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No stream today because she will be busy setting up VRchat but you can go buy the rum now
No solo streams for 3 months lol
she's still a guest on suisei's radio show today though
Oh yeah. But those are recorded in advance.
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3.48M subs already, wow
Yeah that's why she thinks it's fine to take today off
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why did I get this pai pai kamen thumbnail
Looks like her subs are getting botted. The shorts comments are filled with bots.

looks pretty normal to me, even when you sort by new
It's this clip where the bots are coming from.
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short I mean
Also just look at this
hmm, yeah not sure what's up there
Ao talked about Marine again today

ririka drafted Marine for koushien
>leeches are gonna leech
colour me surprised
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Marine's team

she was firstpicked

guests for day1 of the sololive confirmed

onaman stream link

~26 hours from this post
There will be more for sure.
I guess that means it probably won't be really live then, just the mc parts
Damn this group had a lot of potential, too bad they never collabed together before even though they were almost next to each other.
I just hope that Senchou's new place has better sound isolation, I feel that the constant noise from outside partly made her lose the will to stream.
That's all concerts all the time outside of the few who specifically want to do it live. Marine could never handle the pressure of doing something like this live.
I have never listened to an episode of Suisei's show, what is it about?
BTW I find it cute how Senchou and Suisei have been getting closer lately
It's just a talk show about music and the guest chooses a song to play.

that's the link
So this was recorded two weeks ago.
she'll be on 2 eps right? like sukodawa they do them in bulk
Salome enjoyer
can anyone catbox it?
Suisei thread does it

Yes https://x.com/nhk_vtuberradio/status/1847623335934644553
From suisei split
a h oooy
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note for listeners: marine only shows up 15 mins in
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Do you think Senchou will have a venomised animation like Fubuki and Haachama in the Venom watchalong?
If yes, I'd like to see what kind of sounds and jokes she makes about it.
She's watching with Lui so maybe only Lui has it.
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old woman whore
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This is not your mother’s general anon
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I want to share green tea with strawberry and kiwi fruit sandwiches with Marine.
Cute SuiMari
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stream on the 31st
collabbing with a new vtuber, looks like they're trying to force her by making her collab with holos and nijis out of the gate
Is the new vtuber a corporate mascot?
she's just some vtuber produced by Takashi Watanabe according to the site, that they're trying to make successful by getting her to collab with Niji and Holo vtubers on day 1
2M, Marine's 19th MV to hit 2M
The new model still looks so weird to me

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