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the cutest shark loli

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1846976469223805145

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters and divorcees. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>87686564
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goodnight shoggas
Oh hey it's the whore who ousted herself with the manager tweet.
Nice "GFE" vtuber you got there.
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Shondo it's bed time. You've got a long day tomorrow.
what do you mean? twin peaks dominant themes are sex, sexual power dynamics and sexual abuse
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good girl

goodnight shonshon
Could someone explain what happened in her deleted tweets on the alt? I didnt see them before she deleted and Ive been really busy this week
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yes but you have no idea if the mods don't want me reading chat or discord
ask them, until you hear an answer from them then you can't use that as an argument, you're just minimodding on the united kingdom shadowpuppet thread
(couldn't sleep)
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shondo said you smell then she felt bad and deleted it
>you have no idea if the mods don't want me reading chat or discord
Aren't you banned? Why would you be banned and unable to read the chat or Discord if they didn't want you to not be able to read the chat and Discord?
>We want you to be able to go into the club and listen to the music and drink, that's why we kicked you out and told the bouncers to not let you in.
She tweeted at some small 2view random who was giving a hot take about Loli vtubers. It mostly had nothing to do with Shondo and she just QRTd her and called her a tourist (Which they are). It's good that she deleted the tweets, it would be like Rhianna tweeting at some random singer who does shows at local bars for having a stupid opinion. Getting involved is unbecoming of someone of her size and influence.
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>Aren't you banned? Why would you be banned and unable to read the chat or Discord if they didn't want you to not be able to read the chat and Discord?
idk ask a mod
maybe we talked about it, maybe we didn't, maybe they told me specifically they didn't want me reading anything

it's not my place to say and neither is it yours, ask a mod or stop minimodding, it's pretty simple
someone else do shonstats, not this nonce
She's not responding to that particular petson, that's not how X works. She joined a discussion and laid truth that's needed to eradicate the trannys in vtubing.
>Discord discord discord
Who cares, go there if you wanna talk about them.
they cant theyre banned
me after i win and marry her
It would be nice if everybody would call her out when she does something stupid instead of one person doing it and getting dogpiled by a bunch of spineless pussies who will go here and call her out instead.
its usually better to just let her have her woman moment for a little while and then neg her about it later after shes calmed down a little bit
Try bringing something up later in discord you’ll get a bunch of mini mods going “we’re already past that try to stay on topic syadouYes”
if its anything relevant the discussion lasts long enough for her to calm down a bit im only talkin like 20 mins
and yet here you are coming here to be a pussy and cry
Caring about every bullshit a woman does is pussy behaviour lol
I syadouNod and tell her it's funny unironically
she liked me today i hope she likes me tomorrow
She initially wanted to clown on an anti-lolifag then realized she'd be trapped in another week of twitter drama about it that she didn't feel like dealing with so she deleted it. She was 100% right btw. Complaining about loli in vtubing when the most successful vtuber is a loli just exposes how much of a tourist you are. It's kind of like what Camilla tired to do with bashing Shondo for being a loli when she was still new to the scene before she realized how dumb it was and is now trying to be friends with her.
Not to mention loli isnt about age at all in the Japanese context so all the retards who complain about it immediately out themselves.
she was right but that doesnt mean she has to go shouting from the rooftops. it was also right to tell her to calm down with it
Don't let the Twitter discourse or the arguments over divorcees distract you from the fact that Dewd said that Forest Elder would encourage Shondo to be prostituted in the Discord today.
I think what keeps happening is that twitter keeps recommending these dramabait posts to her from random 2views and she can't help but speak her mind about them because they piss her off. She really needs to stop doing that and no, the fact that your alt is just a "personal account to rant" doesn't mean pick fights with random small vtubers, that just makes you look like a cunt.
All of this drama could be solved if she made another secret alt. GGS has gotten too big.
she should just dm me with her hot takes except do it at offcollab and by dm i mean whisper in my ear
No more alts.
why are you looping this 2 days later when you could've said all of this directly to her when it was actually relevant to bring up? conversation already happened and is done with
talking about a problem doesn't make it go away
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she doesn't need another alt, let twitter seethe, I love her reguardless
no but when it's been acknowledged you give it time for changes to happen rather than constantly going on about it constantly. but /here/ wouldn't know about that i guess since all everyone does here is loop shit that was never a problem to begin with. even then, you say that but she walked the posts back, deleted them and explained what the problem has been but you don't care you just want to bitch
hit nail on head
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wrong. don't you know? they're actually the REAL and true husbands, not white knights like you, it's the other way around, if you loved her you would agree and join in with us groomers
now post a wiggly in chama so we can harass you anonymously
yes that's why her commentary on it sucks
finished The Birds!
my gosh it holds up better than i expected it to. didnt expect to be holding my breath for some scenes.
I wasn’t. I was saying that people should be more willing to bonk her when she does something stupid like she herself asked for instead of dogpiling the bonkers.
dunno what to tell you. that's just a fact of life that there will always be dudes that jump to her defence no matter what. on that same note though "bonking" her doesn't mean you have to be a complete cunt and speak to her like shit
i have an idea bow to feed the egos of these moderators fast ^_^
oh dagnabbit i cant do it tonight or tomorrow.
who cares about reverence to the biggest vtuber it's streaming with an avatar not a religion, people can have their own principles such as, say, not caring for male vtubers even though many of them are holo level
I like lolis but forcing other people to tolerate my fetishes is dumb shit I don't waste my time doing. Loli crusaders on twitter are basically poltards at this point except talking about porn instead of anything with a semblance of material importance.
>it's streaming with an avatar
Holy fuck this board is actually reddit
i asked a mod and they said your GAY and banned forever
dude everyone here is less gay than these mods and im already the least gay person here
t. r/hololive
my idea is that these new mods get the luxury to ban some Gary alts! ^_^
It's really funny to go and read up whenever she talks about something and see all the people that have no idea about it all talking about it with no context to what they're saying.
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look at the most active chatters that watch shondo every day.
now look at the tweets for the Laura picture. at least you can conclude those guys who are clueless about the tweet yet in the top chatters will never win. zman also hasnt seen it as of August, so he aint winning there either.
hot take but her giving it a 6/10 is an accurate score imo for a girl like her. her giving fire walk with me a 10/10 worries me shes even more a normie than i think she is. i give the show 7.5/10 for different reasons

but seriously, if you spend 8 hours a day chatting in twitch about shondo, the least you could do is watch the first episode of a show shes watching with her family. and shes mentioned it several times
The show looks like ass and I didn’t even join the conversation because it wasn’t a conversation she was just talking at people not to them.
The show is great, I don't really get the part about conversation I can't think of how what she was doing was any different to any other time. She was responding to people and talking about the show with them a lot tonight.
yet you felt obligated to reply “WHO IS THAT?”
id think youd watch a show with your wife right? episodes 1 at the very least?
honestly if you like watching good TV you should probably have tried Twin Peaks at some point already
the largest argument is “is the writing good?” imo, i still havent developed a true stance on its writing. its unique thats for sure
excellent point buddy, but your talking to a thread that asks “is it a show i can watch without paying attention to it?”
X-files has a similar theme and is alot better
… i wasnt the one who you replied to but… ive never heard anyone say that before lol irl. youre right that they both have agents
Both are good paranormal shows, but Twin peaks gets too wacky and far fetched at times ,while x-files at least tries to be relatively grounded with solid writing so I always recommend the latter.
thats fair. my mom actually has this same reason for liking x-files better I recall. but mostly twin peaks is “too weird” for her
i wonder if shondo has any interest in Alan wake.
id actually fricking watch her if she played that.
Goodnight Shondopolis. sweet dreams about loli hugging
one is a serial about a pair of agents who deal with a bunch of murderers/cryptids/monsters/conspiracy theories while dealing with a sprawling government coverup (in the mythos episodes) with all sorts of associated themes and the other is a show that is set in a single place and is (ostensibly) a murder mystery show but is mostly about the town of twin peaks itself. i wouldnt call it a deconstruction but it does examine the darker side of the 'small town america' sitcom and its main themes are sex, abuse and control
i dont think theyre particularly similar at all outside of the fbi agent main character
Erm? Classic dewd I guess
Fuck off nonce the only loli worth anything is Shondo
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she's very obviously autistic. just the way she talks about her stream and my supposed expectations as a viewer where she's just completely wrong but still believes in her own made up assumptions 100%. she should unironically ask for a screening.
She's taken a couple of autism tests online on stream and just coped when it said likely autistic
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Anything new in the discord?
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For all the newfags that don't know
This doesn't include the thing I care the most about (shitting on people with bpd because they might do something in the future while at the same time she tries to not be "the schizo girl")
This isn't even accurate, stop spreading fake news
Sell me on it
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the small menhera breakdown is where she cries about "people" leaving her, bitches about how all the vtubers she knows are BPD women she has to babysit, and how she doesn't do flesh streams because she thinks she's fat
please use the correct picture
most points here are still wrong in some way. the timeline is wrong too. doesn't even make sense as an antipost for those reasons because some of the truth would be "worse" than what's said in that shitty summary
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>streams underage, gets groomed by lesbian mod
>dated male mod in 2019
>allegedly had their moms chaperone their disney trip
>mod broke up with her
>she went back to Florida for a month
>grandfather died
>her cat dies after eating 20+ hair ties over a month
>she threatens to sue the vet but ultimately does nothing
>scams subathon goals
>makes twitter alts where she admits she would quit if she married a rich man, punishes her community by making ARG that lead nowhere
>travels to a few different places while on hiatus
>cries about how every vtuber reads 4chan, her friends are BPD, how fat she is, and her constant vague sense of abandonment
Sorry I am back reading so this is a long time to reply to but I felt a need to tell you that you are fucking retarded and that you are building a dangerously high level of copium here.
Hope this helps
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Sorry, wonder why this insistence, perhaps it's a filter?
>I felt a need to tell you that you are fucking retarded and that you are building a dangerously high level of copium here
This is all true unfortunately, hope he gets better, may God help him and may he answer His knocks on the door
High movie watchalong let's goooo
she moved
me n my wife
Girls having male voices is so hot. When all the barbie girls did male voices they were all hot. Sarus male vtuber is also really fucking hot. Sometimes I wonder if guy men exist because they mistake beibg straight and liking girls with male voices with liking men because they get confused
lol irl
its over for rat racers, police will be called on them
I love my Halloween marathon where my wife shows up late and spends 40 minutes ordering coffee on UberEats. This is true GFE.
i love you shondo!!!!!
no, i just love this picture
All this when it takes 3 minutes to make coffee herself
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hmm im noticing.
keep pretending you are not /here/ shondo.
>why am i so poor
>orders like 85$ of coffee and food
why is she tipping people when she lives in the UK?
Jesus, I'm glad I stopped donating if this is where the money is going towards
>gives FE new teeth for 15k gbp
>gives creepy uncle 7k gbp
>buys new stream assets and skebs for 50k gbp
>erm... hello? guys? pls donate more i'm poor and will be homeress soon
probably because she lives in the boonies so if she tips the delivery guy theyll make their way there faster and she is gaslit by the internet and movies
unironically in this country theyve started auto-adding gratuity and trying to get people to tip way more than it was 10-15 years ago
as a treat
Though I also get why, when you have a family who spends all your money you stop caring and spend it on yourself since it would just be used by your family anyway if you don't. Speaking form experience
makes sense for the companies to ask for it to exploit people's guilt but people in the UK do get paid unlike in the US so you're not doing anything morally wrong by not tipping., it's literally a scam
tipping in general is a scam
alexa look up every starbucks in england
unironically true
>Tuffnarr just tipped £30.00! thank you for the chocolate funds~ here's what they say: god fucking damn first world privilege is expensive, just fuckiongg keep the change fuck this stupid baka dumb worlddon't worry i learned this from my family, fast food is the best way to spend money :drool:
businesses in the usa are required to pay minimum wage regardless of tips received but businesses use the tips to cover the wage so it's less out of their own pocket, so people do get paid
can someone highlight me when it's time for The Thing?
>1 seconds into any movie
this is literally just her new word tic isn't it
that doesn't mean anything considering that you can't live off minimum wage in the USA.
already noticing a distinct lack of diversity in the cast
>you can't live off minimum wage in the USA
Says who? Stop being a retard with your money.
low IQ people literally do not understand cause and effect
lmao hes starting to break
>you can't live on minimum wage
>twitter is full of living people complaining about earning minimum wage
So which one is it
thats why older films are great, no forced diversity and the black actors are all good
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Unironically take your meds and take a step back.
I feel like the masses are becoming dumber/more incompetent each generation, in the '90s every male normie knew how to work on a car but now they'll drop $80 for an oil change and bitch about having to live paycheck to paycheck.
not manipulative btw
he is, according to himself, the picture of what a Good husband is. guy has negative self-awareness and probably wouldn't pass a turing test desu
10 years added to the ban.
he will be unbanned in 2 weeks
Tuffy are you okay?
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>home of sexual neets malding i gave my wife some money for food on our date
stop being so gay and get a job maybe?
yes but also silly
tuffnar actually fuck off you pathetic loser
you are such a sad sack of shit
if so you can just link his twitter alt to the mods and he'll be banned again. let's keep cycling this forever for the lulz
>my wife
>our date
i think you are missing something
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Captcha: OK4 (0) Y (okay)
missing my wife rn cause she's not here ye
Not malding at all, it's more sad to watch at this point really.
>yes but also silly
Good to know, the grammar was more fucked up than usual so I assumed you're high or something.
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>schizoposts on twitter and /here/ literally 24/7 obsessively
>tells others to get a job
you're pretty funny, i'll give you that
kill yourself you fucking loser
you're only breaking her trust even more
i've got it queued up to send to the new mods with a rundown of the most egregious examples (sexpesting, ED encouragement/negging, assault fantasies etc)
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just shitposting off one (1) beer and not hitting backspace
ok neet groomer, stop projecting

shondo is EXTRA cute today bros anyone else a noticer and noticed that?
she doesn't love you, move on
if you see him in any chuubas chat, tell the mods
lucys mods were very nice and shot the fucker right away after i told them
>shondo is EXTRA cute today bros anyone else a noticer and noticed that?
ever since you got banned she became a lot cuter and happier
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naur.. back to the chair for me then
"king" d seething in this thread rn
thread reading shondo marry me beautiful lady i have many money i treat you right and nice
im interacting with my wife thank you very much
sorry, i regret saying that
im the delivery driver
>can't even drink coffee without shitting herself
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>catty backhanded woman response
yeah "interacting" with shondo while also seething in this thread rn
just give your ""wife"" some money if you're jealous?
im not seething in the thread you retard
based qwerty
>donates once
>has to brag about it
kill yourself
ah right, only in offline chat while you're in the threads 24/7, believable
there are more than 1 shoggers in the threads, retard
>irrelevant argument like it means anything
yeah you're not making yourself look better king
the king sends a single comment to offline chat and sends the banned+divorced schizo into a meltdown
Oh, that's sad about the other place. Thank you for uploading them that was very nise of you
Please take a step back before you melt. This place isn't good for you.
cant believe he predicted the skeb
Shouldn't you be sending 4000 tweets right now instead of arguing on 4chan?
Who said that Shondo's poor? All she said was that she'll let us know if she's ever in a crisis.
>2 hours in
>20mins of movie
real gfe indeed
you've been here for a week from the sounds of it
surviving is not the same as living
And you're stuck in 2021.
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im from the future ask me anything
That "holy shit" is definitely a sample
she thinks she is poor and has constant stress over money
living in portland on minimum wage isnt just surviving youre better off than 5-6 billion people on the planet
If they're unwilling to level up they should be happy just to survive.
yeah i need my uber eats, energy drinks, vapes, gacha, merch, 50 different subscription services, subbing and donating to a bunch of vtubers, buying games on steam that i'll never play etc etc etc every month otherwise life just isn't worth living.
cute meltdown maybe you should stop drinking
you broke her trust and she will ban you on stream elements too. move on
>yeah i need my uber eats, energy drinks, vapes, gacha, merch, 50 different subscription services, subbing and donating to a bunch of vtubers, buying games on steam that i'll never play etc etc etc every month otherwise life just isn't worth living
Unironically true. That's why I'm a paper pusher not a burger flipper.
She punched a wall she is in so much stress over money. She needs a husband (me, obviously) to take care of her finances.
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kek actually seething
struck a BIG nerve this time
shouldn't you be interacting with shondo or something
Stop talking about yourself
i really fucking hate her retarded audio, you are a streamer for 3 years and you are making content since 7 years and you still dont know how to do your fucking audio, the asmr is extremely quite, the stream audio is fucking -20 dB and then its fucking 90 dB two seconds later, stupid bitch whore, and then in addition she just randomly whispers and you cant fucking hear her
will you still be polluting these threads in 6 months when you still arent unbanned?
you guys seem happy
That "holy shit" is definitely the one
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cute meltdown looks like the king struck a nerve
fat piggy eating her snacks
he has already "threatened" her to make an alt unless she unbans him kek
oink oink
One of the main reasons why Americans live like third-worlders, despite being so rich, is because propaganda convinces them that things are even worse elsewhere.

There is no reason why minimum wage jobs should pay less than other jobs.

A lot of people cope with things like that because they can't afford anything better.
He finna boutta get blasted on
>Yeah I'm totally into older guys
>Um, actually an 18 year old kissing an older guy as part of a movie is BAD actually
Ojisans, your response?
why does she have american feminist views on sexual maturity, stupid tumblr feminist ahh bitch
>say one word
>instant melty
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yeah my little piggie with her cute nose
he said a lot in the thread too, to be fair
This movie was definitely ahead of its time
youre the same nigger brain from yesterday who was saying that cows existing is animal abuse right? fuck off
>There is no reason why
What do you mean there's no reason why? I think we should get rid of minimum wage laws and they should pay as much as the employer's willing to pay. No one's forcing you to work at McDonald's, you're free to get another job.
>There is no reason why minimum wage jobs should pay less than other jobs.
so true, if you're flipping burgers or doing simple data entry that a monkey could do you should make a 6-figure engineering salary. it's almost like different jobs have different competence requirements and level of responsibility which is reflected in the salary
Do you think slavery should be legal?
Accept that Shondo is a 2014 feminist or leave.
buy a food cart and you make more money than a engineer, garbage comparison
your bait is pretty bad, even the people that support lower minimum wage have better arguments
Weird non sequitur but I'll answer. No, I don't think owning human beings should be legal.
If someone were to voluntarily sell themselves into bondage, say, for citizenship, for example.
You have to be lucky to get a job at McDonald's these days. Overall, the mechanisms of the free market do not work in employment, because employers are in a privileged position vis-à-vis employees.

Now explain why you think differences in competence requirements and responsibilities should be reflected in differences in incomes.

Then why do you support treating animals even worse we treated chattel slaves?
at least you admit you're a cuck so you don't have to lie about why you're giving your wife money to hang out with other men
imagine not giving your """"wife"""" any money and trying to larp like she's your wife
one beer must really mess with your meds
all that matters is if she is actually attracted to me or not i dont care about her feminism she will believe whatever i tell her to
If it's normal for women to like older men (like it is), then she isn't special anymore. She has to act like it's some gross thing only she is willing to do, just like how she is so wierd to only like ugly men and monsters like the beast and other men that's actually pretty normal for women to like while pretending that she's the only one who likes them
>you are making content since 7 years
arab ESL-san pls
it's bad when other people do it. There I solved women for you hope this helps.
>Now explain why you think differences in competence requirements and responsibilities should be reflected in differences in incomes.
to encourage people to make advanced and complex jobs? why the fuck should someone do really hard and difficult work if they would earn the same as some chill job where you barely have to do anything? you're also just casually ignoring the simple fact that these companies need to go around and jobs with minimum wage salaries generally do not generate a lot of money, like the data entry example i used
is anyone streaming these and if so can you spoonfeed a link
stop arguing with him he just comes to the threads to argue retarded points to waste your time
Okay well then you're not really talking about current wages and what affects them, but what would under some theoretical national-capitalist country. Without the huge amount of immigration, wages would be higher.
most bullshit jobs that produce nothing pay 2-3x more than blue collar jobs
i sure love when "since 7 years ago" and "for 7 years" is right but "since 7 years" is wrong, clearly not just autism, especially because the word comes from french where "since 7 years" would be the one you use all the time
You red-nosed freak!
I bet those kids were smokin' doobies
So you admit you have no rational reasons to uphold your beliefs.
You think it actually tastes like cotton candy
i mean the guy said it smells like candy
so it probably tastes like candy aswell?
I wanted to see if anyone posted a link to a stream where we can watch the movie together but instead I see all of you being catty as fuck.
>Shondo's cock size...
There's one in the discord.
TuT shondo foot talk
link it
Is it a sub only channel?
Not the p2w channel the discussion ch.
she is so funny when she yells and thinks that she is funny
Today convinced me, I wanted to try it before, muting her and watching the movie plus reading chat is better
creampieing shondo every night for the rest of her life
no way she didn’t know that she’s definitely acting like she didn’t know
Your response/shon/? Looks like your retarded wife is getting banned again fir breaking tos like a idiot.
No wonder I haven't seen her there
I must be blind since I can't see it.
>shondos going to think of being filled with cum every time she eats a cream donus now because of us
Thats a win
she will just lie on twitter saying the ban was unjustified even though it is 100% justified and blackmail twitch into obeying her just like she did last time by having her fans send death threats to twitch staff
lol kys faggot
Maybe it is in the other one I wasn't really paying attention.
"Um yes I am le rational enlightened man that is why there is no moral difference between a crayfish, botfly and human being. I am very smart."
cunt would sell humanity out to aliens
can she stop befriending whores
Based, it really is a classic
its a 4/10 its entertaining as a hangout film atleast
>we have no room for anyone
>we have a attic we dont use for anything
bruh, retarded family, just put some insulation in the attic and put a bed there like what
Good morning shondopolis
Kino confirmed
We aren't at war with aliens, you silly.
Remember how long it took them to start to use the conservatory
spiders are icky you know
Shondo just move in with me we'll have plenty of space to accommodate your wanton spending
it isnt a very big attic, its basically a crawlspace under the roof
they arent going to renovate their attic space to shove someone into and FE would never let them anyway. they should probably use it for storage temporarily though to make room for merch
sure shadow if you say that
more reason to not buy that run down hovel they call a home
whats the point of buying the current house anyways? is she planning to build an extension?
Thread reading Shondo if/when you get enough money to get a mortgage or buy a home please dear god do not let FE or Shadowmama or anyone else gaslight you into buying where you live right now and instead actually look into other homes in the area or seriously consider moving elsewhere. It will be the biggest financial decision you ever make don't let them fool you into making a bad choice. Make sure to get FT to back you up on that.
i looked at 5 bedroom houses in birmingham and the cheap ones go for 600 pounds per month
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idk about the housing market there but yes, don't get gaslit your family has no clue what they're talking about when it comes to finances ( i know noth8ing about them basically but i know enough to know they don't know)

idk who you need to listen to, but it's NOT your family, when it comes tot his at least

also yeah i don't see why you can't just rent a large bedroom house too if you *really* need the space
i'm sure the thought has crossed her mind though
she doesn't come /here/ though so i'm postinginto the void
Shhh, you're not supposed to notice. :D
nobody wants to live next to a bunch of fucking wogs
Tuffnar are you gonna watch the movies or pathetically chat away on your fucking alt?
same thing in greater manchester area
theyre all around that price
im guessing she wants to straight up buy the house tho so she needs a bunch of money for the downpayment
She can't just move wherever she wants when Shadowmama and FT both work in the area and both critters go to school. She is kinda trapped in that regard. Atleast FT and Shadowmama have alternatives or are mature enough to deal with moving but forcing the critters into new schools would be kinda bad for them and the shitter critter would be insufferable about it.
Its really unfortunate because she absolutely doesn't want to live by herself and have to deal with social workers and handle everything herself (Even though she already deals with utility companies and orders the food for everyone).
Basically she should just get married to me IRL and she could move out and not have to worry about anything.
Phew, later than me
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yeah as soon as you stop being a faggot and changi your writing style, unc ;)
also there's no chance renting is that cheap there

but yes she shouldn't write off renting, it's unironically more valid of a financial decisions than most people think, it's not just "wasting money" if you have your shit sorted and know all the associated costs and whatnot
shadowmama and FT can deal with it
shittercritter needs a reality check
You’re a hero
This. Renting is only dumb if you do it for a decade.
Looks overpriced
In my country you have to pay 3% of the worth of the property in tax every year, which is basically the same as just paying rent anyway
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it's starbucks it's obviously overpriced
he probably got confused by student letting rents, shes probably looking at more like £1500-2500pcm for the entire property
its starbucks of course its overpriced
>she really really likes him
Shadowmama's desperate
They had so much sex last time she's now calling him "fucking john"
Do you think shadowmama has a findom account
so what's his major malfunction? pedo?
>guy arrives
>instantly fixes everything
tale as old as time, the toilet fix would probably be something extremely simple
>hasnt been in a relationship in 10 years
>she doesnt sleep with them obviously
where does she think baby bunny came from
Shadowmama bros how are you doing?
Probably. It's the main reason to date single moms.
Hope it works out with john so shondos loving situation can improve
to molest the children?
who else would choose a poor women with 5 kids
id win
Shondo unironically just needs a man in her life.
Me, clearly.
Of course you like that idea
sevens is winning congrats G
I thought Z was hard confirmed to have won
syadouClueless why are they shooting the dog
only in irl buddy
twasnt me mister
>chat cannot help but spoil everything instantly some even before we start the fucking movie
whyd the norwegians not radio from the helicopter to the americans that there was a crazy alien
dang the intro from the movie is so good
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i've never seen this movie and i haven't had it spoiled so... it's not over yet but stop spoiling like niggerwords even with your b raindead NPC robot autopilot clueless pavolivan dog neuron activation emotes
why do shondophrenics ignore lol youd think it would be a huge yab from a gfetuber
maybe watch the movie instead of chat you fricking morons
its the same every single movie night
oh look your question got answered 2 minutes later
maybe watch the damn movie instead of asking questions like a woman
You know xdding is spoiling the movie too right you fucking retards right
He would be able to speak English
i mean its obvious the dog is the thing the rest of the movie is whats important and shouldnt get spoiled
Hope it works out with john so shondos loving situation can improve
>loving situation
Watching any traditionally "good" movie is always shit with chat, watching retarded shit like the killer klown one is much better because no one is chats trying to act like they know the movie allcthe time or lore dumping
>Expecting a film about paranoia and isolation to be a comfy watch with a bunch of retarded emote spammers and ESLs
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whyre you spamming emotes if your supposed to be watching a movie.
i wonder if she actually read the new ToS? not even joking about suicide or self-harm is allowed
I really wish the prequel film hadn't turned out to be complete trash, it could have been great.
prince of darkness?
so many cool things to think about in this film like who is the thing and when, if the person is still 'alive' while being replaced and forced to watch what theyre doing. i hope she likes it
make the tiktokspeak stop...

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