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Fluffy Fuzzy Sleepy Sisters Edition
Previous Thread >>87719328

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
JP only 3D ASMR collab. Season 3 is the pits.
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This fluffy seductress
i ripped the skin on my dick from fapping too hard
this thread will be good. we are almost at comfy hours
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Gomen, I don't normally bake at this time of night but didn't want a repeat of the last few
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Post the JP ASMR. Let the EOPs see the love and effort they put into the JP version. I want to laugh at the crying EOPmongrels!! KEKY
It's fine as long just as long as some tranny didn't bake kek
more than half of this thread are tourists and sisters, did you not just see the past 2 threads where there was 5 people spamming gigi's stream?
I would like to start a movement to ask Mococo to eat natto in her next ASMR.

Time for bed I am very sleepy and Patra is in 6 hours
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I want a demand a full release of the cover art for their ASMR voicepack
When are we getting earlicking ASMR
so true crossposting sis, other threads never pirate their oshi's merch, i am so demoralized with how bad /baubau/ is in particular.
gross. give me real ASMR like oil massage and ear kisses[\spoilers]
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>didnt see a thread was already up
lol... shameless repost but It actually feels like I'm the only one in this thread who absolutely adored these VPs.
As one of the ASMR beggars, I am pretty much completely satisfied and got exactly what I wanted. I might still be on a high simce I just finished them, but this is enough to tide me over for a very long time. I dont really care if thy do ASMR collabs with patra or whatever, cause this was unironically enough for me until they inevitably feel comfortable enough to do a live twin ASMR
>Probably Aeon or Junk.
Well, I am glad you got what you wanted.
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Scold me more Fuwawa I'm a naughty boy
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Yeah it was really good even if I don't care for ear play at all
My guess is they didn't participate because they thought the others would vote them out first.
I love the girls but man I wish they had been a part of this kino. Mococo trying to solve a mystery would be so funny. Our puppers need to get out of their comfort zone more
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I'm neither. Don't ever EVER call me by those names ever again or I'll dip you in a vat of hydrochloric acid and watch your skin and meat peel off of your bones
They don't care about EN
they were ok. too short for the price tag
/baubau is basically a fuwamoco anti thread
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For now I'm happy with what we got in the VP. Though in the future I hope they do heartbeat asmr while softly singing LTST.
It is
That's not true. They usually show up to all of the big EN collabs and regularly collab with gen mates.
The VPs are nice and all but where's my like?
didn't stop them from being in the Marine mind thing
reserved for Japanese tweets about the 3D collab
Full vp out in the other thread btw
They only show up when management tells them to, they have no desire to interact with EN
So true sis.
Why are you fags like this?
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>Big brother! How about I call you that?
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>P-please post the JP ASMR... I'm n-not a poorfag, I promise! I just want to laugh at the EOPs!!
I knew JP beggars were pathetic poorfags that never send SCs during JP streams, but this is just sad.
Kek it sounds so awkward in english
Why the fuck are there 2 threads?
now that the schizos are asleep and I've listened to both can we talk about how much better the Japanese ear cleaning was?
It sounds just as awkward in both languages, EN is simply your first language so you aren't able to truly understand how awkward they actually sound in JP sometimes. This is no different.
this one is cringe and the other one is based
I doubt all the shitposters left but I only bought the EN one so I don't know if there is a difference
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The entire vp is better in Japanese
No it doesn't you retarded EOP
The EN pack sounded better overall to me, cause they sound more natural and less clinical(well mostly Fuwawa, Mococo sounds awkward in both kek). Both are worth getting, but the slight changes in the EN script make it feel a bit more like them and less like a script handed to them.
>It sounds just as awkward in both languages
Not really
The first live ASMR shouldn't be a Doggy Pack stream. It should be a Hot Dog stream. That's right, Tier 2 that bitch. Their membership money would literally triple that month.

Those original song projects ain't gonna pay for themselves
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I mean, I don't expect you to understand since clearly you can barely speak either language heh
They have differences in even the cleaning triggers. Fuwawa's hands must have gotten tired by the time the English one happened because she just jams it in violently with no rhythm in the EN one
Happens sometimes, just two different people baking on accident
Mocotyan your big brother is pleased so pleased in fact that I don't feel like violently raping you on the spot
The EN pack was definitely better overall, but thats just the case when it comes to their voice packs. The JP packs are normally very unnatural and over-acted
>Now that the schizos are asleep, here's my shitpost to try and rile them awake.
Very subtle sister!
I and the other baker happened to be awake at the same time
Well the tag team blowjob ASMR was a welcome surprise
The bonus voice is only in Japanese...the JPs got more content.
I don't want to relax i want to rape you mocochan
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They should stop calling me "big brother" and call me papa instead... Does any girl do this, or am I cursed to forever be brother-zoned?
I'm sure if you looked hard enough there is someone who does ASMR and calls you that. good luck finding one that's good though
What is this shit? I would NEVER help Pero out
This is an unironic cultural barrier thing, since JPs have more or a brother/sister dynamic obsession whereas westerners are more attached to the father/daughter dynamic.
This is why they changed brother!Nier into father!Nier for the US release.
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Their encouraging words of affirmation made me wanna tear up
ojisans are we waking up in 5 hours?
Of course, I ain't missing their sex dance with Patra.
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No... Ojisans, we're sleeping at a resonable time tonight.
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I'm probably not gonna sleep at all
I woke up late, so I'll probably just stay up at this point
No imma watch the vod
not with how much bourbon I'm currently drinking, I'll be lucky to wake up alive tomorrow
All this time listening to anime & erotic ASMR wasn't a waste! I understood like 90% of their After Talk with Patra.
I'm not even watching the VOD if I'm being honest
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Kind of curious how many are still around. I don't bake nearly as much as I used to It's usually just when I see there hasn't been a thread up for a few minutes, or when a clear anti is making bakes
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Yeah the brother thing was my only small issue with it. I would've liked to be called Wuffian/Raffian. But whatever, it was their first ASMR so I'll let it slide.
I'm suspect there are probably 3 at most these days
I think their pseudo-GFE phase is long over. That phase lasted from Christmas of last year to Valentines Day, and its bee. pretty much barren ever since outside of the bridal pack. I think they're trying to deviate and direct the Ruffians into a more platonic "brother/sister" path, but will obviously never outright say "We're not your girlfriends, we're your sisters!" when they probably should have early on. This is just my schizo analysis caue they've been all over the place, and it seems like they'd prefer to have a close intimate familial relationship with the Ruffians as opposed to romantic. I think.
I think them getting to perform again for their 3D debut and BD made them realize this is what they REALLY want to do and focus their attention on.
I think you're a retard samefag.
No, not me. I'm (You)
Holy fuck
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I feel like as long as there are ruffians to say goodnight to, I won't completely stop. I like telling ruffians goodnight and want them to sleep well
are you people really unfamiliar with the oniisan trope? like, the most basic of all anime tropes and what it represents?
>not tagged or soft tagged
I gazed upon your eyes and knew you were my shigga
I read his tweets after and realized he has brain problems
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Kill yourself, sister. They literally did a fucking bride voice pack not that long ago where they marry the Ruffian(me), they weren't forced to do it, they just did it because they wanted to. And they reminded us of that voice pack in the last RnR, so they clearly want us to get it. They are also becoming more and more open about wanting the Ruffians to see them as sexy.
Fuwawa did not count me down with her gorgeous voice... so sadly no
>a coomer has brain problems
many such cases
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This is my first time experiencing ear blowing asmr and I like it
it's one of the easiest triggers to get right but it's also one of the best
Its over...
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>ear blowing asmr
Can I lick Fuwawa's human ears?
New femruffian dropped
this reminds me of the ear schizo on /a/ lol
Goddammit the way she said this line
sounded like
because of her pronunciation
They should watch literally any stream
They are literally doing ASMR porn for the JPs... It's over...
Kinda wish I didn't bullshit around so much in my 20's.
One day I will visit Japan, and feel the true EOP experience first hand.
>7000 Yen
Holy black company. What is the total time on this set?
You still have time.
I bet she would repeat 1 like 10 times.
Oh I know I have time and I actually have money to enjoy the experience as well.
I just need to stop being a pussy and book my accommodation and flight and just go.
40 minutes
Oniisan is kinda formal sounding, isn't it?
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They already mentioned before that those ears don't work and are basically decoration
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I want to cum. Which one do I listen to?
All 8 Voice packs at the exact same time.
this thread is infested with EOPs that hate JP culture, of course they aren't familiar
I'd argue that Fuwawa's is better since she teases you, but Mococo's is also ok but I don't wanna spoil it since it tugged at my heart strings a bit.
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Can't do that, I only bought the EN ones.

Okay, I'll listen to Fuwawa's to cum, and then I'll listen to Mococo's after getting post-nut clarity
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>"you're not dreaming anymore, we're really here!
>open my eyes
>alone in a dark room
That's when you're supposed to press the FWMC voice keychain
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>well what do you want your older sister to do?
finished bookmarking some of the asmr review posts
I feel sad that I can’t respond to their ASMR shilling tweets with positivity. I didn’t like them at all and faking it is too much… I think this is the first time I have ever felt this way about a product that they clearly are passionate and nervous about.
>precum message with jp vp first
>realize that EN fans don't like being second fiddle
>send another message 20 min later with EN only and pin that instead
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>get prepared to cum listening to Fuwawa's ASMR
>unironically tearing up due to her telling me "there there tyou work so hard..." the whole time leading into her falling asleep next ti me
you fuckers swindled me. i wanted to cum not cry fuck this shit fuck you all
Who said you can’t do both?
Im gonna try mococos and see how that is
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>you fuckers swindled me.
I don't like ASMR, whispering and shit in my ears makes me involuntarily want to punch shit. Is it still worth listening to?
No. Even though I like asmr the paywall was a bit steep for this.
So I suggest you don't unless you're really curious.
Just listen to the teaser video and the samples on the shop and decide from there
>There there, pat pat... You're such a good boy.
Youre unironically supposed to lay in bed with your eyes closed and imagine them laying beside you>>87742873
The Marine stream was way shorter. Here, they would still be expected to stick around the whole time and talk as ghosts when summoned.
Its worth it if you want to hear them both call you a "good boy" and then tell you how hard your working and how you should sleep/eat more.
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Mococo singing "ain't no use" is not leaving my head
Imma explode soon
You don't have to lie, be honest and they'll still appreciate it
Maybe ASMR is not your thing and you can just say that you still appreciate their efforts nonetheless for doing something out of their comfort zone, or you can point out stuff that you think they could improve on to help them get better at it
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The Mococo one was just as heartwarming as the Fuwawa one. Cant listen to the full 20 min one yet cause I need to rest my heart for a while.
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I can't wait to be able to listen in bed later
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I've only listened to the first three packs as of now(one the EN ones atm), but so far they seem literally designed for you to fall asleep to while they say comforting things like "there there, you work so hard"
Reine drawing them right now on her stream.
Explain this concept to me, because I don't understand. Do people actually sleep with headphones on? How is that comfortable? Wouldn't you break them?
Also I hope you guys aren't using earbuds in this day and age. Ear damage...
nta but I used to fall asleep with earbuds on as a teen. Did it for years and never had any issues
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>"So you're a naughty boy~"
that kind of shit might cause you to get tinnitus if something is playing through the earbuds or headphones the whole night
>might cause you to get tinnitus
Too late kek
I've been wanting to make kind of a sleepytime cut of some comfy FWMC things for a little while now for personal use. I'll probably at least upload it here if the results are good
I sleep with fairly loose earbuds in, so they usually fall out when I inevitably shift a little in bed. Audio doesn't keep going all night either since I typically have things set to pause automatically every hour
i just farted
oh well at least others can still be warned
our ears weren't meant to be constantly bombarded with sound without any breaks
Not him but I can answer this
I sleep with asmr on for 8 hours a day 7 days a week with headphones on.
I do sleep with my AT M40x Headphones on my head and yes they are wired.
No I haven't woke up from being strangled yet. (almost 4 years without choking or dying)
>Wouldn't you break them?
I've broken 1 pair of M40x completely the left earphone snapped off from a long fever sleep that was 14 hours long.
2 cheap razer headsets the left ear phone no longer works from abuse of constant turning and wear and tear over time basically I went through 2 of those headsets in 4 years, I per year. Currently on my second pair of M40x I just replace the cable every year. Luckily I got spares.
>How is that comfortable?
It's only uncomfortable when my pillows stuffing is pushed to one side otherwise the AT M40x are comfy enough all night.
>Ear damage
I just keep the volume at a level that isn't too hard on my ears.
The trick is to not have autoplay on. Make a playlist and have it cycle through that entire playlist a total of one(1) single time. a 40 min ASMR playlist should be fine, and youll more than likely fall asleep by the end.
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I came to Fuwawa's ASMR... Her voice is too sexy...
if it's just going to be 40 mins, of course that won't be a problem
Am I in the wrong thread? Why were there no reactions to their tweet about buying 80 pon de rings for staff?
old news from pekora's stream like 2 weeks ago
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Patra can also draw?
ehehe dumbass
I didn't really have anything noteworthy to say about it
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Wanna explain this one?
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>"I love how hard-working you are"
>"I know you are working really hard"
Haha... yeah, about that...
Reine? That's pretty cute but what the hell is that car
$70 fucking AUD. Goddamn this country
allegedly doggo car
holy fuck people draw like a fucking express train
it usually took me fucking four hours just to get a sketch I'm ok with, let alone drawing the lineart
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Mococo, you fucking retard... You are not blowing air at the mic correctly half of the time
Oil massage >>>>> hair shampooing >>>>>>>>>>>> ear cleaning >>>>>>>>>> ear blowing
Sloppy blowjob twin ASMR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything in your post
gaming streams >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paid asmr voice packs
FWMC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *
you > me
f(FWMC) > lim(x => *) d(x)/dt
Also kissing can be amazing, but it varies GREATLY between girls.
One of the best hamu hamu ear nibble kisses were from Rushia actually
Fuck ASMR, it's whorish in nature. Their greed for money has made them betray their principles.
Good, I want them to do subtle JOIs and countdowns and wet kisses.
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This is the kind of kiss I want from Fuwawa.
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80 fucking donuts? These bitches spent my supachats on fucking donuts to feed Jap wagies. I've never felt more cucked in my life
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ccgg sex is now canon
when will fwmc sex each other on stream
They already do
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i cant understand anything they say
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disgusting ESL
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>Fuwawa kissing in JP
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Their first ASMR is a fucking voice pack
it feels weird to listen to moco-chan on the left side and fuwawa on the right, i'm used to always seeing them the other way around
you need to imagine you are in between them from their POV
>both solo ASMRs focus on the right ear
Should have chose opposite ears, so I could play both simultaneously.
SEX with Mococo's KU100 mic
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we will get fate in next week's schedule, I believe
You have your headphones on backwards anon
>no power because a tree fell down
fuck off why today
Have we tried shitting our pants and crying yet?!?
That sucks, anon, I was getting storm warnings and was really worried about this all day yesterday.
The Patra 3D collab has been retweeted like 20 times.
I wonder if someone just recently gifted fwmc the lower version of x premium that doesn't show the checkmark or if they got it on their own. You were still able to gift them just last week.
Hope someone saved a grudgepost from all of the Totally Real Ruffians saying they "have no excuse" and that it's prerecorded anyway.
Can you only gift the lower version? If so possible, otherwise probably got it on their on, no way people wouldn't have gifted them the top one.

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