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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhFvq4owWSw
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJz_RFrIqdY
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBD.
Next streams:
MON - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
TUE - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - Space Marine 2 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - Mario Party w/ Kiara, Shiori & Gigi at 3 PM EST | 12 AM PST | 4 AM JST
THU - Advent Collab - Phasmophobia at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Gigi's Bday Dinner Party at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - Might have to take the day off due to Biboo Business
SUN - Something/Spooky game (Silent Hill 2/Dead Space) at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
Possible streams:
Silent Hill 2
Some ongoing things (such as BLOPS, Wukong, FONV, etc) might be put on pause so she can focus on spooky games during October!
Grindstone Collab - PANICORE - on the 21st.
Sex with BiBOO!
How did Biboo and kronster die anyway?
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Cute of Gigi to host something for the girls to have fun on her anniversary of all things. I had fun, the scuff gave it soul.
it was actually town of salem in disguise, ERB/nerissa probably chose to kill Biboo and Kronii during the blackouts
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Puzzle time!
less scuff than usual I feel, gigi kept things pretty on track
Same. I like when they do group things, even when scuffed. Normal streams are, well, normal, so something out of the ordinary like this is always a fun watch
I love my wife's ghost rhymes so much. She always tries to add a bit of extra to everything she does. Funny how the other dead girls followed suit
I actually thought that it was required of them to do it kek

Frame up. Idol stuff Sunday instead of Saturday.
Schejewel correction.
Next streams:
MON - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
TUE - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - Space Marine 2 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - Mario Party w/ Kiara, Shiori & Gigi at 3 PM EST | 12 AM PST | 4 AM JST
THU - Advent Collab - Phasmophobia at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Gigi's Bday Dinner Party at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - Silent Hill 2 at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
SUN - Day off - Biboo Idol Meeting
Possible streams:
Some ongoing things (such as BLOPS, Wukong, FONV, etc) might be put on pause so she can focus on spooky games during October!
Grindstone Collab - PANICORE - on the 21st.
didn't ask
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Thanks for playing!
there's always next time, enjoy your pizza!
moon demonz why are you always in chat?
nice nice
oh yeah, another thing, SH2 doesn't get "scary" until the apartment
good, I want her to play for long, not get scared and have to stop due to headaches
I'm there for biboo, not for the game
she will almost certainly get bored of it
Cover won't mess up with a work visa and disappoint Biboo, right?
/gem/ posters won't shitpost all night, right?
can I get a qrd? As she described, I also know nothing about this game, I saw plenty anons saying her to skip this game, what makes it so bad?
idk how different it would be for biboo since she's planning on actually moving to JP so there may be different immigration forms but i'm not sure, actually kinda curious about the process of how to move to JP
suggesting* sorry, I'm eepy.
not sure, i also saw someone (probably the same person probably not) say that they would rather see her play original silent hill 2 and not the remake and idk like what's the point they're the same game right?
If we go by normal Biboo stream time (6 to 8 hours) she can easily reach and clear the apartment, probably even end the stream meeting Maria.
just watch this for a few minutes
>they're the same game right?
what would you say makes the remake worse than the original SH2
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she's just... so cool!
runs like shit
terrible voice acting
combat removes any real horror leaving only shitty jump scares
combat is braindead retarded
game is way overpriced
unnecessary censorship despite there being a warning when you boot up the game
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You wanted me to watch Reine pick graphics settings?
that's his idea of what an argument looks like
no I want you to watch how much she struggles just to get this piece of shit to run
took you 7 minutes to go to /v/ to get these? lmao
why are you seething and bitching here? fuck off
It's pretty much the same process for any work visa, but the length of stays can be extended depending on your employment terms. You work with your employer in Japan to gather and fill out all the documents you need to prove your eligibility and date of entry, file those with the Japanese embassy or consulate closest to you, and they approve your visa to travel. Higher skill jobs in demand can usually stay up to 5 years before needing to renew, and entertainers are usually get 1 to 3-year visas. The hardest part when I did a 1-year stay as a student was all the annoying bureaucratic documentation you needed to take care of after arriving at the local ward office. Also stamps. I hope you like stamping things.
I love her rhymes SO FUCKING MUCH. I wanna hear her side of it next stream
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I'd just like to take a moment to thank gg for commissioning this amazing biboo and I REALLY hope it spawns a couple pieces of decent fanart.
Sad /v/ermin.
wrong board shill
Stop interacting with it already.
Biboo is a good senpai
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All I saw was her asking chat what would be best and waiting for them to reply
>Tanya the Evil watchalong with biboo
I think she'd love it.
That'd be KINO.
Well... It is just not my kind of game.
I'll watch her because I love her, but that's it. That's all the reason I need.
But yeah, I don't think this was a good suggestion
I think I underestimated just how many children there are watching Biboo...

>I'll watch her because I love her, but that's it.
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Last bump. I'm not sure if I'm wrong or crazy, but there was someone saying about a collab this Monday. I know Wife said that there is a grindstone collab, but someone was also saying that Shiori confirmed another collab this very Monday too, The Forest, and instead of having FWMC, they invited Bae. I'm not entirely sure if this is true or am I getting trolled.
It was confirmed during Shiori's member stream today, it's Sweaty Gamers Forest but replace Bae with Shiori
moon you have absolutely shit taste
AFAIK Shiorin did say that, and although that's more recent than the grindstone collab, Kaela also confirmed (a while ago) that the PANICORE collab would happen on the 21st. At this point there's nothing we can do other than wait, I believe.
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Would you still love Biboo if she became a spooky ghost?
errm what the pebble that looks tasty
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I will ALWAYS love biboo, no matter what
That's so cute....
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For all intents and purposes they're the same story. The gameplay is completely changed from fixed perspective tank controls classic RE style horror game from the late 90s early 2000s, which can remove tension and will obviously make jumpscares impossible to happen as you have complete control and an insane amount of spatial awareness that comes with it being a 3rd person over the shoulder perspective. This focuses on it being more action than Horror in a sense, which doesn't matter much for silent hill because the horror is in what it implies and what it shows.
They took some creative liberties that sometimes detract from the original (changing the hospital, removing the smaller abstract daddy, somewhat important for Angela's closure), and others that expand on the original (the labyrinth has a purpose and connects with the other areas, it's not just jumbled reused assets).

The cons of the remake:
>Padded to hell and back
>James is slow as shit running around.
>The combat sometimes is too precise, amidst its jank. Still on the fence about fucking iframe dodge roll. Leon is a cop in RE2 and he didn't have it, and he's supposed to be THE action man.
>Voice acting delivery is so so. James actor did a good job, Maria/Mary did a terrible job. Angela's tried her best (Mary Elizabeth McGlynn wasn't that great either, but her intonation worked fine because of the japanese direction). Eddie is solid 7.5 out of 10, made to be a fat fuck that you hate.
>Runs like garbage thanks to Unreal 5 and poor polish(heh) optimization combined. I can't even imagine how bad it would be if this game had Denuvo
>Some new music absolutely ruin old cutscenes. New Promise and New Angel Thanatos are actual audible diarrhea compared to the original.

The pros of the remake:
>Easier to get into than the Original SH2, which can only be experienced fully on original hardware. There's a PC mod that tries to emulate it, but it doesn't quite get it.
>Most of the new things you see were actual things in the original, just out of frame because of fixed camera work. The devs actually hacked the original game to reproduce entire areas correctly. So it's a bit of fanservice for old SH2 fans. My favorite was the reference to Walter in the Prison, which is just out of frame in the original.
>Didn't try to get gritty, or modernized dialogue, unlike RE remakes did with Leon cussing at everything. They actually respected the original in this regard.

All in all, it's like a 6/10 game. I don't think it's a game Biboo will like, but her curiosity might keep her playing to see what happens with the characters at least. They're purposefully made to be as mysterious as possible, as a way to hook the player.

Sorry for using the Biboo General for this, but I had to get it off my chest.
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Thanks pebbros, sorry for the confusion.
Biboo LOVE
The thing that really disappoints me is that Biboo gives into "people" SC begging for games. It will keep happening with every new shitty FOTW...
cry louder /v/tardf
lmao, the sister is seething
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You mean like the guy who begged her to play dead space with an aka supa?
no I mean all the shills spamming the bare minimum SCs every single stream until she plays it
Dumbass, she said time and again that she trust pebbles and their game recs. Stop being a shit-stirrer for once in your miserable life and enjoy the rock.
Ah, the guys who begged her to play Space Marines 2
the bot can't even speak english, lmao
>Biboo gives into "people" SC begging for games
You're basing this assertion on what exactly?
Its especially dumb because I swear people begged her to play Deep rock galactic and Nine Sols like 15 times by now
She plays what she wants
literally what happened, you fucking retard
Bonus points to you, resident schizo. Your bait got a good couple people that time. Usually you just get ignored and I chuckle to myself
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>biboo played a game she enjoyed
>meaning she "gave into" begging
Ok retard.
>a game she enjoyed
>Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.
>I will continue making baseless assertions in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary
Ok retard.
Oh nevermind. It's the schizo and the other one that likes egging them on because the schizo is too one-dimensional. Can't be helped at this point
it's just you, schizo
What the heck were you expecting during dead dead hours?
Im not going to read any of what you guys posted and am going to assumed it was 93 posts of "biboo cute"
Those are the posts you should read, you can skip the rest:
I want to fuck sassy biboo
Thats one of my favorite biboo moments.
I love how she reacts when she sees the katana.
I miss the GTA arc...
That whole arc is going to live rent free in my head for a very long time
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Who she reminds me off
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This is my wife. Say something nice about her!
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She has a cute nose!
She has a great set of bottom teeth!
Cute neck!
She is very sex
Her laugh makes me laugh and warms my heart
There's a place in hell for elbbeps like you!
Sometimes you sarcastic assholes are pretty funny
She looks very cute with a pacifier!
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Codename Fairy
I want to rub this thing against my dick
>Bijou doesn't have a stream for hologta day 1 when she got the first arrest on the server and also got molested by Marine in her club while Mori watched
That'll be a memory just for us to hold on to, forever.
>no cunny
This triggered a reaction in my brain. Pavlov was right
Text you can hear
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>I'll be busy on sunday night with family stuff
>biboo moves her stream to tonight so I don't miss it
She really loves me
GTA felt like a rehabilitation attempt for Biboo's severely sexually repressed chat. They freak out more about her getting in any kind of racy situation than the japanese do over Sora pole dancing.
Only true autists can look at a multi branch event with cute girl interactions and have their first thought be about her chat
Nice projection, I just know who to blame each time Biboo suddenly gets awkward during adult humor skits with the JP senpais.
She hasn't gotten awkward yet so I think she'll be fine
You must not have watched GTA then, because she was almost dead silent each time she went to the club despite it being totally out of character for her.
Was that before or after she did the pole dancing and kissing?
The pole dancing and kissing she did complete no-sells on?
She did them though. How you feel about it is subjective to you specifically

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