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Previous thread: >>87712204
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
Streams / M.E.S.
>【GIGI'S BDAY 2024】A Dinner Party to remember! #GGBDAYDINNER
>【ECHO POINT NOVA】A Towl and a Gremlin Play A Video Game w/ @holoen_gigimurin
>【3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY】Moomin' .. with a TWIST !!!
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
>Fanart hunting links
>Tools : QOL & YouTube recorders

>Library of /who/LEXandria
>Most recommended streams if you're new.
>List of members streams + brief descriptions
>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions :
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moom was funny today
i'm glad she could speak more after they started killing people
ok where's the real thread?
sometimes a little bloodshed is all that it takes to engage a moom
go make one yourself if you care so much.
how is this thread not real?
it looks fine to me
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ccmei, my beloved
More Moom blasting Grunts, can't wait.
literally created to cause fighting but sure, it's "fine"
this is gonna be nonstop chaos until it dies
actually I just used that image because it's really hot
Fuck I missed Zetanya looking at the Mumei fish
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ignored her birthday btw
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It is
very sad obsession man
Because schizos and printers will use it as an opportunity to fling shit and trash the thread, and they know it too.
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Because he's gonna shit it up.
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well, maybe don't bake a thread that gives them ammo to use for the entire lifespan it's on the catalog then...
Pretending to be afraid of someone who might potentially flood the thread is no different from flooding the thread.
This Mumei is indecent and is luring me in to steal my semen.
>obvious thing will obviously happen if I post this thing that is only 50% relevant to the thread
>let's do it anyway!
is the thread police having a melty again?
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Maybe stop doing it then and post moombutt instead
Schizos on this board are usually more active after large HoloEN collabs, don’t expect any better.
Giving her a vital role was a good way to keep her out of wallflower mode, she tends not to speak up when theres that many people, though she does always manage to slide in the funniest remarks with her quick wit. Being the seance was a great way to give her more opportunities to mess with people too which is where she shines.
The entire bit where she was talking to Ina had me laughing. Mumei really knows how to fuck with people.
It's honestly scary at times
Jetanya talking about Mumei's fish
The Moomfish...Zeta probably wants to take it home.
What did Kronii mean by this?
It means that you're an obsessed catalog faggot and you have no new material.
Don't expect logic from schizo antis
OL Moom is way too powerful, there is no way that I could resist hitting on her.
cute femhoomans
Licking the moom legs
I miss Gooba...I hope that she's doing okay.
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very cute "oh hi"
Some days I fantasize about the flavor.
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Kissing the Moom meem
So cute, I'm really happy that they had a fun time!
Mumei is a good girl.
No, Mumei (but please do)
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it won't happen
shes too much of a chicken
Cheebs you fat FUCK I'm going to stuff you with cheese and fry you.
so smol
She should do karaoke now then raid to twins + Patra 3d collab
+ moom tweet
no thanks
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Go to bed everyone no karaoke tonight
thanks for the sacrifice
Thanks Moom, I guessed from the tweet.
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told ya she was a chicken
I asked her not to, she must love me
Kill yourself
Kill yourself too
who let the cheebs in?
Ogey schizo, just dont bake
cheebs has been part of /who/ for a long long time, but recently someone decided to avatarpost with her
>>87745737 [me]
Sry meant for >>87745551
she found the keys, its too late..
Please don't kill Gyafu.. WE love her in here
fuck off beggar
I want to be a cute lesbo that gyafu drinks with in japan
You can keep her. Too much menhera in one girl for me.
mumei should do a 3d asmr collab with noel
I'll just be thrilled with any ASMR
mumei should molest noel's tits on stream and describe the experience as she does it
Cheebs is fat and useless. Like a a Hootie.
tastes funny too
Why do you know how it tastes?
I don't think that our little Moom could handle that sort of power even with both hands
I was a little drunk and...
She enjoyed it(?), okay
Recently I'm a little bit concerned about Anomol outgrowing Mumeis control...
How do we even stop her?
>I'm sorry Mumei...
>I was so hungry
Hey guys I’m going to the store, can you look after this for me till I get back?
Sure but...
oh no...she looks so edible
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sure thing
It meems, what ro?
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No. Don't.
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You monster...
How far into Halo are they, far enough to finish today?
Unless they get distracted that is.
They wont get distracted. Expect them to finish it tomorrow
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>They wont get distracted.
>no distraction
>furniture to yeet off the map
Cool, watching Cece's POV anyway because she actually knows the mechanics of the game and won't need to ask what the buttons do again. And if they end up drinking together, Cece won't completely lose the ability to play either.
Im surprised they even died in the first place. Other than NPCs being shit at driving.
they'll find a way
Drinking? Why would they?
>Im surprised they even died in the first place.
They seem to think just because Halo isn't a cover shooter with built in cover mechanics you don't need to use cover and pop out of it like every other shooter in existence.
Cece often does drinking streams, Mumei has done one recently.
To support your point, they almost certainly wouldn't. Ceci only drinks occasionally and Mumei almost definitely wouldn't during an online collab. although it would be really funny if she did
>Cece often does drinking streams,
>Ceci only drinks occasionally
Now fight. I like t watch.
Okay, CC has only had alcoholic drinks 5 times in over 100 streams. It has been exclusively limited to her death=sip sekiro streams.
Only sekiro so far but she will just find another game afterwards as a drinking game.
>in over 100 streams.
Cece streams a lot though. 100 streams is like double the time for other girls.
Well sure, and she will absolutely still do drinking streams after she finishes sekiro, but it's a far cry from calling it frequent.
CC should do a drinking stream for I Wanna Be the Guy
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if only...
More like regularly than frequently.

Ririka Team

That's fair, yeah. Especially if you compare it to Mumei who has done like one drinking stream per year on average.
Can you post all the teams?
I have no idea what this is



And all of them were karaoke streams.
Too bsd Sana did not get her to drink during animal crossing.
That was so funny when Sana revealed that she had done some vodka shots before that stream. I really miss that beautiful brown hag.
AZKi's team is pretty stacked.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the girls secretly take a shot or two before streaming to get them more loose
Why do zoomers keep repeating the word "consent" like a cultish ideology buzzword? That was the creepiest NPC thing in the entire murder mystery stream.
consent is important, incel
Maybe that has happened before big things once or twice..
Or they just disassociate like Mumei did during her debut.
In a fictional roleplay stream? Are you insane?
I mean how do you think that "I fictionally grope you" is gonna go over with such a large and sensitive fanbase
A pat down at worst isn't groping. And zoomers thinking you can even consent to such a thing at the scene of a crime is even more bizarre.
I hate it because its been pushed by schools to ask for consent before you do anything.
>Hurr you just want to ra-
No I mean having to ask shit like "Can i hold your hand" while walking with your gf or "Can i put my arm around you" while on the couch level of asking for permissions before you can basically move.

It was a comedy bit not too long ago.
You gotta consider the audience though, and this isn't specifically a zoomer issue either. Most people don't want to be touched without consent.
I do...
no fucking way did you just reference 90s anime in a convo about consent lmao
Worse, they want consent from inanimate objects in some turbo retarded cases.
And then there is sweden which takes it to a different extreme
Well given EVERYONE (especially bae) at Gigi's dinner party watched that show they would find that shit funny and wouldn't worry about consent. Double especially since they make sesbian lex jokes all the time.
But hey, keep pretending hololive fans are like nijisisters. You do you.
I mean, putting the most modern day political slogans possible in a fictional 1920s-1940s stream setting feels more jarring than a 90s anime is to today. Especially in the context of japan where they aren't quite at the west's level with that stuff yet.
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>inb4 3DPD
Them finding it funny is different from how their general audience receives it. There is no problem with asking for consent and I don't know what niji has to do with anything. It's getting way too /pol/ in here for my liking either way.
Those are some excellent thighs
I enjoy cute femhooman moom cosplays
I especially enjoy the fappable ones
>putting the most modern day political slogans possible in a fictional setting
You just described the current media landscape anon. Context be damned.
Even for /who/'s low standard this conversation is unbelievably retarded
The emphasis on consent was retarded to begin with so of course any discourse around the topic is going to sound equally retarded to an outsider looking in.
That's some insane filtering, she should move the moom plushie as punishment.
Well, it is a fleshcreature. What did you expect?
This is why hooties are the best, they don't think.
Why there is no sexy mumei cosplayers near me?
become a sexy mumei cosplayer
We don't need a troon topic to start now, thanks nut no thanks.
They CAN'T think. Big difference.
At least I finally found a hot midwest one
>disgusting piercings
>ugly tattoos
hell no
Midwestern indeed...
Thinking is illegal
Tattoos and piercings are such a turnoff for me
I think the incel hooties from /here/ and the femcel femhoomans from xitter should be locked in a room and injected with a lethal dose of aphrodisiac so they fuck vigorously like rabbits and produce malformed socially-inept hootie children that make up the next generation of hoomans
Smokers are worse yet though. Just a big nope-nope.
They're not even a turnoff for me
I can appreciate some tasteful ear piercings
I can appreciate good tattoos
But that girl has neither, septum rings are disgusting and make her look like a bull. The lip piercings scream "mental illness". And the tattoos can be summarized by the one on her hip that literally says "is this shit even art?"
it's easy to pretend that you have standards on an image board but you'd fold like a lisa frank binder if you met them in person
No I fucking would not, gross
You just want to breed femhoomans, I see you.
Fuck you Mumei I rinsed after brushing my teeth
I want to, and already do, breed with Mumei on a daily basis
Trashy stuff is still trashy in person. If the person they are attachec to is hot its in spite of all that shit.
I'd rather not get infected with 30 STDs and be accused of rape the day after despite "asking for consent"
Or she revoked it a day later because she changed her mind about it
Is this what incels think that sex is like?
Still would not and there is zero meat in those thighs
probably the weight loss from the drug abuse
You should be horny for owl insread..
yeah but what if that owl had tattoos and piercings instead? then the polfags would leave after assuming that the owl had 30 stds and did drugs and that would be more decorated moom for the rest of us
quit projecting your weird fantasies on the girl who only got one piercing as an adult and gave up on it because she couldn't keep it from getting infected
Mumei is going love reading this thread when she wakes up
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I honestly can't tell if you're trying to be ironic or not
oh you don't watch her, ok
it was cursed from the start
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Alright, let me recount the previous posts to you then. There were several anons assuming things about a woman's personal life based on her appearance. that is what my post was about and you completely misunderstood it. I know about her ear piercing arc(s) and them getting infected etc etc.
And only because she kept getting earrings gifted to her
Completely ignoring the whole "projecting your own weird fetishes onto her" bit
you completely missed the sarcasm
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oh noooo haha don't haunt me you're so sexy haha
Accurate ratio for once.
Gonna sniff even without underwear.
Sniff sniff.
Honestly, it turned out better than you’d expect based on the early posts. If it was like last time that happened, we’d be needing to bake the next bread by now.
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How to cause myself to have dreams about her
Tulpanon never returned from the aviary date..
That's really not making this schizobake any better.
If the resident thread moron ignored the Kromei poster instead of giving him the satisfaction of an angry response every single time, the shitposter would have probably stopped a long time ago.
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It didnt stop after a year of no response.
They wont stop; because they see nothing erong with it. Its not even their general in the first place they are only here to shit things up.
Kronies are a mistake.
I've been here since /who/ started and there was never "a year of no response"
But I still think you post the images and then complain to yourself
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also shut the fuck up
That would require me to even have any clocks.
I already said that I used that image for the anchor because it's a sexy fucking picture, there is no reason to pretend to discuss the reason for it's use any further. No boogeymen, just hot women.
Keep coping, schizo
I bought into the movement of artists moving over to bluesky and honestly it's really fucking nice so far. I hope that more people move over
Anon, I believe you
But if you frequent this thread you would know what kind of schizo shit it would be inviting to the thread, and lo and behold here we are
I don't care about either website but I'm rooting for bluesky just so elon offs himself
Yeah, I've been here for years and I have never suffered schizos or antis. They can keep seething for eternity, I don't give a shit. We can always just make a new thread and their parents still wont love them no matter how many pointless posts they make.
That's fine, just don't bake in the future so you don't have to drag us down with how little you care
Actually I'm gonna keep doing it because you seem to care to a suspicious degree.
You know, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc it probably is a duck.

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