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Is there anyone who actually believes vtuber yuri kayfabe? Whenever I see clips like this I just roll my eyes and wonder if there's anyone retarded enough to fall for it. It's painfully obvious that they're only pretending to make their paypigs believe that they don't have a boyfriend.
Stfu and let people delude themselves in peace.
Is it painfully obvious? How painful? Like a pinprick? A toothache? Is it so obvious you feel like the webbing on your toes is being filed down or worse?
Lesbian chuubas arent real
you're asking the gullible retarded socially braindead board if there are any gullible retarded socially braindead people present
Lesbians aren't real
You do realize some crazy fans made an entire Yuri video about Gura and Ame right.

Yes some people do believe
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I like it when vtubers express sexual interest in males because I am male it makes me think I have a shot.
Whatever you do, don't look at micomet mental illness general
Not the ones in Hololive.
With an anime? You good?
All of it is real. Not a single bit of it is fake.
>You good?
cant be yuri when one of them is male
Have you seen /micomet/? Or any other yurishit /here/? All you need to do is take a look around to find your answer.
Anyway shipfags are all delusional and insane, no exceptions.
I'm fine with porn because I'd fap to both individually, but it's really gross and weird once people start trying to ship the actual people as if they're in a romantic relationship.
No different from gfe kayfabe. You don't actually believe your oshi loves you, do you?
It can be gay because both of them are male
>Whenever I see clips... It's painfully obvious
Speaks for itself, honestly.
Believing they are all 100% straight is equally as dumb as thinking all the yuri is real. Some aren't exactly subtle about it.
Funny how much seethe it generates though, like who cares
Yurilive is real tho
as far as HoloEN goes, Kronii is the only actual lesbian, Kiara and Nerissa are the only actual Bisexuals. the rest are straight women pretending to be gay for culture points or cash

source: this bottle i just finished
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>Kronii is the only actual lesbian
Lesbians arent real
Female faggots are still faggots
No one wants them to actually be attracted to other women, they just like to see them act like they are.
Kronii is the straightest out of them all
>misses out on the actual bisexual who has openly admitted to being so
Only retards fall for it
miComet is literally gay
OP is literally a retard who got baited by a clipper thumbnail. MiComet actually meet for projects and have meals together, the yuri thing is a separate issue.
Kiara is a lesbian, you have to be one to fly to singapore or wherever it was just to fuck Taotan.
Also I have strong suspicions about CC, she gets way too shy about GG sometimes.

Shiori is the no homo homo of the group.
>Kiara is a lesbian
Stopped reading there
Checks out lmao
Miko's gone so long without breaking character i start to wonder if she wasn't some spirit who followed Yagoo home one new year's morning after a shrine visit and then manifested a roommate later.
No shit? Of course only retards take it seriously. If it were serious they wouldn't do it in public over the course of years, it would be private and mundane like actual relationships. Polka is 100% gay though.
Kronii is straight but got groomed by man hating tumblr lesbians, Kiara is straight but hates men because she's got abused by nip men for years, Nerissa is straight but enjoys yuribaiting.
Depends on the chuuba but some lay it on so thick that it almost feels insulting.
Yuritards are as mentally ill as people who ship holo and homo
How new?
They've been going hard on the Yuribaiting as of late. I wish we could go back to the funny haha let's plays.
literally turned sana gay during a trip to japan
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Vtuber fans are retarded anon

It says a lot the biggest waifu in vtubing right now that people think they have a chance with is Fauna of all people
I stopped watching Miko and Suisei because of this shit
CC and GG are the two friends of the group with crazy chemistry, and when someone says something about it one of them goes all flustered.
This has literally happened. So, yeah... I see what you mean. But I don't know if she has some feelings or just doesn't like to yuribait.
miComet is about as artificial and corporate-mandated as it gets. They had a great run together shooting the shit in RUST, but then management saw the numbers and forced them together in literally everything. Same sort of thing that killed PekoMiko
As a cover employee, can confirm. The office is just a giant lesbian orgy
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Maybe watch an actual couple next time
I don't like it when vtubers express sexual interest in males because I can't relate, not being a faggot.
>t. faggot
>miComet is about as artificial and corporate-mandated as it gets
I too don't watch miComet and only parrot what retards here said
I know you are but what am I?
Yet another thread made by somebody who not only doesn't watch streams, but doesn't even watch clips, just simply reacts to clip thumbnails.
Bae isn't saying Micomet are in a relaitonship or having sex, she is saying they are indeed good friends off stream who hang out togetheer irl.
In this clip she describes how she met both of them outside the studio.
And again another person who doesn't watch streams or likely even watch clips. This person likely bases all of their opinions on anonymouys shitposters reactions to clip thumbnail reaction threads. Truly there is no creature on earth more pathetic than this.
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statistically there has to be gae talents but the actual on-stream is more likely to be a performance act
the later the gen, the greater the odds of them being an actual lesbo are since they will probably have joined the corps in order to collab with the holomen that they like
of course, this might also hold true for the homostars
Yes they are
miComet being created and pushed by management is very real anon
Why do you think it became a thing after PekoMiko died and Miko needed a new partner?
>but the actual on-stream is more likely to be a performance act
I wouldn't say its a performance its just girls being silly with their friends.
a faggot. Can't you read?
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Kiara is typically the kind of retard who persuades herself she's lesbian and end up in an abusive relationship for years
You're a retard if you can't see how forced and artificial the whole miComet BUSINESS XDDDD thing is
i also feel like gg is bi but it's too early to say for sure
This has to be bait
Again, once again proving you don't watch streams and are years behind in your knowledge of the talents themselves.
Nobody is fucking arguing that wasn't the case you absolute idiot. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT.
What you and other catalog clip thumbnail readers don't seem to understand is that for literaly years now, Micomet have clearly, obiously, objectively, confimred by multipe people hundreds of times over years become extremely close and good IRL friends as a result of the originally corporate pairing.
Did management tell them to group together?
Did they then realize they were extremely compatible and become literal real best friends off stream as a result of this?
Did coroprate mandate that they become as close and as good friends as they did irl?
Obviously not unless you think Cover is literally controlling their fucking minds. That Micomet became a success was luck and due to them both hitting it iff more than anybody could have guessed. Of coruse they push it now that they realized it worked. But that doesn't make it illegitimate.
ITS A JOKE YOU LITERAL RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS A JOKE BECAUSE THEY DID START AS A BUSINESS BUT BECAME FRIENDS ITS SO SIMPLE. Serious question, are you autistic???????
uh oh melty
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Reminder that the only real lesbians in Hololive are Polka and Reine, the rest are heterosexual.

>B-but my oshi is bisexual

No, she is doing business yuri to avoid any drama or suspicions about her dating
I really don't think its that deep and calculated
yeah, it's not that deep, but it's calculated, business yuri get them money from retards that actually believe it and also help them with their "pure idol" image.
That "joke" was only funny for the first 3 times at best and definitely stopped being funny after they repeated it 100 times
Yeah, people like OP should really get new material. The board quality suffers from the exact same threads being posted every other week.
I mean you have never ever watched one stream even if that were the case it wouldn't matter to you.
Anyway, it isn't supposed to be a hilarious joke it is more like a *wink winki nudge nudge* sort of a thing. Like its not a punch line to anything, its just a litle reference.
Yes, yurifags are that delusional
What do you think killed pekomiko?
Hololive members are the type of women who are the least likely to be in relationships, not because they are idols or otakus, but because they are career women and work all day. Also, something I've noticed is that the more 2 youtubers flirt on screen, the more likely they are to break up. People who have functioning relationships don't need to prove it.
You don't actually believe that, do you?
Yes, that's what makes it annoying
I actually used to watch Miko's stream but nowadays I don't even bother
You really believe they can act gay that convincingly? I feel if it was that calculated it would be easy to tell it was planned.
I hope you realize you're someone OP is talking about
I didn't mention yuri or shipping once.
You never watched her or any streams, actually.
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Hololive talents are not your average street whores who happened to get a vtuber job. They all fans of otaku culture which is all about idealizing and lewding cute girls. Holos are essentially awkward NEETs who drool over cute anime girls so much they want to become one. They flirt and ***yuribait*** with other girls because they want to and enjoy it, not because they have to fill a quota or be popular. Pekora is really shy and doesn’t need to say sexual things to be popular. The word yuribait itself is entirely made up by western cucks and it's not real. "They're all putting on an act" is really the most classic western cope.
Pretty sure suisei has mentioned they're just "business partners" at least once
yeah me
Yuri? miComet? Are you fucking serious? They at worst have those "haha teetee" moments that they play up for laughs and that are especially pushed by the people around them, they rarely if ever do the "oo lets kiss/marry/hold hands/whatever" shit that the actual yuribaiting couples do. What the fuck are you watching?
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Just because they do the "business partners XDDDD" bit doesn't mean they aren't pandering to yurifags
Look at this fucking thumbnail and tell me with a straight face they are not pandering to yurifags
>they rarely if ever do the "oo lets kiss/marry/hold hands/whatever" shit that the actual yuribaiting couples do
Thats because that is low level, low IQ yuribaiting 101 for beginners. Micomet are on some 4d chess style 200iq yuribaiting where they become the most effective yuribaiting and biggest vtuber ship/pairing while not having to resort to any of that typical bullshit.
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hololive board
Shes just like me fr fr
People complaining about yurishit should go to lgbt?
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I wonder how she'll feel in a few years
THIS has to be bait
Anything about her screams either asexual or lesbian
Most sane micomet fan
Do you think they are anime girls irl too? Fucking retard
What triggered the micomettard?
Eh, there's no special reason, he's permanently triggered. Not only by MiComet I suppose, but Hololive in general. This is just one of his usual OPs that he cycles through.
Here's definitive proof these lesbian relationships are real
They're the most insecure fanbase
There's a reason why both Miko and Suisei split don't want them
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that's retarded, by that logic anyone who covers a song like that is yuribaiting but I don't see shitposters going crazy over preydator.
Crossick was real, which is funny, since they're both Nijisanji and don't really care about appealing to unicorns.
They silently broke up, though, and I don't think they interacted after that, which suggests that it wasn't pretty.
Why does it matter if its real or not? Its kayfabe. You said its kayfabe. Enjoy it.

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