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Even reddit is turning on them.
It's time to leave Ina.
He looks so much younger.
oh wait from where was this screenshot from?
The fact that you don't have your finger on the pulse of hololive to not immediately know where this is from is fucking pathetic.
You are 1135% a fake fan.
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Come home, Ninomae Ina'nis. We have a proper use for your art skills
Seriously what happened to him? He looks so much better compared to a year ago. Did he start going to the gym or something like that?
NTA but I don't give a fuck about random ass fleshfags and trying to eat out Yagoo's asshole. If Suisei, Sora or anyone from Gamers are not on the screen I do not care.
>he genuinely doesn't know
You do not watch hololive
I literally just told you I only give a shit about six Holos, I don't know why you are just repeating that. Are you perhaps retarded?
If you knew what the OP image was, you'd understand how retarded you are.
Do enlighten me.
I already did, but you simply haven't realized it yet.
I see, you don't even know what it's from.
Typical Asian autism about what's "healthy," i.e. having 0 muscle and being all skin and bones while eating two grains of rice for each meal.
from Miko's latest MV and the whole thing is great
should check it out
Try a bit of critical reading skills. You'll get there anon.
Vshojo... Not even AO could conceive of the existential horror of Ina transforming into a typical twitch e-whore. I've never felt more afraid in my life.
If it could happen to Pikamee, it could happen to anyone
Oh, I didn't read your shitty percentage, but that just goes back to my statement of not giving a shit about someone who isn't Suisei, Sora or from Gamers so we are back to what I originally said.
Got it, so you're just a retard.
>You're a retard if you don't watch my chuuba
If that's how we define retard, yes.
Please fuck off, thanks
>posting your own reddit falseflag
KYS , unironically
Well shit, thought she would be one of the last ones to collab with males.
Oh well, I'm out
One of "your" chuubas does far more than just watch "my" chuuba, you autist.
still better than nijisanji
Yes, and that's the only time I ever watch Miko. How does that get me to listening to her songs?
>not watching all holo MVs
There's no accounting for shit taste, clearly.
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>One of "your" chuubas does far more than just watch "my" chuuba
Hell yeah they do
you could've just simply answered the question instead of sperging out like an idiot.
Thank you for answering my question, that retard who replied to me first should learn from you. Good day.
>Just a blind drone
Yeah, there it is. I'm not wasting my time watching shit I don't care about.
Weird way to admit you have shit taste, but you do you anon.
Is that a nijinig reference?
another one so early, did the previous ina thread die already?
Imagine trying faking reddit post.
This such a embarrassingly lazy flaseflag lol
You should kill yourself as repentance
>Mori pfp
Based fuck Koreans
>trying faking
It's ok when hololive does it :)
Go back
God damn this is funny as shit
Way too good for this ungrateful board
This is worse because it's a genuine opinion and a ding on Cover's reputation.
Leddit is clowning on us, holobros...
This is obviously a falseflag but a majority of the comments there from taking a look was just doing their usual hugbox shit pretending everything is fine and anyone critiquing them are being written off as "doomposters"
gook oppression...

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