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>We'll protect your smile ruffian... For $45.
>holo make money
>this is bad somehow
You have to be a Phasecuck with that mindset
Patra pissed on me during the 3D stream so I don't care.
Merch has and always will be optional, you don't have to consoome in order to enjoy vtubers
A protection racket doesn't come cheap.
this would be worth if they used their real voice
give it a week. It'll be on /t/
FWMC gave JPs their ASMR and won't give their larger EN fanbase the same free treatment, that has always been the issue here. Nobody cares that they make money with 3 different birthday celebrations or any other merch method. Ruffians just want fair treatment.
I wouldn't spend 45 dollars if they're going to repeatedly BAU BAU into my ears like my fucking alarm clock
Or just download it now
If Pero ain't in it I'm not interested.
It wasn't her real voice, but Fuwawa's voice doing an impression of Marine was kinda hot.
Nice. I've never liked asmr because I can't hear very well so it doesn't sound good at all even if I turn my volume up so maybe there's something to this that I don't get.
That's pretty unlikely however. Unless you're star struck by Fuwamoco it's just two girls whispering into an expensive microphone.
if the billion dollar corporation makes money then all is good.
Where's the JP version?
Things cost money
Scams cost money too. You're the mark.
They have a 100% cut on VP. All the money goes to Fuwamoco.
>100% cut on VP.
LMAO. How retarded are you? The fact the cut is better percentage-wise than other things doesn't mean Cover doesn't get their cut too.
then they can go fuck themselves.
Phasekek just because your black corpo has bad cuts doesn't mean holo does
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Watch out phasesisters! Creepman is going to get ya!
Wuffians were never very bright. Math is too much for them.
they seem to have had cuts to their visa management program recently
>another bvtmbrown thread
It would be really funny if this is what divides the ruffians
kys phasecuck alright that was kinda funny
>Another less than 100% is automatically a bad cut.
Again, how low IQ are you? You are genuinely the dumbest person I have seen post on this board in quite a while.
How retarded are you? We know some merch money goes straight to the talent without any cut because the merch in question is SELF-PRODUCED. You do the merch yourself you own it. It's not that hard.
Based Fuwamoco pricing out SEA
Can I have a $15 discount if I get it without Mococo?
Blame the game, not the player.
Patra tax.
ASMR voice packs are nothing new
Cover helps in the production of hundreds of voice packs yearly and sells them on their store platform, Voice packs and voice dramas are a big part of their money-making business strategy and it shows up on their financial reports. You really are the most naive moron I have ever encountered to keep pushing this stupid narrative.
Why does she look like she just farted?
>Cover helps in the production of hundreds of voice packs
Depending on the amount of actual help their cut changes. If let's say this FWMC asmr pack is 100% self-funded Cover cut is gonna be 0 or close to 0. You would know this if you actually watched streams. So yeah, thank you for backing up my argument.
keep seething phasekek
nobody hates spending money more than self-made rich people. that's why they're rich. unless they're trust fund babies or cryptobros.
Poorfag cope.
Anything less than a 100% cut is the evil corpo stealing, or something. Not sure if its a retarded wuffian or an anti pretending to be one.
Get a job hippie
I like how Ruffians in this thread think FWMC obscenely overcharging their fanbase is better than Cover making the voice packs so expensive. It reflects better on your oshis if the latter is true than the former being true.
the only one coping is you, simp, trying to justify spending 50 bucks on something everyone else releases for free kek. you should tell your family and colleagues about this amazing purchase of yours and then tell me how they reacted
I will pirate it
Poorfag cope and seethe.
coverfaggots lmao keep seething
i think is morally correct to download this for free
>Or just download it now
That's not even half the sets retard
>Nice smile (You) got there, would be a shame if anything happened to it
Patra's taking 50%
don't pretend you understand japanese ken-sama
Doesn't matter. FWMC have repeatedly talked about how they 'Really want to do ASMR for the Ruffians and doggy pack'. This, a paid-for product that's quite expensive compared to both other ASMR VP's and general VP's is them doing it for the Ruffians.
Then you look at something like Shiori saying that she liked the idea of roleplaying for a different option in one of the VP sets who went and did a whole other recording and script writing and released it into her membership.
They are the biggest numberfags of EN, they are the biggest shillers in EN, they are the most money-hungry in EN.
What the fuck why is it 45 bucks?, haven't these voice packs always been priced at 10 USD at most or I am dreaming?, isn't this the most expensive voice pack ever coming from cover?
confirmed feeling ashamed of who you are. that's sad
Poorfag literally crying because he can't afford a $45 voice pack.
On the EN side, yeah. There were some ASMR voice packs on the JP side for 20-35 bux depending.
>everyone else releases for free
Absolute fucking retard
Where the fuck is Fauna's ASMR? fucking whore
>Highest price $21
Damn Fuwamoco going for the record with flying colours
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Nice thread phasebrowns
Risu did that in a zatsu years ago. Her real voice is pretty husky.
Is FWMC the most money-hungry Hololive vtubers ever? There are probably a million Twitch whores who blow them out of the water, but at least in HoloEN I have never seen anyone push so hard for sub milestone, superchats and merch as they do. Does anyone in HoloJP put as much focus on milestones and money-making as FWMC?
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>Poorsis can't afford a measly $45
go onto youtube, type hololive asmr, you're welcome
It looks like they're making fun of the OP SEA-chama
You WILL to pay for the sets where they bothered to try, Wuffian.
>45$ for asmr
Alias Anono from V4M produces some 40 minute long kino asmr every other day for free.
No thanks.
The rest of HoloEN, even the ones with tier 3 subs, have been more subtle about wanting money that for sure.

"PERO READS ONLY RED SUPERCHATS" kinda says it all already.
Kiara used to be the one who shilled her stuff the most, but they're past what she was doing for sure. Add in that they take every single piece of 'homework' they can, which ends up being mostly secondary merch stuff, and that they have their FWMC Morning where they mostly just shill their stuff more, and it really can come off as them being nothing but shilling machines.
I'm on my way to be self made with consistent compunding income, and I found that the more money I make the more I dont want to spend money on useless things like merch or a fucking voicepack. I'd better spend it on things worth investing with far better ROI than mere mental health. People who watch vtubers for their mental health are weaks and cowards who are too afraid to admit that they're shit and they have to improve themselves.
Same as they who mocks people who dont buy voicepacks as poorfag, they're trying to justify their weak minds and shitty lives by thinking that other people are inferior to them.
I'd say let them live in their little world.
FUBUKI's ASMR is also expensive, but what FUBUKI and FWMC have in common is ‘Patra-produced ASMR’!
Patra's ASMR is the best, which is probably why it is priced high as branding.
The cover company is also convinced.
FUBUKI and FWMC are also convinced.
JP fans also have a good impression of Patra on a regular basis and understand Patra's ASMR branding.
EN fans may be surprised, but JP's fan community is calm even at these prices.

i fucking hate americans and canadians
pastra's asmr is dogshit judging by what they did today. it was still hot though, don't get me wrong
go back to /jp/
Any clips of their real voices?
>SFW garbage
I would buy the whole set for $100 if they make it nsfw
Just go watch their previous stuff. It's much closer to the pre-vtuber era than what they do today is. Hell, even debut FWMC were a bit different and generally less shrill.
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Brownvtubermemes is on a roll today!
Why are there so many JP Cover shills doing damage control on 4chan?
45$ for that shit WTF
what idiot buys this
>what idiot buys this
Shipping costs
didnt expect to see fucking jacksfilms here, how did you like the filian video he made?
what about fuwamoco makes people seethe so much?
eops feel betrayed
I feel the same but please leave my wife out of this
10 seconds of silence
milk the community
Jacksfilms hasn't made anything good in 15 years but he made Phasefags seethe so pretty good I guess
10 seconds silence mindbroke inferior race
Because you are in the catalog. Ruffians would be buy it, and the people here calling other poorfags would wait for someone else leak it for free.
In the end everyone will end listening.
this but I spend all my money on gacha instead
You couldn't even pay me $45 to listen to that shit
Sorry. She was just the first that came to mind.
They used the EN fanbase as stepping stones to join holo JP so a lot of ex-ruffians resent them, and after that you have FWMC themselves being hardcore numberfags and basically grifters.

>pero reads only akasupas
>vertical numberfagging
>subscribe counter ever since they hit like 700k
>japan arc
>no character growth
>sold their ASMR virginity to JP months ago
>now the most expensive ASMR voice pack in the company, it's mild at best
>membership ruffians gets fucked, again
>always cancel EN streams
>nevee cancel JP streams

So well... Plenty of evidence to understand why a lot of people are annoyed with the "hungry dogs" really, their growth has been great but it hasn't been easy or without sacrifices, their laid their bed and now have to rest on it.
you don't understand, guys. There are three million ear-cleaning ASMRs on youtube but this one has FWMC in it so that deserves a 100$ pricetag. Membership ASMR never ever.
You think anyone in vtubing is doing it for free? It's their fucking job mate.
It's a set of four separate voicepacks dummy. Morning voice is 1000yen, sleepy time with fuwawa is 2000yen, mococo lap pillow 2000yen and gettibg your ears licked by them 2000yen. Sucks for japanese ruffians, 7000yen for voices is rough in this economy.
yes? I can find a trillion ear-cleaning ASMRs without a problem.
>brown vt memes is an unironic incel
Who'd have thunk?
nobody says a voicepack should be free, but $45 is way too much for that shit
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Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
You're telling me they made dog girls to do ear cleaning and they're not even using their tongues to do it?! Lame.
>45 dollars for non-ero ASMR
No thanks, I'll just keep jacking off to ASMR videos with random keyspam titles to not trigger a DMCA on normalfag websites.
fucking fauna where is the asmr
Well the part that I dislike is that they did a free ASMR stream… for JP listeners while their english audience needs to pay for it
There isn't even a kiss...
I got it cause 90 bucks is nothing to me im a multi millionaire, and I like ASMR for sleeping and as a relaxant (non-ero).

It isn't bad, patra taught them well, but just on pure time it costs more than a buck a minute Its not even an hour's worth for the 45 bucks. they give a bit of 'fan service' by mococo calling 'oniichan' and fuwawa doing the elder sister treatment so if you really love fuwamoco there's that (I dont really care about that whole dynamic though, I never wished for siblings, even incest sisters). The ear cleaning portion is fine, but patra does the legit asmr better for free and longer on her weekly asmr streams.

If you are big fans of fuwamoco this might be worth it to you, but objectively speaking, its way overpriced for what you get.
The whole older sister older brother thing also sounds kinda cringe to me in English.
what about people disagreeing with the way they do things makes people seethe so much?
this is the most inane schizo babble I've seen all week
>the truth is schizo babble
how much is cover paying you?
>i'm a multi-millionaire
Sure you are.
>charges $45 for a 40 minute work
>this is good actually and not greedy as fuck
Holy fucking tourist admission.
>maricones de numeros
lost it right there
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poornigs cant handle the truth. believe what you wish, you're welcome for the review.
niggers go back
$45 is greedy as fuck
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>im a multi millionaire
And I'm Elon and Bill gates secret child
is there any simultaneous whispering from the two of them?
if not my only expectation/hope for a twin asmr has been ruined
split it by two
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this has more creativity poured into it than fuwamoco streams
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He's not wrong
That English Fuwamoco ASMR stream is coming any day now right ruffians? Aaaaaaaaany day now......
seems like a good deal, too bad you are a poor phasefag
Alternatively, I can listen to actual ASMR done by experienced ASMRists on Youtube for free
holy kek
What? She did? Link and timestamp?
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Very interesting, after attacking Hololive in his previous post in an attempt to deflect from the Pippa situation bvtm is now back to pretending to be a hololive ally in the hope of having ruffians defend him.
patra is ok but i think saying best is definitely wrong, i still think in jp sphere miyadi is true sweet spot on asmr. honestly even though she's an avtuber, karin is also very good at the sfw side as well. i've listened to her nsfw so much though her voice triggers some pavlovian reaction in me and i spend the whole time turned on, can't really relax
I encourage pirating all of them and spreading them
Yeah okay you pagpag eating brownoid, Keep larping as someone successful, Maybe someday you'll be something!...in your dreams
this reminds me of the time some third worlder sisters were trying to make drama over Mori spending like 75 USD eating desserts and cake with friends at some place.
I listened to it for free and I still feel ripped off.
>Never superchatted
>Never membered
>Adblock on
>Member content pirated
Yup its stream watching time.
>Mono mendigo (de Dubai)
Of course. You "people" have never bought ASMR from hololive before. This is the standard rate. JP has sold ASMR for more. Hell, even EN has charged more. This isn't even in the top 5.
Do you know how much work is involved in protecting our smiles? When you calculate in inflation this is a good deal.
Did they raise the price to compensate for Ina's trip expenses? How hilarious is it that the company just had drama about not giving her a penny during their fuck-up in Japan yesterday
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>La Rata del Sexo
>45 dollars for some words
holy shit people are retarded you're getting ripped off
I'm sure they consulted Patra about the price--she's a professional. It's probably about what she charges.
Patra is a professional and does ASMR streams for free.
FWMC are not professionals and charge $45 for ASMR.
You are full of bullshit, there's no voice pack more expensive that this one in EN.
You should fact check your bait before posting it phasebrown
>scammed and KEKED by japanese ruffians
couldn't be me
>Pag pag brown time
My oshi charged me $0 for over 60 minutes date themed ASMR voice pack with the option of spending $20 for a bonus handjob in the bathtub extra track
What these bitches offer me for $45?
Nothing I said is incorrect, try again
They offer you having your ears licked by some random dogs they found on the street.
>ear licking
>Unless you're star struck by Fuwamoco
Take a while guess who their audience is.
>On this day, Anon discovers how influencer merchandising works.
really embracing that charging twice as much because there are two of them meme from gta game lmao
>billion dollar
Different mics
Patra's first ASMR work was like 4 hours of newly recorded stuff for 1500 Yen LMAO
this happens because ruffians continue to roll over and consoom product
almost as mindless and pussy-whipped as chumbuds
sorry that you can only afford pagpag.
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Nah, holocucks are just a special breed.
>seething nijinigger
Luxiem is dead sis.
But think of the value generated for the shareholders!
>seething nijinigger that his oshi isn't popular.
El mas influyente
Gura who appears (or doesn't even do that) to shill the merch or collabs with big companies.
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fucking dumbæss retærd why are you hæving these anti-consumerist "muh moneymæking bad" type opinions about a hobby that is inherently consumerist ænd all about mæking money ænd supporting corporæte product? Fuck outta retærd, this isn't some hipster hippy commie shit

Dumbæss niggæ this shit is æll æbout money ænd numbers ænd concerts ænd supæchats ænd views ænd new tech ænd plastic goods to stack in glæss cases on your shelf ænd acryllic stands ænd idolshit ænd selling blu-rays ænd putting bread on the table for women who are putting on elaborate light shows like the wizard of Oz so they don't have to do wægiecucked jobs like what you do, get that through your thick skull already
this hobby is the essence of the otaku in the Jæpanese sense where you splerge money on merch to make shrines out of whichever product-girl you like ænd the brand of the girl is your identity, fuck off ænd go watch some shit-tier indie 2view or twitch slob poorfag whining æbout muh cæpitalism or some shit if you wænt this hobby to be down to earth women painting figurines or playing your autismo-RTS shit out of pure passion or some shit, retærd

we runnin a fuckin business here niggæ, go back
>FWMC gave JPs their ASMR and won't give their larger EN fanbase the same free treatment
It's just ASMR you faggot. Outside of you and like 9 other retards, no one gives a shit about that.
are wuffians seriously going to just lay down and take this?
>hello I'm a retarded tourist
Nice introduction, no one asked though.
Eopchama, that succubus is from nanashinku
holy mother of cope

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