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>GG's birthday dinner party
>SlopHammer 40k: Plap Marine 2

>Promise Anniversary merch
>Promise Mini series
>ME and my bean wifeRyS
>Jet tag
>BD Merch
>SmolRyS plushie rerun
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a time
>Quarter Bravery

>Covers and Collab songs

>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, numberfags, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs
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*sip* Ah...
So IRyS was the last minute addition to the stream right? Her cheaper looking moving png, the retarded dad and daughter roleplay, all feel like shoehorned elements to not have to change the existing structure of the story too much.
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I love IRyS!
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what time will her next stream be at?
Rape brrats
where are all the good porns?
its all Futa shits
Those are the good porns.
Good porn in this homosexual fandom? Good luck with that
You are one of the faggots.
I love my wife.
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What would you do if you saw this in your bedroom?
>>87749026 (me)
i'm gay btw tbdesu
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This looks like Cheebs
Kill Gloom, Rape Bloom then kiss IRyS a good night.
Do you think IRyS ever get tired of her fans?
I need luck. I have the IRyS tumbler with me for that today.
Everyone except me.
Luck for what?
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This is missing the image where she snaps her like a twig after this
Where is IRyS? I need her now!!
how many minutes?
Greater than 69
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thats not an answer
IRyS should go back and play Delivering Hope
Fucking retard
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I liked this.
Oh shit is this finished?
ChildRyS was very cute so the awful dad jokes from Mori were worth it.
Oh my god i feel like a ghostwriter kek
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holy shit...
if you ever make any more requests let us know please?
If you put this on Twitter one page at a time with a new one every week IRyS would like this
do you have a twitter or something?
He does ID doujins
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whats the art account then?
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nvm found it i just had to look
weird how every artist and their family is /here/ though
its kinda freaking me out
some anon from drawthread are big twitter artists
looks like Raikko9
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this guy should get bored in my thread next time...
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Finally, we have a good IRyS porn.
You can thank Cheebs she unironically gave the theme for it
Fuck Cheebs
Don't she clearly gets off to threats like that
based as fuck. pretty much mandatory on all IRyS lewds
Anal is cool and all but you should have made the blowjob bit longer
At least a full page y'know?
3 years and we have a doujin finally, some have died before they ever saw the day
>today is my safe day
>still choose to do anal sex instead
GuyRyS is a pussy.
We should send this doujin to IRyS as a tribute.
Just page 14
Its been on pixiv she will see it
Not dark enough
the futa baeRyS one was better
this one is homegrown tho
We should send this doujin to IRyS AND our tributes.
lol nice joke brrat
>Nobody posted the baseball yet
I saw it but I didn’t think it was important since it’s just NPCs. But I’m glad she’s with Koyori
They should sniff each other's armpits
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is this the fauna thread?
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>literally me after IRyS is done draining my life force and the sun comes up
>rewatching the RE3 stream
>forgot she had the runs
Me after my wifeRyS says it’ll be “short” again
Wrong thread retard
This is a peak woman body.
IRyS should get big flaps instead of horns
Hello is this the gooner thread?
no it's the fauna thread
we like to ship her with black men
Sorry you have low T and ED nerd
not now kfp
What would you do if you find IRyS is pregnant with your child?
Pregnant sex
Tell her to get an abortion. I’m not ready to be a Papa.
pray that it doesn't come out retarded
filling up that baby room with more white hot stuff
Paizuri or assjob
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LoliRyS will NEVER give a naizuri with a nipple teasing your little guyRyS head
extremely underwhelming

paizuri. i think she'd give a better assjob but i think she'd act dorkier with paizuri.
why even live...
Bae and Ina are dragging her to the gym...
They should stay in their fucking lane
time to sleep
Wtf is gooning besides being old and afraid of homemade saunas
I'm gonna drag my nuts across your face you little faggot
its just a zoomer term for edging
climate change isn't real, retard!
Then why is the planet getting hotter? Blah blah, something cyclical, we're just going through a period, blah blah, another ice age will be on the way before we know it, etc, etc
A crumb of a link...
Only retards think it’s not real.
ironic shitpost
>another ice age will be on the way before we know it
We're actually in an ice age right now you know
eh, edging is a physical act, gooning is a state of mind
zoomer were a mistake
she's never beating the piss play accusations
>Only retards think it’s real.
Look at some real science instead of the propaganda stuff.
Well that explains a lot
Ice age is one of Cheebs favourite movies. She loves the squirrel scenes
Climate change is real the debate is whether humans effect it much, whether humanity was here or not it would change like it always has.
Will you post any links of what you consider real science?
>squirrel scenes
I always hated those scenes. Cheebs has shit taste
Should irys be spanked privately or somewhere like the middle of a classroom. Which would be more good for her
Depends if you want her to feel embarrassed or to like it and be into it
>my favorite commercials
this girl is kinda retarded isnt she...
Even if it makes people mad I think she needs a painful embarrassing one that makes her cry a bit
Bait used to be believable
The Cheesecake factory is perhaps one of the most American restaurants ever
What are you guys talking about? There is no IRyS stream atm.
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probably flare's stream
swole arc begins
It’s not like she’ll go either way. Tourists underestimate how much of a lazy hikki weeb she is
Waffle house
It's up there but that's more southern, Cheesecake factory is pure American gluttony and tackiness the portions, the decor, the INSANE menu size.
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She's truly becoming a hag now
Her womb is begging for me
did you ever do the magma slime paizuri scene with IRyS
Do you think irys and gigi would work well in a one on one collab
IRyS is too scared of not sounding like the biggest anime nerd
They should gush about BL and then have sweaty yurisex
She hasn't come to terms with the fact she doesn't like anime as much anymore..
Unlikely, she's too hype for IRyS.
anime sucks ass these days
it's all been down hill since they started making everything 3d
Sounds like the author believes in shit like the Galileo myth
hi wrixne
Literally all science back then was done by Christians who were amazed by God's creation and wanted to learn about it.
does xe dislike gigi or something
Turns out Fedora tippers have been a thing for hundreds of years
he's the only one who is autistic enough to end every chat message with a period
i think GG can adjust to irys' level
Or he just types properly. There's nothing autistic about putting a full stop at the end of your sentence, full stop.
watch chat sometime he's pretty much the only one who ends every single message with a period
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i am not doing this name shit with you fags jesus no
>Doesn’t like
It’s called developing a taste. If you watched as much anime you’d know too.
Don't do it, IRyS. You've got so much to live for.
Hot fucking sex
If assjob sweaty but messy paizuri (maybe with glasses)
Kinda late for her to start getting taste now
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I got loliRyS to work, turns out it was just studio fucking her up for no reason. Seems fine after restarting
No, I just got the paywalled stuff yesterday
I think she is a boy trapped in a woman’s body.
Nice job
you have too much power now
She’s always stuck to 2-3 seasonal animes max every season. This isn’t new
my name is studio now
I jwu...
Go back to bed
IRyS would like this show
cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny
oh shit
it's actually a really good scifi anime
can someone post the link
What's this sassy child doing with my wife
Have you tried Global? I'm sure there's probably a faggot there that'd help you
She's under arrest
Also very hot. Love that hair for LoliRyS
is only the latest stuff paywalled
What's your perfect length anime anon
if it actually fucking ends properly i don't give a shit if it's as long as one piece or as short as an ova
I won't ask for a link, just tell me, what she talked about?
2 hours of anime tangents
I expect nothing less. Gonna catch up when I'm out of this fucking country.
You're never leaving Russia, anon.
I don't watch anime.
i thought she hated anime
I haven't done so in ages. I'm just not interested in most of it anymore.

That's the best bit.
I unironically looks down on anime watchers. Imagine being so obsessed with fictional characters.
I will, the plan is in motion. Next year I'll be in vietnam. It's not switzerland, sure, but it's better than here.
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anime fun
what is irys to you
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if IRyS was forced to kiss a holomem live on stream which one would you want it to be?
that sounds illegal and wrong how would this even happen you have a sick mind
Her lips belong to me only
She needs correction.
they'd take it serious and discuss it in depth afterwards
bot behavior how is this a thread of discussion
>How is anime related to IRyS???
Retarded bot.
Fags that still don't understand what she means by bromance must have girl brain
People know what she means they just like teasing her
shes such a weeb holy crap
You have too much faith in these people
This is why manhwa and webtoons are so popular now
She’s still a child at heart that still loves power of friendship shit. I think her labeling it as “Bromance” makes her ESL fans get the wrong idea unfortunately
it's not that kind of relationship
None of them have "that kind of relationship", presumably that's why he said 'forced'.
how is this a thread of discussion
Your bot is broken. Shut it down.
what is this shit?
is the creepy busheskun a bot?
seems likely
onahole shaped
man a moment of that felt raw
Wrixnes such a cuck
and T C
(and for once this anon means LITERAL cuck)
Reminder: he also wanted IRyS to look for and check out mixed gender onsens.
His cuckoldry fetish is real.
they unironically think she likes dudes fucking each other in the ass and getting shit all over their dicks
It’d be easier if the link was based on six t-shirts for some but this thread has shitters (and bots now) so I’m not even sure about doing that
At least the archive’ll (likely) be waiting for them
There needs to be a name for something like this thats not just cucking since its to broad a term. Wanting someone else to have sex with a girl really bad on your behalf without you even watching. It needs a more specific name
Oh fuck was he the one that doomposted on twitter about IRyS leaving one day when Ame left? That whole “I wouldn’t mind hearing about your bf problems/kid-raising troubles on stream” shit?
I’m not watching right now but will later. Please don’t tell me he said anything too cuck-y
she's so much better and I'm going to die trying to convince her
Doesn’t matter what you label it. It’s still subhuman and anybody that thinks like that should be shot in the head
No, that was kalen.
Why does IRyS have such creepy fans? I am the only normal one...
nope it was someone else also fuck all of you losers and your names
No that was one of the non Japanese asians that send a lot of JP SCs
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Oh right he did that too, so there was a few of them. Why can't people sperg out about how much they love her without also go full menhera doomposter or turn into a fag that's more into "le community" than IRyS
Hey I am normal too and IRyS actually like my dumbass comments more than these unironic cucks
I if i were to make up a term it would be like “volcuck” or something but a lot of cucks would already be willing to do that so it might be redundant
I’m sure there’s some JP term for that close to NTR somewhere all things considered…
>Captcha: HAT MV
Kek that got a chuckle out of me thinking of GuyRyS (me) making an MV out of it but not telling the cuckfags since they’d get off to it
I'm normal and IRyS responds to my comments a lot!
i was going to say stop using cuck everywhere but im just going to bleach my eyes from this conversation i actually wretched
I love her.
no really gigi is in this thread isnt she

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