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Echoes of Wawa


Last stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTJ90kz-ras

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LrvCmoIQ0s

MIRAGE, 3D Anniversary Live:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LoG81pLS8c

Buy the Merch:https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/takanashikiara_an4th

Breaking Dimensions Kiara:
Pineapple -https://files.catbox.moe/erao5f.webm
Beyond the way -https://files.catbox.moe/ur7yjj.webm
Fire & Ice -https://files.catbox.moe/mgtw5g.webm
Takotori MC -https://files.catbox.moe/c59ido.mp4
Myth Reunion-https://files.catbox.moe/l9szpu.webm

Archive of Breaking Dimensions w/ Crowd Reaction Edit + Capture the Moment:https://rentry.org/xmyh85to

Hololive Stage World Tour :https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1799260915046715819

STREAM MIRAGE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIOTD5ndZEE

STREAM HER ALBUM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcfm3INYVo&list=OLAK5uy_lv1JlMsabUlWH11GLfHBWkYAfuEfGuYLY
ADDITIONAL STREAMING LINKS:https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView

Stream Chimera:https://youtu.be/6L4NNkF2Knc
Stream Sleep Talking MV:https://youtu.be/1SUXKcFX_WY
Stream Retrospective MV:https://youtu.be/oKfKokIKqZw
Stream The Great Wanderer MV:https://youtu.be/H_Q8hB7v6qw
Stream Love Rush MV:https://youtu.be/cuUcvVI3S20[Open]
Stream Pineapple MV:https://youtu.be/WuvtwRYkOU0
Stream Hero For a Day:https://youtu.be/2yduox5pYH0
Stream Fire N Ice:https://youtu.be/yV83laHeOj4
Stream Korean DO U:https://youtu.be/AviJuDMEmEc
Stream Holotori Dance:https://youtu.be/BcO9bZavHRg

Stream ReUnion:https://youtu.be/4ytZJoWR2mI
Stream MindCraft:https://youtu.be/OQuGEpICY2o
Stream Kyoufuu Ooru Bakku:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyzR-J17RBQ
Stream The Show Goes on!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2dWTOCdnEA

New to Kiara? Try some of these streams:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsAbCDORf2yR6sqaL8KOhTpAvi4GxyewC

Art source: https://x.com/takodragonn/status/1847512394500874574

Previous thread:>>87638918
I want to sniff Kiara's ass
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wawa soon
likely one more zelda stream before she finishes this game, right?
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Wawa feet
This art is just Ririka before Ririka.
The Faroe woods (Jungle) dungeon has a bunch of rooms and backtracking, it'll take like 2 hours at her usual rate.
The Mount Lanayru dungeon is equally long.
It's going to be another
>finale will be too short without side stuff but the stream before will be slightly longer than ideal
Usual late game pacing.
Wawa in prechat, Wawa head hurts (again), Hello Fresh sending almost expired food
Kiara and Ririka should go shopping and then make out in an expensive hotel room on top of all their bags.
Well at least she made a lot of that chicken
I think the FlipFP event is kind of awkward since there's no Kiara involvement, and it's not Cover related or anything.
But the art is cute, hope they all have a great time.
I really wish my city were major enough to have enough holo fans to support a fan event, I always get FOMO when I see these things, people look like they have so much fun
Kiara is big enough to have fan events that don't even involve her! Moving up in the world!
wawa time!
I hope the next 7D2D project (if it ever happens) is far away
wawa had fun but it also took a lot out of her
but I hope there will be a Fauna follow-up soon since they got along so well, there already was a follow-up with Gigi and Biboo
They have that Grounded collab
Chicken breasts
perhaps but the core issue is poor sleep quality. if a better bed+pillows does help then recovering from an off-kilter sleep time wouldn't be as bad
Raden and Ririka
Kiara already said that next time it will be at much more manageable time for everyone. What made it so difficult this time is that they planned it with 2 separate timeslots in mind and then don't use 2nd one at all
Yep 'season 2' will be more spread out by weeks she said
wawa is getting a visit from hololive members ---> :)

wawa is getting a visit from Matara and Minto ---> :|

which one is it?
>>87757233 (me)
>Usual late game pacing.
Not that I'm some Nose-tradamus, but called it
Kiara playing off-screen is fun when she gives us those picture updates.
It's as if she is sharing vacation pictures with us - but the vacation was in Hyrule.
Just like TOTK
Something about this shot is funny
I hate flips because they tend to be notorious homobeggars, doxers and shippers (also some of the worst male Vtubers in history) but fan events like that are pretty normal.
>I hope the next 7D2D project (if it ever happens) is far away
>wawa had fun but it also took a lot out of her
I'm NA so I'm very biased but the one thing I loved about 7D2D was that Kiara adjusted her sleep schedule for it and had a good time. It would have been very different if she joined and then was on an island socially.
>streaming time timeloop starto
I did nights for a bit, I know how shitty I felt waking up 8PM for an 11PM shift. Sometimes my wagie office job makes me do wacky after hours shit which I hate. Those are like 14 hour days starting at 8AM.
But doing it once in a while is fine.
>streaming time timeloop fine
I hope that in ENreco 2, it's mostly NA hours, but they do euro primetime on Saturday Sunday, and maybe Friday. Everybody wins except SEA who has it during their work hours.
watching her force herself to stream sure is fun and exciting
If you are going to say "I'm so tired, I'm too tired," every 5 seconds you should just stop streaming methinks
Weakness, chickens
She will wake up
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Takanashi Wawa eepy is doing the miniboss that takes spatial awareness and preplanning like 5 balls in a puzzle grid
This is going to be good.
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Good times
Wawa needs a husband (me) who will support her when she feels tired, spoil her with snacks, headpats and forehead kisses and will lovingly hug her from behind to recharge her genki energy
Still disgusting
suit yourself
Kiara really enjoys being a fangirl
Kiara, I love you, I can get through your show tangents and recommendations but kpop is where I draw the line
This. Imagine how Kiara blowing you feels
It's pretty fun being on this side vs the other side
Toxoplasmosis won
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Have you considered Sara Gutenberg's cute butthole?
It's stupid
I have considered poking it
Is this the first time you’ve heard of a fan event, anon?
My nuts are uncapped for wawa
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I fink Kiara should take a nap with a 5 AM alarm.
There's no great way to handle this, but staying up when she's sleepy already isn't going to make it better, and her sponsored stream is more important than Zelda #5
enduring until sleeping at a better time is the best case. may as well use streaming as a way to last until then
I'm flip but I don't involve myself with the things you mentioned. I just want happy and comfy Wawa
>quarter to 6PM in the alpine Republic of Wawaland
Yeah, but she should probably sleep in like 2 hours then or she's going to be dead for Tribe Nine
>I'll just look like a belly dancer
she's actually more fun this way, being sleepy seem to have the same effect on her as Cola.
wawa cute!
If I saw that thing I'd shoot it
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He would make several nice coats
>furtrapping a yeti
Very TimHortons of you, eh?
just end the stream already..
>no second stream tomorrow

she's getting lazy af
Voice Mimicry next week
As long as it happens I'm good
She shouldn't be stressing her throat if she's sleepy anyway
It's not laziness if she's fighting to stay up to stream
The stream tonight should be a few hours long as well
I better see art of Kiara in this cat suit
I like how she's sleepy and the bed is her most useful echo rn
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Believe in the wawa
She's like the sentimental crying drunk when she's eepy
is cute
well, KFP - can you aim properly enough for Kiara to call you a good boy?
I've been training every time I piss
not bad for a random album song with a simple MV
it does have a super hot wawa though so that probably helped
The biggest "debuff" is being an MV for a song that has already been "listenable" for so long
Sleep Talking's MV is more "normal" to me, not 3D but more effort and style than the single png type MVs. It looks really good
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UMG heard Kiara talk about giant idols
>on this day humanity recieved a grim (reaper) reminder
Not big enough. Bigger.
I could never go to this kind of concert irl, even this hurts my eyes.
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my wawa whomst I rabu
The tops of this dungeon look like cinnamon rolls with icing
>think, wawa, think
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Focus on your stream and this boss fight orange woman
Look at all those lemons
would you love wawa even if she was a lemon?
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Buckshot roulette collab or tourney would be kino
Great stream
Kiara hates me the most!
Slightly shorter, but I got to watch the whole thing before work, so nice.
Did I miss any important news or cute tangents from her first hour to the last 30 minutes. I was busy with car stuff.
Buckshot roulette multiplayer tournament soon-ish
I saw that since it was at the end. I missed almost everything but the very end and very beginning.
I'm kinda tired so I'll probably vod it later.
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Kiara love
i miss wawaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Voice Mimicry stream maybe next week instead
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Idk if this link tracks anything but click it I guess
is it actually a souls like?
Dangan Ronpa -> Danganronpa
that's why she posted it again
also the thumbnail >>87772416 has some nice waki on display
May I request some fine Wawa lewds? Gonna jerk off before I sleep
what do you mean with lewds
Kiara in bikini?
Kina nude?
Kiara getting ganbanged?
nta but can I get an order of sweaty chicken wakipa
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she mentioned she had one.

I wonder if she still has it.
>>87773349 (me)
ops I fucked up one link
meant to post this
I have more but it won't let me
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Kiara in prechat trying to decide what to eat.-
What level of emotional codependency is this?
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The looks she gives to Reine to assert dominance and Reine being embarassed are the hottest things
We are her braincells
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she (we) are so fucked...
wawa seggs
Wawa eggs
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My instagram algorithm decided to show me a curvy redhead german cosplayer. Thanks internet, I will cum
And no, I don't mean "Kiara"
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Zelda's PNGs remind of Diablo wawa
>And no, I don't mean "Kiara"
well yeah, you said curvy and german
She's medium premium at best
Yea, gotta clarify so I don't get vacation'd. Just found it funny since it can clearly tell I like Kiara and wants to show me similar things.
>medium premium at best
Cmon now
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cute wawa and cute accessories are a match made in heaven
the outfits are recent but the humor is stuck in 2020, please explain?
You know it to be true wawa. No amount of bra tricks can change that.
>Mori kabedoning Kiara
is this the MoriTaka timeline some JP (I think Aki?) was fantasizing about?
pretty sure the anon meant it the other way around
but let's move on
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Austria's economy on the world stage is overwhelmingly dominated by the export of cute orange women to Japan and North America.
And I don't know, cars, small engines, and building materials or some shit to the rest of the world.
must be, mori was top in a ton of fan-fictions back then but
>Mori kabedoning Kiara
well shucks I guess there must be a third timeline then
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hooly boobers, I will now support the Austrian national soccer team.
I've realized only now that all of those Jumngee animations are not on his twitter
Did some of you comission those?
Cute art
I think I shared them but sometimes I forget
Made for paizuri
Thanks bro
His Wawa looks hot as hell
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One more static image I forgor
holy sex
holy fuck
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I bet Kiara will feel energized and refreshed in a couple hours, and totally not still dead tired because it will be 6AM on a Sunday when she's trying to do a serious business shill stream.
10k away from 650k
RIP Chegi
Oh no
Wawa cute
HOLY SHIT! I MIGHT HAVE A RRAT ABOUT KIARA! she is actually a very cute Austrian girl RATE MY RRAT
Wawa love
Show me proof that it's not just delusions
Big if true
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That's not proof!
My computer is vcery sleepy, please post pictures
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She isn't cute, she's sex embodied in phoenix form.
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Whoops unintentionally reply
me on the right
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Suffering from success...
Oh nyo..
glad my wawa is getting sponsorships but who man they chose a wrong time for her audience. Hope they payout is nice and it's a game wawa enjoys but man unless you're a pst chimken with no social life or in Hawaii time this isn't going to attract a big normal/casual audience. For the most part I only kfp who are always there to show up.
did you not hear that Kiara negotiated this time herself so she wouldn't be starting at 4am?
NTA but do you think 4am would be better for her audience anyways?
I didn't watch the last stream in entirety but I feel like her starting at midnight her time would have been the perfect balance between EU and NA. 6am just feels like it's catering to PST and even then it's pretty late. Here's hoping she got a good nap in between.
it's a bad time for her EU viewers one way or another. given the sponsorship time it's clearly not aimed at EU audience or they're just banking on getting the name out there.
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Doing my part because I really want 700k
I doubt they will care about viewers anyways, just remember to click the referral link on a device or two
Can you guys sometimes commission normal art of Kiara instead of porn?
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I do
Just not as much
This, but commission actual degenerate Kiara porn instead of the usual vanilla stuff
hey guys
I would if I could. I don't buy superchats all the often aside a few special occasions but I do buy merch whenever possible.
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smoothie hate
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kek, hope this trend continues
there's plenty of normal Kiara art out there, but not enough yuri porn since people keep drawing dicks
I need good yuri artist recs
I guess not all Filipinos are bad.
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Two-hat Samantha cute
6am wawa
>3 hours
I love wawa and will stay here for her but jesus.
Listening to wawa while I drive
It's Saturday night/Sunday midnight for her core audience. Europeans don't matter and SEA is probably jerking off to Mori playing dark souls.
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wawa very cute and shilling today
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Lots of cute wawa onion
It's 6am for her core audience actually
It's wawa time somewhere
EU bro, that's kind of cope
This game is kind of stupid
I feel like it's on purpose but still
>it's 6am for me
>I'm the most important KFP
>I'm the core audience
Simple as, suck it up burgers
I wrote this post
It's 11:30pm here I'm just relaxing
I want to play with Wawa's pussy...
>EU is her core audience
You are delusional
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It's quarter to 1AM and this is my adorkable orange wife
If EU was anyones core audience they wouldnt be getting bent by Cover all the time
Yet they are and they do it because they don't like it
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this is assuming a level of competency Cover just doesn't have
they forgot to renew Ina's working visa after Ina bought an apartment in Tokyo because they filled her schedule with so much stuff
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a cute
Can you americans understand such a simple joke or are you too retarded for that?
that is a sad cope.
But why baseball
That's my question
You talk about nation that is offended because grass is green
Oh I shouldn't have replied in the first place, you are just a shitposting tourist
Last (You)
this feels less less a soulslike and actually closer to 3D Tales combat
small dog syndrome. Not very cute.
it's a Hoyoverse-like
(No in Spanish)
because Japan
yeah I guess trying to emulate Hoyoverse's success in gacha was their goal
It gives me ZZZ and Octopath vibes
And Danganronpa of course
It's not that stream but kiara singing last night good night in that outfit and background is probably my favorite ever
Ah, christmas karaoke
Meant for >>87813430

Anyway boss time
3rd time's the charm I believe
is there anyone who enjoys HP sponge bosses? this thing takes way too many hits
I jinxed it
get in the fryer and repent.
she might be dying but the bossfight is the most fun she's had with this game
the damage done to the gaming industry by misunderstanding how Monster Hunter and SoulsBorne games work can not be put into words
fuck HP sponges with boring patterns that kill you in a few hits
>I'm totally enjoying this
Kiara, you can stop lying now
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Nice parry lol.
This zero guy will never shut up
What happened to just shooting people
I mean this guy has an orbital laser
you can cut a bullet, you can't cut orbital lasers
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So the solution is "baseball" yapping
I want to get a homerun with Wawa
It has been 40 minutes
This is certainly one of the games of all time
I am happy Wawa got another shill stream but i hope she won't play this anymore
you don't need to hope. XB has 100% killed that possibility
This is gacha anyway, there is no way she gonna play that
this is rivaling Kojima for amount of yapping
Not amount, but proportion
Kojima style yapping is fun
This is pain
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stop sleep walking - stream Sleep Talking!
That's a lot of gacha pulls
Do you even get to keep your progress from the demo?
This lucky fuck
do click the link to the demo in her description if you can
Waowa waid
Why does Kiara raid like 5 minutes after ending the stream
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Okay kfp it's 3am and we hit 300. Is someone awake to make a new thread? I was gonna sleep and I usually cover for the other guy
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So do we canonically fuck the gyaru chatinis or what.
Unrionically she doesn't normally piss during streams so right when it ends she rushes to the toilet to let it all out which is why sometimes she doesn't raid at all
they're plushies dude

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