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Sample the Cake Edition

>Her YouTube channel
>Her Membership
>Her Twitter

>Twitter Spaces, Event Streams, Unarchived Karaokes, etc.

Official Mint Happi (Preorders end October 18th) - https://yeahlights.com/products/official-mint-fantome-happi-coat
Virtual Vacation - https://shop.oshispark.com/


>Our Divegrass team

Previous thread: >>87640508
I should have put pre orders end today
The anons below me are very gay
I thought the sample text was a swastica for a second
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I miss Minto.....
Qrd on her butt and thigh moles? My dick must know if this is accurate.
She brags about having a big butt often and she has the moles on her reference sheet!
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Lore accurate!
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
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You can't have sex with ghosts, anon.
Why do you people want me to jerkoff to this ghosts ass?! I don't even watch her!
It's what SHE wants, anon! Just do it!
Moar Mint rump, plz.
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I'm pretty sure this person is who Mint's working with for the Chibi Minto plushie
Compare the hair of the one on the left + the body of the one on the right, with the Chibi Minto plushie she's been posting
Oh yeah, I can see the resemblance. Cool if that's true. I've been a fan of moorina's work for like a decade
>Miyu PFP
Yeah it's her Minto probably loves her because she's a fellow cunny lover.
>loves cunny
>and it in the ass
Minto seems like a pretty cool guy, eh.
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Also this
Why does she have a line drawn on her?
*spreads her cheeks*
more like 10
Why did she start DmC, anyway? The memes?
Elira recommended it to her.
Heard it has wacky story & characters like MGS
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I went ahead and placed an order for mosaic.wave's newest album. Once I get it (probably mid-January) I'll rip & upload AKIBerse if nobody else does so first.
No... Mint doesn't stink...
that can change so don't despair
Don't believe you
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oyasuminto wisps
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Rest... forever!
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>her face when it's the third time this week that I ordered ass parfait
>14 hour until more Minto
It hurts
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>live in Europe
>will never wake up to a GOOD MORNING MINTO
obviously you must give up everything you know and move
Technically got a GMM at the correct time if you received it during her Japan arc and it was past midnight
Holy shit.
Dead hours, so I wanted to check out threads that are usually pretty chill that I don't visit often like /choc/ or /freak/, but this also means I have to see the catalog.
Is it always that bad at this time?
Yes indeed. People have talked about SEA hours being awful for a long time and they're not really exaggerating.
My advice if you're bored of the board, try other ones like /v/, /vg/, /a/, /an/, etc etc. it's nice to get away from /here/
It's crazy how rent-free Pomu/Mint lives in the heads of SEAfags for seemingly no reason. Does nothing but reinforce that she has, indeed, made it.
it's not just that, the log is extremely low quality all across the board.
It's a Free for all for most chuubas outside of PC
And right now one of their most popular talents is under fire so bait threads are gonna be posted 10 fold.
It really is. Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever get a /vtg/, especially not after this year but I think we desperately needed one before things got to be this way
good or funny threads do exist and some communities even turned anti threads into generals. /flip/ isn't even the only one. /vtg/ would be the official announcement that this shithole is beyond salvation and that there's no hope to ever change this.
that being said, /vtg/ is desperately needed.
counterpoint: what kind of lawless hellhole would this place become if it was totally cut loose like that
We have precedence with /v/ and its splintering. Generals as a concept do not work well anyway, the website wasn't made for this format, whether you dedicate entire boards to it or not. Not the first time I've said this in /mint/ either.
This is genuinely what something like reddit is for, but reddit comes with its own rancid shit
The same one it's been for years.
Only hololive is somewhat protected from drama and it took two years of non stop
to get that way. The mods were notorious for leaving dox up of people who weren't in hololive for hours, reports do little to nothing to the point where one schizo with a pass can ruin entire threads and half of the shit Twitter and dramafags spew is from the catalog. This board is possibly one of the worst moderated ones out there and if you ever call mods out for not doing their jobs youre given a 3 day for complaining.
>Only hololive is somewhat protected from drama
Considering the last 12 hours, no they aren't. Phase Connect on the other hand...
I browse /v/ and /vg/ I can tell you with certainty that generals work when there are niche things that you wanna discuss. /vg/ is pretty civil in most of their threads and there's usually not a ton of crossover between them.
/v/ has one of the highest ban rates on the site due to how retarded it gets.

You also cannot tell me with a straighface
>generals don't work and that's reddit to think otherwise
Almost everything under the letter "V" for this site is a splinter of /v/ with the only exceptions being this forsaken board and /vip/ if you want to even count that one.
True but that's why I say somewhat.
Regardless I feel we're getting off topic. Sorry I was frustrated
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It's ok, we're in deep dead hours anyway.
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discussing board events during death hours is more fun than discussing the state of the board during dead hours.
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>during death hours
I mean generals do not work well from a functional aspect of the website. Every forum's individual quality is dependent on the userbase and it can be good even on the various generals of 4chan, but having to artificially breath life into your generals so they don't get supplanted by new threads, as well as post and image limits, is not something that is very conducive to generals as a large feature of 4chan. This is an imageboard made for transient discussions and posting
smooching mint's strawberry butthole!
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death hours because that's when Lilac stabs you
She should see a proctologist
I think Lilac should have sex with Ms. Inpuff
Innie and puffy?
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God, I want Lilac to stab me to death
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Man, you guys really enjoy your cake parties huh
I'd love a piece of bae's bony ass, too
We know, IRyS
>/vg/ is pretty civil in most of their threads and there's usually not a ton of crossover between them.
As long as you don't go to the Hoyo threads that is or a lot of the gacha threads
The only one that I actually like is the Senran Kagura general and that's because we're all depressed there's still no new game.
Are you the wisp that replied to that one guy randomly seething about mint in the Ina thread?
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Want some?
this image will never not be creepy
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>Cake with a side of booba
I will gladly accept your invitation, kind anon

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