable today, I had to close it because it kept freezing the browser tab. Fucking spaghetti coded website.
Susan Youtube would never...
this will be her longest playthrough at this pace
Yes, CA and BC are not that far away from each other
I'm always impressed by her being a bigger chickenshit then me when it comes to horror
No AMSR for free...
SH2 Remake will already be a long playthrough on par with The Evil Within or RE4 if you don't know what you're doing. For better or worse they really expanded it to a longer runtime. thankfully its really not that long, if you know what to do you can get to the hospital on a second playthrough in 2 and a half hours
She's the type that wouldn't be able to take ASMR seriously and blast your ears with laughter after trying once
>solving puzzles
That was barely a puzzle tho
Shorter than SANDLAND
Doki Pee!! She doesn't want to pee herself...
Stalling bird.
She learned after that time
Scaredy bird
Grays names SC get the rope holy shit beg during a stream where she asks chat for game suggestions
>haha bruteforce puzzle isn't a puzzle
>oh no a puzzle without bruteforce
Her brain is melting...
>math puzzle
uh oh
Its just 2 + 2 levels of math Doki...
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I'm starting to think I made I mistake of being one of the people recommending Doki play SH2 remake, she probably didn't expect this many puzzles...
Wdym? She is really enjoying the game right now!
based pyramid chad
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>punches monster
>Monster punches back
>nearly died near the end of the Pyramid Head fight
>perfect parried
>Doki let him hit it
They are.
Cosplayers are rarely murder-hobos, but it happens
Holy fuck, take the hint greyname Jesus Christ.
why are these RGG simps this annoying jesus christ
She is ready for Dark Souls!
She was so close to activating the next story cutscene...
She'll get one guy'd all night as long as she has an excuse to stall.
Make her start with DS2 SotFS for maximum frustration
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This is like a never ending loop from which we cant escape
Dog-man arc is a trip alright
James is about to blow
>one touch from a woman will make james coom
Doki's not used to Silent Hill's OST...
>Tempted by her Butt
>going around the park again
Off stream Doki puts the beds together confirmed
Doki laughing at premature ejaculations....
Fucking grey names
Weren't the codes of this game generated by the save file? How the heck was 1234?!?
She is used to pampering a lazy sausage with legs
She didn't use 1234, some grey name spamed the code
>Molested by an NPC
>this isn't good, they have high heels now
She hasn't even reached he hospital yet kek
Doki is weak to heels?!?
Silent Hill atmosphere is so fucking good.
maria a bitch
Trying my hand at 2 as a kid lives forever in my head, top quality oppressive exp
0451 has been a meme passcode since system shock 1 in 1994
I bet most people nowadays don't even realize that it's an old imsim tradition (and even less that it's a Bradbury reference).
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Doki changing the rules is my favorite pastime
Eddie bros... this is depressing.
Started out so strong too, was hope Doki would accept the ship
>eating away her feelings yesterday
>a furry searching for a kid
Is this Epstein island perhaps?
here we go
She's right, this is gonna be a long ride. Here comes the screaming !
I thought she was going to stop here Ngl
Same here kek, gone over 2 Hours now and a it's perfectly good spot with that Save Point too!
>sexy nurse
>didn't pick up the map at the basement entrance
>being thirsty over nurses
as a former lab rat who used to deal with their bullshit...yea you can tell Doki doesn't hospital much if you don't want to curse RNs to hell lmao
Now she's stopping here KEK
>chickening out
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>bailing right just before nurses
Close enough!
She knows what she's doing, now we have to come and see her flail next time
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Until next time Doki...
>its over, back to nonstop overtime
hopefully i can catch the next Doki stream at the end next week ugh
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Bye Doki... see you tomorrow
ALMOST there for the nurses!
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Bye Doki, that was a good day with plenty of Dokium today! Enjoyed more of Silent Hill with you too, and your scaredy cat reactions too, see you tomorrow for even more...
Thanks for stopping by Goon, hope you had fun too!
Hang in there with the gig and get your bag
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Holy Selen SEXO
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VOD watching time for me!
I was listening to a bit of it on the drive home, I swear within 30 minutes she started like 3 topics and didn't finish her point each time KEK.
Have a comfy rest of the day/night goons
JESAS Admit me now
Enjoy the Vod goon!
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I'll be heading to Bed soon now bros, Goodnight Goons~
She's cute when yapping, keeps me hanging on her every bad excuse
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I like the simplicity of this.
Goodnight, goon.
GN goon o7
Dokibird is best bird.
Dokibird is cute bird.
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Cute! Retro Doki's crooked smile is iconic and I love how it's exclusively on that model
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RIP Cubangoons....
the entire country electrical grid collapsed and society probably will soon
hopefully a goon wins the country wide BR thats about to go down
ápex leyendas
society lmao
I thought it pretty much collapsed some time ago
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I love how Chibilen is so SMUG
But does the Dragoon have SELEN BEAR?
never forgive
never forget
ENOUGH, we must love Saloon Bear even if she sucks at goalkeeper...
yes we still love her very much, despite how bad we need her to stay away from the crease
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We're all eepy today...
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Fluffy... warm...
>Well, the thing is she had to brought them to her so it has to be someone that lives far
Doki doesn't travel.
It could honestly be anybody. She has a lot of friends. They also could be not streamers.
Saloon bear...
How do we fix her divegrass curse?
We make her play as a midfield player!
doki cute
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Extremely cute!
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Oh my
The next two rounds of the VGTC racing series are starting in just over 5 minutes. Doki finally got a good result in the last race - can she do it again?
https://vtleague.420699.xyz >>87757132
I *might* take a look at how she does!
Go Doki go!
Jwu good morning goons
I actually like this idea. Put her in forward position, the crazy play may work. Just look at Ohtani in baseball.
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So far so good for Doki...
>10 second gap
Define good.
Our car's still an unfixable hunk of junk. I think this is only the third time that Doki's found herself in the top 10 all season.
Fair. I guess next season we can actually do some test before shipping it.
Frame up for Day 2 Strinova lads!
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Standings with 3 races to go. It's not like we had a realistic chance to begin with going into today's races, but we are now mathematically out of the championship fight. The next race will be starting shortly.

And Goodnight Dragoons!
Has she clarified what she means by fishing edition?
you can see webfishing in the thumbnail, it's just chatting while playing it I'd imagine
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Starting the third-to-last race from 8th, 2 places ahead of the championship leader. Can see there being a lot of chaos here though...
She's gonna play a webgame to relax that is around in background. Perfect for yapping.
Ooh, I think Snuffy really praised that game. I'm all for it then.
Limes played it too, it was fun
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I completely underestimated how much chaos there would be. Half the race to go.
In a ridicolous upset, the AI can't do a curve for shit, so if you are high speed there you crash. The car speed is shit so her curve and dodge abilities are top notch.
Holy shit.
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Couldn't quite do it. Fubuki ignored the blue flags and blocked her enough to cost her the podium, and she lost her groove after that. This is still her joint highest finishing position of the season though.
Finished 6th, but this race was a major upset. Definitely gonna give us some score.
For the poll for the next league I'm tempted to add an extra option to let people optionally decide which position they'd want a player to play in. There's a limit to how much that can be accounted for, but maybe this way we'll dodge her curse.
3 hours until the stream, right?
Best way to end the week.
I missed yesterday's streams
did she ever confirm whether she will be doing more stuff with brawlpro today?
Nope, just fun and seething at Coney
Not bad!
Wrong thread
doki's friends are always getting posted here wym
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That cock? mine!
I was just wondering. Thank you jerboa, very cool.
Wake me up if she ever collabs with Doki I guess.
well considering they mutually followed each other almost the second her account was created I'd say the chances are pretty good
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Doki in 50 mins?
Ah, I think no doki until goodnight dragoons
>Doki has no Internet
>another team member forgot there was a day two
>only S4 is left, with three subs
Oh no...
The funny thing is that this probably means we'll once again avoid having a double stream day. This has been a silly week.
See? She said no double streams, and has been true to her words!
Doki EXTRA soon!
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Day 2 should be the last day right? Imagine S4 and the subs win it all
Gyaru Selen that apparently was commissioned long ago, I don't remember seeing this
Doki in chat, apparently her team isn't even the worst when it comes to substitute players
S4 is streaming if you want to see how they do btw!
>Doki made one of them change their handle to REALDokibird
S4 is streaming if you want to see, Doki is also watching but shitposts in her own chat instead of S4's
Shitposting with Doki like this is comfy.
God damn...
Who are the subs? S4 as the twitch streamer he is has no info on anyone, I don't even know who's talking
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Somehow this is more enjoyable than the tournament itself.
THis basically became a watchalong with doki but in chat instead
Somehow Doki is still very cute even when she's just writing.
>Day 1 didn't matter because she already got paid
>Day 2 matters because she might actually win prize money if she gets to day 3
This is the weirdest stream ever LMAO XD
At least we have Goodnight Dragoons later
>Team got DQ for too many subs
Damn, BLAME CANADA has gotten too real...
Doki's team is disqualified but they are still playing it out.
>asking them to just throw the game
What the fuck? I understand disqualifying them, that's fair - trying to pull some bullshit to rig the event isn't though.
Yeah that's dumb af, especially since most people would understand getting disqualified anyways.
That shit was really weird from them
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Dragoons... I'm curious, how did you cope with the booba downgrade?
Pumpkin Doki!
her net is still down...
i'm hoping to hear her yap about typhlosion and octillery
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Yeah, hopefully they can fix it in 4 hours.
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There's still four and a half hours, hopefully it's fixed by then...
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She is still SEX bird to me!
the salt generated from her nonstop Doki Copium inhalation makes it 100% worth kek
wait wat
>wait wat
The leaks from Game Freak. Lots of lore stories about Pokemon-human sex, pokemons abducting human children to abuse etc. To be fair having read through them they're not that different from some Greek myths, and apparently Japanese ones but I'm not familiar with JP mythology.

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