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Left 4 Omo (and friends) Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Common Trolling techniques in /here/: https://pastebin.com/24DaTTvm

Report off-topic drama.

Previous thread: >>87667005
Never forget: YNGMI.
latest on asp news!

crab meme is 'does anyone even like persoN'
pafu is hated by the retarded and the raped
chrii cries when she reads thread and one of the people she called out recently rages at her
fwofie sex HENTAI model soon
glorpo's little sister became a vtuber and got groomed live in thread
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>>87693385 (You)
Thank you for dropping by! It was super fun!
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Left in the you cause it's 4am, but yeah it is obviously yours truly.
remember to stream
many of you don't stream which is wrong and bad
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I'm trying to make like a story of mine into a short, and man it's kinda interesting (and hard) trying to make a script and record stuff for the first time
This thread fell off so hard
Overcoming chronic depression isn't as easy as it might sound, little buddy.
when the collabs are so big like this, its kind of overwhelming. half the people have to stay quiet 90% of the time because otherwise theyll just be talked over...
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What’s up my niiga’s
you are a mental midget
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Daily femboy post. Beryl cute in spats ngl
Ye' Niggies Gonna Make It
You are a rude narcissist who needs to find pleasure in trying to put other downs without any one thing of true value or meaning in your life besides this vanal selfish activity, but enough about eachother and weird arguments which have nothing to deal with the original topic of this place.
Nta but stopped reading your post when I saw this meme word
Take it out of your vocabulary if you want anyone to take you seriously
drawing my fucking uhhhhhhhhh model https://www.twitch.tv/kyuuketsuki_ika
Live with some Amnesia A Machine for Pigs! Time for more spoopy games for the spoopy month!
remember to stream
many of you don't stream which is wrong and bad

unless you have chronic depression
in that case no one will hate you. though they might still be disappointed because they are looking forward to watching your streams
>>87723430 >>87723649
well done
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No one gives a shit if I stream or not
this is a little ugli… do u want me to find the clear one for u anon >_>
what would bring it back
do it right now
i dare you

then you'll have me to care
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Do you like paying for things and getting nothing in return? Do you enjoy wasting your time? Do you enjoy supporting scammers? Then apply today to spend hundreds of dollars and get jack shit in return :3
It needs to die for a bit, then have someone revive it like Digby did
day of the rake NOW.
kill yourself denpa
That's a good thing
The schizos have been mostly cleansed and the ngmis successfully gatekept
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How are (You)r streams doing?
Fythol didnt wanna play with us
She hates us chat uuuuu
Ramnor you dont gotta do that, I'll figure it out myself, i SHOULD learn how to do this.
I do appreciate the thought tho
My last stream got hate raided and became the warring grounds for two factions of feuding fleshstreamers.
Ramnor do you ever sleep?
They actually have been doing great.
Today was a bit short but Halo Reach Ended and i didnt want to have it with something else with it. Altho i have to take one last break next week. It kinda sucks im missing so many days
i havent played anything except tft since february... i'm not gonna get laughed at at 3am thank u >_> but it was fun to watch trust
my streamer said she was going to stream everyday
its almost been 4 days...
I had 4 viewers. No one typed a single chat message for 5 hours.
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Bluesky bros, I think I will just stay on Twitter
Post your link I'll be your biggest supporter.
Ramnor tries to but if there are friends to be helped and booboos to be smooched I will delay it.
Also i used to have chronic nightmares so i like have either music, a good long story or something similar. Exhaustion works too
I havent played seriously since before brand came out.
You CANNOT be worse than I am.
I had a short good period a while ago but suddenly I returned to "nobody watches me" status. Some aspies do show up to send a few messages out of obligation be ause I type in their chat too, but they instantly disappear and nobody else is ever there.
what differences were there in your stream between then and now?
Last one was a bit scuffed but went okay. The other streams this week were the best I have ever had and made me feel like I'm making progress!
I'm getting some regulars and i see that as a win
Do i pen you for more games? And Vita, if youre reading this 1 ARAM game is not enough to clear your debt
Nothing really, I think I was just lucky because for a few days barely anyone else streamed.
no thank u i am not usually up at that hour but thank u kindly ^^
I'd rather have viewers than no viewers.
I can deal with a "dead chat".
Fishoil thats late for me too
What if its earlier?
it HAS to be crusty
what are you even trying to say here
Thats incredibly creepy
Why is this even a thing what the hell
keep going
ups and downs are expected
some outside of your control
This is the average western vtuber
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i hate vampires
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Adding spooky yippee mobile game halloween update! Extra spooky style! https://www.twitch.tv/cipherlunis
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covering Bacillus cereus again because I forgot to save the VOD last time (oops) come say hi!
Im on mobile so finding a proper reaction is difficult but i can tell you i am not exactly thrilled
Name her sis
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Super Smash training
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gws :(
where's the white boy is a black guy vtuber?

I think cody should become a black guy vtuber, he loves stirring the pot anyways.
What do you do with someone who you're trying your best to hold a conversation with only ever responds with "lol" "right" "okay" "oh no" "mhm"? Boutta put my fucking head through the wall.
Leave and return to the convo later
Simple. You stop talking to them and laugh when they inevitably bitch about having no friends
stand up sis...
just say something more interesting, and if the fault isn't yours then ask if they're interested in the converstation.

Honesty is more imporant than looking for a simple solution to a percieved problem.
That seems like a person who really doesn't want to talk to you. Forcing it is pointless.
That's fucking revulsing
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Who's gonna be on the list
everyone here is a literal who except for uwo outside of 4chan
surprised I'm not desu
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thank you guys for an amazing stream, you were all too kind and made me cry (on purpose im sure!) be well, friends
Those 51 votes? all me
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thanks for watching me bang my head against the canvas
im running out of motivation for rigging my model, its basically finished besides extra details like physics and stuff.. maybe i should just start streaming and i can do all the fine details another time..
As long as you have infinite time on your hands, just leave it be and go live. If not, you better finish before wven more days pass and you lose the possinñbility to keep editing it.
I think I'm solidly a 2view now, which is super neat! I've got a few regulars that come out and I've got some nice events planned with them.
You were right. My streams were a flop. I can't get a job. I have nothing to look forward to anymore.
ah good point actually, that reminds me im running off the pro trial period too, so i really gotta get my butt into gear for it
You sound like you deserve better friends, I hope you respect yourself more Anon
ramnor shut up
me too man
Try noose.
rather than saying random bullshit, ask an appropriate question and see if they even respond
expectancy will always lead to disappointment.
you have to show your discipline and willpower and push forward in the face of defeat.
Nobody can give you the strength to succeed, only you can, anyone who says otherwise is just trying to take advantage of your desperation.
have you actually looked at this? it's made by twitter retards
The tierlist has been great for the blacklist
I wish you liked me even just one tenth as much as I like you.....
name choob
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everyone here would be on their list
Is it unwise to become a vtuber if I don't watch any vtubers or even much stremaing myself?
Yes...but you could just get lucky regardless
funnily enough no, just try it out and see how it goes because a lot of big vtubers are people who dont watch vtubers nor streamed before trying out being a vtuber and finding success through it. It's always a good idea to try things out to see if you enjoy it than never trying at all.
the good thing about it is since you dont know what everyone else is doing, your content will most likely be unique and not just copying others
the downside is you dont know what everyone else is doing
What's the worse that could happen? Except for mental illnesses that could get worse
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/asp/ies for this feel?
I got into vtubing as someone who didn't even know the culture until now and I'm doing fine
Making a bluesky account just made me realize how many 2views there are. Insane. Thousands and thousands. Thankfully, most of them have crippled themselves by being furries or having repulsive models no normal human could look at without disgust, but still, the competition is insane.
none of those things apply to me though.
that's why getting 5-10 viewers from posting yourself here is an insane boost over the competition.
how else would you define it if its not competition
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competition would imply you provide the same thing and you have to provide it better, but if you were already bringing innovation to the table then it's not really competition.
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Imagine seething because someone has a good model
Fwofie looking like the sex she is.
I wish she'd step on me!
so cute... super cute beautiful angel...
the hair face and outfit are so much cuter, i wonder how the rigging will look
I hope grace sees fwofie's new model and cooms to it....
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Those hips don’t lie (and she’ll have a run in with the tranny who works at twitch that hates vtubers)
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here ya go
>meet lots of cute girls through vtubing, both vtubers and viewers
>would kill to have one of them have an unhealthy attachment to me
>one girl finally develops unhealthy attachment to me
>she’s not cute and has a pretty shitty personality
I’ve never been less attracted to a girl. I’m a kissless virgin and I still want her to just fuck off.
I can fix her
everyone says they want an obsessive gf until they actually get one. it really is more trouble than it's worth.
I would love for her to obsess over me
youve never talked to a woman
Woke up thinking about you. I wish you were here to hold me. I really want to be with you
I was in a similar situation except that I loved them too. Things happened and now I can't reciprocate those feelings and be their special person again. I feel so guilty for having inadvertently caused them so much hurt and pain recently. I genuinely hope they can move on and find some happiness in the future, but I'm scared that my words just rung hollow or fell on deaf ears. I really believe in them and know they can find happiness if they don't give up. I hope that in the future our time together can be a distant pleasant memory instead, another star in the sky.
please don't... I just busted three times today for fwofie... my flesh is spongy
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It's been fun being back to streaming this past week. I'll be offline for awhile as I'm moving, but after that, I'll be back.
the only bad part is never being able to live up to the idealized version of yourself that she sees, so at some point they get disillusioned and move
why did fwofie downgrade her model? 2.0 looks worse
You need glasses
the new face looks like shit, it's squished
That's it?
ty for coming out! we made some spooky yippees in spooky world!
It's the art style and it looks cute. You don't have to like it, it's not your model.
now that you mention it the face looks kinda bad yeah
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Bonni's bonnis...
The classic 'old good, new bad'
and i can say that i don't like it too, you don't have to get upset
Why do they specify harassment towards sex workers??? Isn't that just included in harassment? Gives me massive gooner vibes "errm, actually, sex work is real work "
her legs are awkwardly long i feel like
>I don't enjoy long sexy legs
>longs legs on a midget's torso
i like long legs they're just wasted here
Her torso is proportional to the legs, she just has huge boobs.
I see it.
"lewdtubers are whores"
basically thats what they mean
What the FUCK are you talking about?
you see THAT'S gay
Who did you hurt so bad
Name her
Name them
Name them or give hints
you are so annoying
Not as annoying as the name them posts. If I wanted to name them I would have already done it
You're STILL expecting vagueposters to spill the beans?
If you don't want to name them then shut the fuck up, nobody cares about your pathetic life.
cute and autistic
At least take the vita route and name them eventually or take the camui route and use nicknames so they know it’s them
Stop making anons nervous they’re being posted about
Why would they be nervous about that?
That's something that should stay between us.
And yet you posted about it on a public imageboard, dipshit.
It was just in response to the other anon's story
Ok fine. I'll confess now. I love _________
Sorry anon but I already have a bf
i told fwofie i would suck his dick and he responded by sending me a adress wish me luck chat
if you loved them too why didn't you try?
When the residence indeed is evil with Claire too
Sorry I don't watch stinky males like you. Better luck next life.
let's place bets on how long it takes for them to notice that they are muted on stream
whats the point of streaming if youre muted
be nice he's new
he is not, he has been posting his link and networking for almost a year already
I don't think I'm going to drink on stream again, that was certainly awful
If you don't have time to stream try rebroadcasting your VODs while text chatting with your favorite viewers.
How can you make your viewers want to clip stuff more aside from the clip command?

you and your chat at odds (in a joking way)
bullying them, gaslighting

pick a couple topics that suit you, in the sense of you being right, being amazing, being a pro

rage at your chat for doing something wrong, like talking or posting about your failures

its a fine line to walk in the sense that it isn't serious but is a fun activity for everyone.
there are many streamers that do this very well, offhand right now i can only think of (nonvtuber) aikobliss. maybe its better to watch a bunch of streamers and to try to identify this activity so you can better understand it
clips are never funny
Too bad, he's my bf.
vtubers are never funny which is why female vtubers have an advantage over male vtubers
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You drank on stream?? We should organize something so that you don't drink alone brother/sister
Let us join you, let us share the drinks dear and fellow alcoholic friend
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9 views and one like
I'm famous /asp/ies heck yeah
omochii is cute i want to tie his hands behind his back and punch him in the gut until he vomits.
i'm not who you're replying to but every message in this reply chain hits so close because i am a mental midget with chronic depression who doesn't stream ya ;_; so true senpai
Offer bounties, and contests with prize rewards for clipping.
Horny hags activate my dick like nothing else man
ty for all the support yesterday guys!!

to those who say the proportions are weird, it's a stylistic choice. I love my artist and the face looks a lot better in action/zoomed in. I'll be sharing some more stuff within the next 3 weeks leading up to my debut but if you guys have questions regarding models/rigging general vtubing stuff I'm always open to answer what I can since I've learned a lot having commissioned two models now and being around the twitter chuuba space for ~1.5 years

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